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Fantasy Sword's Trial RP (Open!!!)

AI10100 AI10100 Golden Golden

The room was covered in ash,
Aurora just placed her hand over her nose before rubbing her nose. This was a lot messier than her actual room! She thought it was impossible but she was proved wrong. Looking over at the room, this room being decorated in a monetone shade -- even the male in front of her was just covered in monetone, especially his outfit. Reaching into her pocket, the noble pulled out a handkerchief while looking back at Zen. “Ash? Yeah, there’s ash every- Oh, you mean..” Turning her attention with her finger pointing at the police, she finally understood who the guard was talking about. Her bright aquatic gems blinks before shaking her head, returning back to what she was going to do, the noble walks forward before looking up for permission or more of a warning before wiping away the soot that covered some of his features. “Right now, you match your name really well.” Alice had commented before finishing up to clean the ash off of the red head.

Slowly retracing her steps back to Zen’s side,
the female blinked her eyes before looking up at both the police and guard. The mistress of the Villeneuve estate nodded her head before smiling, “As long as nobody has gotten hurt, then that’s good.” Aurora had said before having a smile on her face, but she was suspicious of what happened and the reasons the officer gave didn’t persuade her. How can a little microwave cause such a big explosion without alarming anyone else in the department? Or even how is he not injured in anyway? “Did you burn yourself? If you did, I can get you something to help with the burn.” The noble had piped up while rocking back and forth upon her heels while rubbing the bandages that wrapped her left hand to her forearm, most were covered by her sleeves except just for her hand area.

Looking over at Ash when he had questioned Zen,
her eyes widens up before shaking her head and waving her hands in front of herself to deny what he had said. “I’m no royalty and Zen didn’t drag me here, I was curious as to why the windows were darkened so I came in here myself!” Aurora had said rather proudly before looking over to the corner, a giant plant pot was there. Slowly sliding away to that corner, the noble crouches down in front of the plant pot, dusting away the soot before placing her hands upon the dirt. Her eyes began to flicker with a faint glow of emerald forest green and that caused for the area that the girl covered to glow similarly. “You didn’t deserve that.” The plant that was covered and collecting dust had began to grow once again, it seems like people were neglecting to water the plant. “Having to be covered in ash doesn’t do plants any good….” Alice soon turned around before her eyes widens up, a nervous chuckle escaped her lips as she soon realized what she had done.

Scurrying off behind the blue headed male,
the young head of the Villeneuve estate kind of just hid behind Zen as she was afraid of being questioned by Ash for what she had just did. The slightly older female tugged on the shirt that Zen was wearing before getting onto her tippy toes, “He’s lying about the microwave exploding…” She had whispered to the guard before lowering her head once again, her heart pouncing against her ribcage made her feel uncomfortable. She felt as if everyone could hear it, oh no, this isn’t good. If this continues more… unnatural things are going to happen which caused for Aurora to grip onto the article of clothing that belonged to Zen. She was nervous and filled with anxiety as to how Ash would react to her like that, even though she knows what caused for the ash to be everywhere. The noble only knew due to the fact that she has the ability of working with nature, they can technically tell her things. Although she said nothing about Ash, she doesn’t know him and she’s scared he’ll go around telling people of what she did. Her left hand gripped tightly onto where her heart was and her right hand was gripping onto Zen’s shirt.

With her head hanging down low, Aurora was just
scared that this tall red headed male would yell at her or something, the noble couldn't help but to get scared but for some reasons, this particular
male is giving off the same feelings that Zen gave off. It was an unusual feeling this noble couldn't put her finger upon, it was similar but
fairly faint. She wonders if there were more people like the people in the room at the moment, the noble then turned her head slightly,
her feet gently nudges the door close behind themselves as she feels like something like this needs to be kept private. No rumors shall be spread
today or any other days. Peeking out from behind of Zen, Aurora's brilliant oceanic sapphire gems looks as if she was saying, I also know what you
” to Ash. Now, she had a bit of anxiety as to how Zen would react to what she had just did.

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  • [IMG='width:300px;']https://66.media.tumblr.com/18d2779c81a5492e4229779802eb5b2d/tumblr_p7z0jyc2GP1snbyiqo2_540.gif[/IMG]

𝕿he room was covered in ash,
Aurora just placed her hand over her nose before rubbing her nose. This was a lot messier than her actual room! She thought
it was impossible but she was proved wrong. Looking over at the room, this room being decorated in a monotone shade -- even the
male in front of her was just covered in monotone, especially his outfit. Reaching into her pocket, the noble pulled out a handkerchief
while looking back at Zen. “Ash?
Yeah, there’s ash every- Oh, you mean..” Turning her attention with her finger pointing at the police,
she finally understood who the guard was talking about. Her bright aquatic gems blinks before shaking her head, returning back to
what she was going to do, the noble walks forward before looking up for permission or more of a warning before wiping away
the soot that covered some of his features. “Right now, you match your name really well.” Alice had commented before finishing
up to clean the ash off of the red head.

𝕾lowly retracing her steps back to Zen’s side,
the female blinked her eyes before looking up at both the police and guard. The mistress of the Villeneuve estate nodded her head
before smiling, “As long as nobody has gotten hurt, then that’s good.” Aurora had said before having a smile on her face, but she was suspicious
of what happened and the reasons the officer gave didn’t persuade her. How can a little microwave cause such a big explosion without
alarming anyone else in the department? Or even how is he not injured in anyway? “Did you burn yourself? If you did, I can get you something
to help with the burn.
” The noble had piped up while rocking back and forth upon her heels while rubbing the bandages that wrapped her
left hand to her forearm, most were covered by her sleeves except just for her hand area.

𝕷ooking over at Ash when he had questioned Zen,
her eyes widens up before shaking her head and waving her hands in front of herself to deny what he had said. “I’m no royalty and
Zen didn’t drag me here, I was curious as to why the windows were darkened so I came in here myself!
” Aurora had said rather proudly before looking
over to the corner, a giant plant pot was there. Slowly sliding away to that corner, the noble crouches down in front of the plant pot,
dusting away the soot before placing her hands upon the dirt. Her eyes began to flicker with a faint glow of emerald forest green and
that caused for the area that the girl covered to glow similarly. “You didn’t deserve that.” The plant that was covered and collecting dust
had began to grow once again, it seems like people were neglecting to water the plant. “Having to be covered in ash doesn’t do plants any
” Alice soon turned around before her eyes widens up, a nervous chuckle escaped her lips as she soon realized what she
had done.

𝕾currying off behind the blue headed male,
the young head of the Villeneuve estate kind of just hid behind Zen as she was afraid of being questioned by Ash for what she had just did.
The slightly older but shorter female tugged on the shirt that Zen was wearing before getting onto her tippy toes, “He’s lying about the microwave
exploding… It didn't even explode, something else happened.
” She had whispered to the guard before lowering her head once again, her heart pouncing
against her rib cage made her feel uncomfortable. She felt as if everyone could hear it, oh no, this isn’t good. If this continues more… unnatural
things are going to happen which caused for Aurora to grip onto the article of clothing that belonged to Zen. She was nervous and filled with
anxiety as to how Ash would react to her like that, even though she knows what caused for the ash to be everywhere. The noble only knew due to
the fact that she has the ability of working with nature, they can technically tell her things. Although she said nothing about Ash, she doesn’t
know him and she’s scared he’ll go around telling people of what she did. Her left hand gripped tightly onto where her heart was and
her right hand was gripping onto Zen’s shirt.

