Take Back the Crown

Lo Alyssa

Close you eyes, and open your mind
(When it comes to appearance, you can provide a picture for your character, or just describe what they look like)

Class: (example; adventurer, thief, assassin, other?)
Biography: (you may keep it simple if you don’t want to reveal too much)
Extra: (optional)​
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<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/13321262_10208039818266327_425570728_o.jpg.f9a68786a28f4c4e9fa97820bdab8b41.jpg" data-fileid="133611" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="13321262_10208039818266327_425570728_o.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="133611" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/13321262_10208039818266327_425570728_o.jpg.f9a68786a28f4c4e9fa97820bdab8b41.jpg" /></a>


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<strong>NAME:</strong> Hjalmar


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<p style="text-align:center;">

<strong>GENDER:</strong> Male


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<strong>SPECIES:</strong> Human


<p style="text-align:center;">

<strong>CLASS:</strong> Expert Larcenist


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He is an excellent pickpocket (and is good at pick-locking too). He's sneaky, and is able to practically disappear in the shadows. The rare few times he has been caught, he's managed to break out in someway, as he always has a trick up his sleeve to get out of sticky situations. He is agile and quick thinking.


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He mainly uses his crossbow, he’s an expert marksman (and although the crossbow is his preferred weapon, he’s good with a bow as well). He has two short swords strapped to back, and two shivs up his sleeves that he keeps for back up. He keeps pins tucked away in his shaggy hair to use as pick-locks when/if he's imprisoned. He's also adorned with smoke screens, a grappling hook, and other handy gadgets that he uses in his art of larceny.


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(^^^ shown above ^^^)


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He has no problem getting up in your face. He voices his thoughts, even at the worst of times (which usually earns him a punch to the gut... he thinks it's worth it though). He's loud and arrogant, though when he boasts about his skills, they can be backed up as he is very talented in his trade. He's rather friendly, but in a mysterious sort of way. He's only friendly because it works out better for him, not because he'd like to be. As much as his mouth motors, he doesn't speak much about his past, or about himself on a personal level. Everything is strictly business for him. He's a jokester, and doesn't take anything seriously (which can make him seem rather insensitive), even when he's facing death, he's prone to crack a joke and then laugh at it. He's fairly good at hiding pain.


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I'd like to keep most of it a secret, but he grew up in the slums, stealing from the wealthy to survive. He was adopted by an expert burglar, who was hired to steal things for a price. This man taught him his trade and all of his techniques, not needing superpowers to get the job done, his physical skill and prowess alone was more than enough. His adoptive father was eventually caught and executed, making Hjalmar the next in line for his job. Now he travels the world, not staying in one place for too long, and caring very little about the troubles of the world. If you want to communicate with him, it'll need to be through gold.


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<strong>NAME:</strong> Svetlana Kozlov


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<strong>AGE:</strong> 585 (she looks in her early 70s)


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<strong>GENDER:</strong> Female


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<strong>SPECIES:</strong> Human/Dragon Blessed


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<strong>CLASS:</strong> Nomadic Witch, Potion Maker, and Merchant


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She is a witch and thus has magical talents, she prefers incantations since she can be more specific with her spells and their outcome. She is also an oracle, being able to foresee the future in visions, and at times has spot on instinct. She’s good at enchanting and creating potions (usually poisons so she can lace her weapons with it). She’s a smooth talker, usually being able to persuade and manipulate people into doing what she wants (though she usually saves that talent for buisness only), and is also a forager, knowing plants and how they can be used like the back of her hand.


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She usually uses spells in combat, but she also has a long knife steeped in runes and deep magical enchantments. She’s constantly whispering incantations on it, giving it more power to keep it as deadlier weapon.


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(^^^ shown above ^^^)


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She’s quite aloof, which can make her seem uncaring at times. She is very extroverted and friendly, always partaking in conversation (even when it’s not her place to). Despite this aloofness, she is very wise and usually has good advice when she’s willing to give it. She sees wonder and fun in everything, she’s very jolly and exuberant, never seeming to calm down or lose energy.


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<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/13334338_10208039818346329_1418024515_o.jpg.ed7a49456b1899162b8b2618a84aeb31.jpg" data-fileid="133613" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="13334338_10208039818346329_1418024515_o.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="133613" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/13334338_10208039818346329_1418024515_o.jpg.ed7a49456b1899162b8b2618a84aeb31.jpg" /></a>


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<strong>NAME:</strong> Yaroslav Kozlov


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<strong>AGE:</strong> 328 (he looks in his early 20s)


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<strong>GENDER:</strong> Male


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<strong>SPECIES: </strong>Human/Dragon Blessed


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<strong>CLASS:</strong> Battle Mage and Berserker


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Being the apprentice of his grandmother, Svetlana, Yaroslav knows a thing or two about herbology and magic (though he is not quite as skilled as his grandmother). He prefers unspoken emotionally fueled magic as opposed to incantations that his grandmother uses. Allowing him to gives great bursts of power in combat, sometimes strengthening his own body to match an opponent.


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He uses duel battle axes in combat, but he also uses magic like his grandmother, and sometimes he uses both at one time.


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(^^^ shown above ^^^)


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Unlike his grandmother, Yaroslav is calmer and more introverted. He really only speaks when he needs to, but he’ll make small talk with people he cares about. He’s stoic and dutiful, keeping his priorities straight even under stressful situations. He’s serious, and doesn’t like to joke around. He is also very stubborn, hardy, but also smart and strategic. He’s a warrior at heart.


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<em>Svetlana & Yaroslav: </em>


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Svetlana and her grandson Yaroslav lived in the remote marshlands of Anthor, they were just a couple in a larger clan that lived there. Their ancestry is steeped in magic, it’s sown in their blood and pumps through their veins. Their clan was eventually destroyed by invaders from beyond the sea during a time when Algoran was wild and untamed, they had no protection, and living by the sea made them easy targets. Yaroslav’s parents were killed, and with a heavy heart, Svetlana took Yaroslav in and taught him her trade. Eventually, when he came of age, she also shared with him the dragon blessing she had recieved long ago so that he could be immortalized and strengthened. Now, they travel all over Algoran as merchants, selling potions and magical trinkets.


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Because Svetlana and Yaroslav are dragon blessed, their skin is thicker and harder to damage. They are also able to heal faster than your average human, and have a very strong immune system.


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Their bodies have not aged since they recieved the blessing.


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Name: Ru Lin

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Class: Monk/Martial Artist, Mercenary

Abilities/Powers: Ru is a skilled hand to hand combatant. She has heightened strength and agility due to the strict training at her monastery and is a master of pressure point techniques. She has the ability to meditate during battle causing her to go into a trance-like state that numbs pain and doubles her focus/reaction time/strength. (This is hard for her to do for long periods of time though) She is also able to use meditation to go into a void state when seriously injured. This slows down her breathing and heart rate, preventing her from dying but also leaving her defenseless.

Weapon(s): None except for her fists.

