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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

He laughed "I think i'm done for now, yeah? I won't keep pressin ya for answers." Ness took another swig from his glass and smiled "I'm always learnin things from other people yeah? So it's nice to have someone askin about me every now and then." NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
Amelia hummed in agreement. "Then... Would you mind answering some more of my questions? I'm still curious about where you come from and your experiences. But if you want me to hold off then, I'll understand," she said in a gentle manner. Ness was an interesting person with a strange aura around him. It would also be great to find out more about this place considering it was obvious he knew more about it than she.
Amelia hummed in agreement. "Then... Would you mind answering some more of my questions? I'm still curious about where you come from and your experiences. But if you want me to hold off then, I'll understand," she said in a gentle manner. Ness was an interesting person with a strange aura around him. It would also be great to find out more about this place considering it was obvious he knew more about it than she.
"Fire away little missy!" He gave her an encouraging smile "Ask me whatever you like." he took another large gulp from his glass, the burning tang of whiskey filling his mouth. "I could tell you were the curious type jus by lookin at you. You're eyes are too clear, they haven't seen enough yet." NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
Amelia was surprised by his assessment of her. The curious type? She had never thought about herself that way. Looking back on her life, Amelia guessed it was true enough. Before giving it too much thought, Amelia filed it away to be pondered on later. "You made it seem like that you had lived a long time, Ness. If you don't mind my asking, how old are you? You don't have to answer such a brash question if you did not wish to."
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
"So personal!" He laughed. Ness scratched the back of his head "I'm dunno if I remember exactly. I stopped keeping track after the first trillion years. but if I hadda guess..." he put a hand on his chin as he thought about it. How long had it been? He remembered celebrating a tradition on earth called a 'Birthday' a few years ago and that might have been 600 trillion? or was that 610? "I'd say somewhere around Six-hundred-trillion earth years. That's a year with 365 days." NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
If Amelia was surprised before, she was completely astonished now. "Trillion?" She repeated in awe. That was a large number in nearly any place, or rather, any place she knew of. "I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that much. Is this longevity common amongst your people or is it simply you possess?" She pressed, even more curious now than she had been.
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
"Yeah this is pretty normal for us. We age pretty slowly. Accordin to our records, none of us have ever died of old age. Least not yet anyways." He explained "In your terms I think i'd be about 8 or 9? World Walkers don't really show signs of aging until their about forty or fifty times my age." he was quite enjoying the shocked look on her face. "You know, there's somethin dat gives it away though." He looked directly at her "You can always tell if somethin is young or old by lookin at they eyes. You know that old sayin 'eyes are windows to the soul?" Well, that ain't exactly true. But it ain't too far off neither." NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49

?Current Action: Struggling with the language barrier ii Mood: A strong sense of dutyii Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants ?
The front-desk?

The young man had barely noticed the way the girl had settled herself against the wall, looking away from him as if the boy was some kind of alien monster. Though, maybe on the other's point of view, that wasn't so far from the truth. Instead, Sage had been about to keep going, trying to make a light-hearted conversation, when finally, the feline female replied with something:


The teen's mouth hung open, the next phrases had been cut and lost.
It was at that moment that Sage had realized two things: First, he had gotten rambly again and engaged in a one-sided conversation; Second, she did not speak English... Ooooookaaaay that was going to make things infinite times more difficult. The young man had scratched the back of his neck, pondering his options. It was clear that a change of tactic was needed buuuut, jeez!! Could he handle it? Maybe this was a case of bitting more than one could chew...

Troubled, the boy had glanced at her once more. Annnd, there was no way he could back down now!! Just looking at how fragile and lost she seemed, Sage couldn't imagine leaving the girl by herself in such a state. If he did, this scene would forever burn in his memory. He'd never be able to forgive himself. With a sigh, the teen asserted himself enough to return to the task. It was time to start over:

"Uh, do know what a 'hotel' is? It's this biiiiiiiiiig place with tons of fun things to do... You can live here even!"

He had given the explanation, using as much of hand motions and mimic as he could. Hopefully, this would work a little better. Sadly, the only other language Sage knew was some ancient mystic code his ancestors had created to write with, and even so, he had barely started figuring out how to read those weird scribbles.
Y'shtola Bakk'ala
Y'shtola tried listening to what the boy was telling her. She was able to pick out a few words here and there. Big. Fun. Live. She couldn't quite understand quite what he was trying to tell her. She needed to know if she was safe here, wherever here was. The Panthers couldn't have followed her here already. She pointed a finger at her ears "Black...here?" She asked shyly. She wasn't sure how to ask if this boy had seen anyone else like her with black fur. This was the best she could manage. Her heart was still racing. She felt so small and alone here. Where were the trees? What were all these unusual smells? She bit her lip as tears started coming to her eyes again. Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
507 poked the keystone sitting on his nightstand “Yo indigo, you in there? My arms back but it looks like it can change into any shape I want!” He poked it a few more times, hoping for a reaction Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