𝖂ith her head hanging down low, Aurora was just
scared that this tall red headed male would yell at her or something, the noble couldn't help but to get scared but for some reasons, this particular
male is giving off the same feelings that Zen gave off. It was an unusual feeling this noble couldn't put her finger upon, it was similar but
fairly faint. She wonders if there were more people like the people in the room at the moment, the noble then turned her head slightly,
her feet gently nudges the door close behind themselves as she feels like something like this needs to be kept private. No rumors shall be spread
today or any other days. Peeking out from behind of Zen, Aurora's brilliant oceanic sapphire gems looks as if she was saying, I also know what you
” to Ash. Now, she had a bit of anxiety as to how Zen would react to what she had just did.

code by Ri.a
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Jaxon Leehime - 19 - Combat Specialist
Jaxon took the folder flipping through it briefly, he would read over it to make sure he didn't miss anything. When Benjamin told him he could ask for help if he needed, he rubbed the back of his neck. A half smile crossing his face, "Maybe here soon, but just not yet..." He had the chance to ask now yet he couldn't form the question. It was so simple ask Ben for help finding his mother. So simple yet he couldn't seem to ask, maybe he feared finding her and her rejecting him. He really hadn't thought about the matter, the fact his mother might push him away. He shook his head and looked back to the vanilla folder, "I'll read over this and check out any possible leads even though things have been fairly silent lately. Anyways once I'm done with this I'll file it back where it belongs." Jaxon
Usom Usom

Lilah Kace - 20 - Royal Sword Wielder
Lilah watched as Chelle left once she was out of sight tears slid down Lilah's. She felt alone, even though Chelle was still there for her it felt different. It felt like Chelle only saw her as this Princess now that she knew the truth. Lilah wiped at the tears in anger, she didn't want to cry over it. She didn't want to be this weak... if she came across another sword and she was like this who would want to have her as a leader. She forced her sadness down and tried to focus on remembering her past. She closed her eyes as she tried to remember, a man's voice filled her mind, "Almost but place you hand closer to the end of the hilt on this type of blade. It will even out the weight." The voice sounded nice and she found herself smiling, "Like this..." Sweat began to form at Lilah's brow as she tried to remember more. The only thing that came after that were salmon colored eyes, then darkness. She opened her eyes and sighed rubbing her temples, who had that been? His voice sounded gentle yet serious and his eyes had been the same. "I'm sure Chelle is almost to the town by now...maybe I should head in as well. I can go in a different route to the town it shouldn't be too hard to find." She stood and stretched, heading for a path that would lead her to the city. It would also hopefully make sure she didn't run into Chelle if she hadn't gotten to far yet.​
ɢᴀʙʀɪᴇʟ ᴄʜᴇᴠᴀʟɪᴇʀ
▪ Affiliation: Verntoc Gang
▪ Weapon Speacilist
▪Interaction: Richard Wellington​
The Sandwhich that was going to flop open as he answered with a warning gave Gabriel a small laugh on the inside as Richard seemed to recover it afterwards. Relief the content from his food did not spill all over. Everything was all well- before turning back into the sleeping problem topic. The pink haired male looked down onto the floor for a couple of seconds before looking out into his side, Richard's words of him not being able to rely much on the pills anymore was starting to worry him but a part of him already knew this was going to happen eventually. He had not gotten a good sleep ever since the day he ran away. And now that he's getting some kind of weird feeling of something bothering his mind all the time,it kept him awake almost all night. Gabriel felt as if he was forgetting something important, but he could not quiet put his finger onto it. " If nothing ends up knocking me out by night - I'll have to take some of your sedatives through my veins directly" turning his attention back to the doctor. Jokingly giving out a suggestion but in the back of his mind he meant it.​
Something intrigued the mind of the tall male now, he leaned a bit closer and leaned back now closer to the door. "Poison?" He repeated almost surprised before hearing the next idea Richard had in mind. A grin practically running on his lips, eyes narrowed towards Wellington's direction. "You sound like a mad man! You planning to test on yourself now? Well rather ..." trailing off hearing the reason denying him from injecting the poison himself. "Why not have someone else?" Hinting excitement into his voice. "Perhaps one of the prisoners wouldn't mind being a guinea pig- plus more accurate results right ? " feeding more hype into the idea, he wondered if Richard would care to even consider that. It almost sounded straight out of a torturing book. Finishing off, Chevalier raised up his hands up taking them out of his pocket quickly. "Will do Doc- Though I cannot promise anything.." He winked playfully before putting a hand on the handle of the door, turning back to see Richard. "Planning to go down town and see what else I can find out about the current mission- plus getting a drink on the way. Mind coming along?" The male asked​
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gamble_away__faye_valentine_tf_tg_ap_mc__request__by_crazynaut-d8pe86z.pngWendy continued on her way down the path. As she walked she glanced at towards the mountains. She had heard about the rumors but wondered how true they were. She be lying if she said she wasn't curious about checking out herself. But if the rumors were true she rather not get killed. She had been trying to distract her mind by thinking about different things because of how hungry she was. She puffed out her cheeks annoyed she started thinking about food again. Even the stranger in the mountains couldn't distract her from her stomach. As she was walking she suddenly heard a voice that made her jump slightly. "Uh me?" She came closer to where she heard the voice to see a woman with long blue hair. Did the woman think she was following her? Heck she didn't even know Wendy didn't even know she was there until the woman spoke. "Hi! Sorry didn't mean to startle you just heading to town." Then suddenly her stomach growled. Well that's embarrassing. She thought to herself as she blushed slightly. "Ahaha well I better get going got some shopping to do." She said began to leave.
jakthemenace jakthemenace
Banzan Fuha
Mount Felter - Near the summit

Banzan looked at his work, satisfied. The creature had been reduced to its composite parts and hung up to dry. Although he didn't necessarily need the animal hide to keep himself warm, at the very least it could make for an intimidating, or ceremonial garment. He took a survey of the area, noting what would be required to obtain before the sun went down. His stockpile of wood was getting a little low. While he didn't care about it for warmth, it was still important to keep it stocked and that meant a trip down to an area with a denser area of trees. With one pull, his axe came loose from the splitting log nearby and he was on his way.

Banzan had learned on that mountain that the wind often offered him insights and whispers. He stopped dead in his tracks as one of these was reaching him now. It echoed in his mind suddenly, as if a thousand mouths were crying out in pain. It wasn't a thousand mouths though, only one.


He called out the name of the beast and dashed off, gracefully and with no wasted effort. The winds were kind to Banzan, and with their help, it didn't take long for him to reach the scene he had been looking for. There it was, a dead human. A hiker, probably. There were very few predators in this area though, and as expected there didn't seem to be any wounds showing they had been hunted by wildlife. No, the cause of death seemed to be...

'Is that so...'

The corner of Banzan's mouth turned up in to a half smile. It seemed things were about to get interesting. He grabbed the lifeless corpse and slung it over his shoulder. Leaving it where it was could cause problems. The ascent back to his campsite was much less hurried, but once he arrived, he tossed the body down aside the fire where he planned to burn it. Something was different than before though. The winds shifted uncomfortably, heaving to and fro. Banzan set out in the general direction of the disturbance. It took him higher than the pass, on a makeshift path to the peak. It seemed he wasn't the only one calling this mountain their home. While he eyed the stranger suspiciously, Hiro audibly snarled at the new presence.

Sona Sona
The woman didn't know anything about this area. The mountain above, and the settlement below. She had to be in her most cautious state in any moment, any situation. She eyes the girl in strange clothing to judge if she did harm or not. She seemed harmless, probably not here to confront them or nose into her unfamiliarness. Chelle relaxes her tension, and sighs in relief. "I'm sorry dear. I had no reason to startle you like that." She apologized, bowing slightly as she did with all other royalty, even though she assumed her to be a civilian.

She then looks up and makes eye contact. Her aquamarine irises looking into the other's radiant pupils. A flash of memories and flashbacks ran through her mind, a ray of light in her vision. To Wendy, it looked like she was distracted by a certain thing in the distance and was staring mindlessly at it. But she was receiving a premonition... premonition that the girl she was talking to was the Sword of light. The light Sword might also have same visions that she had, but the Water Sword was unaware of that.