Appearance: Ru Lin is a short, black haired individual with a hooked nose and freckles. Her eyes are a piercing blue and have flecks of grey in them. Her hair is kept in a traditional monks braid while shaved on the sides. She foregoes the traditional robes of the monks and instead wears leather gauntlets along with an armored tunic and brown leggings. All of the armor she wears is light leather armor that allows her to move freely and dodge attacks from a slower moving opponent

Personality: Ru Lin is very headstrong and has a fiery temper. She is battle monk so she was trained to love the fight and find peace in the midst of chaos. She is working on the last part of that though. In contrast to her mentor Loshien she finds it hard not go looking for a fight and instead let the fight come to her. She is prideful but also lost in her way ever since her mentor, Monk Loshien, died.

Biography: Ru Lin was raised high in the mountains in a monastery of the battle monks, a group of people who believed that the only way to find peace was to fight for it. The monks trained her along with the other initiates in the ways of war and hand to hand combat but she was also taught the spiritual beliefs of the monks as well. When she was 14, Ru Lin was given over to Monk Loshien to complete her training. Monk Loshien cared much for Ru Lin but she also saw how headstrong and aggressive she was, and foresaw how that would bring trouble to the young initiate in the years to come. When Ru Lin was 18, she and her mentor where on a mercy mission to a nearby village when they where trapped in a deadly snowstorm along the way. Her mentor would have survived had Ru Lin in her eagerness to get to the village had stopped to go around a frozen lake. Ru Lin had rushed onto the ice and became trapped out there in the middle of the snowstorm. Monk Loshien managed to save her at the cost of her own life. When Ru Lin returned to the monastery, she was told that until she had found enough patience to temper her anger, and had come to terms with her mentors death, she was exiled to wander the realms below the mountains in search of inner peace. In the years below the mountains, Ru Lin began her search for inner peace in the only way she knew how; War. She became a mercenary, and fought off robbers and protected villages for a price. Still, Ru Lin is searching for peace, and now with a promise of a new fight in Algoran she may have a chance to find it at last.

Extra: I am glitch.jpeg from instagram, I hope you don't mind me joining and that my character is ok ^^
[QUOTE="Word Weaver]Name: Ru Lin
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Class: Monk/Martial Artist, Mercenary

Abilities/Powers: Ru is a skilled hand to hand combatant. She has heightened strength and agility due to the strict training at her monastery and is a master of pressure point techniques. She has the ability to meditate during battle causing her to go into a trance-like state that numbs pain and doubles her focus/reaction time/strength. (This is hard for her to do for long periods of time though) She is also able to use meditation to go into a void state when seriously injured. This slows down her breathing and heart rate, preventing her from dying but also leaving her defenseless.

Weapon(s): None except for her fists.

Appearance: Ru Lin is a short, black haired individual with a hooked nose and freckles. Her eyes are a piercing blue and have flecks of grey in them. Her hair is kept in a traditional monks braid while shaved on the sides. She foregoes the traditional robes of the monks and instead wears leather gauntlets along with an armored tunic and brown leggings. All of the armor she wears is light leather armor that allows her to move freely and dodge attacks from a slower moving opponent

Personality: Ru Lin is very headstrong and has a fiery temper. She is battle monk so she was trained to love the fight and find peace in the midst of chaos. She is working on the last part of that though. In contrast to her mentor Loshien she finds it hard not go looking for a fight and instead let the fight come to her. She is prideful but also lost in her way ever since her mentor, Monk Loshien, died.

Biography: Ru Lin was raised high in the mountains in a monastery of the battle monks, a group of people who believed that the only way to find peace was to fight for it. The monks trained her along with the other initiates in the ways of war and hand to hand combat but she was also taught the spiritual beliefs of the monks as well. When she was 14, Ru Lin was given over to Monk Loshien to complete her training. Monk Loshien cared much for Ru Lin but she also saw how headstrong and aggressive she was, and foresaw how that would bring trouble to the young initiate in the years to come. When Ru Lin was 18, she and her mentor where on a mercy mission to a nearby village when they where trapped in a deadly snowstorm along the way. Her mentor would have survived had Ru Lin in her eagerness to get to the village had stopped to go around a frozen lake. Ru Lin had rushed onto the ice and became trapped out there in the middle of the snowstorm. Monk Loshien managed to save her at the cost of her own life. When Ru Lin returned to the monastery, she was told that until she had found enough patience to temper her anger, and had come to terms with her mentors death, she was exiled to wander the realms below the mountains in search of inner peace. In the years below the mountains, Ru Lin began her search for inner peace in the only way she knew how; War. She became a mercenary, and fought off robbers and protected villages for a price. Still, Ru Lin is searching for peace, and now with a promise of a new fight in Algoran she may have a chance to find it at last.

Extra: I am glitch.jpeg from instagram, I hope you don't mind me joining and that my character is ok ^^

ACCEPTED!!! I love this character so much, oh my gosh///
[QUOTE="Lo Alyssa]ACCEPTED!!! I love this character so much, oh my gosh///

THANK YOU! and im glad you like her! <3
First character:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca7b366ce_Scan3copy2.jpeg.0f1ce19296f9b28b66ef075123cfff0b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131145" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca7b366ce_Scan3copy2.jpeg.0f1ce19296f9b28b66ef075123cfff0b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Dorian Delacroix

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Familiar

Class: Assassin/mage

Abilities/powers: As a familiar, Dorian can easily shapeshift between numerous animals and use magic, but he rarely uses it as his main weapon. He prefers to use it as something that helps him sneak around and stab people in the back, using his skills to move around swiftly, silently, and with deadly aim. He is quite good at hand to hand combat, but his upbringing as a rogue made him strive to avoid that. No lock can hold him back, and people should watch out for whatever they keep in their pockets, because it might soon be gone. He is great at climbing and street-running (parkour). The fact that he is a familiar lets him easily recognize magic and magic-wielding people.

Weapons: (does animal forms count?), magic, twin swords or knives.

Appearance: Dorian has black, short hair that is shaved on the sides, piercing green eys and tan skin. His face is rather angular and with sharp features. He is sly and slim, moving with an almost animal grace and precision.

He wears light leather and cloth armor, which lets him move easily without making any sound. (For reference armor: Garrett from thief)

Personality: Dorian is a carefree, happy person, who constantly jokes around, and is naive and vain, or at least that's what he make himself look like to others. He is a secretive man, and a master liar and manipulator, loving to push people around like game pieces, and always planning two steps forward to advance his own agenda. He is brutally honest despite what people may think of him later. His mind is a dark and twisted thing, which he brings forward if you truly piss him off.

Biography: Dorian grew up in the streets of many cities. Abandoned by his parents, he grew up trying to keep his brother out of trouble and safe and sound, but this often meant that he himself had to rob, steal and kill to survive. Finally, he got taken under the wing of an older thief from whom he learnt all of his skills. Soon he was climbing the ranks of the underworld, becoming a renowned assassin and thief for hire, often refered to as the Lie-Smith or the Trickster because of how he always kept his identity secret and the way he pushed people around. When he accidentaly became Garretts familiar, his newly aquired magic powers only helped him along further.

Him joining the search for the crown is just a way for him to try and secure a future.

