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Fantasy Sword's Trial RP (Open!!!)



Dame of the Moon's Darkness
Roleplay Type(s)
Come with the Royal Sword Wielder, on her adventure of finding new comrades and old enemies. Taking back the rite of the Sword, and doing her best to take down the Gang that killed her Tribe and family. She will do whatever it possibly takes to make sure the Swords down fall into the hands of the wrong people. But she just might have some issues convincing every Sword to join her.
Also seems how there isn't much Lore you can find it all in the Interest Check

We will start once we have a decent amount of the Swords and the leader and second of Verntoc Gang filled.​
Lilah Kace - 20 - Royal Sword Wielder
Lilah walked through the soft warm sands of the beach. It had only been a couple hours since she had turned twenty and this sweet paradise began to crumble. She had felt that something hadn't been right with this place, but she had wanted to ignore it. Now she knew everything and that tore at her. Chelle had kept everything about their past hidden. Of course Chelle said it was for her own protection but still... It hurt knowing that the person Lilah considered to be like a sister had kept such things hidden from her. Lilah rubbed her arms feeling a slight chill that wasn't there to begin with. Her lonely little world having turned much lonelier now... She wondered what the world would look like now and the people...

How was she supposed to deal with people let alone find the other swords. Her shorter white dress swayed with the breeze and she shook her head. "Sitting here and worrying will get me nowhere!!!" She turned sharply heading for the spot she kept her makeshift wooden swords. Grabbing the heaviest one she began to practice, thrusting the blade out and then side to side with grace. Lilah remembered when she had barely been able to wield the heavy wooden blade. She had never known why she had started making all sorts of blades from wood. Now it all made sense and she wasn't sure she was ready to even accept it. But Lilah had been practicing with swords her whole life and it was what calmed her down the most. Once they headed out of this place she would venture out on her own, it would be for the best. Letting things cool down between Chelle and her, when Chelle had told Lilah about everything something had snapped inside her. Perhaps it was just the feeling of betrayal for the first time... She paused mid swing as the color of this place twisted before vanishing. The only color left was that of the wooden blade and her, it was the next sign that they would be leaving here soon. Shortly after the color vanished the scenery did, leaving nothing more than an empty white void nothing blocking Lilah from seeing Chelle now. Lilah had been doing her best to avoid Chelle afraid she would break down and cry in front of the woman she looked up to even now.

She looked to the brown wooden sword that remained in her hand. A small part of her fearing what would lie ahead of them. Not wanting to let go of the simple paradise they had lived in. That sword was the only thing still connecting them to the void. Lilah found her hand unable to let go of the simple wooden blade as tears pricked her eyes.
animegirl20 animegirl20 Usom Usom AI10100 AI10100 Blue Rabbit Blue Rabbit B E A R B E A R jakthemenace jakthemenace Godhowsae Godhowsae King Crimson King Crimson Sona Sona BioshockRP BioshockRP Golden Golden
It had pained Chelle as well. Pained her to hide the truth, pained her to keep her princess unaffected from the harsh realities up until now. But the time had finally come as she reached the prime age of twenty, and she was prepared to reunite her swords and challenge the people who ravaged her lands and family. That wasn't the most painful part for her, however.

As the sword sees her shelter of protection crumble before her very eyes, she takes a wistful look at Lilah. When Chelle revealed to her the past, it evoked more emotion and conflict than she experienced throughout those countless years in the void. But, she understood her feelings, as having secrets kept from her closest sister would definitely put the trust between them at risk. And it did.

But the past was the past, and the main mission now was to resolve it and take revenge against the Verntoc Gang. Chelle slowly stepped over to Lilah, having a serious, but melancholic expression. "I'm..so sorry, but let go, Lilah. We must face the present."

With deftness and silence, she pries the sword wielder's fingers off of the wooden handle. In a flash, the void breaks. Both souls were transported into the real world, the world people now knew today.​
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  • [IMG='width:300px;']https://66.media.tumblr.com/18d2779c81a5492e4229779802eb5b2d/tumblr_p7z0jyc2GP1snbyiqo2_540.gif[/IMG]