Chelle gasps slightly and recomposes herself. She didn't want to evoke the same response that Lilah gave her when she told the whole truth to her. Not now, at least. Her thought process was redirected when she heard the girl's stomach growling. She was definitely hungry from the sound of it. "Excuse me- I apologize I can't do anything about it, but have you had anything to eat yet?" That was the least she could do with no money and no knowledge about this place. Her plan was to trail behind her to see for herself and affirm that she was truly the Sword of light.

animegirl20 animegirl20
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"That's good. Wouldn't want you to get hurt thanks to some..." Zen gestured with his hands, extending his arms to hopefully encompass and point out everything in the room. "Accident with the microwave." He didn't seem to really care when Aurora started moving - first off wiping the soot and ash that was on Ash with her handkerchief. He then whistled as he took in the break room once more. It was pretty big and something as small as a microwave would haven't created all of this and the fire seemed to have been contained by only one person - and that person is standing in the middle of the room, completely unharmed. "You must have been pretty lucky to be able to stop the fire and get out unharmed. They should really put you on the regular workforce instead of just a trainee." He teased.

Upon the question of why he took Aurora here, he sighed and rubbed his temples and answered right after Aurora. "More like I'm the one being dragged here." He responded with a grin. Though, unlike Aurora, he didn't correct him on calling her royalty. She might as well be considering the position of power of their family in this town. "Lady Villeneuve here does have a curiosity that matches a child on her first day at the playroom." He said with a grin, gesturing idly to his friend who was now walking away from them as she seemed to have spotted something interesting. "See, I told y-"

He choked on his next words as she displayed her powers to the world - but at least she just displayed it to Ash. His thoughts were going a mile a minute and he just wanted to begin to rant then and there about not doing that ever again to people they don't know or trust. Okay, he did know and trust Ash but he wasn't a Sword. He wasn't... a... But what if he is? It's the only logical explanation for the incident in this break room. What if he had just discovered his powers or lost momentary control over it and ended up combusting most of the things inside. Maybe that was why Aurora was so open about showing him her own abilities - because she suspected he had his own secrets.

And his suspicions were correct when Aurora whispered to him that it wasn't a microwave. He made a small nod to acknowledge what she had said. He felt her tugging onto his shirt - probably seeking the protection he had always given to her. And the final statement of Aurora was what hit the ball to the park. Zen simply sighed and awaited Ash's response. "If I knew most of who I called friends were like me as well, I would have outted myself a long time ago." He grumbled under his breath, unsure whether Aurora and Ash heard him or just one of them or none at all. By this point, he didn't seem to care.

B E A R B E A R Golden Golden


Richard rolled his eyes as he finally finished the sandwich he was holding and he had dusted off his hands. "That'll put you to sleep forever, that's for sure." He scoffed. Richard would never use any of the sedatives he had on humans. He wasn't sure what dosage a human could take since his sedatives were made for animals - and their sizes, not to mention resistance, is vastly different than a human's. He'd rather not test it out on other humans in fear that he may just harm there more. That would completely be against his own code of morals and the truth that he is, first and foremost, a doctor.

There was unexpected concern but also unexpected excitement in Gabriel's voice when poison was put on the table. "Well, yes, building up resistance on oneself is normal. Nobles and royals do it all the time to avoid dying from poison." He the then shook his head. "Most of the time." He corrected himself. And indeed, Richard may have given some nobles poison before and told them to consume it when a pharmacist or doctor is around. Richard had seen them go through excruciating pain but soon get used to the poison so much that it didn't bother them anymore. Presented with the prospect of using others, his gaze steeled. "No." There was no considerating thought. There was no hesitation. "I will not test on prisoners." He had his own morals to follow and that was on the top of his priority list to follow.

"Sure." Richard had grabbed his coat that was hanging near the entrance and then exited with the man. Even Richard was curious about what they needed to do. The Gang wasn't all that active and they only got into tussles thanks to bandits and whatnot. And a drink didn't sound too bad either.

Blue Rabbit Blue Rabbit
Ashley Wren Gleden

For a painstakingly long second, it almost looked as if the pair had bitten the bait.

Before Ashley could utter out another word about how he was fine, he swore it, Aurora was already taking a few steps forward to readily place herself before him. He noticed then, up close, the comparison between them in appearance alone was stark and almost comical: the elegantly dressed noble daughter, nearly two whole feet shorter. They never exchanged words but Ashley had always saw her in passing, guarded by an ever-watchful Zen as they roamed the colorful streets of Felter. He's shocked then, when Aurora doesn't hesitate to reach out and clean the remnants of powdery ashes still covering the young officer's cheeks and forehead in dark streaks-places his anxious fingers apparently missed over in his frantic rush to cover for what had happened just a few minutes prior.

"...I'm not burned," Ashley finally responded to their united concerns with an exaggerated sigh, though he remained completely frozen still (minding his manners, just this once), arms glued flat at his side as Aurora fussed over him like a doting parent with her handkerchief. "I'm definitely not hurt, either. Guys-I know it's a hell of a mess, but i'm okay."

'Okay' had been a severe overstatement, that much Ashley could admit within the privacy of his mind. There was something seriously screwed up with him that needed hours of introspection and expensive therapy later-but as much as he viewed Zen and Aurora as harmless bystanders, there was no way on earth he was confiding in them about that.

Seemingly satisfied with her work, Aurora then turned on her heel with purpose; drawing away from Ashley, she headed towards a lone, potted plant in the corner of the room, it's leaves only slightly charred by the explosion. "Wait a minute-" Ashley's attention now switched to to his fellow officer beside him,
"Dragged?" The red-head paused, then he grinned, completely gleeful- there had been word through the grapevine of Zen romancing the Villenueve's daughter only fueled by how often the two spent their time together. Sure, he knew it was all bull-but that didn't stop him from motioning his wrist in a flick and making a 'whipping' sound out the side of his mouth to emphasize the personal jab.

The situation almost felt natural then; the usual playful rapport between the officers, even with the presence of the royal daughter in their midst. It all seemed normal, if only for a moment.


With his words suddenly strangled in his own throat, Ashley watched as Zen fell utterly silent. Without knowing why, he felt his own complexion slowly pale as well; as words failed him, his eyes raced towards where the guard's own gaze remained transfixed on-Aurora.

The pot she stood in front of was illuminated in a soft green light that seemed to emanate from the noble's very fingertips. She spoke a few words he couldn't hear-whether it was the body-chilling shock or their distance-and that was it: a green stalk began to spout forth from the soil like magic, growing a fully bloomed plant right before their very eyes. Ashley took a staggering step backwards. He could see Aurora scurry over towards Zen in his peripheral, as well as hear the bold accusation the noble directed at him.

The overwhelming anxiety, the dreadful fear--the emotions he'd been dreading for years that he'd be discovered and rejected-never came.

"...No shit." Ashley gave off a breathy laugh. Deep relief washed over him as he felt a decade long burden lifted from his shoulders-he had to lean back into the break room's door as he suddenly became overwhelmed at the sudden realization-no, he wasn't insane, and no, it hadn't all been in his damn head! There were people out there like him, probably dealing with the same shit he'd had to for as long as he could remember. People that would understand.

"Zen," Ashley raised his own hand before his face- what always felt so foreign and intimidating before almost felt close to normal now. He glanced up and grinned genuinely at the two-There was no point in lying anymore. "You too?"

AI10100 AI10100 , B E A R B E A R
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Lilah Kace - 20 - Royal Sword Wielder
Even though Lilah was walking through the woods alone, it felt like someone was watching her. Then again maybe it was just her paranoia about being alone in a strange new place. She tugged at the white material of the dress, she probably should find something different to wear but with no money that would be impossible. "Plus it is frowned upon to steal from someone else." She said softly to herself, feeling the need to hear something other than the sounds of animals. Chelle had left a while ago now and Lilah had figured it was enough time for a good distance to get between them. In that time Lilah had made her headache worse trying to force herself to remember even more. She remembered only a small bit more after the man with salmon colored eyes. A faint voice singing a soft lullaby, most likely her mothers voice and another man's voice who she thought might be her fathers. Other than that it was nothing more than fire and screams. Tormenting Lilah's mind once again, she could only imagine how those of her village had felt. The families that had been torn apart and all of their lives lost.