Second character:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca7b3bc56_Scan3copy3.jpeg.00ea06c61846ac534ca1ed1a7d7bc7c0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca7b3bc56_Scan3copy3.jpeg.00ea06c61846ac534ca1ed1a7d7bc7c0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Garrett Walker.

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Human.

Class: Battlemage, warrior.

Abilities/powers: Garret has rather powerful magic, but lacks the finesse needed to craft intricate spells, so he most often just uses it for sheer destructive value when needed. Most often he will jump into battle with his trusted sword and shield, taking the front lines.

Weapons: Battlestaff, sword and shield. Knives, just in case.

Appearance: Garrett has short black hair and a black beard, caramel skin and whiskey eyes. He has the average build of a normal warrior: kinda tall and muscular.

He wears rather normal metal plated armor and a torn red cloak.

Personality: He is a cheerful, friendly and loyal man who cares deeply about those he dares call friends. He always extends a helping hand to those in need. His emotions and thoughts are open to everyone, making him a very trustworthy companion. He gives good advice to those who listen. Though he is not too talkative, he still often cracks jokes.

Biography: Garrett grew up in a farm with his family, but when he got older, he decided to join the city guard, which was a perfect place for him to use his strength and his lawful attitude. Though he often ignored the unjust way the guard acted towards the commonfolk. Unfortunately that job did not last long. He was constantly sent off to try and catch a certain assassin named the Trickster. But through their usual exchange of jabes and snappy comeback puns during chases and fights they soon became a weird pair of friends and enemies. Through an accident involving a sewer, giant spiders and a cave-in, the Trickster, Dorian, became Garrett's familiar. With some convincing from Dorian's part, Garrett soon joined him in slightly more illegal jobs, though he only hunted those who truly broke laws or were outright bad people.

Third character:


Age: 356 (since his last rebirth, he's actually way past triple that.)

Gender: Male

Species: Dryad/Anthousai (flower type dyad)

Class: Hunter, Druid

Abilities/powers: Quite simply, he controls plantlife. He can make it grow or wither, also move to his will. He can vanish into trees to step out of some other one, almost like teleportation. He is a great marksman who rarely, if never, misses his mark.

He is immortal unless someone destroys the tree his life force is bound to. This does not mean that he is indestructible: any major injury might force him to go into a trance-like state which returns him to his life-tree until he recuperates. He ca. Easily guide anyone through any forest because he communicated with trees to find paths. He also understands animals, and they understand what he speaks.

Also: as he does not show his mood on his face, flowers uncontrollably bloom under his feet in accordance to what he is feeling.

Weapons: Bow, knives, whatever plants are around, parts of his armor.

Appearance: Hunter has long, black hair down to his waist. His skin is sandstone-colored and his eyes are a green-brown. I can only describe his features as aquiline. He is sly and tall.

He often wears simple light armor of leather and fur, though parts of it seem overgrown with wood: he uses it in combat, growing it into weapons or making it encase enemy ones.

Personality: He can be described as having none. He is an introverted, quiet person who is stoic and strategic. He only speaks when he needs to or is directly addressed. Talking to him might be a hassle as he speaks in a somewhat strange fashion, often like riddles. But he is wise and listening to him might be worth it.

Biography: It is unknown even to him, as his first years of life are only vague snippets in his memory. He remembers how he was raised in the land of spirits and was marked, acknowledged as one of them. He remembers some of his deaths: stabbed in the back by ones he called friends, burning with a forest he tried to protect.... He has spent the last years simply traveling and helping out random settlements by bringing them good harvests. When he heard rumors about the search for the crown, he decided to join in for no other reason than to help.


I'm rp_dragonfire on IG. I have no clue how to post pictures here, so if you want to know how any of them look, text me there.



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image.jpegName: Oceana

Age: 24

Height: 5'2"(and a half inch)

Gender: Female


Class: Hunter


-Forest instincts/ Communication with animals/ plant knowledge.

- Heightened senses

-Average smithing skills of the elven style

Weapon(s):Bow, twin daggers, Hunting knife, traps.

Appearance: sea-green eyes and swirling vine tattoos that encompass her face, shoulders and back

-she also has a Scottish accent..?


-She is quiet most of the time and talks only to give warnings/information and drop snarky/sarcastic comments

- Her mind is as sharp as her daggers and she loves puzzles and riddles. She isn't enormously physically strong but she's flexible and quick and has great mental fortitude.

- She has a foul temper that's hard to awaken but also equally hard to rein back in and gets into all sorts of reckless situations while trying to play hero.

-She has a soft spot for animals and hates mistreatment of any creature be they man, animal or dragon

-She is loyal and honorable to a fault yet very aloof and quite cold to all but animals and children. But once she opens up to someone she will defend them with her all.

- She is very gay but will never admit to crushes or anything. And very much dislikes men who try to flirt with her

-She is also quite devout to the elven gods, especially the goddess of the hunt, and practices rituals daily.


-Her heightened senses are also vulnerable. Noises/lights/smells that stagger others can devastate her

-Not as physically strong in terms of brute force

-She can't use magic/ magical healing is only 50% as effective on her

Biography: Oceana is from a forest clan of elves who are Hunter/gatherer type people. She was the daughter of the clan's smith but trained as a hunter, which is uncommon. She was exiled from her clan for reasons unknown. (She may say if you earn her trust). She has been a wanderer since she was 18, looking for smith work and finding very little luck in the cities. Elves avoid her because lone elves are "always cursed or evil or trouble" and humans mock her for simply being elven. She has wandered to Brink by chance and happens upon a request for aid in the tavern.

Theme song???:

Voice Claim:

Extra!!!: I'm elizaveta213 on IG. And ElizavetaH213 on DA

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.bc9590ca0de840b6b209e03a4b24f1cc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130817" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.bc9590ca0de840b6b209e03a4b24f1cc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.eac63d366ac9f81cba0540448d5e8b8d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136246" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.eac63d366ac9f81cba0540448d5e8b8d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Second picture is new outfit)

(I'm just redoing the whole thing because I kept editing it)

Name: Valeiah Cermish (Va-lay-ah / Say-er-mish)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Class: Healer ?? She heals stuff

Abilities/Powers: She can heal any wound, her own wounds heal quickly but leave scars

Weapon(s): Dagger

Appearance: (^^^ shown above ^^^)

Personality: She's not into the love thing, and if you confess love to her she will most definitely turn you down. She has a sarcastic sense of humor. her personality can change quite drastically from being very sarcastic and goofy to serious. In different situations, she's either positive in a bad way or negative in a good way. For example, "Well, we may have to amputate your leg, but at least you can be carried around.." And "That bear is going to kill us. Maybe I'll get some rest." If she is told to do something, she will most likely do it.

Biography: She grew up in a tribe, with her mother, father, and several siblings. She was raised to be able to defend herself, but she was also raised to be as kind as she could be. She was a very obedient child. She harnessed her power to heal at the age of twelve, extremely young in her tribe.

Extra: Everyone in her tribe has the power to heal, some just haven't developed it as well.

She will fight if she needs to. And when she needs to, she's good at it.

She's an excellent survivor, so that comes in handy at times.

