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Fantasy Tales of Saniwa


procrastination symphony
Disclaimer: Despite the title, this RP has absolutely NOTHING to do with Touken Ranbu.

Before I start, I'll first expand a little on how this RP is going to be managed. Tales of Saniwa is going to be GM'ed by me with @Birb as co-GM. We'll BOTH be checking through a CS before it is accepted and we'll be looking for approximately 3-4 more RP'ers other than Birb and myself. Due to this limit, this RP definitely will not be first come, first served. If the RP gets enough apps that Birb and I feel like are satisfactory, we may possibly expand.

Let's get to the actual RP now, shall we?

For as long as the humans could remember, there existed beings called yōkai who lived in their midst. These yōkai varied greatly in appearance with some of them looking like grotesque beasts while others looked astoundingly human. Some of these yōkai were peaceful while others were malicious and attacked humans. Even others avoided the humans out of fear. These creatures were often regarded as mysterious by the humans who naturally had varying views on these supposed monsters of deities.

There was only a single legend in regards to their origins:

When the god Izanagi returned from the Land of Yomi, he purifed himself in a bath. As he dried his body, each falling drop of water soaked into the soil and imbued the land with supernatural potential. Thus, the ones known as yōkai were born. In the time of the old, many of these yōkai became known for being troublemakers, bringers of catastrophe, or even as god-like beings. Of course, these mysterious creatures with powers different from those of the humans are still held in the same regards today.

In the land of the country of Saniwa (沙庭), yōkai and humans coexist with one another, at least before the great schism between the two races. Once long ago, the humans and the yōkai of Saniwa waged war against each other. After many generations of strife, the yōkai were eventually defeated and had their powers suppressed by the humans as a result. Fearing that the yōkai might try to ruse a rebellion against the humans once again, the humans forbid these yōkai from having a weapon in their possession and chased the yōkai into their own segregated sects in the country.

The humans and the yōkai had not always been antagonistic towards each other and there was once even a time of peace between the two groups. Long before the time of the war, humans and yōkai both viewed each other as equals and relations existed between them. However, this once harmonious time has been long forgotten in the midst of the bitter wars that they had somehow come to fight against each other as a result of the few differences between them.

Now, in an era where the tensions between the two groups seem to have reached its peak, the dwellers of Saniwa are faced with a much greater problem than the prejudice running rampant in the country. Out of nowhere, a malicious entity appeared along with his army of kyonshi. Proclaiming his name to the people of Saniwa as Tenma, the man with the black mask has managed to slowly throw the country into an even greater state of chaos. Bodies suddenly go missing only for them to reappear as puppets being controlled by none other than the necromancer, Tenma. His actions were unpredictable and no one could say for sure that they were safe from the kyonshi, but the one thing that they knew as a fact was that their country was doomed to fall if nothing was done to stop Tenma.

In order to end the attacks once and for all, the leader of the government, Abe no Suisen, has arranged for a group of people to be assembled into a special anti-kyonshi squad. The members of this anti-kyonshi squad would be chosen through qualifications from the upcoming competition. Being that this was a program run by the government, only humans were allowed to participate. However, this didn't stop certain yōkai from sneaking in.

These few yōkai were different from their prejudiced peers and wished to restore the broken bonds between the two races. These yōkai, along with the humans who agreed with them, were considered traitors, but their strong belief in a future with both groups joined together once again burns strong and bright. Seeing the competition and the participation in the defense against kyonshi as a way of proving that not all yōkai were evil, these yōkai disguised themselves as humans and sidled their way into the competition. Of course, they know that proving their worth and benevolence wasn't going to be easy. There was the issue of actually passing the trials as well as keeping your identity hidden and revealing it just at the right time...

Of course, I'll be adding coding, images, and other things as to help organize and provide more information on the RP in the official thread once it's up. I'm planning on tying the last of the loose ends up and getting the official thread up sometime next week. I'll be posting an informative section in the official thread but feel free to ask any questions here!

Edit: Does this RP have a plot?