She was pulled from her thoughts as her stomach growled loudly though and she blushed, "Hey miss you looking for a place to stay and eat?" A man's voice asked from behind her, she spun her hand going to her side on instinct but she had no weapon on her. She glared at the man, "N-no thanks, I am just on my way to see a f-friend." She said doing her best not to stutter, she got a bad feel from the man. He just laughed, "Oh come now, we can give you a warm bed to sleep on and food. All we ask for in return is you keeping us...a bit of company." He said with a smirk, his eyes moving over her body. Her body tensed even more as the man said we and from the way he looked at her. She glanced from side to side, seeing two other men step out from the shadows of the trees. Sure she could defend herself with almost any kind of sword but her hand to hand combat left something to be greatly desired.​
AI10100 AI10100 Golden Golden

Giggling quietly, Aurora smiles over at the police before tilting her head,
"Both of us, are like that but he's a bit different." What a relief that this male in front of them wasn't reacting badly about
how she had just did that. Soon enough she stepped out from behind of the guard, the girl looked up at the officer
before back at her friend, Zen. "You sir, you have the abilities of... fire? I mean.. that's what the plant had told me." She said had
commented while pointing back at the same plant before smiling, all her smiles were pretty genuine. Ah, this dear girl
doesn't even know how ridiculous that sounded, a little idiotic but that's really it. If you want her to stop talking, you
better grab a hold of her before she starts babbling on about everything else! For example -- "As you kind of already..
witnessed... I seem to be able to do a lot of things with nature. I mean last time there was this squirrel, all she was saying was acorns,
nuts, peanuts, berries, and repeat the entire thing over! She was like on a roll with everything that she was doing and then she disappeared.
But Zen over here seems to have something to do with electricity? I'm not too sure... What exactly can you do, Zen?

Curiosity struck this girl hard in the head,
her friend over there had never mentioned about his abilities to her and she never knew until today that he had shown
her the electricity that danced around his fingers like a show. So taking the moment that they were on the topic, she wanted
to know what exactly can Zen do. But that also brought up another question but this time it's for Ash, "Was today just one of those
days where you can't control the flames? Or is it a daily thing? Oh wait! You don't need to answer me if you don't want to, I am just asking out of
curiosity... But if you had any questions about me, I'm willing to answer!
" The bubbly noble had frantically waved her arms in front of
herself when she was talking about how he didn't need to answer her if he didn't wanted to. Another thing hit her in the mind,
spinning on her heels to face Zen. "You sir, I don't have the curiosity that matches a child on the.... you know what I'm talking about! I don't
have whatever you said I had earlier.
" Aurora had exclaimed her cheeks puffed out, bright oceanic blue eyes glued to the male's
heterochomic eyes.

Soon enough, this female started sneezing and coughing once again,
"Can we please get out of this room?.." Aurora had questioned before sneezing again and it caused for flowers to flourish for a split
second in the room before dying off immediately. This time the noble just puffed out her cheeks in an unsatisfied reaction and
just grabs a hold of both of the taller males' arms, taking them with her out of the room. As soon as they had left the room, Alice
had made the plant in the room to close the door with vines so nobody can see the mess in the room. Once they were out of the
department, the noble stretches her arms above her head and lets out a deep exhale. "It's so much nicer out here compared to-" The girl
got cut off by an unknown feeling that traveled through her body, her oceanic blue eyes widens up and her eyes immediately
travels towards the direction of the outside. What she felt just now... She couldn't quite place her finger upon it, she just felt as if
something bad will happen later or soon.

Clutching onto the article of clothing where her heart is,
"I... feel something... it's faint but it's similar to the feelings that you two give me. I feel it through the wind and trees, there might be more.." Alice had stated,
she didn't want to mention that awful feeling that she felt for a split second because she wasn't entirely sure what it was. Besides feeling
just that bad feeling, she had also felt similar presence that was close but also far from them. She could just feel it, it was as if she was just
getting messages from the trees, plantations, and mountains but with the help of the wind carrying it to her. Aurora had always got these
"messages" ever since she was a child. She never paid much attention to it nor did she really despise it, they were never something bad.
"Although, I might just be wrong..." Doubting herself, but she knows for a fact that these messages were never wrong. "Oh well, we can
worry about that later! What shall we do? You two are not going to work now that I'm here.
" Aurora had stated as her full attention had turned
onto them, bright glittering eyes filled with energy.

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  • [IMG='width:183px;']https://66.media.tumblr.com/59f565c576f587e41ac89b4211f97576/tumblr_p5uvf9TE1c1vmxayco4_400.png[/IMG]

𝕲iggling quietly, Aurora smiles over at the police before tilting her head,
"Both of us, are like that but he's a bit different." What a relief that this male in front of them wasn't reacting badly about
how she had just did that. Soon enough she stepped out from behind of the guard, the girl looked up at the officer
before back at her friend, Zen. "You sir, you have the abilities of... fire? I mean.. that's what the plant had told me." She said had
commented while pointing back at the same plant before smiling, all her smiles were pretty genuine. Ah, this dear girl
doesn't even know how ridiculous that sounded, a little idiotic but that's really it. If you want her to stop talking, you
better grab a hold of her before she starts babbling on about everything else! For example -- "As you kind of already..
witnessed... I seem to be able to do a lot of things with nature. I mean last time there was this squirrel, all she was saying was acorns,
nuts, peanuts, berries, and repeat the entire thing over! She was like on a roll with everything that she was doing and then she disappeared.
But Zen over here seems to have something to do with electricity? I'm not too sure... What exactly can you do, Zen?

𝕮uriosity struck this girl hard in the head,
her friend over there had never mentioned about his abilities to her and she never knew until today that he had shown
her the electricity that danced around his fingers like a show. So taking the moment that they were on the topic, she
wanted to know what exactly can Zen do. But that also brought up another question but this time it's for Ash, "Was today
just one of those days where you can't control the flames? Or is it a daily thing? Oh wait! You don't need to answer me if you don't
want to, I am just asking out of curiosity... But if you had any questions about me, I'm willing to answer!
" The bubbly noble had frantically
waved her arms in front ofherself when she was talking about how he didn't need to answer her if he didn't wanted to.
Another thing hit her in the mind, spinning on her heels to face Zen. "You sir, I don't have the curiosity that matches
a child on the.... you know what I'm talking about! I don't have whatever you said I had earlier.
" Aurora had exclaimed her
cheeks puffed out, bright oceanic blue eyes glued to the male's heterochomic eyes.

𝕾oon enough, this female started sneezing and coughing once again,
"Can we please get out of this room?.." Aurora had questioned before sneezing again and it caused for flowers to flourish
for a split second in the room before dying off immediately. This time the noble just puffed out her cheeks in an
unsatisfied reaction and just grabs a hold of both of the taller males' arms, taking them with her out of the
room. As soon as they had left the room, Alice had made the plant in the room to close the door with vines so nobody can
see the mess in the room. Once they were out of the department, the noble stretches her arms above her head and
lets out a deep exhale. "It's so much nicer out here compared to-" The girl got cut off by an unknown feeling that traveled through her
body, her oceanic blue eyes widens up and her eyes immediately travels towards the direction of the outside. What she felt
just now... She couldn't quite place her finger upon it, she just felt as if something bad will happen later or soon.