@danifruit on Instagram yo



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/IMG_20160601_141234_1464765220659.jpg.9c6be784481776838db321979cf57493.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130825" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/IMG_20160601_141234_1464765220659.jpg.9c6be784481776838db321979cf57493.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ferrix Vaenala.


29 years old.






Fire mage.


-Ferrix have great control over his magical talent but in a situation where he is overwhelm by his emotion, his control might slip away.

-Other than the usual manipulation and creation of flames, his bloodline (which is an old bloodline of flame mage) grant the ability to be immune to fire and also enchant something or someone else to be immune to fire as well.

-He can't make a huge amount of flame all at once but he can work with that.

-His skill in wielding sword isn't to be underestimated as well, he doesn't excel in it but he is by no means bad.

-Occasionally, he might have a dream of his ancestor telling him to go somewhere. This is an ability everyone in his family have and for them, the dream is the ancestor reaching out to show them something.


A rather short sword which he uses for emergency in a situation where he can't use his magic. (I forget to draw it on his belt though.)


The picture is above.


Ferrix is a nonchalant but nice person. He doesn't show much emotion on daily basis though, which might make people think he is a cold and distant person (not entirely wrong but not accurate as well, he will be polite when you try to talk to him but stay quiet most of the time unless he thinks he have something to add into the conversation/discussion.). Ferrix have been a loner ever since he was a child; a trait that stays with him until adulthood.

He speaks softly. Even if he decided to open up to someone, he is still the quiet person that he is.


He was born to a family with long history of having magic, specifically fire magic. While his family don't have any family name, they do mark whoever carries their bloodline with a tattoo of a feline-like creature on the left palm and another tattoo on the back of a huge bird spreading its wing. Even though he was living in a peaceful and calm life, Ferrix found it boring and decided to take on travelling around when he was 17. He still frequently exchange letters with his older sister and visits his family at least once a year though.

He have 6 siblings, him being the second child of 7 children.


-by the way I am trashcanowl in ig. :D



  • IMG_20160601_141234_1464765220659.jpg
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L1d1ja said:
First character:
Dorian Delacroix

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Familiar

Class: Assassin/mage

Abilities/powers: As a familiar, Dorian can easily shapeshift between numerous animals and use magic, but he rarely uses it as his main weapon. He prefers to use it as something that helps him sneak around and stab people in the back, using his skills to move around swiftly, silently, and with deadly aim. He is quite good at hand to hand combat, but his upbringing as a rogue made him strive to avoid that. No lock can hold him back, and people should watch out for whatever they keep in their pockets, because it might soon be gone. He is great at climbing and street-running (parkour). The fact that he is a familiar lets him easily recognize magic and magic-wielding people.

Weapons: (does animal forms count?), magic, twin swords or knives.

Appearance: Dorian has black, short hair that is shaved on the sides, piercing green eys and tan skin. His face is rather angular and with sharp features. He is sly and slim, moving with an almost animal grace and precision.

He wears light leather and cloth armor, which lets him move easily without making any sound. (For reference armor: Garrett from thief)

Personality: Dorian is a carefree, happy person, who constantly jokes around, and is naive and vain, or at least that's what he make himself look like to others. He is a secretive man, and a master liar and manipulator, loving to push people around like game pieces, and always planning two steps forward to advance his own agenda. He is brutaly honest despite what people may think of him later. His mind is a dark and twisted thing, which he brings forward if you truly piss him off.

Biography: Dorian grew up in the streets of many cities. Abandoned with his parents, he grew up trying to keep his brother out of trouble adn safe and sound, but this often meant that he himself had to rob, steal and kill to survive. Finaly, he got taken under the wing of an older thief from whom he learnt all of his skills. Soon he was climbing the ranks of the underworld, becoming a renowned assassin and thief for hire, often refered to as the Lie-Smith or the Trickster because of how he always kept his identity secret and the way he pushed people around. When he accidentaly became Garretts familiar, his newly aquired magic powers only helped him along further.

Him joining the search for the crown is just a way for him to try and secure a future.

Second character:

Name: Garrett Walker.

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Human.

Class: Battlemage, warrior.

Abilities/powers: Garret has rather powerful magic, but lacks the finesse needed to craft intricate spells, so he most often just uses it for sheer destructive value when needed. Most often he will jump into battle with his trusted sword and shield, taking the front lines.

Weapons: Battlestaff, sword and shield. Knives, just in case.

Appearance: Garrett has short black hair and a black beard, caramel skin and whiskey eyes. He has the average build of a normal warrior: kinda tall and muscular.

He wears rather normal metal plated armor and a torn red cloak.

Personality: He is a cheerful, friendly and loyal man who cares deeply about those he dares call friends. He always extends a helping hand to those in need. His emotions and thoughts are open to everyone, making him a very trustworthy companion. He gives good advice to those who listen. Though he is not too talkative, he still often cracks jokes.

Biography: Garrett grew up in a farm with his family, but when he got older, he decided to join the city guard, which was a perfect place for him to use his strenght and his lawful attidute. Though he often ignored the unjust way the guard acted towards the commonfolk. Unfortunately that job did not last long. He was constantly sent off to try and catch a certain assassin named the Trickster. But through their usual exchange of jabes and snappy comeback puns during chases and fights they soon became a weird pair of friends and enemies. Through an accident involving a sewer, giant spiders and a cave-in, the Trickster, Dorian, became Garrett's familiar. With some convincing from Dorian's part, Garrett soon joined him in slightly more illegal jobs, though he only hunted those who truly broke laws or were putright bad people.

Third character:


Age: 356

Gender: Male

Species: Dryad/Anthousai (flower type dyad)

Class: Hunter

Abilities/powers: Quite simply, he controls plantlife. He can make it grow or wither, also move to his will. He can vanish into trees to step out of some other one, almost like teleportation. He is a great marksman who rarely, if never, misses his mark.

He is immortal unless someone destroys the tree his life force is bound to. This does not mean that he is indestructible: any major injury might force him to go into a trance-like state which returns him to his life-tree until he recuperates. He ca. Easily guide anyone through any forest because he comunicated with trees to find paths.

Also: as he does not show his mood on his face, flowers uncontrolably bloom under his feet in acordance to what he is feeling.

Weapons: Bow, knives, whatever plants are around, parts of his armor.

Appearance: Hunter has long, black hair down to his waist. His skin is sandstone-colored and his eyes are a green-brown. I can only describe his features as aquiline. He is sly and tall.

He often wears simple light armor, though parts of it seem overgrown with wood: he uses it in combat, growing it into weapons or making it encase enemy ones.

Personality: He can be described as having none. He is an introverted, quiet person who is stoic and strategic. He only speaks when he needs to or is directly adressed. Talking to him might be a hassle as he speaks in a somewhat strange fashion, often like riddles. But he is wise and listening to him might be worth it.

Biography: It is unknown even to him, as his first 200+ years of life are only vague snippets in his memory. He has spent the last years simply traveling and helping out random settlements by bringing them good harvests. When he heard rumpurs about the search for the crown, he decided to join in for no other reason than to help.


