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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

Mr. Fetch A. Wigglebottom
Current Position- Waiter Location- The Oak Grill Mentions- TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor SachiGrl SachiGrl

Fetch had waited for a bit at the reception desk thinking maybe someone would need to check in or... God forbid, but, perhaps that ghoulish Indigo would take his place. He shuddered visibly at the thought as he walked out from behind the reception desk and headed down the hall, making sure to give the bell a couple righs beforehand.
As he walked down the hall, passing the hotel's restaurant, his ears picked up an overwhelming sound of mechanical humming and not a single living voice to be heard, glancing inside. Oh, boy, this confirmed his suspicions. The whole restaurant was staffed by the hotel's robotic maids, and that was something he could not stand for! He giggled quietly and hurried inside, dismissing a few of the maids including one heading for a table with a white... centaur(?) sitting with a gloomy expression, glancing periodically around his booth and looking rather flustered. He walked up to the man and spoke in a friendly voice, 'Finding everything okay, sir?' He held his paws together as he waited, it seemed he'd startled the poor thing and was about to apologize when he spoke, tripping over his words for a moment before taking a quick breath, 'No, thank you, but I'm fine.' The pup could see it was clear something was bothering him, but didn't want to push it. 'Alright, sir, flag me down if you need anything.'
Fetch hopped into the kitchen to pick up the orders the maids had been heading for, knowing only the table number and which items he was to bring. He picked up a platter and a small fold out stand and hurried out, moving to the table with precision and speed, though he noted that this tea smelled a lot like something... His ears popped up excitedly as his eyes landed on Ms. Mae, last time he was here she had been working the front desk, but from what he'd picked up, she'd had a bit of a promotion. He unfolded the stand with a swift swing of his arm and rested the platter on top of it, gently setting the tea and the vegetarian carbonara before the familiar face with a smile, then turning and placing a cold glass of Stella Artois before the stranger along with the delicious smelling prime rib.
He picked up his items with as much speed as he'd set them down and stood up straight, 'Will you two be needing anything else?' the retriever spoke, tail now wagging a bit faster now that he wasn't worried about his balance. Boy, was he excited and sure glad to be back! Though he was needing to focus in order to keep his drooling in check, everything smelled soooooo goooooood!
Mr. V. simply smiled and deflected the question. "Something like that. Though I will give you this, Human is not incorrect, but it is also not correct. You could say I'm something of an enigma to the rules of time and space, and as such, it doesn't really apply to me." He said before turning to the rather furry and oddly adorable waiter who brought him his food. "No that will be all Mr?"
SachiGrl SachiGrl Sea Jay Sea Jay
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"Mmmm.." she hummed as the man practically left her questions unanswered. Her hazel eyes spotted her furry employee attending to the seemingly displeased centaur, but to no avail. She twisted her lips to the side pensively, then blinked in a surprised manner when Mr. Wigglebottom handed his their food. "Th-thank you," she said, but couldn't help to stare at the ribs moist texture. Mr. V's food smelled... nice. It had a sweet aroma, but the fact that it was meat made her a little skittish; although, she has seen worse. Far worse. They have served live beings before, but they were in line for the suicide booth, so technically, they had their consent.

"This is Mr. Wigglebottom! He just returned from vacation," she looked at him warmly. Glad that her furry employee has returned and naturally lightened the air of her hotel. "We actually haven't gotten a chance to talk," her lips frowned upon saying so. "We should seriously catch up sometime," the smiled returned and then she added, "When you get the chance, can you seek out Miss Dudan?" Asking for Miss Dudan during her break only implied one thing. The deer woman sought entertainment, but normally it was more for her guests rather than herself. Moreover, she had some news to bring to her as well, but the owner wasn't entirely sure if she would disclose it now while she was 'relaxing.' "So, tell me..." she started off, however from his last answer, she wasn't expecting much now, "... What were these other establishments like? Especially the ones you favored." With one hand, she took her tea cup and sipped quietly as she awaited his potentially vague answer.
TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Vyseryx Vyseryx
*zach woke up from his slumber and greeted ms mae with a slight smile from under his mask* *he hands her a note, from his brother, and he walks away* *the note reads, ''please take care of my brother, he is a troublesome kitty, also, he needs his meat at least twice a day or he might eat someone or eat inedable objects - zacharie* SachiGrl SachiGrl
Mr. V. smiled pleasantly at Mr. Wigglebottom and found the name held no irony when regarding his his constantly wagging tail. "Pleasure to meet you, sir, you can call me Mr. V." He said before cutting into his and addressing Ms. Mae's question. "Well, these other establishments were in other places I've visited, though I can assure you, not all the hosts were as accommodating and some were too accommodating. Though to get to the point, these establishments were in other worlds I've visited, which as you probably inferred, I've been doing quite frequently."
SachiGrl SachiGrl Sea Jay Sea Jay
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Mr. Fetch A. Wigglebottom
Current Position- Waiter Location- The Oak Grill Mentions- SachiGrl SachiGrl TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor

Fetch's tail flailed wildly in excitement as he raised his paw in a salute, 'Yes, Ma'am!' He said with a silly smile, looking over at her humanoid companion, 'It's been a pleasure to meet you, sir~!' the pup bowed politely and giggled before heading back to the kitchen to drop off the empty platter. He'd need to serve a few more tables, having dismissed the maids waiting them, and would promptly sniff out his coworker.
His tail waggled at the thought, he hadn't seen Ms. Dudan since he'd been back, which was a crime! Even if he'd only been there for a few hours. He giggled at the though before retrieving another platter and hurrying to serve the next table. Perhaps after this one he might re-assign a few of the robots to the tables so he could get to what Ms. Mae had asked for.
After all, if Ms. Mae asked this on her break, it must be very important!



Her smile was always inviting. When Mr. Wigglebottom excused himself, she saw him off as he attended to guests. Her eyes couldn't help, but to worry over one particular guest who seemingly was unhappy. Perhaps... he misses his home... she mentally tried to justify his lack of energy. Around her, he always seemed flustered with emotions and she always can't help, but to reciprocate.

Just as Fawna expected. The man before her was as vague as ever. She ate quietly as she listened to him, occasionally glancing around the restaurant until one of her security guards handed her a note. She looked at it curiously then smile, "If you need a break to eat, then eat!" She giggled. It was quite funny that he needed to inform her that he needed meat otherwise he'd eat literally anything. She could have sworn he was a fruit demon. Perhaps, it meant something else. With her hand in the air, she signaled a robotic maid to take Zach's order. She watched the demon fiddle about and she wore a confused expression, "Take a break, silly." It was hypocritical for her to say such a thing, but what was an owner to do. "So sorry," she said as she turned her attention to Mr. V. "You're so mysterious," she admitted, "I don't know your name, where you're from nor your insight on other hotels. What can I know that you'll allow me to hear." Bit by bit, she picked at her vegetables in her plate as she watched him with an intense glare, almost like she was digging into his soul.
TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
zachie mel zachie mel
Sea Jay Sea Jay
*ZAch went outside, smelling the air for rabbits, he pounces on one and brings it back to cook, then he eats it privately behind a tree, making loud rustling noises in the grass, he is done so he climbs the tree and watches the others*
Aran Winter-Eve
Current Activity-Leaving the restaurant Location-The Oak Grill, the hallway Mentions- TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor SachiGrl SachiGrl

Aran didn't quite finish his salad, he just couldn't shake that feeling in his chest, and it was giving him a headache. He slid awkwardly off the booth seat and stretched his legs, relieved at the open space. He turned his head and glanced over at the table Fawna sat at with the strange man and swallowed again, his mouth feeling dry again. No matter what he drank or ate, his mouth was just so dry. His gaze swung over the room until it reached the door, and eased into a walk, then progressing to a trot, four hooves tapping and scuffing across the floor.
As he reached the door he glanced back again, then forcing himself through the doorway, ducking through as per usual. As he tried to figure out where he was heading, he couldn't help the doubts creeping in and threatening to drown his thoughts, humming to himself as if that would overpower the feelings in his mind. .
The cervitaur made his way through the hotel, eventually coming to a familiar area, the pool. He reached the steps and looked around before stepping a hoof into the cold water, his coat standing on end at the sudden chil, but he continued in, letting the cold water take his mind off of his confused thought, focusing on the flow of the water as it parted in his wake, making waves which flowed both away from and towards his body, soaking his white fur and weighing down his typically upright tail.
He inhaled... And exhaled slowly... Letting his shoulders relax and his fingertips drag through the water.
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Sea Jay Sea Jay
zachie: hello dearie, i can sense you are in need of refreshment, may i offer fruitdemon fresh blueberry smoothie? its very fresh. *he hands out a blue drink, it has a very deep blue colour*