𝕮lutching onto the article of clothing where her heart is,
"I... feel something... it's faint but it's similar to the feelings that you two give me. I feel it through the wind and trees, there might
be more..
" Alice had stated, she didn't want to mention that awful feeling that she felt for a split second because she wasn't
entirely sure what it was. Besides feeling just that bad feeling, she had also felt similar presence that was close but also far
from them. She could just feel it, it was as if she was just getting messages from the trees, plantations, and mountains
but with the help of the wind carrying it to her. Aurora had always got these "messages" ever since she was a child. She never
paid much attention to it nor did she really despise it, they were never something bad. "Although, I might just be wrong..." Doubting
herself, but she knows for a fact that these messages were never wrong. "Oh well, we can worry about that later! What shall we
do? You two are not going to work now that I'm here.
" Aurora had stated as her full attention had turned onto them,
bright glittering eyes filled with energy.

code by Ri.a

Zen grinned when Ash breathed out disbelief. He knew the feeling of being left out - like something was innately wrong with you. He was born with a day where it would seem like an omen. He doubted they had the same experience. He simply nodded in response to Ash when he had turned to ask if he, too, was someone different. Someone special just like him. Aurora had responded for him - as what most have been accustomed to. She was a chatty one after all, and while Zen could match her chatter, he didn't see the reason to repeat anything she had said first. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at Aurora. "You can talk to animals and plants? Lucky." He pouted.

Zen was a bit different in regards to that. The hum of electricity and the feeling of an incoming storm were the things he felt due to his connection with nature. With the uncontrollable urge to destroy and lash out. In response to Aurora's question about his own abilities, he moved forward a bit to make some distance between him and Aurora, fearing that he might electrocute her. As soon as she was out of range, blue electricity began to shoot out of his body - this time coating him in what seemed like a barrier of intense sparks - the smell of ozone reigning around him. "I can also feel electric currents. Lightning. Things like those. It's like a... tingle in my senses. Something I can take my power from." The electricity around him ceased to appear - but the scent lingered. "I can turn electronics on and off. I'm pretty sure I could make storms if I tried, but that's too draining." And Zen knew he couldn't do it without unlocking his full potential.

Without becoming a Sword and bond with their master, he couldn't access the full power that hides within him and how oh how did he wish to wield it once more. He wanted to feel the power coursing through his veins once more. Zen raised his head to meet Ash's eyes. "You and I aren't so different. Uncontrollable forces nature now bound to serve humans." He let out a laugh. "Weird, isn't it?" He had purposefully referred to humans as 'humans' in hopes that they could catch on. Maybe jog their memory. Because they weren't human, they were swords. Swords given life but now are just referred to as just like humans.

His eyes turned worried. "I could help with training your powers. I was somehow taught by my mother when I was a kid to be able to control my own powers." Not to mention his own memories. "We wouldn't want to get found out." Zen was surprised when Aurora had suddenly put attention to him - complaining about what he had called her earlier. He grinned, closing the distance between them again and then booping her nose with his finger. "Yes you do~" He said in a sing-song voice as he waltzed backwards. He loved teasing Aurora. After all, she was so susceptible to it that it just became a thing.

Aurora had dragged them out and he shot a look at Ash - one that said 'See, she drags anyone with her.' The tease from earlier didn't really affect Zen. While he did think that she was beautiful and kind, he didn't think of her that way... Or did he? Zen wasn't really sure himself. He's just happy to be with her because of her openness and acceptance. Zen didn't really have the idea of romance in his mind since the only thing that he thought about was survival. Maybe that could change?

When she had pointed out that she felt something - as if something bad was going to happen. Something bad, in her own words. Zen was suspicious that circumstances had led them all to meet. Three Swords in one town. Maybe even more if he were to believe Aurora's guts. As far as he could remember, none of his previous reincarnations had met with other Swords. They were usually reincarnated far away from each other. But now they were here... "Could they be back?" He said out loud. As far as he could recall, only the Princess remained. But she couldn't have lived for this long... could she? He bit his lower lip as he gazed around. "Do you guys remember anything? Memories you couldn't remember making? Memories of people who you don't even know?"

He seemed frantic but calmed down when Aurora questioned what they should do next. "Food. Let's get some lunch." Zen had reached forward to hold Aurora's hand, finding comfort in the older female's presence. Zen had only done this when he felt particularly nervous or scared, which was the odd occurrence every now and then. He's maybe done it for around seven times since their meeting all those years ago. Zen didn't fear a lot - but that didn't mean they were non-existent.

B E A R B E A R Golden Golden
Benjamin simply nodded his head at the young man’s remark. “Very well. Ensure the file remains safe within your keeping and to properly dispose of it when you are finished." He said delivering a warm smile. "And do please be careful." Ending his conversation with that last remark Benjamin proceeded to perform his duties with delivering the information towards it's desired destination. Benjamin began his way to a man he awfully admired, because like him, they were more brains then bronze. The man was of high status and possessed respect from nearly every member of their little family. As Benjamin was nearing closer to the home of this person it seemed a strike of luck played into his favor. Seeing him exiting his household along with another man he was familiar with.

Delivering a smile and friendly wave towards them he increased his pace so that the gap between them shortened with quick haste. "Good morning gentlemen. I trust the morning has treated you well so far?" Richard's voice was as soft as it was calming. The two before him both lived quite the life before joining their dysfunctional living family or so their files say. A noble and an accused witch boy. Both smart, talented, and overall interesting to say in the least. Though thinking about the two men seemed to have thrown him into an awkward pause as he snapped back into reality. "Ah Richard, before I let my mind wander any farther I have a delivery for you. We have reports describing odd looking plant life that seemed to be flourishing around certain areas that we would like to expand into. With your knowledge I'm sure you could make out what these plants and herbs could be, and if you need any assistance in gathering samples I can have a team sent over in a matter of days."

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
AI10100 AI10100
Blue Rabbit Blue Rabbit
ɢᴀʙʀɪᴇʟ ᴄʜᴇᴠᴀʟɪᴇʀ
▪ Affiliation: Verntoc Gang
▪ Weapon Speacilist
▪Interaction: Richard Wellington
The conversation from before proved him right yet again. Richard was no mad scientist and he had morals he stood by firmly. Something Gabriel admired as some sort of fort nobody could destroy. Nonetheless, it would be engaging to test the many projects Wellington was working under his sleeves. Simply nodding his head with a slight brow raise and a look of a odd defiance and surprise as if agreeing with the man grabbing his coat.​
Already leaving the building, Gabriel had a couple of more questions that arose his mind but decided to leave them at peace for now, until the drinking could happen. Just as he was about to take a couple of more steps towards a vehicle, a tall male with a particular aura. Looking down onto his pocket, the pink haired male looked up to see , what he guessed right to be, None other than Benjamin. "Rise and Shine B! " calling out the golden eye male greeting him back. He wondered why he came down here looking for Richard specifically as he stood at the side listening to what Benjamin had to say. Reports ? Oh- that almost sounds ...as magic?.. Chevalier on his end looked confused. Letting him finish off the duty report he had to announce, the little devil interrupted with an idea. "Why not go right now ?" He suggested. "We were going to do some rounds around the town but this seems more important so why not check it out. Might as well ?-" adding "Perhaps you ache a drink afterwards B? Ehh?" A small tone of teasing asking Benjamin to join them and waiting for Richard to decide ultimately.​
Sona Crissaegrim

The wind rose up the moment Sona felt an unwanted presence there with him, he simply turned around, only to see an old acquaintance. Sona sighed and stood tall, his inhuman appearance was not all that forgettable, the horn on the right side of his head- even his outfit hadn't changed much since the old days, his long snow-white hair dancing in the wind as his emotionless and full-of-hatred eyes looked at the person standing before him. Old memories filled Sona's head, memories he didn't want to recall. "The Sword Of The Wind..." Sona mumbled under his mouth mask, unsure if the person standing in front of him remembered him. To tell the truth, Sona was unsure whether he was the only Sword that managed to regain its memory, but he didn't care. "Of course you'd be in a place like this, Banzan." Said Sona with an emotionless tone in his voice, it was obvious that he wasn't happy to see another Sword.

