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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate took a moment to collect himself, breathe. The hand on his shoulder helped. He wanted to rest his face on it, but this was not about him. He was not the one who needed to be comforted. He was not the one who suffered for who knows how long. Gently, he held up her head and her upper body as he moved himself from under her enough to get a good balance. Then, still as gently, he maneuvered his arms underneath her, cradling her head against his chest, and he stood. He walked slowly forward and to the bed where he knelt and slowly set her down, rolled her on her side so that she looked like she was sleeping. “May you find peace now.” He stood and moved to Alex. “Are you okay?” He ran a hand down Alex’s neck. She did not have him long, but some damage could happen very quickly.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex stepped back when Nate picked the woman up. He held his head high, paying his own respect as Nate laid her down on her side. How could such a great day come to this? How did they go from finding canned ravioli to having to kill someone? Alex didn't have an answer to that, he didn't know what he could say. Was there anything to say? Alex looked at Nate when he came back over, running hand down Alex's neck. "My neck is sore but nothing seems damaged." He said gently rolling his neck. "I'm sorry you had to do that, I didn't.. I'm sorry I sounded so cruel talking to you, trying to get you to finish her off." Alex said softly, looking down at the ground.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate watched Alex roll his neck, and when he finished, he places both hands towards the back. He carefully tested as he moved his hands along the edges. After a moment, he ran them towards the back and rubbed as he spoke. “Don’t be sorry. You were not cruel. You were being practical, and you were right. You were looking out for us like you always do, and you were looking out for her. That is exactly how we show mercy.” He moved one hand to Alex’s back and pulled him close and into an embrace he didn’t know if Alex wanted or needed, but Nate certainly did as his particularly needy and affectionate self. “I’m just glad that you’re okay.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex felt Nate check around his neck, making sure that nothing was damaged from her attack. He felt Nate rubbing the back of his neck and sighed. His eyes watched Nate as he talked. He was glad that his words hadn't come off that way, he didn't want to mess this up again. "I didn't want to be, I.. I don't like it anymore. I just want to stop fighting, stop killing. I just want to stop." Alex whispered. He felt Nate pull him into close embrace, and Alex wrapped his arms around Nate. He needed this, this hug and touch, this comfort. His heart warmed when he heard Nate's words. "I'm glad too. I couldn't imagine leaving you" He said quietly, softly, saying words he meant but didn't think he'd ever say.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Being shorter was not going to deter Nate from what he felt was necessary in that moment. He guided Alex’s head down towards his chest, resting somewhere between that and shoulder. He buried his face in Alex’s hair, breathing it in just before kissing the top of his head. Having now seen him in peril twice in two days, Nate was not about to let something as trivial as what was and was not exactly appropriate or whatever stop him anymore. He brought his face out just enough to speak. “We’re gonna stop. You and me. We’re gonna find that safe place. We are going to find that real life farmhouse or whatever it actually is, and then we aren’t ever going to have to do this again. I don’t know how yet, but I know that we’re gonna find it. Then we never have to worry about leaving each other again.”

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex was confused at first, but he followed Nate's guidance, resting his head between his chest and his shoulder. He felt Nate bury his head in Alex's hair and blushed with a smile when he felt the kiss on top of his head. It was the most comforting thing he'd ever experienced and made him crush even more on Nate. He'd realized that he really liked the man somewhere between their last camp in North Dakota and exploring this city here. Alex felt Nate remove his face slightly and let out a deep sigh when he heard him speak. "I'm gonna hold you too that Mr. Medic" Alex said softly, wanting nothing more than to find that farmhouse, find that land and never have to worry about people or infected again. "Thank you.." He added softer that time, tucking his head just a little closer to Nate's chest.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate held him close, comforting him like he was the one who just killed someone. That didn’t matter, though. It was the fact that everything they did had a serious effect on them both. In this world, it did not matter who did what. It was all about intent. Nate may have done the deed, but Alex intended on it happening. They both killed this woman. They did that together. So when he held him, he was prepared to hold him for the rest of time if that was what it took. Alex would and had already so many times done the same for Nate. It was only fair. “As you should, my beautiful monkey man,” he finally answered quietly. “Because I am nothing if not determined. We may not get all of these silly things in our dream, but I am going to make it happen. That main part. That’s going to be our reality. I don’t know about the confetti or the fresh bread always part. Or the big happy family. That requires a lot of people we don’t currently have. But I know we can fight for the rest. No one can stop us.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex held on tightly to Nate, he didn't want to let him go. Ever. Nate was his and they were surviving together. He could hear the determination from Nate, the promise that hung between them. That was all Alex wanted now. He didn't even want to keep going anymore, find a nice apartment here, and live there. Alex blushed again when he heard Nate call him his beautiful monkey man. "Can we go back to the first apartment and make camp? I don't know about you but I don't think I have it in me to keep going today" Alex asked softly. He just wanted to stop and rest, calm down and breathe.