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Fantasy Talking To The Moon -OOC-

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy

No its fine! I got confused lol and the only way Lucas would sneak away was if he caught wind of his mate, he has been waiting for that moment, he longs for it actually. Many of his companions have found theirs and he is starting to believe he just wasn't meant to have one. Thats why he would pull a stunt like that. Lucas will stay where he's at.
Lol, I've been trying to come up with a post, but im a bit hesitant/hazy cuz im a little unclear on what the intention of the meeting is atm.
Food, socialize, then talk?

Might do something with Chase in a sec, im sure hes a little confused by annas reaction and why Eric is looking at him
Loralyda Loralyda i think it’s suppose to be a meeting, but Jason is the only one so far saying any meeting type stuff. All my characters are at a stopping point now if it’s just socializing. I’ll just post again when everyone goes back home
Well we still haven't gotten a post from Farmgirl310 Farmgirl310 .. I was trying to give everyone a chance to post now. I'll be posting soon with the Alpha's to discuss the growing problem.
WolfieGamer57 WolfieGamer57 Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Figured Eric wouldn't go after her so took the liberty to have Chase do so. (its in his name after all) 😆
Yes I'm trying to poke at the tension, sorry for not giving Eric much room to respond yet, I can split up the post if you want Aja, or we could let things fester for a bit 😏
lol boy...BOY. oooooooooooh it is on now *types aggressively* naw naw its fine, like i said all of my characters are out for the count until the meeting starts , and if there is not meeting then till everyone gets home. If i do get to antsy ill have tapeesa show up and bother the silverwood healer
Moehaha, I had debated on that boy part for a bit, but with the age difference I figured he could get away with thinking of Eric as a boy specially as an insult.
Esa! <3 Relah is free and ready to be bothered if the need should arise.

Gaaah I should stop looking at pinterest, I keep finding pictures that give me idea's for dangerous rogue males, and I don't mean the badboy kind, I mean the murderous kind...
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Moehaha, I had debated on that boy part for a bit, but with the age difference I figured he could get away with thinking of Eric as a boy specially as an insult.
Esa! <3 Relah is free and ready to be bothered if the need should arise.

Gaaah I should stop looking at pinterest, I keep finding pictures that give me idea for dangerous rogue males, and I don't mean the bad boy kind, I mean the murderous kind...
omg i have been thinking about making a bad guy as well, I mean eric is kind of a hot head but he isn't against the pack you know. i need antagonist so that this rp doesn't get to stale
omg i have been thinking about making a bad guy as well, I mean eric is kind of a hot head but he isn't against the pack you know. i need antagonist so that this rp doesn't get to stale

I know right!
Great, now I want to make brothers with you who have beef with the packs and wanna take them out...

Boondox Boondox
-nudges and whistles innocently-
Xenagg Xenagg eric isn't the alpha to be, that's lucas who is currently rolling in the grass like a puppy . eric is to be the general
Back from my camping getaway! It wasn't particularly enjoyable, as I hate bugs, but something I couldn't get out of. Nonetheless, glad to be back! It will take some time to go over all that I've missed, but I should have a response up by lunch tomorrow.
Welp....I have accidentally revealed myself to my crush not realizing that I was talking to my crush and now I am in immense pain and will retreat until the cringe my existence washes over me. So see yeah in a day or two
Dumplingboy Dumplingboy I'm sorry to hear, I hope you're doing ok!

Boondox Boondox WolfieGamer57 WolfieGamer57
Ok I must admit I'm starting to get slightly annoyed, first off there is a good amount of inconsistent information going around and I'm starting to get the feeling that this is because people are not reading each others posts. In Wolfie's post I read that Anna ran off into the woods, in Boondox post I read that she is apparently at the meeting.
Secondly, so far all my characters have been ignored except by aja, despite mentions and interaction notices.
Is there a reason for this, do people just not have the time atm, what's going on?
Loralyda Loralyda I was under the impression she was NEAR the woods? I have been bombarded with my boss who is talking about reopening our shop and I am their receptionist so they are discussing matters with me first before anyone else. My daughter has been sick and I had gotten super busy in a very short time. I tried to read as much as I could within that time but I may have missed something. AND I won't lie, my posts were rushed because of all of this. I will fix Markus' post to Include Relah as now I see she is awaiting permission to join them.

I apologise for the confusion.
Boondox Boondox No worries, I understand that you are busy, specially with covid19 and these are uncertain times if you have a shop. I hope your daughter is doing fine?
It just felt as if I could simply remove my posts and it wouldn't change a thing. I could still remove part of Chase's post if we need Anna back at the meeting?
And thank you for the edit for Relah <3 and Chase
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i'm so sorry everyone! for having not posted till now~
Boondox Boondox i hope you won't be mad at me that i've introduced a character ive not created yet~ i was stuck in writing Juno's entry without someone to guide the delta-to-be so i made up Maria Aguilar, her aunt/tia. I do intend to make a sheet for her but its 3:44 and posting was practically a vent after the night i've had.
also, i hope i interpreted everyone's post correctly and have not convoluted things further, as i see Loralyda Loralyda mentioned already~ i never saw this in action~ it took me a bit i think i got the order~ i actually almost posted thinking the blackwoods didn't eat at all :P
oh and if there is any problem with the font i used, please let me know!
I’m gonna make a bad guy if that’s good with you boom, if all the rogues are gonna be introduce to the pack this early in the rp we bout to be really bored 🤣 unless you have a plan for another plot dynamic.
Still trying to keep Chase away from Kina as much as I can 🤣
But as I said earlier, I'm with you on the bad rogues if Boon allowes us to.

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