Sona always had been arguing with two other Swords back in the day, The Sword of Light, and The Sword of Wind. His overall coexistence with the other Swords wasn't all that friendly since he mostly met them in the battlefield, as enemies. That was because of Sona's previous owners, who were all tyrants, demons, terrorists, evil sorcerers and such. Sona has never been held by a hero, and he probably never will be. Anyways, The Sword of Shadow was always hated, that fact would never change for Sona, maybe he was too blind to see that there were people in this world caring for him. All these years of hate, jealousy and wrong influence of his previous owners blighted him, getting in the way of his better judgment. Despite all that, Sona was happy to interact with another Sword, he was alone for so long, only coming in contact with lesser beings -as he called them-, the humans. It was nice to meet someone of your own level of power, experience, and intellect. That was the blighted and misguided way Sona viewed the world, humans being those selfish, lesser beings, corrupted to the core and Swords being the pure, intellectual tools that had the right to choose who would live and who would die through their vessel, the wielder.

Back to the scene, Sona stared at Banzan, studying him from afar, making sure it was to The Sword of Wind he was talking to.

Godhowsae Godhowsae

Richard wondered what kind of things they'd find out during their little trip to town. He didn't really know much about their current objectives and the Boss (Richard was beginning to suspect that he wasn't actually the leader since he kept referring to Leader in that way as if he wasn't pertaining to himself) didn't really give them any more hints as to where the location of these mysterious Swords were. Maybe they didn't know and they were still searching for it. It was a shame to wait around. He wanted to go back home as soon as possible but that seemed more and more like a dream rather than something that was in the future for him.

He had exited the building and raised his eyes to look at the streets, only to find someone briskly walking towards them. A grin pulled up to Richard's mouth as he waved at the incoming information broker. "Good morning to you as well, Benjamin." While Richard wasn't very formal in terms of walking or even his general presence didn't really give off that sort of aura, his speech had always been polite. Especially towards those who are as old as himself. Or close to that. Like Benjamin. "I've managed to avoid spilling my food and I finished... er, seven potions I believe?" He said, beginning to count back to his tasks earlier. "In any case, it's been a good morning." He said with a final nod.

His eyes shone with something that seemed almost child-like at the mention of new herbs to test out. He rubbed his hands together. "Excellent! I'll head out there as soon as I am able..." He looked towards Gabriel who seemed to have also some form of interest towards the plants in question. "It will be quick since I'll only gather samples. Let me just grab my bag." He had turned around and rushed towards his room, packing up everything he needed into his satchel before heading out. "Let's go then! I have mysterious plants and drinks to look forward to after all." Richard seemed beyond excited. And he was. Even if he hadn't finished testing out the poison, he still had time for this one. He felt like it would take a long while before he can get his results from the poison anyway.

Blue Rabbit Blue Rabbit Usom Usom
Jaxon Leehime - 19 - Combat Specialist
Jaxon watched Ben walk off probably to talk to others bout other information that didn't concern him. He looked to the folder and walked back to his house. Even though he did live in a house of his own it was still by the Main House. He walked up unlocking the door and heading in. He sat the folder on the counter and made his shake, before wiping at some sweat with a towel and sitting down. He then flipped through the folder reading the information. As Ben had said there really wasn't anything out of the ordinary. He sighed drinking the shake before finishing up his reading. "Nothing....nothing at all it's been way too quiet around here."

Lilah Kace - 20 - Royal Sword Wielder
She was so close to being within the city, perhaps she could run for it. There they wouldn't be able to touch her right? Or maybe they could? Was that what this world had turned into, a place with filthy people. She turned sharply getting ready to run for it but her long hair was snagged backwards before she even could start running. The man to her back laughing harshly, "You should think before running sweetheart..." She closed her eyes thinking only of Chelle, why had she even separated from her. It had been such a stupid idea Lilah had just been emotional, had Chelle ran into this problem? Now worry about her friend filled her, she no longer cared for her own situation. "L-let me go!!!" She said trying to twist free, "Let me go now!!! I have to go to my friend!!!" Her voice cracked as tears threatened to fall. She twisted biting into the man's arm, he howled in anger and pain letting her go. She was good only for a second, getting her balance once more and taking off.

The man behind her cursed up a storm, she was so close but she was once again snagged backwards. Her eyes turned to glare at the hand grabbing her arm only to have a hand slap her across the face harshly. Her head snapped to the side as a tear slipped down her cheek, "C-chelle...." She whispered her friends name softly before one of the other men gagged her with a piece of cloth. This was not how Lilah had hoped to experience this new world. She hoped Chelle was safe...one of the men shoved her forward as they began to head towards the town once again. Though it seemed they wanted to take back ways, a small glimmer of hope rose inside her. If they took back ways it meant that this was not how this world had turned out. It also meant that Chelle was probably safe...​
Ashley Wren Gleden

With his jaw still fixed to the floor, Ashley responded to most of the questions in his sudden interrogation from Aurora with a slow nod. He could see it difficult enough to keep up with the easily excitable noble on a good day-after having witnessed her abilities, it only made it all the more impossible to concentrate on her bombardment of questions when a thousand and one thoughts and questions of his own now ran endlessly through his fast-paced mind: just how many others out there were like them?

Ashley forced himself to shake free of the overwhelming thought for the moment, if only to respond. "It's not that I can't control it-" He remarked to her final question with a deep furrow in his brow, "It's more that I don't. These types of things just...happen."

He casually turned along with Aurora to face Zen, abundantly more curious at the prospect of witnessing what the younger male had up his sleeve then he was with beating himself over the head (funny, how not being able to do what his younger peers seemed so easily capable of struck his ego where it hurt). His nerves felt permanently high-wired at the thought, but the sheer exhilaration pumping through his body now kept him frozen in place- Ashley gawked openly as the guard took a step forward and away from Aurora (and Ash took his own precautionary step back).

He now sensed something, albeit briefly, before he saw it with his own eyes; flares of blue lightning suddenly emitted off the guard in wild streaks as the air took on the scent of a distant storm approaching. Ashley's eyes widened as he watched the white-hot bolts hit the ground in tiny sparks around his feet, crackling almost freely among the trio, though the majority of the energy remained entirely contained to Zen's person.

Being the wordsmith he was, Ashley conjured a number of ecstatic swears under his breath as he gazed on, fully enthralled with the display-right up until Zen completely ceased the surge of energy illuminating the break room, excersizing the same flawless ease Aurora had.

His muttered 'How?' and abundance of other similar inquiries were lost in the wind completely- Aurora had suddenly found a firm grip on both officer's arms and escorted them out of the break room before Ashley could even consider his protest, or question the odd phrasing Zen used.

Since when was he a servant to any human?

Ashley laughed outright- though he didn't fail to catch the dramatic shift in mood, nor the conversation Aurora and Zen now seemed to have amongst themselves about sensing things and recurring memories and people coming back- and all the emotions and vivid imagery Ashley had grown to shun and consider an instability seemed to abruptly crash down on his flimsy Psyche all at once.

He paused in his movements temporarily, then he gave another laugh once more to cover his lapse of nerves; it was all starting to feel a bit too real, too quick. The redhead was utterly thankful, then, for the small reprieve that came from Zen in the offer of lunch. "Say no more-there's a cheap cafe just around the corner," Ashley offered to the other two with a grin and a jab of his thumb in the direction of the building's back exit. He took a few strides ahead of the pair to lead them outside (not one to stay behind and play the third wheel, or get caught and have his ass chewed out for nearly setting the entire department's break room ablaze).