?Current Action: Still struggling with the language barrier ii Mood: Helpful but full of self-doubtii Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants ?
The front-desk?

With a gentle smile, the young man had offered the girl the handkerchief, watching how she would react to the action. The other had noticeably flinched at first, in a way that made Sage wonder if she even knew what a handkerchief was, but soon, though still slow and full of hesitation, she had picked it up, making use of the white piece of cloth.

While the feline female seemed to take a while to calm herself, the teenager had averted his gaze, feeling slightly awkward for staring for so long. Really, every step in this interaction was an experiment and every new sentence made the boy feel like attempting to thread through a field of eggshells, doing his best to break or disturb anything... It was, quite hard.


The girl's words caused his heart to skip a beat.
Alarmed, yet holding back to not turn too violently, Sage's gaze had once again met hers, but only for a brief moment before both had looked away from the other. Maybe it was the rustic, broken English of the girl, maybe it was his own worries surfacing... Out of the many interpretations the question could have, one of them seemed to stand out: Was he safe?

Not safe as in, being in any danger, safe as in being the danger! His gaze had instantly fallen on the golden bracelet, looking for reassurance, before rationality had finally caught up with the situation:

"This is obviously not what she's asking, you idiot."

In fact, thinking about it for a while Sage realized it was the least probable interpretation of the phrase. If she was either looking for someone or vice versa, it was more likely that the question was about her own safety and by the use of 'here' the true question was definitely something along the lines of 'Am I safe here?'.

The young man took a deep breath to calm his own nerves down:

"Y-yeah, I'm safe...", he had committed a Freudian slip with the answer, before correcting it, "And you're safe too! Promise!"
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His sudden excitement was startling. Test her emotions? What did that mean and would it entail? Aurelia hesitated before gazing down at her exposed flesh. "If it will give me the answers I desire then I see no other solution." She slowly stepped forward and straightened her back, awaiting monsieur Mim's touch. Though the simple anticipation made her stomach tighten and heart slam against her ribs. The sudden, strong emotion caused her to chew on her bottom lip, something she had never done before.
SachiGrl SachiGrl
A large grin pulled at Simon's face as he giggled like a child. "Of course you were. What is she like? Kind and caring with a love for all creatures?" He fluttered his eyelashes at the statement before letting out another laugh. "I bet she makes you feel special and needed, but you don't notice she finds the same lines to everyone." It was too good. Simon always got a kick out of watching such sad saps be tricked by such simple tactics.
Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
507 grabbed simon by the collar, his eyes now glowing blood red as his hand became ignited in Fel-Fire, tossing simon out of his room as he growled in a demonic voice “I have no time for your childish antics, Leave me be..” he followed his violent actions by slamming the door hard enough to echo a couple doors down, sitting on his bed again as he rested his face in his hands Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Simon allowed the man to lift him by his collar and shove him out the door. Once closed he burst out into a loud fit of laughter. The people here were too funny. All of them were the same, taking themselves too seriously. And in the end they all called him the child. Only children get pouty when they've been outwitted.Only children throw fits when they don't get their way. Simon scoffed lightly as he wiped a nonexistent tear from his eye. "You have fun with that, hellboy."
Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
After the first half of the band's play was finished the lights on stage went out and the lights In the room became lit once more. Gyrus and Klaus continued to chat some more over some stories about their work In the past. Klaus went on to explain one of missions where he and a man named Steven went through an abandoned subway In a city called Hellsalem; he explained they were searching for a man who had escaped the police force Into a abandoned subway and had rigged explosives all over the deep underground; which If had been set off, would have resulted In a large section of the city to cave Into the underground. So In short after they had other members of their team disarm most of the ticking time bombs, he and Steven made a quick pursuit In hunting this terrorist. In the end the man attempted to commit suicide with the detonator In his hand, but his associate Steven had frozen him In solid Ice before he could get the chance.

