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Fandom Tartarus Rising: OOC

Hi there i am thinking of joining is there still room and maybe a co gm I can pm to work out an idea with?
Also, just so you're all aware, I'm posting this at 10:38 on Tuesday night.

Once I go to bed, I'm not going to be online until at least Thursday. I'm sorry if this causes any problems, but, no offense to anybody here or the site, marching band is more important to me than rp.
I think I'm gonna head to bed soon, just gonna check a couple more things and I'm gone

I'll see you guys later

In at least 36 hours
Hollycrest Hollycrest So, just curious, when do you plan on adding quests or even action? Maybe after everyone settles in the camp? A week later maybe?

I've got some things planned out already. Depending on how things progress, you should see some quests and special events start popping up soon as long as everyone keeps posting.

Thanks for asking m80, I was gonna address this eventually but I didn't know when
Just so everyone's aware, AJ is open for interaction. She's sitting at the Apollo table eating.

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