AI10100 AI10100 , B E A R B E A R
gamble_away__faye_valentine_tf_tg_ap_mc__request__by_crazynaut-d8pe86z.pngAs Wendy began, she stopped when she heard the woman speak. She then turned and glanced back at her and scratched the back of her head. "Haha no it's fine don't worry about it." Strange why did Wendy feel a sense familiarity with her. Wendy stood there thinking for a moment. IT was weird she felt like she knew her. Then all of sudden a slight pain went through Wendy's head. She winced but then her eyes widen as she began to see flashes of memories. When they stopped the small pain in her head went away and she looked back at the woman. Wendy wasn't quite sure what to make of what had just happen. In whisper she said, "Water?" She then shook her head. Although she saw the memories it hadn't quite come clear to her what the heck those memories were or what they even meant. There was clear confusion on her face. "Huh? What?" She looked at the woman who just asked her something. "Oh! I haven't I plan grabbing a bite once I get to town. I assume that's where headed right?" Wendy said smiling. "Come on we can go together." Although Wendy had smile on her face that said everything's good it was clear that she seemed little freaked out and confused. Actually this wasn't the first time she felt like she knew someone. Though she never had strange memories flash through head, she did feel like she knew certain people. Random people she would see in town she would suddenly get strange sense she knew them and recently she for some reason found herself thinking about that rumor going around about the guy on the mountain. It little things like that but now having flashes of memories she didn't recognize? What the heck was going on here?!
jakthemenace jakthemenace
AI10100 AI10100 Golden Golden

It seems as if the room had dimmed
when Zen had taken a step forward, away from the noble and to show what he
he was capable of doing. the electricity that surged all around it's body not causing
any sort of harm to the caster. Aurora was in awe, the striking blue waves of
electricity were dancing all around but never in touch with her or Ash, which shows
that it was going to harm them. She was just so intrigued by Ashley and Zen's abilities,
they were rather similar to each other but not entirely. But they were also so
dramatically different from each others. It made her feel rather happy on the inside
when she had found that both of them were capable of doing such things. Now she
really doesn't care for hiding or not unless they're in public, that's a completely different

Soon after she had escorted both of them out,
Aurora seems to have tilted her head to the side out of confusion when Zen had asked
them both a question. Having memories that they never created, the girl seemingly
have shaken her head with a frown on her face. Alice actually did have those memories
but it had never contained any other people being there, it had always been just herself
in the wilderness surrounded many different plants that she had not seen yet in this life.
Her attention was glued to the tallest member of the trio, the girl's big bright oceanic
crystals stares at him with curiosity as to how he would answer but nothing. He had let
out a couple of chuckles.

This noble was just going to question
what was wrong but then it never came out of her lips, she felt a familiar feeling grasping
onto her own hand. Looking down at her hand, someone's hand had grabbed onto her's
and it was none other than Zen. Blinking her eyes before looking up at the other taller
male but also younger, she was a bit surprised by such actions even though she knew
why he had done something like that. It tends to surprise her each time since Zen
doesn't do this often but she was also used to it by now. Rora tilted her head
a bit before nodding her head at what he had said about lunch. In all honesty, she
doesn't mind what they were going to do, she just wanted to hang out with people.

Hearing what Ashley had said
about a café being just around the corner, this noble's eyes lit up as if they were gems
being held up against the lights. "Oh, how are their pastries?" Aurora had questioned the
officer that already walked off ahead of them, the noble of the Villeneuve estate followed
after while holding onto Zen's hand. If anyone had knew her, she loves pastries as they are
always making her happy, so when the male had said the café -- she is usually thinking about
what do they have. Who could blame her? So just let the young noble be and go along with
it. Don't even stop to just question her about it, there won't be an answer coming for you.

Although she soon turns her head back,
back at the police department and looks at the darkened window. "I wonder how they would react
to that.
" Aurora looks over at Zen and then Ash, hoping they could give her answer just so one of
them can just "cure" her curiosity. Okay, maybe Alice did have the curiosity of a child on the first
day but the noble was too naive to notice that. She'll deny it whenever says that about her,
especially Zen, he always finds something to tease about her. "Ash, if they found out that it's you,
tell them to not worry about it. I can ask for someone to fix the room for you guys.
" A though had popped
into her head before she had just blurt it right out at Ash, blinking her eyes before a smile played
on her facial features. This girl was willing to help out anyone and everyone, as long as they ask
or she thinks that they need help. She'll just blurt things right out, she thinks about the
consequences later on. Actually, no, she doesn't even think about that....

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  • [IMG='width:183px;']https://66.media.tumblr.com/59f565c576f587e41ac89b4211f97576/tumblr_p5uvf9TE1c1vmxayco4_400.png[/IMG]

𝕴t seems as if the room had dimmed
when Zen had taken a step forward, away from the noble and to show what he
he was capable of doing. the electricity that surged all around it's body not causing
any sort of harm to the caster. Aurora was in awe, the striking blue waves of
electricity were dancing all around but never in touch with her or Ash, which shows
that it was going to harm them. She was just so intrigued by Ashley and Zen's abilities,
they were rather similar to each other but not entirely. But they were also so
dramatically different from each others. It made her feel rather happy on the inside
when she had found that both of them were capable of doing such things. Now she
really doesn't care for hiding or not unless they're in public, that's a completely different

𝕾oon after she had escorted both of them out,
Aurora seems to have tilted her head to the side out of confusion when Zen had asked
them both a question. Having memories that they never created, the girl seemingly
have shaken her head with a frown on her face. Alice actually did have those memories
but it had never contained any other people being there, it had always been just herself
in the wilderness surrounded many different plants that she had not seen yet in this life.
Her attention was glued to the tallest member of the trio, the girl's big bright oceanic
crystals stares at him with curiosity as to how he would answer but nothing. He had let
out a couple of chuckles.

𝕿his noble was just going to question
what was wrong but then it never came out of her lips, she felt a familiar feeling grasping
onto her own hand. Looking down at her hand, someone's hand had grabbed onto her's
and it was none other than Zen. Blinking her eyes before looking up at the other taller
male but also younger, she was a bit surprised by such actions even though she knew
why he had done something like that. It tends to surprise her each time since Zen
doesn't do this often but she was also used to it by now. Rora tilted her head
a bit before nodding her head at what he had said about lunch. In all honesty, she
doesn't mind what they were going to do, she just wanted to hang out with people.

𝕳earing what Ashley had said
about a café being just around the corner, this noble's eyes lit up as if they were gems
being held up against the lights. "Oh, how are their pastries?" Aurora had questioned the
officer that already walked off ahead of them, the noble of the Villeneuve estate followed
after while holding onto Zen's hand. If anyone had knew her, she loves pastries as they are
always making her happy, so when the male had said the café -- she is usually thinking about
what do they have. Who could blame her? So just let the young noble be and go along with
it. Don't even stop to just question her about it, there won't be an answer coming for you.

𝕬lthough she soon turns her head back,
back at the police department and looks at the darkened window. "I wonder how they would react
to that.
" Aurora looks over at Zen and then Ash, hoping they could give her answer just so one of
them can just "cure" her curiosity. Okay, maybe Alice did have the curiosity of a child on the first
day but the noble was too naive to notice that. She'll deny it whenever says that about her,
especially Zen, he always finds something to tease about her. "Ash, if they found out that it's you,
tell them to not worry about it. I can ask for someone to fix the room for you guys.
" A though had popped
into her head before she had just blurt it right out at Ash, blinking her eyes before a smile played
on her facial features. This girl was willing to help out anyone and everyone, as long as they ask
or she thinks that they need help. She'll just blurt things right out, she thinks about the
consequences later on. Actually, no, she doesn't even think about that....

