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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate nodded. “Beans over shambler, because shambler on my own equals my untimely death, and we have had too much of that already.” He thought for a moment about this. “Two horrible situations where you have to choose one and you suffer with both. Okay.” He thought another moment. And another. “Would you rather… go swimming in one of those really gross abandoned pools where it’s all green and absolutely full of the worst things that could give you all sorts of terrible diseases,” his medicine man was showing, “or…” what could be worse than that, “crawl through an enclosed space, like a tunnel or air duct or something, where the infection has grown everywhere and there is no not touching it?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex nodded hearing that, and knew he’d also pick the beans over the shambler. Alex leaned in and listened to Nate, chuckling at his two scenarios. The first one was very obviously letting his medicine man show. “I would have to pick the pool. Because I have you to fix me if I get sick but I can’t get fixed if I possibly get infected by touching the it.” Alex answered, looking at Nate with a chuckle. And then he thought for a moment. “Okay. Would you rather climb the tallest tree all the way to the top or go through the basement we went through after we met Kaleb and Carlos again?”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

“Wait now, I thought we were all alone in this? I can’t fix you us.” He narrowed his eyes. “Unless of course the loophole is that you can come find me. And then yes, I guess that’s viable, though I don’t know if I can fix all of these diseases with my rudimentary supplies and medications.” He shook his head and brought his attention back to the present. New question. Okay. “Oh, easy. The basement we went through. We already cleared that out,” he answered with a triumphant smile. “Nothing to see there.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex chuckled softly as he looked at him. “Well of course I’d come find you again. And I’d rethink that because when I said again, it’s like it resets so all the infected are back in the basement again.” Alex told with a grin. “So you’d have to fight the shambler once again.” He added with a laugh, looking at him.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

“That’s no fair at all!” Nate complained with a giggle. “So okay wait, do I have to risk my life attempting to climb a tree when I can only manage a few feet off the ground or deal with a shambler and all his horrible friends.” Nate frowned. “You know what, no, I know who I am. Basement. Still. I am little and sneaky. I could probably stealth around all of them. Because I’m smart.” He tapped his head. “Okay okay okay. Would you rather…” he got so caught up in the game that he jumped ahead of the actual figuring out of scenarios. “Travel endlessly with no purpose or destination because you are cursed to travel endlessly with the dangers that come with that OR be forced to live in a single place where you know you will be attacked every day because of the endless dangers?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex laughed as he listened to Nate figure it out. “Well.. little yes but sneaky? Hmm.” Alex said with a hum, looking at Nate big smile on his face. He listened to the two scenarios and thought for a moment. “I’d rather travel endlessly because if I had to stay in once place and get attacked everyday I’ll run out of supplies. At least if I’m traveling, I can find more supplies along the way.” Alex said with a grin. Then he thought for a moment. “Would you rather always have supplies but you can only use one item a day. Or barely ever have any supplies but you can use however many items you want every day?”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

“Hey, I’m sneaky. You just haven’t noticed because of the sneaking,” he teased before listening to Alex’s answer. It was a good one. Nate too would probably choose the traveling, but he also traveled all the time anyway. He was used to it. “Hmm, so if I were to only use one item a day, that would be like deciding to use a spoon for my beans I have to eat for the rest of forever. But then what happens if I get attacked? Sharpen the other side as a shiv? Then I can also open locked doors.” He shrugged. “I don’t know if I’d want to eat with that spoon anymore though. So I would want to eat first and then prepare for spoonage late. But it could be effective against runners and clickers alike as like as I’m sneaky,” he grinned and winked, “and then I would just have to be smart about the rest of my day.” He laughed. “Or I could just use all of my three things and call it good. That’s probably the better option. Thoughts?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex looked at him for a moment before he laughed. “Well the beans are one item so you can’t use both the spoon and the beans. In reality, the better option would be the less supplies but use however many items you want. Because you can always find more supplies but using just one a day? It would be very hard to survive.” Alex commented as he shifted a little in place.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate nodded. “Yeah, the less items but using them all is the better option. Spoon and beans for the win. But I was getting somewhere with my spoon theory.” He leaned against Alex for needy reasons. “Okay would you rather have to wear pants three sizes too big because you couldn’t find anything else that fits you better or shoes a couple of sizes too small?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex looked at Nate and nodded. “It was quite the interesting theory.” He agreed and when Nate leaned against him, he wrapped an arm around his back and held him close, for the same reason. “I would rather wear pants three sizes too big because I can always fashion some kind of belt, but if I have shoes too small, I won’t be able to walk well.” Alex replied, thinking about his answer.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate nodded but then asked, “yes but would a belt count as your one item to use? Because wouldn’t that be terrible? Oh! Would your pants? Could you only wear pants!” He giggled at this new line of thinking. “Are you meant to think about this so much? Because it’s a fascinating study in both the world and in the mind.” He laid his head on Alex’s shoulder and took his hand to bring to his lap.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex looked at Nate, for a moment before he laughed. “I would like to think that clothing would not count as just one item.” He said with a smile. “And no, you’re not supposed to think this much about it. Though it does pose some interesting conversations.” Alex admitted as he rested his head on Nate’s and squeezed the hand that Nate pulled into his lap. “Okay. Would you rather fight only shamblers from now on, or only stalkers?”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