Everything major has been planned out. However, there will be several sub arcs featuring certain characters so there will be a few changes to the plot depending on the way the story is played out.
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Psst to all yokai. Y'all are essentially the sweat and old bath water of a god who had a really bad time in the underworld. >vob
Birb said:
Psst to all yokai. Y'all are essentially the sweat and old bath water of a god who had a really bad time in the underworld. >vob
Birb...you know what's in my signature? Yeah, that. ovob

Also, I might have not been perfectly clear on this:

Your character does not have to be a yokai. I actually want a good balance between humans and yokai with the majority leaning more towards humans in this RP.
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Yunn said:
The title's so misleading xD .
Though I'd like to say I'm interested anyways.
Th-there's a reason for the title! I swear!

I do admit that TouRabu is what made me want to make yet another yokai based RP, however.
Thank you. Interest is secured here.

Quick thing I wanted to ask, just in case I read things wrong, this roleplay does NOT take place in modern time/society/settings, correct? It'd be ... not medievil ... but relatively close to it?

Also, you've mentioned that relations between yokai and humans are particularly sore ... I'd just like a little clarification on the two race's usual dynamic ... like, would it be something completely gag-worthy and completely against the rp if someone were to make a human character that was secretly the one human in midst of a particular pack of yokai and basically 'their family' kind of thing?

I guess what I'm trying to ask is that by what you've written, is it that the yokai are the victims while the humans are the suppressors? Therefore in the roleplay the humans are the ones who should harbor ill-will towards the yokai while the yokai may have mixed feelings towards the humans?
Frosti said:
Thank you. Interest is secured here.
Quick thing I wanted to ask, just in case I read things wrong, this roleplay does NOT take place in modern time/society/settings, correct? It'd be ... not medievil ... but relatively close to it?

Also, you've mentioned that relations between yokai and humans are particularly sore ... I'd just like a little clarification on the two race's usual dynamic ... like, would it be something completely gag-worthy and completely against the rp if someone were to make a human character that was secretly the one human in midst of a particular pack of yokai and basically 'their family' kind of thing?

I guess what I'm trying to ask is that by what you've written, is it that the yokai are the victims while the humans are the suppressors? Therefore in the roleplay the humans are the ones who should harbor ill-will towards the yokai while the yokai may have mixed feelings towards the humans?
It's pretty close to medieval. You'll be seeing a lot more of steel and handwork rather than guns and other technological things.

So basically, if someone wants to make their character into a Prince Mononoke type of character, they would need a REALLY GOOD backstory and CS in general. I don't really quite like the idea of a human character who was raised by a yōkai in this RP. I mean, yes, not all yōkai hate humans and not all humans hate yōkai, but I still doubt any yōkai in their right mind would pick up a random human baby and raise it while risking being hunted by BOTH yōkai and humans alike due to having a human child in his or her possession.

While it's correct that the yōkai are generally the victims while humans are the suppressors, it isn't necessarily true that the yōkai generally have mixed feelings while the humans generally hate the yōkai. There're a ton of yōkai who hate humans (hence why the yōkai and humans who wish for a united Saniwa are considered traitors by both sides) and the ratio of yōkai who don't mind humans to yōkai who dislike humans is almost the same as the ratio of humans who don't mind yōkai to humans who dislike yōkai.

Due to the laws that the humans made against yōkai, many groups of yōkai migrated towards more secluded areas like mountains and forests away from human society. Sometimes, these yōkai will actually emerge from their dwellings and attack nearby human villages which makes the humans have an even worse opinion of yōkai, driving them to get back at the yōkai. Honestly, I guess I feel like I made the humans look like the bad guys in the overview when that isn't really true. It takes two to start an argument and the same was for the war. Each side was equally at fault for the wars and the split.

