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Fantasy Tainted Beauty of the Fallen Divine

Alice sighed softly and stood up quietly, knowing well that he wouldn't let her change his mind.
Strange man he is..I hope I can get to know him better- I miss having people around to talk to... She thought to herself quietly as they walked around looking for a place to stay.
She timidly stepped in and looked around, her mind couldn't help but wander.
If he wanted to hurt me he would've done it already- no one goes through the trouble of finding a room for someone they want to help just to kill them.
After reassuring herself she leaned against the wall and slumped down until she was sitting, now visibly in pain.
She slowly took off his coat and set it to the side neatly, now that they were out of the night and in decent lighting she looked like she was in much worse shape. Her pale skin was dotted with various cuts, scratches and darkly colored bruises that she'd collected over the years.
"It's really not that bad.." She stated quietly, trying to reassure him that she was okay.
"It's As Bad As It Looks, Alice, This Will Take A While To Deal With" He Says With A Serious Tone, As He Begins To Tend To The Injuries As To Prevent Them From Leaving The Scars Or Infection.
She winced quietly and bit her tongue, trying to keep silent to avoid alerting him, her eyes glossed over as he dealt with some of her worse injuries causing her to close them and turn her head to the side.
"a-ow...careful please...." She whispered, sounding a lot more fragile now that she was comfortable with him.
Alice watched him tend to her wounds quietly, she ended up smiling a bit while he took care of her.
"I don't get it.." She thought aloud while closing her eyes again
She jumped a bit and looked at him again, her cheeks turning a light pink- embarrassment from speaking her mind.
"O-oh um, how nice you're being to me...I've never quite experienced it before.."
"Well ... I Saw Someone In A Bind And I Helped Them Out, It's As Simple As That." He Says Cheerfully, Continue With What Is Needed.
She looked down, letting her hair cover her face a bit.
"I wish more people thought like you...too many say that and don't mean it, or just flat out hurt you.."
"Well, Some Lie And Others Are Misguided In What They Think Is Right And Wrong, But There Will Always Be Good And Bad People, It's The Nature Of The World, There Will Be Bad People Who Will Harm Others And Try To Gains As Much As They Can, At The Expanse Of Others, And There Also Be People Who Will Help Others, With No Interest In What They Can Gain, And Will Stand Up Against Those Who Use And Abuse Others, And There Will Be People Caught In The Middle, Those Who Do Not Take Sides, But Try To Do The Best For Themselves …" As He Says This, He Sounds Cheerful But As He Goes Own, His Word Give Of A Feeling Of Melancholy, He Then Says Quickly "Oh! Let's Get Back To The Injuries!"
Alice smiles softly and looked away again, before long her breathing slowed and she started to become drowsy.
"Ah jeez....I can't remember the last time I was able to just...rest...this is so nice.." She whispered quietly
"Well, From Now And On You Should Have Two Sets Of Eyes, If It Is Needed, I'm Going To Get Us Something, You Have Any Interest In Anything?" He Says Standing Up And Making His Way Towards The Door.
"O-oh, um...I don't eat a whole lot, just whatever I can find...surprise me I guess..?" She smiled softly, trying not to admit to scavenging in the trash and stealing from farmers fields.
She looked away and clasped her hands together.
"I've always wanted to try one of those pizza things.." she whispered,
"When I tried to get one was the first time I encountered someone harmful, since then I've always wanted to try the food he said he was 'protecting' from me" She stated
"Alright, I'll Order Us A Pizza, I'm Sure You Love That! But Before That Lock The Door When I Leave, And Open It Only If You Hear My Voice." He Says With A Cheerful Tone And Goes To Go Through The Process Of Getting A Large Peperoni Pizza. (Somehow I Know You Where Going To Say That XD.)
(haha it's the first thing I thought of XD)

Alice nodded and stood up carefully, she locked the door behind him when he left and looked around the room, eventually deciding she would feel the most safe in a corner. She crawled over to one and curled up, keeping her eye on the door.

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