code by Ri.a
15c62a5f1c17dd84475c090da557af27.jpgDove was sleeping soundly in her room while the servants had awoken to begin the day. Her parents were already awake as well seeing as they had business to attend to. But sweet innocent Dove was in deep sleep happily dreaming but suddenly she woke up with sudden jolt and aura seemed different then it did just now as she slept. "I feel it." She said with stranger's voice. "Something's happened or happening." She slowly got of bed. She had quite girly night gown on which she sneered at as she caught glimpse at herself in the mirror. She then walked over to her phone and picked up and dialed a number. "Hello? Leon? It's Raven. I think it's about time we started to get more active...…..I want people set out now and tell them to report back everything they find out don't care how small...…..Oh and while your at it maybe start dropping some hints about me huh? I might showing myself soon." She hung up the phone and the moment she did as servant knock on the door. "Miss? You still asleep dear? It's time to get up we've got breakfast ready." Suddenly Dove fell to the floor unconscious. When there was no response the servant came in and gasp when she saw her on the floor. "Dove?!" The servant ran to her side. "Miss Dove why are you on the floor?" Said as she tried to wake her up. Dove eyes flutter open and looked around confused. "I....how did I get down here?" Dove looked at the servant. "I don't know I found you here like this." Dove slowly stood up and looked around some more as if to find the answer to her question. "W-well I'm alright so I guess I shouldn't worry about it...." Suddenly she had this overwhelming feeling. She sudden had the desire to go out to town. "You know I think I'll go out today!" She sudden smiling. "Would you mind asking mother and father if it's ok?" The servant looked at her puzzled. "Yes of course.....but don't you have other plans today?" Dove started going through closet. "Cancel them." The servant nodded then left the room. Dove started humming to herself worth out a care in the world as got dressed. "Good girl"
King Crimson King Crimson
As she got a grip on her mind to lessen the flashbacks from wracking her, Chelle noticed the other girl widen her eyes and possibly experience the same thing she had. But in her case, she couldn’t have understood what was doing on. The aqua-haired woman felt concern and pity, but she would have to explain all of those memories straightforwardly when the time comes. The importance of them far outweighed beating around the bush. She furrows her eyebrows in worry as Light’s face twisted into confusion.

Ah, yes..That is where I head. I haven’t thought about it in such a long time, but I’ll need something to fuel me on the m- this day.”

She was thinking too hard about the truth, as she was one to focus on the present at hand. Mentally, she reprimanded herself for the slip-up and continued to follow the girl. Usually, she would be the person to guide and care for others, but it was oddly relieving to be aided like this, especially in a completely different time from hers. Chelle gingerly steps around trees and through grasses, minding if there was any venomous animals she or Light could accidentally provoke.

Just then, she receives a feeling of grave danger, but hasn’t a clue of what was happening on the other side of the forest...
animegirl20 animegirl20

"You spontaneously combust?" Zen questioned, but it seemed more rhetorical than serious. Zen had his own fair share of accidental usage of powers. He remembered this one time when he accidentally caused a surge of electrical energy that short-circuited any and all electronics within a two-kilometer radius. Everything went back to normal after a few minutes. Zen forgot why exactly that had happened - but that was one of the best moments of his life. Perhaps that was the time when he first found out that he could actually control it to more than just sparks.

Zen was unnerved by the fact that neither of them doesn't seem to know what he was talking about - or that he sounded crazy. So they probably don't have any recollections of their memories? Maybe that's how other reincarnations worked? Zen didn't really get his memories until he was ten years old, and he only got tidbits before he finally pieced everything together. He placed his other hand on his necklace - a necklace that he had claimed from his old vault from his old place. It was the first time he had gotten out of the village before. It wasn't particularly far - his old home was just two towns over. He couldn't claim any of the other stuff, of course, since his previous life had given it away.

"A cafe huh?" Zen had rubbed the necklace. "Alright, let's go! Time to eat!" Maybe it was better that they didn't know? But he couldn't help but feel that their innocence to their previous lives would be removed soon. Maybe he should savor this time when he could just think about nothing else than the protection of this town along... and of course of Aurora. However, as they moved towards the cafe, he had looked around. He took a deep breath and then removed his hand from his necklace and then he extended his hand outwards. He sent a not even remotely noticeable spark of electricity.

But he knew that there was someone out there - any Sword in the town - that could feel it. Aurora and Ash would have felt it too.

Zen waved his hand dismissively. "They won't understand what happened. They'll just chalk it up to an accident." He said with a shrug. "Don't worry, Ash will be fine. Right?" He looked towards the police officer with a small smile.

B E A R B E A R Golden Golden
Mentioned: animegirl20 animegirl20 jakthemenace jakthemenace
gamble_away__faye_valentine_tf_tg_ap_mc__request__by_crazynaut-d8pe86z.pngForgetting about the weirdness for now. They headed on their way. "Fuel yourself? You mean food right? No problem there. They got tons places in town you can choose from." As they were walking her phone began to ring. She took it out of her pocket and answered. "Hello?.....Oh hey sis....yeah I'm almost there.....Ugh did you seriously just call to nag me? I'm not going to spend all of the money!.....I'm not a kid." She hung up the phone and stuffed it in her pocket. She then puffed out her cheeks. "Jeez I'm tired of her treating me like damn kid...…Why can't she be like you?" She said referring to Chelle. "You never nagged me so much....ah wait....what?" Wendy stopped in walking as she tried to figure out where the heck that came from. She glanced over at Chelle and then shook her head. "I must be losing it." Wendy said as she mumbled to her self.

Finally they made it to town and Wendy turned to look at Chelle. "Well here we are. Welcome to the City of Felter."
jakthemenace jakthemenace
Banzan Fuha
Mount Felter - Summit

'I expected to find some foul creature lurking about this mountain. I wasn't expecting a demon.'

Banzan glowered at the form atop the peak. His hand grasped the hilt of his blade and he paused for one second, two seconds, three seconds. The pause didn't end. It was such a simple thing, to kill. Often the more difficult thing to do was to not take up arms. The only time his blade was to be drawn was when he was certain to kill. 'Besides...' Banzan gave a small chuckle and closed his eyes. 'What right does a devil have to judge a demon?' That was the thought Banzan left himself, as he heard the demon speak his name. Slowly, his eyes opened to look upon the form once more. It was a surprise. The only ones that should know that were in the order. Was he with them? Unlikely. Nonetheless, it wasn't the strangest thing he had been experiencing lately.

'You know my name. That is strange, but I shouldn't be surprised. I have seen you in my dreams. Perhaps dreams is not the correct word. I have seen your form in visions. I have watched us clash on the mountain. Perhaps we were meant to be enemies. Nonetheless...'

Banzan released his grip on the hilt of his blade and turned around. Regardless if they were meant to be enemies, he felt no animosity towards the creature. Perhaps that hatred existed in a past life, but he was a different sort of man. One that had sat by while the world passed him. Just as his ancestors did before him. They all watched and waited on that mountain for a day to come, thinking it their sacred duty to sit on top of a loveless mountain and wither away. 'What foolishness.' He could feel his own poison spill over from within him and cascade down the mountain. The world had been calling to him for some time. Perhaps it was time. He looked back to pose one final question.

'Have you ever had a dream? One thing that you've wanted, but has been constantly denied to you?'

Sona Sona
Sona looked as Banzan attempted to draw his blade, only to be stopped by his own thoughts. "A Sword, carrying another sword. I really do wonder who is the weapon here." Said Sona with a sigh, his emotionless tone in his voice was clear, so were his emotionless eyes. For a moment, his hair moved out of his face to reveal his left eye, its sclera was pitch black, an oddly terrifying sight indeed. "Is that so?" Sona knew all along, he knew who he was talking to, he knew what were these visions he had- he knew all that yet, yet he decided not to tell a world. It was best the Royal wielder bestowed such answers to The Sword of Air.

After listening to his question, Sona turned his back on him to face the amazing view that was before him. "Dreams? I've had many. I wanted them all to come true, but all of them have been denied to me." Said Sona with an emotionless tone of voice, he knew that his words were empty, but he didn't care. "If you want my advice, abandon this mountain, follow your instincts, your heart, and your dreams. That way you'll find the deeper truth you do not know and you'll be whole again, in body and mind." Said Sona before turning back to face Banzan. "Or, you can stay in this mountain, dutybound by what seems to be waste of time. Believe me, I'm older than this mountain- I know a thing or two." Said Sona, his words lacking emotions, but were still harsh. "Regardless, may your dreams be monumental." Sona spoke one final time before finally quieting down, going back to enjoying the view, caring not for what Banzan would choose to do.

Godhowsae Godhowsae

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