“You and the shamblers,” Nate whined as he shook his head. “Those things are big and scary, and I would be squashed into smithereens.” He raised his free hand in thought. “Stalkers. They are creepy little dudes who can sneak up on the best of us, but at least I can take one if I have to go into combat. The shambling means I am dead. Instantly. No more me.” He turned his head to kiss Alex’s cheek. “You’re on your own then. What about you? Because I’m curious. Shamblers or stalkers?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex didn't mind shamblers, though they were not among his favorite infected if he had to choose. "I can see how stalkers would be a better choice." Alex said, smiling. "I'd rather you choose the stalkers too, I'd miss you." Alex added, feeling the kiss to his cheek. "Me? I'd choose stalkers, they take way less supplies to bring down unlike shamblers that take so many supplies to take down."
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate nodded. “That is very practical of you,” he laughed. “Here I was thinking about the logistics of my death and you’re over here already planning your resource management.” He clapped a hand down on Alex’s leg. “New plan. I keep you around so that you can be smart and practical for me, okay? Because we know someone has to. Otherwise I will run out of supplies and end up in Florida if I’m lucky.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex chuckled softly as he looked at Nate. "It's the difference between you and I. I'm thinking resources and practicality, and you're thinking about your death." Alex said as he felt the hand on his leg. "I would love for you to keep me around, I'll be smart and practical just for you. Got to keep you here and with plenty of supplies."
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

“That’s the dream isn’t it? Not lost and with plenty of supplies.” The dream. What was the dream? Because once upon a time, he knew what it was. He could see it so clearly. He knew how to get there. Now it was fragmented. The image wavered in his mind. “What’s your dream? Like big picture. Not just save the world and live in a farmhouse? What’s your dream? What do you see when you close your eyes and imagine what you want the most?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

"That's definitely part of the dream at least." He said, placing a hand over the one on his leg. He listened to Nate and hummed for a moment. What was his dream? At one point, he didn't have one. Just get away from the island and travel somewhere. "My dream? As corny as it sounds, and as sappy as I know it is, but my dream is to be with you. Wherever we end up, in a farmhouse or the woods, with people or on our own. As long as I'm with you, that's my dream. I never had a dream before I met you Nate, and your dream became mine."
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Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate wasn’t sure what he was expecting Alex to say, but it wasn’t that. He was not expecting something so cliche and cute. He wasn’t expecting him to really mean something like that. But when Nate looked at Alex like he had lost his mind or said a goofy but stupid joke, he could feel how much his partner meant that. “Oh.” Because that really was his dream, wasn’t it? Alex did just follow him back to exactly where he ran from, continued to do that after he figured out where Nate was going, went through so much that would likely haunt him for the rest of his life, and he was still right there with Nate. He was so good. He twisted around and wrapped his arms around Alex and held on so much tighter than he meant to.