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate nodded as he pressed his face back into Alex’s hair again. That sounded like a perfect idea. This confidence that he had was only there for Alex. He knew that. It probably would die away in the next apartment anyway, especially if they had to do this again. He readjusted to wrap his arms around him a little tighter for one last squeeze before loosening and bringing his hands to Alex’s neck once more to lead his head up where he kissed the top of Alex’s forehead. His hands fell away but quickly captured both of Alex’s. “Yeah. I think that place is calling our names.” He smiled and gently gestured that direction. “Come on.” One hand dropped so that he could lead them out of the room and through the apartment.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex sighed. He didn't realize how tired he was after this whole mess. He felt Nate wrap his arms around him a little tighter. Then his eyes looked up at Nate when the man took his hands up to Alex's neck. He blushed heavily when Nate kissed the top of Alex's forehead. He felt the butterflies in his stomach and his heart fluttering a mile a minute. "Okay" He said with a smile as Nate held both his hands for a moment before dropping one. He followed Nate out of the room and through the apartment. He was looking forward to sleeping on the super comfy mattress tonight, with Nate beside him. A little glimpse into what they wanted for themselves. He planned on the ravioli for dinner, and then relaxing on the bed.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

They made their way through the tiny apartment and down the hall to the first one. Honestly, after going through three, this one was the best kept and for sure in the best shape. If he had to guess, Nate would assume that this one was lived in longer than the rest. That was oddly comforting in a way. He nodded a silent thank you to whoever it was who allowed them to have this one nice night away from camping on the hard ground of the forest or in buildings where they could so easily be seen. As they walked inside, Nate closed the door and locked it. It would not keep out anyone too determined, but it would be hopefully enough to wake them if anything did go wrong. He dropped his backpack immediately, suddenly realizing just how heavy his arms were after that. “So, shall we enjoy some delicious not-beans?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex had followed Nate down the hall and into the first apartment. It was much better kept then the others were and that was a good thing. He was glad that they'd be able to spend a night on something soft, not hard forest floor or some old building close to ruin. As he stepped into the apartment, he looked back to see Nate lock the door. Good, they'd hopefully have some warning if something were to come along. Alex set his pack down on the counter in the kitchen. He grabbed the can of ravioli and smiled over at Nate. "Sounds like a plan to me" He said with a smile. He was happy to get his pack off, and as he rolled his shoulders, the muscles were glad for the heavy thing to be off. The backpack must've put pressure on his back when he was pushed down. "Nate? After we eat, can you check my back?" He asked. "It's a little sore, I think that something in the pack might've irritated when I was pushed down." He added.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate did not think that he was the kind of person who was high strung. He liked to think that he was pretty good at going with the flow, rolling with the sometimes very real punches, and laughing off even the worst things. What he was learning, though, was that when it came to Alex, he no longer could predict what he was going to do. He was stretching as Alex made his way to the kitchen - a real one and not just a flatter part of the forest. However, he was at his side the second he asked. He was already moving at the sound of the name. “Do you want me to check now? Are you okay? Does it hurt? If you are hurt, we can eat after I check.” So maybe he was a little bit much, but that was only because he found that he cared so much that he physically hurt him sometimes with the stress that he held for Alex. Alex would never approve if he said that out loud.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex was taken aback by Nate's questions when Alex mentioned his back. "Oh um, no. We can eat first, its not that bad" He said, biting his lip. He'd picked up the nervous habit a few years ago and never really dropped it. "Besides, I'm starving, can we please eat first?" He asked softly. Alex would never admit that his back probably hurt more than he was saying but he would rather eat first then they can look at his back. He looked around the kitchen, before grabbing two spoons and popping open the can. He didn't even give Nate a chance to protest, handing him a spoon. "To non-beans" He said with a laugh.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

It was probably good that Alex chose to move on without waiting for an answer, because Nate would have protested. He would have insisted that if he hurt enough to bother him now that he should look. They weren’t in any danger or hurry, so there was no reason to rush for food. But Alex did not give him the choice, even though he asked so nicely, and all Nate could do about it was sigh and smile, because Alex was Alex. He took a spoon and clanged it against Alex’s. “To non-beans!” he proclaimed. “As per our bet, you get the first bite.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex clanged his spoon against Nate's with a smile. He dipped his spoon in first, not knowing what to expect. He pulled out some and ate it. The flavors were delicious and much better than beans. Once Alex swallowed, he smiled. "Those are so good" He said. He was almost tempted to grab the other can and eat it all himself while letting Nate have his own. He knew they shouldn't because they had to ration their food still. He was glad that he'd moved on, he didn't want to hear any protesting because of him. He had asked to have it done after food and he'd gotten his wish.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Seeing the reaction on his face made Nate even more excited. Throughout his many travels, he had a lot of different foods. He had canned foods, grown foods, baked and cooked. He tried not to have favorites, because then he would be sad later when that was never an option again. Obviously, that did not go well with the bread. The fresh bread was a favorite by far, and he was immensely sad that he did not have it anymore. It had been a long time since he had ravioli. He stuck his spoon in, pulled out a spoonful which just happened to be one, because they were strangely large. “Did you know that a single ravioli pouch thing is called a raviolo?” He asked this and then robbed it into his mouth. It really was very good. He shook his head with a smile and an unintentional sound of contentment. After chewing and swallowing he continued, “I read it as one of those trivia facts on the back of some of these cans and boxes. I can’t remember what though, but one of these little dudes,” he pulled out another one from the can, “is a raviolo. Doesn’t that sound bizarre?