The stone began to rattle and shake violently, so violently in fact that it fell off the nightstand. The grey fog began to slowly seep out of the crack in the Keystone, filling the room once again. Soon, it condensed once again into the shape of a small creature with hundreds of tentacles next, it grew into a figure that simply looked like a long pole with arms. Finally, the form of young woman took shape. Indigo had arrived. "You summoned me, Master?" Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
“Yes I did, My arm is back to normal, but it can still change into any shape it wants and I wanted your insight on it” he asked as he held up his right arm, forming it into a blade and then back into his normal hand, He was glad to see indigo again, his heart racing as he glanced at her every now and then. Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
"Yeah this is pretty normal for us. We age pretty slowly. Accordin to our records, none of us have ever died of old age. Least not yet anyways." He explained "In your terms I think i'd be about 8 or 9? World Walkers don't really show signs of aging until their about forty or fifty times my age." he was quite enjoying the shocked look on her face. "You know, there's somethin dat gives it away though." He looked directly at her "You can always tell if somethin is young or old by lookin at they eyes. You know that old sayin 'eyes are windows to the soul?" Well, that ain't exactly true. But it ain't too far off neither." NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49

So, in his culture, he's actually quite young? And Ness is called a World Walker? Well that would explain his referencing his knowledge on species. "Does that mean that you could die by other means?" Usually she would add a disclaimer that she wasn't planning on killing him but Amelia was so rapt by his descriptions that she didn't think to.
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

Monsieur Mim

Mim body snapped back into place when the woman, now he knows as Aurelia, snatched his wrist when it was sliding below her bellybutton. "Oh! Pardon... mademoiselle Oww.. reh-lee-ah," he struggled to vocalize her name. His face was still covered with a flush color. Perhaps, he was going to far. Touching a woman so close to her womanly organs is testy, but the man that he was didn't regret a single touch. In fact, he felt he learned enough to possibly transform into her kind. If only he could analyze her body a bit more.

The purple-haired man was so lost in thought, the woman seemly slipped away. He downed the rest of his drink in a displeased manner and ordered an other round. "S'il vous plaît?" the young man tilted his empty drink towards the bartender. Jeeves didn't speak French, but he understood the boy's body language. Quickly, the bartender went to work. "Here you go, sir," the man said as he served the purple drink that coincidentally matched his client's hair. Could it be a coincident? Jeeves will never know.

Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

An Hour Prior...

Gyrus had dropped off his duffle bag In his room before taking a moment to fall flat Into his bed. Minutes after resting his eyes he couldn't help but feel a vague sense of restlessness; maybe It was because of his new surroundings, though each time he returned to the city after one of his long journeyed expeditions, he felt out of place; everything felt out of place; like something In this picture was missing.

Now, just like every other time he returned to "civilization", he could only feel an aching sense of longing beating In his chest, a longing to return back Into the thick of another grand adventure with all the dangers and mysteries that come along with It.

At moments like these he could only think about planning his next expedition Into the next unknown, but alas nothing came to mind and this last expedition ended up as a dead end; no clues whatsoever as to where to look next, just some rusted relic with degraded carvings he couldn't make out.

He let out a deep sigh and adjusted his glasses."Where to now, Gyrus Winston... what new adventure awaits?" He contemplated aloud to himself, expiring out once again; this time a bit more dispirited than frustrated.

Gyrus laid there on the bed staring up at the ceiling, his spirit drifting In a swirling abyss of all encompassing dullness.

Mother. Of. God. He was... sooooo very unbelievably bored...


Present time, Random hotel's bar

"So then I look him In the eye and say... you couldn't find your own ass with both hands and a map!"Gyrus chuckled along side with a stranger he had only just met upon entering the bar. He wasn't much for starting chit chats with strangers but when the man sat next to him he greeted gyrus, and some how It lead Into quite a pleasant conversation.

"You are quite the Interesting man Mr..." They both paused momentarily before laughing aloud. "Oh my, I just realized we haven't even gotten to exchanging names with one another; my apologies." The stranger replied a bit less composed and bowed his head.

"NONSENSE !", Gyrus roared, as he slapped his meaty thick paws onto his shoulder."My enemies know me as, Bamoff. But you can call Gyrus.. Gyrus Winston." He ended, grinning from ear to ear.

"My name Is Klaus Von Reinherz, It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." He greeted, lifting a hand to his. Gyrus looked at his hand for a moment, and stared back at him for a slight moment with a wide eyed look. "BAH! No, the pleasures all mine." He chuckled, slapping his hand to his with a firm grip. Realizing he might of gripped to hard Gyrus almost let go, but realized this mans grip was quite strong.