Edit: This RP just so happens to be about the yōkai who are pro-united Saniwa because...why else would they be in the anti-kyonshi squad?
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Gotcha. Just wanted to confirm that there is some depth and strict dynamics between the two races.
i have a question about human races in this role-play. will it be primarily like japanese-inspired characters, considering that's where the folklore is inspired from? or will it be multicultural? also, will the time period kind of be like the edo era? just a few points i want to clear up;;
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Clock said:
i have a question about human races in this role-play. will it be primarily like japanese-inspired characters, considering that's where the folklore is inspired from? or will it be multicultural? also, will the time period kind of be like the edo era? just a few points i want to clear up;;
It'll be all Japanese inspired characters for both yokai and humans. As for the time period, we can't really pin down a single era as Saniwa is based off of Japan but isn't Japan itself (for example, its government is slightly different from the historical Japan's typical emperor or shogunate). BUT we would like to keep the general feel of the RP something well before the Meiji Restoration where a lot of the technology like guns germs and steel (wink wink anyone get my reference?) were brought into Japan. The reason for this is so people have the option make small (please stay small) references to a wide variety of Japanese philosophies, some figures, and non-controversial religious references while keeping the modern elements far far out of reach. (Let's face it, modern elements tend to make research a lot more complicated.) Kind of like a hat tip to a place that managed to preserve so much of its culture and history. Like as much Korean pride I have, it's fascinating to see so much of it not destroyed. (Korea's missing historical weaponry documents are a sad but true fact that is a prime example of history that wasn't preserved. TvT) Well, I'm still salty about how Japan had to THROW their precious historical swords into the freaking ocean. ALLIED FORCES FROM WW2 I'M LOOKING AT YOU. PUNISHMENT IS PUNISHMENT. BUT!!!! HISTORY GUYS. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS. THAT'S LIKE THROWING THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION INTO THE PACIFIC OCEAN LETTING A SHARK EAT IT.
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BTW, I won't be too picky on hair color and eye color in this RP. If your character is blond(e), it's completely fine and will be considered a possible trait in Saniwa. However, it may be considered uncommon so your character may receive a few stares depending on the hair or eye color, haha. This goes for clothing as well. your character's clothing may have a bit of a western influence to it. You don't have to go nuts trying to find a FC that suits what you see your character as while just so happening to wear traditional clothing. If your FC is wearing something that looks completely modern, though, you can just write out what you imagine that they would be wearing in Saniwa. >v>b

Edit: You don't have to know too much about the history of Japan and stuff since we'll probably be providing any information that you'll need to know, but I do hope most of us know that there's more than just a katana and a naginata in terms of Japanese weaponry ovo;;;

Also, we'll be referring to "katana" as "uchigatana" in this RP.
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Yunn said:
xD Sure there is.
I'll prove it:

The name of the country is derived from "Saniwa" which originally referred to a purified site where a deity was worshiped and also where its divine messages were received. Thus, this RP's Saniwa was named Saniwa as to mean "Holy/Sacred Ground."

There we go ovo7

*slinks off to play a certain game only to find myself back in Kane-san and Kakaka drop hell*
Nano said:
I'll prove it:
The name of the country is derived from "Saniwa" which originally referred to a purified site where a deity was worshiped and also where its divine messages were received. Thus, this RP's Saniwa was named Saniwa as to mean "Holy/Sacred Ground."

There we go ovo7

*slinks off to play a certain game only to find myself back in Kane-san and Kakaka drop hell*
ouo let's be honest. When thinking of a name, hers was the first one which popped up. The rest was added later.

gl. hope you get who your looking for ^^
monopoisoner said:

hello im here : ( /waves at you both aggressively
I was going to tag you once the official rp thread was up

I'm surprised you found this, but welcome! xD

i was poking around the fantasy int checks and had detailed selected. :'D

honestly speaking i'm pretty hyped for this as I've been craving more historical setting rp's. gathered a bunch of FC's already as my friend offsite recently started an rp with a similar atmosphere. ; v ;
I'm interested. But one question, would it be possible for my CS to have a yokai companion like nothing big it would be like a cat or a chipmunk.
[QUOTE="Yandere Aqua]I'm interested. But one question, would it be possible for my CS to have a yokai companion like nothing big it would be like a cat or a chipmunk.

The fact that it's a yōkai aside, I'd prefer to keep animal companions of any sort out of this RP. It might seem like a pretty small point to pick on, but I do have my reasons, the main problem having to do with what happened in my last RP in regards to the allowance of these kinds of companions.
[QUOTE="Yandere Aqua]I'm interested. But one question, would it be possible for my CS to have a yokai companion like nothing big it would be like a cat or a chipmunk.

I'll have to answer your question with a question. Questions actually. >.> Why would your character need a yokai companion? And how would you explain the yokai companions considering the tense and not so friendly relations between the two races? Remember that they're going to all be in one team and a public team by that.
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Nano said:
The fact that it's a yōkai aside, I'd prefer to keep animal companions of any sort out of this RP. It might seem like a pretty small point to pick on, but I do have my reasons, the main problem having to do with what happened in my last RP in regards to the allowance of these kinds of companions.
The questions I asked are also a reason. Also there's just no real reason why the animal would contribute to the story? >.>

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