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex had taken another spoonful, looking at the ravioli on it. "Really?" He asked, looking at it. "How weird" He said, before taking the food in his mouth. He finished the bite before he spoke again. "It's very delicious though." Alex admitted. He had never had much canned foods except for beans. He kept some on hand for days when he'd been in barren land, but usually he would hunt and eat whatever he found. He took a couple more spoonfuls before setting the spoon down. "I'm full, that was so good" He said, leaning back against the counter.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate ate another spoonful of the ravioli before he too decided that he was done. He put his spoon down too and sidled next to Alex. “This was your first foray into the world of good food out there. Not everything is just beans, and it should stay that way. Are you excited for when we try other things later?” He slid his arm around Alex’s as he spoke. “Because we could find a whole number of amazing things out there as long as the world left them for us to find, and I am sure they did.” He patted at Alex’s shoulder with a grin. “Okay, let me see your back. I gave you your heavenly food moment. It’s my turn now. Maybe not for the same thing though. That sounded strange. Just can I see?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex smiled when Nate put his arm around Alex's after he spoke. "Yes, I can't wait to see what other things we can find. That was so different from the food we used to raise" Alex admitted. He was honestly really excited to see what other foods aside from beans he could try. He felt Nate pat his shoulder and turned to look at him. "Sounds like a great plan" Alex said with a smile. He nodded, turning to the side and pulled off his shirt. "Yes, you let me have my food moment, you can check my back now." He said, looking back at Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate began his check with a visual and physical scan, running his hands first over the injured area and then spreading from there. “I bet that if we are good enough at this, we could find a whole lot of this fun canned food to save for when we live like real people and can grow and make our own food. Then we can have a variety.” Not seeing anything obvious as a problem, he began to kneed out the places that seemed to have a lot more tension for whatever reasons. Hopefully he could find the part that was bothering him. “And presumably people had to have done this before. Maybe we can even figure out how to make these things? If we have the rest of forever, I’m sure we could have time to figure it out together. Experiment a little.” He ventured up to his shoulders where most tension was held, and for good measure, also massaged there. “Is this any better?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex didn’t know how but Nate’s fingers were like magic to his muscles. “That would be a great thing. Then we can have something different every night.” Alex agreed. His back was already feeling so much better as Nate began kneed the higher tension areas on Alex’s back. As he moved along his back, there was a spot near the center by the initial wound that Alex winced at when Nate went over it. That was the spot that was bothering him. “I’d love to figure out to make these things. I’m sure it’s not that difficult.” Alex said. He smiled when Nate worked on his shoulders and sighed at the release of tension. “The only place that still hurts is where I winced, near my initial wound.” Alex answered him.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate drew his hands back down to the area of the wince, moving gently around it. Near the spot of the initial injury made sense. When the woman attacked Alex, the combination of her and the pack probably hit something wrong. “This may sting a little until I can get it worked out.” It was always painful to work through these kinds of things, but it was always better after. Bodies were strange and amazing like that. “I say we grow literally any crop and food we can find and then start throwing it all together. We are bound to find something amazing eventually, right? Or maybe we can find a cookbook. Those have the most wonderful ideas. I never thought about keeping any, because I never thought we would have the chance to really do anything like that, but why not?” He pulled his hands away looked at the redness on his back now that he had thoroughly attacked it. “Is that better? Do you need me to keep going? Or is there anywhere else you need? Because I don’t have to stop.“ He leaned his head against Alex’s shoulder. “It’s whatever you want.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex felt Nate's hands move back to where he'd winced. He felt him start to work through the area and he hissed a little at the sting. He knew it would hurt but he hadn't thought it would hurt that much. Alex looked back listening to Nate. "Okay, sounds good to me." He said. "Definitely sounds like a great start." He said with a smile. "Cookbook? Why would you cook a book?" He asked, confused. He felt like his back was feeling better when he felt Nat e lean his head against Alex's shoulder. "Much better now." Alex said with a sigh. As much as he wanted Nate to continue, he was ready for bed. "Can we go lay down?" He asked.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate moved so that he was standing in front of Alex for a moment, assessing him. Not for any real reason, just because he liked him. A lot. With a smile, he took Alex’s hand and led him out of the tiny kitchen, through the living room, and towards the bedroom. “Are you telling me that in your weird religious zealot community, they don’t have cookbooks? Do you guys have recipes? Because that’s all a cookbook is. A whole book full of recipes of how to make delicious meals of multiple foods.” He shrugged off his jacket, it seemed unnecessary inside, and flopped onto the bed, rolling until he was about middle. He opened his arm wide as a summons.

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