"You've got a firm grip there.."

"Ahahaha... yes thank you, I've been told that quite often." He replied modestly but rubbed the nape of his neck nervously; he pondered whether or not he gripped to tightly.

"Sorry I hate to Interrupt you both, but, you two have been here for quite some time. Would the gentlemen like anything to drink... eat?" The bartended cordially remarked.

Klaus chuckled." It seems we've been here for quite some time." He added, looking down at his leather wrist watch.

"Looks that way doesn't It; though It feels like we've only been here for half an hour." Gyrus replied, as he pulled over his sleeve to look at the time on his watch."Well then, I guess I'll have a glass of milk." He turned to the waiter who nodded back In return and glanced back at Klaus.

"I'll have the same." Klaus concurred, gesturing a pointed up finger. The waiter creaked with a small curt smile before replying,"Coming right up. I believe I keep some right here In the mini fridge." The man hunched over and yanked out a classic glass of milk along with two long wooden tankard cups. The bartender bit off the cork and began pouring each of their tankards to the brim; having finished the entire bottle he through It Into the recycling bin and spit out the cork Into the trash bin; all within a swift minute before shortly returning.

"Drinks are served gentlemen, Is there anything else I can be of service with..?"

"Oh no, I believe this will be enough thank you." Gyrus gestured.

"Indeed, thank you for your service." Klaus commented and the waiter smiled, nodded, and left as he came; swiftly and with stride.

"So what brought you here to this remote hotel ?" Gyrus Inquired, as he clasped his hand onto his tankard.

"Business of sorts with a colleague of mine." He answered, though he didn't add anything else. Gyrus understood what he meant and Instead decided to change the subject.

"So, what brought you here then? It seems like me, your not much for drinking."

"Your correct about that Mr.Winsto--"

"Hey hey hey now... enough of that nonsense Klaus, just call me Gyrus for Petes sake!" He Interjected.

"Ah my apologies, force of habit." Klaus snickered as he rubbed the nape of his neck and wrapped his fingers around his cup before sliding It off the bar table.

"Oh perfect timing; It seems like things are finally going to start."

Gyrus reflected a puzzled look and raised brow back at Klaus before the lights dimmed down all around the room. There was then a sudden pause of silence amongst the others. Vague soft whispering murmurs of people sitting near the stage to his right slowly died down as a beam of blue pale light was gleamed down from above. Gyrus adjusted his glasses and squinted In the direction of the lit stage; out on the stage he could make out a group of exotic looking humanoid fish folk; they were a band of some sort.

"My word; This Is fantastic!" Gyrus exclaimed.

"Isn't It." Klaus concurred."Shall we...!?" He raised his tankard and In turn Gyrus raised his." To new found friendship!"

"Hah, you can say that again. CHEERS!" Gyrus chuckled and grinned from tusk to tusk.

Both having clashed their tankards together, raised the bottom of their cups In sync to the top and began downing everything In a single
drought before letting out a deep satisfied sigh; doing so still In complete sync.

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?Current Action: Still struggling with the language barrier ii Mood: Helpfulii Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants ?
The front-desk?

Even though he had tried his best to illustrate his words with matching movements that he had thought to be universal, Sage found himself with the girl still staring at him blankly, with a still confused expression. He sighed. This was also not working, huh?

The young man had been about to ponder what else he could try, when the movements of the other caught his attention. Curiously, the teenager had watched as the cat-girl pointed at herself and asked if something black was anywhere in the hotel. Sage's reply had instantly been a head shake. Technically, he hadn't been around long enough to properly answer the question, but the fact that he had not seen any other cat-people was still true.

The question though, got him to wonder. Was that she looking for someone, or someone looking for her? He had glanced at her trying to read the body language... Between being completely lost and being pursued, however, the differences were minimal, thus he couldn't really tell which was the case.

...It became even harder to tell once she had started tearing up again:

"Uwaah d-don't cry!!", he had nearly jumped in panic

Ahhhh, what now? There must be something he could do!
Frantically, Sage started rummaging through his jacket's pockets, looking for something:

"Cellphone, keys... Oh hey, I should put the room key on this keychain... Later! Focus... Uhhh, what's in the other pocket? Box of matches, credit card..."