I'm rp_dragonfire on IG. I have no clue how to post pictures here, so if you want to know how any of them look, text me there.
All three accepted!!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
OlKaJa77 said:
View attachment 291092 Name: Oceana
Age: 24

Height: 5'4"

Gender: Female


Class: Hunter


-Forest instincts/ Communication with animals/ plant knowledge.

- Heightened senses

-Average smithing skills of the elven style

Weapon(s):Bow, twin daggers, Hunting knife, traps.

Appearance: sea-green eyes and swirling vine tattoos that encompass her face, shoulders and back


-She is quiet most of the time and talks only to give warnings/information and drop snarky/sarcastic comments

- Her mind is as sharp as her daggers and she loves puzzles and riddles. She isn't enormously physically strong but she's flexible and quick and has great mental fortitude.

- She has a foul temper that's hard to awaken but also equally hard to rein back in and gets into all sorts of reckless situations while trying to play hero.

-She has a soft spot for animals and hates mistreatment of any creature be they man, animal or dragon

-She is loyal and honorable to a fault yet very aloof and quite cold to all but animals and children. But once she opens up to someone she will defend them with her all.

- She is very gay but will never admit to crushes or anything. And very much dislikes men who try to flirt with her

-She is also quite devout to the elven gods, especially the goddess of the hunt, and practices rituals daily.


-Her heightened senses are also vulnerable. Noises/lights/smells that stagger others can devastate her

-Not as physically strong in terms of brute force

-She can't use magic/ magical healing is only 50% as effective on her

Biography: Oceana is from a forest clan of elves who are Hunter/gatherer type people. She was the daughter of the clan's smith but trained as a hunter, which is uncommon. She was exiled from her clan for reasons unknown. (She may say if you earn her trust). She has been a wanderer since she was 18, looking for smith work and finding very little luck in the cities. Elves avoid her because lone elves are "always cursed or evil or trouble" and humans mock her for simply being elven. She has wandered to Brink by chance and happens upon a request for aid in the tavern.

Extra!!!: I'm elizaveta213 on IG. And ElizavetaH213 on DA
Accepted!!! I am loving your character heCK///
Danika said:
View attachment 291096
(I'm just redoing the whole thing because I kept editing it)

Name: Valeiah Cermish (Va-lay-ah / Say-er-mish)

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Class: Healer ?? She heals stuff

Abilities/Powers: She can heal any wound, her own wounds heal quickly but leave scars

Weapon(s): Dagger

Appearance: (^^^ shown above ^^^)

Personality: She's serious with people she doesn't know well. She's not into the love thing, and if you confess love to her she will most definitely turn you down. Around people she knows, she has a sarcastic sense of humor. She ate very serious, but she is one of the most caring people ever. In different situations, she's either positive in a bad way or negative in a good way. For example, "Well, we may have to amputate your leg, but at least you can be carried around.." And "That bear is going to kill us. Maybe I'll get some rest." If she is told to do something, she will most likely do it.

Biography: She grew up in a tribe sort of environment, with her mother, father, and several siblings. She was raised to be able to defend herself, but she was also raised to be as kind as she could be. She was a very obedient child. She harnessed her power to heal at the age of twelve, extremely young in her tribe.

Extra: Everyone in her tribe has the power to heal, some just haven't developed it as well.

@danifruit on Instagram yo
Accepted!!! She's so cute and great, I love hER.
Jayshen said:
View attachment 291107

Ferrix Vaenala.


29 years old.






Fire mage.


-Ferrix have great control over his magical talent but in a situation where he is overwhelm by his emotion, his control might slip away.

-Other than the usual manipulation and creation of flames, his bloodline (which is an old bloodline of flame mage) grant the ability to be immune to fire and also enchant something or someone else to be immune to fire as well.

-He can't make a huge amount of flame all at once but he can work with that.

-His skill in wielding sword isn't to be underestimated as well, he doesn't excel in it but he is by no means bad.

-Occasionally, he might have a dream of his ancestor telling him to go somewhere. This is an ability everyone in his family have and for them, the dream is the ancestor reaching out to show them something.


A rather short sword which he uses for emergency in a situation where he can't use his magic. (I forget to draw it on his belt though.)


The picture is above.


Ferrix is a nonchalant but nice person. He doesn't show much emotion on daily basis though, which might make people think he is a cold and distant person (not entirely wrong but not accurate as well, he will be polite when you try to talk to him but stay quiet most of the time unless he thinks he have something to add into the conversation/discussion.). Ferrix have been a loner ever since he was a child; a trait that stays with him until adulthood.

He speaks softly. Even if he decided to open up to someone, he is still the quiet person that he is.


He was born to a family with long history of having magic, specifically fire magic. While his family don't have any family name, they do mark whoever carries their bloodline with a tattoo of a feline-like creature on the left palm and another tattoo on the back of a huge bird spreading its wing. Even though he was living in a peaceful and calm life, Ferrix found it boring and decided to take on travelling around when he was 17. He still frequently exchange letters with his older sister and visits his family at least once a year though.

He have 6 siblings, him being the second child of 7 children.


-by the way I am trashcanowl in ig. :D
Accepted!!! He's such a sweet cinnamon roll, oh my goodness.
(Oy Vey ok so wow I'm gonna try to do this.)

Name: Bo

Age: 38 (26 in appearance)

Gender: Male

Species: Human/Dragon

Class: Mercenary, Full Time Dork

Abilities/Powers: Well, he's go a few things up his not-literal sleeves (because you see, he doesn't have any). He's got the blood of an elemental lightning dragon in him, so while he doesn't express it outwardly, he's able to "breathe," or I guess, expel lightning from his mouth, or from his limbs. So, with a sweeping kick or a point of the arm he can send out lightning bolts from his hands or feet. Huzzah. The only issue is that while it's real cool and all, it's kind of a 1 to 100 thing. It's either a teeny shock or a big deadly zap. He hasn't figured out how to get a hold of that middle ground yet, so unless he knows for sure that he can, or should, kill the enemy, he holds back. Naturally, though, when he does zapitty-zap, it doesn't hurt him at all.

The whole dragon blood deal's also given him above-average human strength and resilience. He heals/recovers a bit faster from wounds, so he can take a beating, but he ain't immortal or anything. He does age a lot slower though.

He can also do a pretty cool handstand. That's pretty impressive too.

Weapon(s): His charm /cough/ I mean, uh, he's got a bow and arrow that he's pretty good at using. He's got a good eye for aiming, but he's gotta be fully focused, and he's best at hitting things from a good distance. He's also great at compensating for wind - he does the whole licking your finger and putting it up into the air thing, so you know he's got it down to a science.

He's also got a short sword (or a long dagger, something in between), that he's great at throwing. When it comes to combat that's up and close though, he prefers to use his fists. That's his strong-suit.

Appearance: He's gigantic - in general, but he also stands at a whoppin' 6 foot 7 inches, so there's that. If you can't see anything he makes a great lookout point (I kid, but just imagine what you could see atop those shoulders... it's a whole new world). He's also got a hood that he normally wears up, but for the sake of the picture reference, which is down below, he's got all that head showing. Sweet. Now you can see the lovely scar splitting his face in 3/4 and 1/4.

