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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

“Yes, the sun! It like shines on this weird section and then it works. Yeah, I don’t know what’s up with that either, so don’t feel too bad, okay?” He let that hang there as they finished rummaging through the closet for supplies. As he finished, he walked up to Alex and set the flashlight down on one of the shelves so that he could have both of his hands free as well as having light on them and not creating terrible shadows that created the things from nightmares. “Hey, don’t be embarrassed.” He gently placed his hands on his cheeks, thumbs running across scars and heat alike like there was no difference in his skin. “There’s a whole lotta things I don’t know either. Like all this farming we keep talking about. It literally is like magic. And everything you can do. It blows my mind every time you whip out another skill that shouldn’t even be possible. All I have is knowledge of trinkets and gadgets, and I’m gonna share all of them with you. Then we’ll be in the same boat, floatin’ around on a sea of uncertainty about this big world together.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex had finished looking for supplies and turned to look at Nate when he set the flashlight down. He felt hands on his cheeks, Nate's thumbs running over his scars and the normal skin as if it was all the same. Alex ran his fingers down his scars enough to know there is a subtle difference between the scar and his skin. His eyes locked onto Nate as he started talking. He listened intently to Nate and chuckled a little as he brought up that the two of them having very different sets of knowledge. "I'll tell you all about farming if we ever make it that far, in exchange for all your modern world knowledge" Alex told him, his hands coming up to rest on Nate's arms gently.
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Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate laughed at himself after the admission. “Does it count as a modern world if what you know is just as relevant? Because I may know that a flashlight is a thing, but you know how to actually grow crops that can keep us fed forever. That makes your knowledge way more necessary than mind. If we’re living in our very own farmhouse with confetti and shaker parties with fresh bread made out of wheat you’ve grown with those magic hands, the only knowledge rattling around in this thick skull of mine is how I can keep you from falling apart if you just so happen to lose a fight with a tree.” He finished with a big grin and a sparkle in his eyes that sang the praises to match his words. And maybe, if he could see himself, he might see a little something else there.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex laughed a little as he listened to Nate. "In my group, if its not naturally done like fire for light or crops and animals for food, then its considered modern world, so I don't really have an answer to that" He said with a smile on his face. "If we do end up living in our farmhouse with our own crops, animals, bread, confetti and shakers, then your medic knowledge would be all we'd need. Especially if I lose a fight with a tree" Alex said with a laugh, looking at Nate's big grin and the sparkle in his eyes. He didn't know what about him made his heart rate increase but he would take it every time. "Now, I think we have some stairs to climb don't we?" Alex chuckled, though he didn't really want to move from this spot.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate nodded. “This is why I’m keeping you. If I didn’t, there would be no way that I could survive without you. And I kinda don’t think I’d want to.” A statement. An admission. An offering, perhaps. He knew more than he knew anything else that the world would never be the same now that he knew Alex. Not ever. ”Yeah.” He took another moment, a moment maybe longer than he should have, to linger there, smiling and being one with the sway of their togetherness. “I guess we do.” Then he let his hands slide down Alex’s cheeks to catch his hands in his own and then pull the one closest to the flashlight away to grab it but not the other. The other hand worked to keep his even as Nate began to move out of the little closet. His fingers laced between Alex’s as he pulled him out into the main room and then up the stairwell.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex didn't know what to say to that statement. Neither do I? I can't imagine being without you now? How weird would that sound. "I wouldn't want you to try to survive on your own, without me." Alex knew that was the best way to admit his own feelings. It was a roundabout admission but it should work the same in theory. He knew they had to move even if he didn't want to. Alex watched as Nate slid his hands down Alex's cheeks before holding his hands. Nate only dropped one hand, and that was so he could grab the flashlight. Alex followed Nate out of the closet and up the stairwell. The stairs seemed sturdy enough as they walked, nothing was blocked or barricaded. Eventually they came to the first floor door, and Alex went to open it. Locked. "Nate, can you pop it?" He asked, stepping aside for Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate was not sure if that was Alex being silly as they so often were, if he was saying that it really would be a shame for Nate to be on his own – which was true and did not offend him in any kind of way, or if that was his own offering. More than anything, what Nate wanted that statement to mean was that he did not want Nate to try to survive without him, because he wanted to be with Nate forever in a magical farmhouse, but that seemed like it was just his dream. Right? A dream he was now projecting onto Alex. A dream he needed to set aside for a moment, because now he needed to open up another locked door, and if he let dreams distract him, he was failing on his second skill. He held onto the knob, jabbed the knife, wiggled everything around, and pop! He leaned over to whisper in Alex’s ear, “this is my other skill you keep me around for.” He stifled the laugh and slowly and quietly pushed the door open.