𝕾ounds of hooves pounding against the dirt ground,
a grey dapple horse was galloping through 200 acres that belongs to none other than the Villenueve family. Sitting on the horse's
back is the mistress of the estate. Locks of luscious sun gold that is braided and tied with a red ribbon. Framing her doll-like features
with the access golden locks. Brilliant sapphire gem like eyes, glistening like a big clear lake, an eye on the target -- literally. A bow
fully drawn back before letting go, the arrow hitting the target as soon as it does, this female grabs onto the reins and gives it a
sharp tug. "There, there, Solaris, let's head back now." Aurora tugs on the rein to the left to turn around, before clicking her tongue to
signal Solaris to go back into a gallop. It took merely moments before she had saw her estate as soon as she was about to jump
over the fence - the mistress seems to freeze. In just a split second, a lot of things had happened, Solaris had jumped over the
fence but Aurora fell right off. Crashing right down onto the ground, the girl lets out a gasp of pain before sitting up. "What was
that about?...
" Aurora had muttered before rubbing her head, grunting in pain, it seems as if she felt something and it had just
shocked her.

𝔐oments later, you can hear a lot of things breaking,
glass shattering and papers are all over the place. "This is the third time today..." Aurora had whined out slightly and it seems like
this is not the first time this has happened. How did it happen? Likes go back a lil, Aurora was trying to sort things out with the herbs
since it was all over the place. Now everything is literally all over the place, she was getting some herbs to help with her scratches
and bruises. She came right into her "lab" room which is basically one of the living rooms as soon as she placed Solaris back into
his stall. Yeah, there's technology but this female likes riding horses more than anything which is why she has a lot of horses in the
horse stall.

code by Ri.a

Zen had always known what was to come out of his life. At first, they were dreams. Small snippets of someone else's life. He could see them vaguely at first. Sometimes, it was in a place that he couldn't recognize. Sometimes, it was with people whom he had never seen before. They were odd dreams here and there and Zen shrugged them off and blamed an overactive imagination. However, the frequency of the dreams increased. Names of places he hasn't' even heard before flooded his mind, names popping up at the oddest of moments along with their faces.

Zen decided that they were more important than he was letting on. So he listed them down on paper and slowly began to realize that these memories were not only his but of past incarnations of himself. Various names scattered from various times - with one thing in common, they were the Sword of Storm. Zen did not know what to do with this information but as he remembered them quite clearly, he had burnt every single remains of the proof that he knew about his old life. If the Verntoc Gang were to find him, then this village would be in trouble.

He had begun to wonder where the others were. Or if they would ever be reunited again. For all he knew, everyone with the Royal bloodline had died during that mass slaughter. It has been more or less a hundred years - so why get his hopes up? Maybe he could simply just avoid the Gang for the rest of his life and live it to the fullest. Nothing special. He had the power of the storms at his fingertips, but that didn't mean anything special. If he used it, they would track him down. So Zen was careful not to make using his power too obvious for them.

So, here he was, having a morning exercise with other guards. It was his free day and his shift didn't start until much later so he wasn't in his guard outfit. He was in his regular clothing but he still managed to evade the strikes of his colleague rather easily. He swerved to the right to avoid the incoming attack of the sword before following up with his own thrust which was blocked. He smirked and let go of the weapon, sending it flying to the side and giving Zen a split second to act. After all, the guard was rejoicing that his opponent was disarmed. But to disarm Zen, you'd need to cut off all of his limbs.

He had grounded himself and lifted his left leg - sending a roundhouse kick aimed at the neck of the guard. It connected and he was sent sprawling to the ground. Zen laughed as he ran a hand through his hair before offering up his hand so that he could stand up. "You okay?" He asked and the guard simply grumbled a 'yes' in reply to him. Zen helped him up and turned to their captain who nodded and gestured for him to go. With a grin, he had exited the training grounds and headed for the only other place he really hung out at - the Villeneuve Estate.

Despite Zen's complete and utter lower-class lifestyle, he had managed to befriend the local noble Aurora. If you'd ask him how it happened, Zen couldn't really answer. It was more of the girl was more ecstatic on the prospect of having another friend that she didn't care about the fact that he was way below her considering societal standards. After seeing her almost get scammed and conned and kidnapped for the sixth time, Zen swore to himself that he would stick by Aurora's side to make sure that she wouldn't get in trouble. Because she will get in trouble if left alone. It had originally surprised him when he found out that she was older than him... by four years. Zen understood that he had the advantage of having centuries worth of memories but Aurora should be able to have some lick of common sense... right?

Once he reached the gates to the estate, he waved at the guards who nodded back, allowing him entrance.