Personality: Despite having a pretty dang diddly darn wacko upbringing he's turned out alright. As long as he isn't in a life or death situation, mid-mission, or in the middle of a fight, he's pretty chill. He's got a pretty quick wit, and will make jokes whenever there's room, and it feels appropriate. He does, however, deliver a lot of his jokes with a straight face, and will laugh moments after the fact to reassure people he really is joking.

Once he forms a friendship, he's ridiculously loyal. But until then, he's kinda distant. He'll keep small-talk going with people, and be genuinely enjoyable, but that doesn't mean you're his friend. It takes him a while to really trust people.

When it comes to social conflicts he tries to find the quickest solution to the problem, but if he can, he'll avoid it for as long as possible.

I'm not sure what else to say.

He's a cool guy and he gives nice hugs... but he doesn't really like hugs.

Biography: To keep it brief and obnoxiously vague, he grew up without a family, and ran away from home in his late teens. He's been on his own for a while. He doesn't really like to talk about it much.

Extra: (extra, read all about it) Uh, he grows out his beard in the winter and shaves it in the summer, but as for his head of hair he keeps it pretty short and manageable.

He also really really really doesn't like the ocean.

He's allergic to cats.

Uh... yeah. It's sound.of.mind from Insta, btw!


aug-sept 2016 427.jpg
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[QUOTE="Lo Alyssa]All three accepted!!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH

I'm really happy that you like them!

Name: Princess Lucasta

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Class: Princess???

Abilities/Powers: She has the ability to manipulate light. She can create light from thin air, and use it to light dark paths, and expel heat from her body to heat others.

Weapon(s): Simple sword and shield.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca763fad3_PrincessLucastaOutfits.jpg.5fd1130fc2948356aa112c79e395d330.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130968" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca763fad3_PrincessLucastaOutfits.jpg.5fd1130fc2948356aa112c79e395d330.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She's quiet, and shy. She usually keeps to herself. Though she has a hard time connecting with others, she has no trouble speaking when though situations fall into her hands. She was born to lead, but her personality makes her have mixed feelings about her future. She gets depressed frequently, especially when she loses or fails something important. Whenever she is happy, she is a lovely person to be around, and no matter who the person is, always makes them smile.

Biography: Though most would think the life of a princess exquisite, her life was most tough. Her parents abused her as a child, and is one of the reasons of her shyness and depression. Her parents were kind to most, but their wish for a first born son made them treat Lucasta horribly. When the Queen had their second child, who was a son, they ignored Lucasta and treated her more of a servant than a child. When the demon lord attacked the kingdom, she was still saddened over the loss of her parents, and quickly got her baby brother from his room, and fled the kingdom. It was a struggle to keep both of them alive, since they weren't ever taught how to survive in the wild. She were starving and injured with infected wounds when they arrived at the village. The inn keeper took them in as long as Lucasta helped out at the Inn. She served as a waitress in the main hall, serving drinks and food. 3 years later, she has an urge in her gut to set out on a journey to take back what was taken from her, and planned and sent out letters to other kingdoms, hoping to get other to join her on her long journey.

Extra: She is uncomfortable when people try to flirt with her or show her kindness, because of a horrible thing someone did to her during her stay at the village. She gets snappy and jittery when someone mentions romance or anything related to that.



  • Princess Lucasta Outfits.jpg
    Princess Lucasta Outfits.jpg
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Name: Pip

Age: Unknown but is definitely very old.

Gender: Male

Species: Stone Imp

Class: Observer

Abilities/Powers: Can turn his body or a part of his body into stone, at will. He can use his powers to hide from the enemy or to fight with them.



Personality: Although he is full of wisdom, Pip does not talk out loud very much. The tone of his voice is sorrowfully monotone.

Biography: Sculpted ages ago, Pip wanders around the globe and watches the people of the land. He now resides on top of the highest tower of the Village of Brink where he has remained for quite sometime. In his stone form, no one bothers to notice him staring at them from the tower. He does not interfere with the people he observes but that could all change soon...

Extra: {I like to reveal more during the RP} Also, my character will be very passive and will remain just a statue during the beginning of the RP, since he refuses to interfere with others. Later on, he will reveal that he is not a lifeless sculpture but an actual living creature who is more willing to help them.

Theme Song:


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[QUOTE="Lo Alyssa]Accepted!!! I am loving your character heCK///

Thanks so much! (,,Ծ‸Ծ,, ) I'm really looking forward to this RP
soundofmind said:
(Oy Vey ok so wow I'm gonna try to do this.)
Name: Bo

Age: 38 (26 in appearance)

Gender: Male

Species: Human/Dragon

Class: Part Time Assassin, Full Time Dork

Abilities/Powers: Well, he's go a few things up his not-literal sleeves (because you see, he doesn't have any). He's got the blood of an elemental lightning dragon in him, so while he doesn't express it outwardly, he's able to "breathe," or I guess, expel lightning from his mouth, or from his limbs. So, with a sweeping kick or a point of the arm he can send out lightning bolts from his hands or feet. Huzzah. The only issue is that while it's real cool and all, it's kind of a 1 to 100 thing. It's either a teeny shock or a big deadly zap. He hasn't figured out how to get a hold of that middle ground yet, so unless he knows for sure that he can, or should, kill the enemy, he holds back. Naturally, though, when he does zapitty-zap, it doesn't hurt him at all.

The whole dragon blood deal's also given him above-average human strength and resilience. He heals/recovers a bit faster from wounds, so he can take a beating, but he ain't immortal or anything. He does age a lot slower though.

He can also do a pretty cool handstand. That's pretty impressive too.

Weapon(s): His charm /cough/ I mean, uh, he's got a bow and arrow that he's pretty good at using. He's got a good eye for aiming, but he's gotta be fully focused, and he's best at hitting things from a good distance. He's also great at compensating for wind - he does the whole licking your finger and putting it up into the air thing, so you know he's got it down to a science.

He's also got a short sword (or a long dagger, something in between), that he's great at throwing. When it comes to combat that's up and close though, he prefers to use his fists. That's his strong-suit.

Appearance: He's gigantic - in general, but he also stands at a whoppin' 6 foot 7 inches, so there's that. If you can't see anything he makes a great lookout point (I kid, but just imagine what you could see atop those shoulders... it's a whole new world). He's also got a hood that he normally wears up, but for the sake of the picture reference, which is down below, he's got all that head showing. Sweet. Now you can see the lovely scar splitting his face in 3/4 and 1/4.

Personality: Despite having a pretty dang diddly darn wacko upbringing he's turned out alright. As long as he isn't in a life or death situation, mid-mission, or in the middle of a fight, he's pretty chill. He's got a pretty quick wit, and will make jokes whenever there's room, and it feels appropriate. He does, however, deliver a lot of his jokes with a straight face, and will laugh moments after the fact to reassure people he really is joking.