After a 10 minutes or so the second half of the band's play continued. Once again, the lights dimmed down leaving the room In benighted ambience and the stage lit up as It did before, though the light was focused on a women dressed In a black silk dress.

"You asked me why I came here tonight, earlier before... to answer that question all I'll say Is, watch and listen." Klaus spoke In a calm manner; the glare of his glasses focused on the stage; his gaze fully and completely drawn to the woman on stage as If nothing could break his attention.

Once the song was over Gyrus and Klaus had said there goodnights and shook hands before departing; they didn't bother saying goodbye; because good friends never needed to. After that Gyrus seated his fedora atop his head and adjusted his glasses before taking his leave back to his room.
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Monsieur... Mim?

The man stood tall along with the alien woman. His body closed the gap between them; a warm hand slid behind her cool, exposed back. As he whispered in her assumed ear, his face invaded her's, "Mademoiselle.. When I am près to you... what do you ressentez?" His hot breath could be felt as he spoke. The scent of his alcoholic beverage was ever so present with a hint of cranberries. Two drinks on an empty stomach, this lean man might be tipsy or even drunk. His body began to change involuntarily. First his hands turned pale and interlocked, forming an aquatic web between his fingers. As his emerald eyes looked at her's, a black ink seemingly engulfed his eyes nearly resembling her own and his grin never leaving, his confidence, apparently, stronger when less sober. Translation: Miss... When I am close to you... what do you feel?

Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

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Her entire body tensed as the space between them disappeared. His warm breath along her tympanum and neck caused her to shudder. She struggled to find her voice as he question how she felt. "W-Warm," A rush hemolymph filled her face, discoloring it, similar to blood in humans. "I-I feel anxious; afraid, but excited, like when hunting. I feel very much out of my element; unprepared." The strong scent on his breath caused her nostrils to flare. Her eyes had remained off to the side, avoiding looking straight at him, but a sudden change pulled her attention to his face. She watched in surprise as his eyes were swallowed up by an inky blackness, resembling her own.
SachiGrl SachiGrl
Y'shtola Bakk'ala
What did he say? Y'shtola was confused. The boy had said something, but the last part had been too fast and she couldn't understand what it was. The only word she was able to pick out was 'Safe'. She let the word rattle around in her head for a bit, muttering it softly to herself "Safe. Safe. Safe. Safe." she wasn't sure why, but that word made her feel better. This strange boy made her feel better. Why, they must be related somehow, that had to be it. Safe was the English word for 'free from danger' wasn't it? That sounded right to her. Y'shtola pointed a sheepish finger towards him "Safe?" she asked in a quiet voice. She took a nervous step forward, away from the wall, and suddenly wrapped her arms around the boy's left arm, clutching it tightly against her chest. This boy had to be Safe. She just knew it. Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

Antiquorum... Mim?

He hummed a 'Mhm,' in response to each of her comments. Inching closer to her neck, he breathed in her natural scent. His face transforming as he did so. Strange lines and blemishes covered his skin while his hair seemingly melted atop his head and molded into tentacle-like limbs. His body cooled, matching Aurelia's temperature. Feeling ambitious, the once human man, now an emulated antiquorum, trickled kisses down her neck as his webbed hands danced more north of her back, feeling each crevice all while he formed his own back to reflect what he felt. "Je crois," his throat was raspy from the transformation, "You like me ou au moins... the sensation I prévoir." Mim stood straight, watching her gaze carefully, of course while wearing his signature grin. The man's hand remained lingering on her skin. It had found it's way to her neck and found itself caressing her there. "Je suis un shape-shifter," he said before she could ask. Translation: I believe... you like me or at least... the sensation I provide... I am a shape-shifter.

Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

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Aran Winter-Eve
Current Activity-Crashing a perfectly good dinner Location-Pool, The Oak Grill Mentions- SachiGrl SachiGrl TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor

Aran couldn't get these thoughts out of his head, as much as he denied it and played dumb he knew deep within himself that it was jealousy. He slid his hand across the safety railing as he climbed the stairs out of the pool, dripping water and frustration in droves, like wasps swarming in his head, drowning his rational thoughts in doubt. It had been a while, his fur clung to his sides like a layer of adhesive, he couldn't think, couldn't focus long enough to tell himself what he was feeling was nothin. He paced up and down the side of the pool, mind stuck on how soon, how quickly he'd felt this way, yet... Only now did he realize it.
His chest heaved shuddering breaths, and his hands tightened into fists. He couldn't help the low growling working it's way up his throat, he was being challenged, the pure testosterone his body was pumping out was nearly palpable, his shoulders were tense and his eyes were closed tightly, a last attempt at holding his instincts at bay.
His eyes opened slowly and he made his way out the door, flexing his hands, he knew where he was going, and he knew exactly what he was going to do when he got there. The usual clacking sound of his cloven hooves was replaced by a thunking, scraping sound as he traversed the hall, still sobbing wet and not minding the chill in the slightest. He was heated plenty by his instinct to fight to protect what he considered to be his rightful territory, even if he hadn't said a word to her, he wouldn't stand for some... some male challenging him so openly, so casually. The cervitaur was unarmed, unprepared with anything other than his adrenaline and what nature had so graciously bestowed upon him.
There it was, the doorway to the restaurant. By now the heat radiating from his body had aided in drying his coat, though he still dripped just slightly. He inhaled deeply before swiftly ducking under the doorway, his cheeks were red as he subconsciously worried over the possible outcomes of the situation, but his body willed him forward.

He spoke in a deep, authoritative voice, stopping before the table the two sat at, casually eating dinner,
'I need to talk to you.'
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Aurelia squeezed her eyes shut tightly as he continued to move in closer. Her body was screaming at her, but it was saying, she had no idea. The sudden feeling of his lips on her skin caused her to cling to the male, grabbing a hold of his upper arms. She thought the sudden control would allow her some comfort, but it did very little. She continued to fidget ever so slightly as his hands continued to travel along the landscape of her back. Her eyes shot open at the mentioning of liking the male. "L-Like you?" She stammered, another wave of panic consuming her. "My species don't grow fond of each other, not in a short period of time. Nor do they," She hesitated as another wave of blood-like fluid filled her cheeks. "Touch each other." Her people were very stoic, to say the least. Courting was taken very seriously, and a simple gesture like taking a female's hand within the first four weeks was considered taboo. If any of her village members saw what the shifter was doing to her, and that she was allowing it. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly once more, clinging to the fake antiquorum as the new feelings and thoughts of her people muddle her mind.
SachiGrl SachiGrl

?Current Action: Lying to this poor girl ii Mood: Moral ambiguity and lots of guiltii Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants ?
The front-desk?

Sage watched as the girl repeated the word 'safe' to herself, over and over again, which got him to think if she really understood the full extent of the word's meaning. He had watched curiously, patiently waiting for the next reactions, trying to wager and measure his own next moves, when the other had pointed at the teenager, making that very same question he had worried about so much:


The young man hadn't had enough time to react, think or explain anything. Suddenly the girl had tackled his arm and held it close to her chest. He could only watch it with an expression of both shock and concern, noticeably uncomfortable about the proximity between the girl and the bracelet relic dampening his powers... He had been left in a position where there was only one option left:

"Yep! Perfectly... safe.", he had said with a smile, slightly crooked by the weight of his guilt

Sage had to lie.
Well, it was truly more of an omission, though it was still morally ambiguous and complicated. Honestly, how was he supposed to explain any of that to someone who could barely comprehend English? 'Oh yes, I'm perfectly safe as long as I'm wearing this magical ancient relic that keeps me from being a destructive force of nature and ending the world.' Not exactly something that easy to explain in English already, was it?

If it came to it, he'd just have to tell her to run and beg the Gods that they'd forgive him for omitting the truth from this clearly traumatized soul. Good intentions or not, what he was doing was nothing short of a form of deception. He could only hope that his divine punishment wouldn't befall this young lady as well.

Starting, by paying double attention to keep her from accidentally removing the golden bracelet on her way out from his arm...

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