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex had been dreaming about the farmhouse while they’d been walking up the stairs. He’d had to shake the thought when they’d gotten to the door. Did Nate want the big fancy farmhouse too? Or was Alex just daydreaming about it. He didn’t know. His eyes were watching Nate as he popped the door open. He never could get over how easy it looked for him. He felt shiver down his spine when Nate whispered in his ear and his heart flipped. “Yes, I definitely keep you around for this skill.” Alex said just as softly. He looked at the hallway the door led them too. Doors lined both sides. Apartments. Perfect. “Okay, we’ll go door by door.” Alex whispered, his ears listening for anything shambling even though stalkers skitter around on their hands and feet and it creeped him out.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate nodded. Listened. There were a whole lot of doors to go through, and as they so determined before, this was exactly the kind of maze that was going to drive him crazy to keep together. But that was why he had Alex. Alex who was perfect at keeping him together. He stepped over to the first door, listened once more, and tried it. It opened. Look at that, they were in luck. He pushed it open, peaked in, and stepped through. The apartment was one of those small ones that looked like it had one central living area connected to a tiny kitchen and a little hallway that led off to two other rooms, presumably a bathroom and a bedroom. The far side was full of windows that illuminated the whole place. If they were lucky, whoever use to live here will have left many valuable things that could make their lives easier.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex stayed right beside Nate, he was not going to get them lost. In fact, he planned on keep the doors open when they went in. It would help. He followed Nate through the first door, listening and looking. “Kitchen first then we can go to the living room then further on.” Alex said, leading the way to the kitchen, not that it was crazy far from the door. Once he was in the kitchen, he moved from Nate’s side to start searching the cabinets. He pulled out canned beans, canned corn? Alex was surprised, they can corn? Hmm. Another thing of beans and then in the back two cans of Chef Boyardee. These were whatever spaghetti was. “Hey Nate, found more good stuff” Alex said quietly.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate did not stray from his companion. He followed like the dutiful and potentially going to be lost kind of partner only straying inside the tiny kitchen to open a separate cabinet or drawer. He found literally nothing of use, so when Alex found food, he was practically ecstatic. “Oh?” he whipped around, arm snaking around Alex so that he could turn the various canned goods to face him. “My hero again. I will apparently be indebted to you so long it will pass down to my children.” He snickered, quietly of course, before popping open another cabinet. “Now, would you look at that?” He sent his arm over Alex, leaning on him a bit to reach, and sniped the little bag. He leaned in close to Alex’s ear again. “What did I tell you? Stale chips.” He plopped them into his bag and retreated to the end of the kitchen until Alex joined him for the living room search.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex let out a small laugh as Nate snaked an arm around him to look at the canned foods he’d found. “I guess I’ll have to guide your children too then” Alex said, looking over at Nate with a smile. “What?” Alex asked as he felt the arm over him. “Stale chips. Awesome” Alex said with a grin. He followed after Nate into the living room. He searched it but didn’t find much. Some rags that was about it. “Finding anything?” He asked.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate combed the area but other than some old junk that even he didn’t get, he was having just about zero luck with the finding things. “Nope. Move on to the bathroom?” He moved back to Alex, and instead of walking to the bathroom immediately, he paused and hooked his arm around Alex’s “What if I don’t want to share you with my children?” Then he moved on, pulling Alex along with him to the admittedly sad looking and tiny bathroom with a shattered mirror.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex looked over at Nate when he hooked an arm around Alex’s. “But what if we share the children?” He asked with a small smile. “Bathroom it is.” He said. He followed Nate into the bathroom. “There are some medications, rags and alcohol.” Alex said, stepping inside the tiny bathroom. He pocketed the rags and alcohol. “Want the medicine?” He asked Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate didn’t even think about it. “Well, okay, if we share the children, then I guess I can also share you. It would only make sense for you to guide them if you are responsible for them with me.” Nate grabbed the bottle, shook it to hear its contents, and then read the label. They were pretty generic but potentially could help with some mental power at some point. “Yeah, this could be useful for later. Thank you.” He pocketed his bathroom pills and led Alex out and into the smallish bedroom.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex nodded. “That was exactly what I was thinking.” Alex said, with a smile. He watched as Nate grabbed the bottle and checked it. “No problem.” He added, before following Nate into the small bedroom. He pulled from Nate to check the nightstands. One had bullets which Alex pocketed just in case. He had originally said he didn’t want them, but it’s probably safer to have them. The other nightstand has rags and bottles. Alex looked at the bed, still covered in sheets. He placed a hand on the bed. It was so soft.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate walked over to the dresser and began to pull out some of the drawers. “I’m not sure where we are obtaining these said offspring. But if I were to just magic some, I feel like you are the only other person I would trust to help me raise them.” He sifted through, but none of the clothes remaining looked like they would fit either of them. Perhaps in the closet? He moved that way but was distracted by Alex at the bed. He joined him also testing it. “That’s far superior to your blanket. No hate on the blanket, but a mattress with sheets like this. Those are the best nights.” He smiled at the memory of them.