Once he forms a friendship, he's ridiculously loyal. But until then, he's distant. He'll keep small-talk going for a while with people, and be genuinely enjoyable, but there ain't no way in heckie that means you're his friend. It takes him a while to really trust people?? Like how does he know whether or not you wanna talk to him to just be nice or if you actually wanna be a committed friend???? HE DOESn'T.

When it comes to social conflicts he tries to find the quickest solution to the problem, but if he can, he'll avoid it for as long as possible.

I'm not sure what else to say.

He's a cool guy and he gives nice hugs... but he doesn't really like hugs.

Biography: Started from the bottom now he here. To keep it brief and obnoxiously vague, he grew up without a family, and ran away from home in his late teens. He's been on his own for a while. He doesn't really like to talk about it much.

Extra: (extra, read all about it) Uh, he grows out his beard in the winter and shaves it in the summer, but as for his head of hair he keeps it pretty short and manageable.

He also really really really doesn't like the ocean.

He's allergic to cats.

Uh... yeah. It's sound.of.mind from Insta, btw!

View attachment 291121
TOTALLY ACCEPTED!!! Love him so much.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]

Name: Princess Lucasta

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Class: Princess???

Abilities/Powers: She has the ability to manipulate light. She can create light from thin air, and use it to light dark paths, and expel heat from her body to heat others.

Weapon(s): Simple sword and shield.

Appearance: (I shall upload a picture when I finish.)

Personality: She's quiet, and shy. She usually keeps to herself. Though she has a hard time connecting with others, she has no trouble speaking when though situations fall into her hands. She was born to lead, but her personality makes her have mixed feelings about her future. She gets depressed frequently, especially when she loses or fails something important. Whenever she is happy, she is a lovely person to be around, and no matter who the person is, always makes them smile.

Biography: Though most would think the life of a princess exquisite, her life was most tough. Her parents abused her as a child, and is one of the reasons of her shyness and depression. Her parents were kind to most, but their wish for a first born son made them treat Lucasta horribly. When the Queen had their second child, who was a son, they ignored Lucasta and treated her more of a servant than a child. When the demon lord attacked the kingdom, she was still saddened over the loss of her parents, and quickly got her baby brother from his room, and fled the kingdom. It was a struggle to keep both of them alive, since they weren't ever taught how to survive in the wild. She were starving and injured with infected wounds when they arrived at the village. The inn keeper took them in as long as Lucasta helped out at the Inn. She served as a waitress in the main hall, serving drinks and food. 3 years later, she has an urge in her gut to set out on a journey to take back what was taken from her, and planned and sent out letters to other kingdoms, hoping to get other to join her on her long journey.

Extra: She is uncomfortable when people try to flirt with her or show her kindness, because of a horrible thing someone did to her during her stay at the village. She gets snappy and jittery when someone mentions romance or anything related to that.

DENIED. I am jesting, it's accepted of course.
[QUOTE="RP Marshall]Name: Pip
Age: Unknown but is definitely very old.

Gender: Male

Species: Stone Imp

Class: Observer

Abilities/Powers: Can turn his body or a part of his body into stone, at will. He can use his powers to hide from the enemy or to fight with them.



Personality: Although he is full of wisdom, Pip does not talk very much. The tone of his voice is sorrowfully monotone.

Biography: Sculpted ages ago, Pip wanders around the globe and watches the people of the land. He now resides on top of the highest tower of the Village of Brink where he has remained for quite sometime. In his stone form, no one bothers to notice him staring at them from the tower. He does not interfere with the people he observes but that could all change soon...

Extra: {I like to reveal more during the RP} Also, my character will be very passive and will remain just a statue during the beginning of the RP, since he refuses to interfere with others. Later on, he will reveal that he is not a lifeless sculpture but an actual living creature who is more willing to help them.

Theme Song:


Accepted of course!!
Abberakelaran said:
Name: Abigail Tetranna DrakennWulf
Age: ???

Gender: Female-ish

Species: Shapeshift. Probably originally human, but whether the human form she wears is her own is unknown.

Class: She can fulfill most combat roles, by shifting into something suitable.

Abilities/Powers: She can shapeshift into most anything she can think of, and will always be an optimal form of that being. She will in fact generally be stronger, faster, and larger in her animal forms, than actual animals of that type. She can communicated to some degree with all animals. She can also focus and transform certain parts of her body specifically into almost any material or shape. She is limited somewhat by mass, but she contains a great deal more mass that you would think in her human form she weighs upwards of one thousand pounds, and relatedly her physical structure is extremely durable. Her bones are breakable, and her skin can still be cut, but both require a great deal of force, or a very sharp weapon. However she has no magical abilities whatsoever. She can be effected by magic and has no resistances. However lasting magical effects do not work on her as she cannot properly be locked onto. Unfortunately that goes for longer lasting healing spells as well and she almost entirely has to relay on her own enhanced healing and ability to shift away most normal injuries. Magical injuries will persist when shifting, but they will be weakened every shift until they go away. Additionally she cannot eat and while her body generally runs itself she periodically has to draw mass from stone or other non organic items to replenish herself. She can also change the physical properties of her body to be different materials, such as metal.

Weapon(s): Generally she uses the physical abilities of her shapeshifted forms. However she will occasionally morph her arms into weapons, and can use her mass to create weapons from her body, although if she does this too much she will have to replenish her mass with stone.

Appearance: Her usual human form is a six foot two woman with long silver hair, and light brown skin. She looks healthy and fit, but is much stronger, and heavier than she looks. Her eyes are a silvery purple, and remain such through any form she chooses to take on.

Personality: She is generally irritable, and anti-social. However she likes animals, and is a generally kind person. If you refer to her as Abby or Abigail, and are not thrown through the nearest window, then she likes you quite well.

Biography: She is a mercenary, who heard about the princess calling for aid through some connections of hers. She has been alive and acting as a mercenary for many centuries, generally fighting for the highest bidder. However on occasion she has been known to turn against her employer for moral reasons, and is generally not poorly regarded by those who know of her.

Extra: She joined the princess's party primarily because of a power she heard the crown had. She thinks that the crown can show her a glimpse of her long dead human family, whose faces, and names she has forgotten due to a particularly nasty century she spent some time ago. She can use natural abilities of things she shapeshifts into, such as breathing fire whilst a dragon, but she cannot use magical abilities.

Further note she is a bit too strong methinks, and if anyone has any thoughts on that i welcome them. I am currently trying to come up with weaknessess that don't mess with her freeflowing shapeshifting.


ACCEPTED!!! I love this character!!
L1d1ja said:
First character:
Dorian Delacroix

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Familiar

Class: Assassin/mage

Abilities/powers: As a familiar, Dorian can easily shapeshift between numerous animals and use magic, but he rarely uses it as his main weapon. He prefers to use it as something that helps him sneak around and stab people in the back, using his skills to move around swiftly, silently, and with deadly aim. He is quite good at hand to hand combat, but his upbringing as a rogue made him strive to avoid that. No lock can hold him back, and people should watch out for whatever they keep in their pockets, because it might soon be gone. He is great at climbing and street-running (parkour). The fact that he is a familiar lets him easily recognize magic and magic-wielding people.

Weapons: (does animal forms count?), magic, twin swords or knives.