"Aha! Found it~", the teen had announced in a sing-song to no one in particular, "Here, you can have this...", he had offered the girl a little, slightly crumpled white handkerchief, "It's to dry your face with.", the boy explained, waving his palm in front of his face to illustrate the action, then pointing at the offered piece of cloth.
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Monsieur Mim

The purple haired man couldn't help, but to look over his shoulder towards the other two men who occupied the bar. One man seemed to be a fully grown gorilla while the other seemed to be a hybrid of the sort. He didn't notice the hybrid earlier due to his fascination of the actual speaking-gorilla. Mim, himself, didn't get acquainted with the two due to a lovely maiden sitting at his side. Speaking of which, Mim just reminded himself that Aurelia dismissed herself after his testy movement. He took another swig of his purple-ly drink. Many news and actions have made him feel... uncertain. Perhaps, he should go visit that room 507 that Mister Pik spoke about. The drink in his hands was half empty, and he planned to order another. In a bit, Mim would dismiss himself from the bar as well.

Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness


Indigo examined the arm. The residual magic in it had stabilized and was no longer in danger of exploding "Hmm, indeed." she replied, rather disinterested. "If you are back to normal then my job here is done. Please return my Keystone directly to Mrs.Mae so that ownership may be transferred back to her and I may resume my normal duties." She was still an employee of this place for the time being after all. Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
507 nodded, picking up the keystone, examining it and then looking at indigo “I uhm....” the rest of his speech was mumbled before he awaited for indigo to return to the stone, hoping he didn’t need to raise his voice to speak Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
So, in his culture, he's actually quite young? And Ness is called a World Walker? Well that would explain his referencing his knowledge on species. "Does that mean that you could die by other means?" Usually she would add a disclaimer that she wasn't planning on killing him but Amelia was so rapt by his descriptions that she didn't think to.
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Ness nodded "Yeah. We can be killed but it's hard! It's so rare for one of us to die that each time someone does there's a record made of it and a huge ceremony." He stretched his arms out to emphasize his point "There have only ever been 7 confirmed World Walker deaths throughout all of time and they've all been from some pretty crazy stuff." NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
Y'shtola Bakk'ala
Y'shtola's vision started to become more and more blurry as tears clouded her vision. She could only make out the vague shape of the boy as he seemed to be searching for something in his pockets. She barely noticed when he produced a white blob from one of his pockets. She flinched back at first when he held it out to her. Then she could see that it wasn't a blob rather it was a handkerchief. She took it with a little hesitation and wiped the tears from her eyes. Her chest still rose and fell with sharp breaths as she tried to calm herself down. There was just so much she still didn't know. She just wanted to know 'was she safe here?' She looked at the boy, her eyes still not able to hold his gaze and asked "You...Safe...Here...Me?" Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
507 nodded, picking up the keystone, examining it and then looking at indigo “I uhm....” the rest of his speech was mumbled before he awaited for indigo to return to the stone, hoping he didn’t need to raise his voice to speak Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

Indigo heard 507 mumble something she couldn't hear. But it was of no importance to her. The fool had turned out to just be a waste of her time and energy. "Hurry along. They will most likely have posted that obnoxious mutt at the desk in my stead and I can't stand the though of that slobbering idiot mucking up my work." She said, clearly in a hurry to leave Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
Not sick? Then what could've happened? With a puzzled look on her face she dismissed herself from the two furry creatures and began back towards the room the encountered had occurred. Though she felt a little uneasy, as her heart jumped into her throat, she had to figure out what happened. To both her dismay and pleasure the man was still sitting at the bar. Aurelia took in a deep breath, trying to calm her anxious heart. She assumed this was due to some sort of primal fear.
Carefully she walked back up to him. "E-Excuse me, Mim." She tried to her best to sound confident.
SachiGrl SachiGrl
507 stopped indigo quickly before she retreated into the stone “Wait, indigo I...I wanted to tell you...the whole reason I started necromancy...I wanted to bring you back to life so you could escape here..so you dont have to be lonely anymore...I dont know the best way to say this but...I love you indigo..” he said with with a blush before holding the stone back out “Ok..just...get in the stone and I’ll return you to miss Mae...” Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
507 stopped indigo quickly before she retreated into the stone “Wait, indigo I...I wanted to tell you...the whole reason I started necromancy...I wanted to bring you back to life so you could escape here..so you dont have to be lonely anymore...I dont know the best way to say this but...I love you indigo..” he said with with a blush before holding the stone back out “Ok..just...get in the stone and I’ll return you to miss Mae...” Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

Indigo's back was facing 507 so he couldn't see the grim smile creeping it's way across her face as he spoke. She let his words hang in the air after he had finished before letting the smile vanish and turning to face 507.She took a step forward and ran a gentle hand under his chin. Her eye's were soft and and almost had a sort of sadness in them "507...I..i'm sorry, I never knew." She touched his arm, the one that had become transformed by the Necromancy "You went through this...for me?" She let her gaze fall for a moment before pulling him into a tight embrace "You couldn't possibly know...how happy you've just made me..." Sir Fungus Sir Fungus

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