“When I used to close my eyes,” Nate muttered from where his face was buried in Alex’s shoulder, “there was this town or city or something with people walking down a sidewalk that isn’t broken and lights that aren’t shattered. The trees look like trees and not like monsters. And no one is afraid. And I’m walking down this street towards some little shop or something that’s actually running. And I used to have my mom walking with me. Then it changed and my mom was in front and the boys were in a line with me. And then that changed and they flanked me as they talked. And then the world went dark. After that, for a moment, it came back, and I could almost see it again.” He pulled his face up and rested his chin on Alex’s shoulder. “It’s still the dream, but the dream changed a little. I can’t see everyone else as clearly anymore. I can’t see where we are. It’s like all that got fuzzy. But then there’s you. And you’re right there beside me. I’ve got your hand. I just don’t know where we are anymore.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex felt Nate twist and wrap his arms around Alex. His arms wrapped around Nate back, just as tight. He listened to Nate as he held him. He listened to his original dream, listened to how it changed, listened to how now his dream included Alex beside him. He couldn’t believe it but it made his heart flutter happily. “Maybe.. we’re heading towards our dream. Towards our farmhouse?” Alex suggested as he held onto Nate. He kissed the top of his head and smiled. “But I’m honored to have become part of your dream as well.”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

Why were there so many things wrong, but this still felt right? Good? Alex. Alex made it all wonderful. He did not deserve that. He pulled his head away so that he could really look at him while he spoke. “Part of my dream?” He seemed to have missed the point. “I think you are my dream. You thought you were going to be sappy? Let me join you on the sappy train. Everything else isn’t there anymore. I can’t see it. But I can see you. You are the path I want to take. You and me going wherever we go. Yeah, it would be nice to find a way to cure everyone of this horrible infection or find a way to live like the world loves us, but it isn’t the priority. Maybe we don’t have to be the heroes? Maybe we can just survive together.” He looked away, because this was hard for him to consider. It mattered so much that he could do something good. What was good?
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex noticed Nate pull his head away and looked at him, tilting his head a little in confusion at the comment. Then his eyes widened a little as he heard Nate's words. He was his new dream? Them together? Wherever their path takes them? Alex's heart swelled and thumped against his chest. He blinked, then smiled warmly. "We don't have to save the world, because to me? You are the world. And surviving together no matter where we go is the best dream to me." Alex whispered, shifting and taking his hand to gently take Nate's chin in his hand. He turned his head so he was looking at Alex. Once that happened, Alex leaned in and kissed Nate deeply. Sending all the positive love and feelings into the kiss.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

When Alex kissed him, everything else was gone. It was like the stories he read and the tales he listened to people recall about their past lives and loves. It was like when Carlos was feeling horrendously sappy and had to talk about just how much he loved Kaleb. It was like the very rare occasion when his mama talked about the father he never knew and how much she did love him all those years ago. Nate believed in love. He loved too many people not to believe in the overwhelming kind. He never knew that it would change his perspective of the world. He never knew it would change what he would want the outcome to be of his life. Not until he met Alex. Not until they traveled the country together. He wanted to save the world, but right now he wasn’t feeling like he was capable of that. He wanted to find a cure with like minded people who lived for nothing but bringing peace back to their lives even if they never got to see it. Yet, after everything, he could be okay if that wasn’t everything he did. He may even be okay if he dropped it. For now at least. Because maybe saving one person was enough. Maybe saving Alex was enough. Priorities change. Nate kissed him unlike any other kiss he had done before. He needed Alex to understand that this wasn’t just being sappy and cute. This was real. This was his life. He wanted their lives to be their life. Intrinsically tied. One person.
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex loved kissing Nate, and he could feel just how much Nate loved him by how different this kiss was from all the others. They were one, their lives tied together permanently. He kept that kiss up, until he finally had to pull away to breathe. He didn't move far, instead looking at Nate with a smile on his face. He looked at him, just studying for a moment. "You know how much I love you right?" Alex asked, kissing his forehead gently before pulling back a little to look at him again. "No matter where we go, as long as we're together that's all that matters to me."
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate wished that he could say yes. He wished that he could say that there was nothing that could ever stop him from knowing any of that. But he would be lying, and he was a bad liar. That and they promised never to lie. “More than I deserve,” he answered. That was the truth. Alex would fight that, and Nate would never be able to stop him. “Dream. Farmhouse. You and me. I promise I’m not bringing down the mood anymore.” He tried to bring it back to something happy. They could be happy. One day.

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