Appearance: Dorian has black, short hair that is shaved on the sides, piercing green eys and tan skin. His face is rather angular and with sharp features. He is sly and slim, moving with an almost animal grace and precision.

He wears light leather and cloth armor, which lets him move easily without making any sound. (For reference armor: Garrett from thief)

Personality: Dorian is a carefree, happy person, who constantly jokes around, and is naive and vain, or at least that's what he make himself look like to others. He is a secretive man, and a master liar and manipulator, loving to push people around like game pieces, and always planning two steps forward to advance his own agenda. He is brutaly honest despite what people may think of him later. His mind is a dark and twisted thing, which he brings forward if you truly piss him off.

Biography: Dorian grew up in the streets of many cities. Abandoned with his parents, he grew up trying to keep his brother out of trouble adn safe and sound, but this often meant that he himself had to rob, steal and kill to survive. Finaly, he got taken under the wing of an older thief from whom he learnt all of his skills. Soon he was climbing the ranks of the underworld, becoming a renowned assassin and thief for hire, often refered to as the Lie-Smith or the Trickster because of how he always kept his identity secret and the way he pushed people around. When he accidentaly became Garretts familiar, his newly aquired magic powers only helped him along further.

Him joining the search for the crown is just a way for him to try and secure a future.

Second character:

Name: Garrett Walker.

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Human.

Class: Battlemage, warrior.

Abilities/powers: Garret has rather powerful magic, but lacks the finesse needed to craft intricate spells, so he most often just uses it for sheer destructive value when needed. Most often he will jump into battle with his trusted sword and shield, taking the front lines.

Weapons: Battlestaff, sword and shield. Knives, just in case.

Appearance: Garrett has short black hair and a black beard, caramel skin and whiskey eyes. He has the average build of a normal warrior: kinda tall and muscular.

He wears rather normal metal plated armor and a torn red cloak.

Personality: He is a cheerful, friendly and loyal man who cares deeply about those he dares call friends. He always extends a helping hand to those in need. His emotions and thoughts are open to everyone, making him a very trustworthy companion. He gives good advice to those who listen. Though he is not too talkative, he still often cracks jokes.

Biography: Garrett grew up in a farm with his family, but when he got older, he decided to join the city guard, which was a perfect place for him to use his strenght and his lawful attidute. Though he often ignored the unjust way the guard acted towards the commonfolk. Unfortunately that job did not last long. He was constantly sent off to try and catch a certain assassin named the Trickster. But through their usual exchange of jabes and snappy comeback puns during chases and fights they soon became a weird pair of friends and enemies. Through an accident involving a sewer, giant spiders and a cave-in, the Trickster, Dorian, became Garrett's familiar. With some convincing from Dorian's part, Garrett soon joined him in slightly more illegal jobs, though he only hunted those who truly broke laws or were putright bad people.

Third character:


Age: 356

Gender: Male

Species: Dryad/Anthousai (flower type dyad)

Class: Hunter

Abilities/powers: Quite simply, he controls plantlife. He can make it grow or wither, also move to his will. He can vanish into trees to step out of some other one, almost like teleportation. He is a great marksman who rarely, if never, misses his mark.

He is immortal unless someone destroys the tree his life force is bound to. This does not mean that he is indestructible: any major injury might force him to go into a trance-like state which returns him to his life-tree until he recuperates. He ca. Easily guide anyone through any forest because he comunicated with trees to find paths.

Also: as he does not show his mood on his face, flowers uncontrolably bloom under his feet in acordance to what he is feeling.

Weapons: Bow, knives, whatever plants are around, parts of his armor.

Appearance: Hunter has long, black hair down to his waist. His skin is sandstone-colored and his eyes are a green-brown. I can only describe his features as aquiline. He is sly and tall.

He often wears simple light armor, though parts of it seem overgrown with wood: he uses it in combat, growing it into weapons or making it encase enemy ones.

Personality: He can be described as having none. He is an introverted, quiet person who is stoic and strategic. He only speaks when he needs to or is directly adressed. Talking to him might be a hassle as he speaks in a somewhat strange fashion, often like riddles. But he is wise and listening to him might be worth it.

Biography: It is unknown even to him, as his first 200+ years of life are only vague snippets in his memory. He has spent the last years simply traveling and helping out random settlements by bringing them good harvests. When he heard rumpurs about the search for the crown, he decided to join in for no other reason than to help.


I'm rp_dragonfire on IG. I have no clue how to post pictures here, so if you want to know how any of them look, text me there.
You can upload pictures by pressing the "upload a file" in more options when you edit your post? Find the pictures you want, the press full picture.


Name: Thora

Physical Age: 19

Actual Age: Several decades (as time affects her differently)

Gender: Female

Species: Oread (Nymph of the mountains)

Class: Adventurer/Archer (because of their mythological history of working alongside of Artemis [which I know is Greek])

Abilities/Powers: Understand nature; Can enter/become one with Rowan Tree (also called Mountain Ash)

Weapon(s): Bow & Arrow

Appearance: Shorter, only reaching about five feet tall; Long hair (that when not put up falls to her knees) that is a dark blonde with olive green ombre; Sleek features; Longer pointy ears; Eyes are red like the berries from the Rowan Tree

Flowy clothing: Long, open sleeves; Long, high-waisted skirt with long slit up the leg; Layered belts; three-fingered archery glove; loose ankle booties; Lots of necklaces

Personality: Quiet & observant; Very thoughtful & kind yet it isn't shown as much because she is very bashful


Thora was brought into the world just a year before the current king was born. She spent much of her time running around the mountainside she called home; she was adventurous and excited to learn about life. She was often found climbing high trees, laying on the grass and playing with the bugs, or taming the blind animals that called the inside of her mountain home.

Then a monstrous fire spread across the far side of her mountain. She retreated into her favorite tree and hid there for many years (as her time in a tree was abstracted and different than the time outside of the tree). When she finally entered the world again, several years had passed (much to her surprise as she thought she had only been hidden for a few months). She explored her mountain and found that many of her sisters had died in the fire that had claimed most of her home. She felt relieved that she had miraculously survived but also guilty that she had lived and so many of her sisters had died.

There was nothing left her on that mountain and so she ventured away. In her travel to the nearest mountain (a far journey away) she learned how to perfect her archery skills (something that all of her sisters had possessed beforehand and she had been practicing). As she crossed the sea to Algoran in her quest to the Mountain of Eldur, she grew more quiet and isolated, her passionate side quickly dwindling like a fire in a thunderstorm. When she landed in the new country, she heard murmurs in the ground and a pull from nature to go to the village of Brink. Though once she was there, she didn't quite know why.


- Unless it's in the caves and tunnels of a mountain, Thora is fairly claustrophobic.

- Feels most comfortable traveling on foot, as it connects her better to the earth. If she had to travel quicker, then it must be on animal-back because she cramps up and grows anxious when riding in a cart or wagon.

- She prefers the outdoors, choosing to sleep outside in almost any weather condition because she doesn't like to be inside. That being said, she still doesn't mind venturing indoors for a drink, to buy something, or to marvel at a palace.
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