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex looked at Nate when he talked. “I’m sure we could find kids if we wanted to.” Alex said with a low chuckle. “I appreciate that Nate.” Alex added. Alex tilted his head, he’d never slept on a mattress. He laid down on it experimentally. “Wow. That’s comfortable.” Alex said as he laid on it. “Much better than the blanket covered hay bale beds. Or a normal blanket on the ground.” Alex said. “Any clothes out for us? I’ll check the closet in a minute” He said, shifting on his side. He had seen Nate went over to the bed before he checked the closet.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate had not really ever thought about having kids before. They literally never talked about it when it was him and the boys. They were trying to survive not bring in more people who have to survive. It was a dangerous place, and kids seemed like a risk. Was it worth bringing more souls into the world just to be horribly struck down like that? He peered over at Alex as he lounged on the bed. “No, all too small. How about instead, you stay there all cute and comfy and live the luxurious life of NOT a haystack, and I’ll check the closet like I was going to do.” He took the few steps required to open up the closet. It was small. There was very little in here, though there was a baseball bat, and that was fun. He hefted it, lightly swung it, and decided that could be useful too. He shoved it into his pack and continued the search. He pawed through the hanging clothes. These were obviously for the same single person who must have lived here, because they were all equally tiny. “I don’t think any of this is gonna fit either of us. Maybe the next one?” He stepped out of the closet and sighed.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex did not want to move and he blushed when Nate told him to lay there all cute and comfy. He looked up at Nate when he walked over to the closet. He watched as he found a baseball bat, swinging it. That’s a good thing to keep. He sighed, “Oh man, I was hoping you’d find something. I need stuff other than this stupid tunic.” He said. Finally Alex decided he should get up and did so. Alex stretched. “I’m tempted to find one of these apartments and camp here tonight.” Alex said honestly, looking at him.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate put out his arm for Alex to take if he would like. “You know what I think? I think you are absolutely right, and we should in fact find one of these comfy little apartments to camp in. Maybe whichever one has clothes that fit you.” He played with the fabric of his tunic. “Because this is never ever going to keep you warm even if you do run warmer than others. But, good fortune! There’s a whole row of these things for us to try. They are ours for the keeping.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex gladly took Nate’s arm. He smiled. “Sounds good to me tonight. Let’s see how much we can find before we settle on a spot.” Alex said. He smiled, looking down at his tunic. “I would love to find something new to wear.” Alex added. He led the way towards the door. “Ready to try across the hall?” He asked.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate traversed back through the apartment and across the hall to the next door. He listened. Nothing. Tried the knob. Unlocked. What luck! He pushed it open and peaked inside. He didn’t see anything. This one looked identical in layout but mirrored. Thank you giant windows with sunlight pouring in. As he steered them to the kitchen to repeat the same walk, he quietly asked, “Alex?” Now that he was thinking about it, this was an interesting topic that he did in fact want to talk about. He was not sure what the answers would mean, but he kind of wanted to know. “Are kids a thing you want? Or I guess maybe wanted before you left your group? Or maybe I guess still want?” Shoot, he was rambling. “I just mean, you know, because we were talking about it, and-“ there went his overactive mouth again. “Okay, you can ignore the rambling if you want. I don’t even know what I’m saying.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex followed beside Nate as they made it across the hall. He waited, listening as Nate tried the door knob and thankfully the door was unlocked. He watched, waited, and listened as Nate pushed the door open. He followed behind, entering the kitchen in this apartment. He was about to start searching the cabinets before his attention was turned to Nate who seemed like he had something to ask. "Yes?" He turned completely and looked at him. He was and was not expecting the questions he asked. Did he want kids? "I did want kids yes, but once I realized that I wasn't into any of the women, any woman really, I figured that kids weren't in my future. Then again, when I left, I realized that the life I'd be living wouldn't be safe for them anyway" He finished. "I don't mind the rambling. I know this was something we'd been talking about earlier." Alex added.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate, standing in the middle of an apartment kitchen that looked a lot like a small storm came by, pondered this answer. He learned several key things with that. One, Alex did I not like women. Though this was not necessarily new information, it was never really confirmed if Alex was more like Nate and liked a multitude of types of people or just men. Men seemed to be the answer or at least the answer that Nate could assume from that. Two, he did want to have kids when that still seemed like a safe and viable option. This led to a new question that he felt like he should ask even if the question may be a bit forward. A bit personal. Probably intrusive. “If we, um. Well. If we find that place of peace, the one where everything is good, would you want-“ He was making it weird. He was sure that he was. “If you found that safe place, would you want kids then?” He turned to the cabinets and began to open them to have something else to do with his hands. Maybe make it less weird to stare at something else. “If we find this magical world where the world isn’t so… violent?” And then because it was important to say, he added, “I mean, I know you can’t like actually have them but… you know, in theory?”

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