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Fantasy Tales of Casathach

Hey peeps I'm editing my last post to include more events. So please hold off on posting until I finish editing. I'll let you know when I'm done.

Thanks! I'm really enjoying RPing with you.
@Vengeance Spirit, I noticed I've been spelling your characters' name wrong in a couple of posts. Sorry for being such a dip shit. I went through and edited the ones I found. If you see others feel free to let me know. Anyways, sorry!
I will be away until Sunday, and don't really have the time to write before I leave. Essentially, Sylvi set up traps, left to scout (And briefly attempt to track down the girl before giving up) before returning. If you want to include it, go ahead. Anyways, see you sunday
Hey peeps, in your next post, state whether your character would rather travel to the Bone Steppes to learn how the demon escaped Nybass, or travel with Saniken to Gull Port to search for his son. Our party will take a vote.

You're all awesome!
Oh, sorry, I kinda got home five hours ago (Been gone since tuesday last week). Still mentally exhausted, will be available soon.
Hey peeps, in a few days I'm going to see if anyone else is interested in this RP so we can progress through the story. I don't mean to pressure you guys to post, but I also put a lot of work into this RP and would rather this one not go stagnant. If you still want in, let me know and post in the next few days if possible. If you're no longer interested, no hard feelings.

Thanks guys.
Tomorrow my post will go up. I just came back from doing stuff for a while xD . Now I'm just thinking of what to write back, I think I understand the choice now. Between if we're going to help try and free our people or go into the shrine and try and stop the other dimension?
Glad you're still here! So the choice is between taking the bear's heart to the shrine in the Bone Steppes to contact its spirit and learn of the corruption in the forest, or traveling to Gull's port through the tunnels to search for Saniken's son at the Slave Auction. Both happen on the night of the return of Agmar's comet, so we can't do both.
Awesome post @Vengeance Spirit, you gave me a lot material to work with in my next post or so. I have a little side quest going for you; at some point upon entering the spirit world you're going to encounter the being which has been claiming to be the voice of Anam. You will have to defeat it in several ways. Let me know what you think.
Kk. And if I lose he takes over my body I presume xD . Imagine he controls me and pretends to be me but wants to actually gather things to gain power.
That's what I'm trying to figure out. I'll bump the forum in the Interest Checks to see if we can get some new players.

So glad to have you two back! :D

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