Now how was he going to find her in this huge estate? Simple, he was going to look around and ask and hope for the best just like he always did.
𝕾ounds of glass breaking and books hitting the ground, files were fluttering
down onto the ground and soon enough other things were falling. Although soon enough it ended up being her herbs!
Aurora's eyes widens up before her eyes flashes a brilliant emerald green, the clay pots that contains her herbs never
hit the ground. In fact, it was caught by vines that came from the open window. You see, her entire estate is covered in
vines of flowers and just flourished with many plantations. You know why? Because she likes plants and it seems like...
There is something strange about this female, she still doesn't know what's entirely wrong with her but she doesn't
question it in the first place! Once she had snapped out of it, the Mistress blinked her eyes before looking from side to
side. Walking over to pick up her herbs and placing it back onto the shelf, she was trying to like clean the room but well..
Aurora is a bit more than just clumsy, so yeah... Although something seems to have caught her attention, the ringing
coming from the phone. Alice quickly moves through the mess before picking it up, it was the guards from the front
informing her that Zen had arrived.

𝕰yes widening from the name, here's what she is afraid of,
Aurora doesn't want to get lectured about how she had fallen off the horse. She had minor scratches on her left arm to her
hands. They were wrapped in bandages but she had dealt with it, actually, she has no idea on how Zen might react to this.
The girl tugs down her sleeves to cover up as much of the bandages as she can before stumbling out of the living room. Picking
up the sides of her dress, the female runs out of the room and through the other living rooms, pass the library and outside of the
estate doors. "Zen!" The golden doll had shouted with her bright aquatic gem like eyes, running down the stairs with her eyes
glued to the ground and stopped halfway to look at the male once again. Well, guess what? Since Zen was by the stairs already,
the female just jumped and with her arms open. Soon enough she was just hugging the taller male. "Okay, so earlier while I was
taking Solaris out for a ride, I felt this weird feeling. I don't know it just seems like this unusual chill throughout my whole body.
This girl just starts to babble once again, while doing many gestures. In all honesty, she reaches a decent height when she is
wearing heels and that's probably one of the main reasons why she wears them.

𝕷ooking down at her hands, she immediately remembered something,
hiding her left hand behind her back and tilts her head to the side with a smile. Okay, so she still doesn't really want this royal
blue haired male to see her hand. Oy, she doesn't know how he would react to her getting injured and he already has to deal
with her nearly being kidnapped, tricked, conned, etc. you get the idea, he doesn't need to worry about her being clumsy, even
though he kind of already knew that... Oh well, she is trying to not make him worry about other things.. Again. Trying.

[class=openwindow] height:70vh; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7b/79/c1/7b79c1ff06480743f9c6e9fc48b57f9c.gif); background-size:fit; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding:1em; margin:auto;center; [/class] [class=openbutton] margin:auto;center; border:2px solid white; width:150px; padding:.2em; font-family:Timelord; font-size:2em; color:white; text-align:center; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px #7b78a5; animation:{post_id}loop 2s linear infinite; cursor:pointer; [/class] [animation=loop] [keyframe=0]opacity:0.25[/keyframe] [keyframe=25]opacity:0.5[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]opacity:0.75[/keyframe] [keyframe=75]opacity:0.5[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]opacity:0.25[/keyframe] [/animation] [class=mainpage] height:70vh; padding:1em; overflow:hidden; overflow-y:scroll; background:url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/09560bc985519eb66963083f09afaaba/tumblr_oyzoo10Lno1suieauo1_500.gif); background-size:fit; background-position:center; background-lock:fixed; background-repeat:no-repeat; margin:auto;center; font-family:Timelord; font-size:0.9em; color:black; text-align:center; [/class] [class=closebutton] font-size:2em; width:10px; cursor:pointer; position:absolute; [/class] [script class=none] hide mainpage hide closebutton [/script] [script class=openbutton on=click] slideUp 500 openwindow show mainpage show closebutton hide openbutton [/script] [script class=closebutton on=click] slideDown 500 openwindow hide closebutton hide mainpage fadeIn 500 openbutton [/script] [class=textbox] margin:auto;center; background:white; opacity:0.9; width:80%; [/class]

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[div class=openbutton]𝕬𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖗𝖆 𝕬𝖑𝖎𝖈𝖊 𝖁𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖚𝖊𝖛𝖊
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  • [IMG='width:300px;']https://66.media.tumblr.com/18d2779c81a5492e4229779802eb5b2d/tumblr_p7z0jyc2GP1snbyiqo2_540.gif[/IMG]

𝕾ounds of glass breaking and books hitting the ground, files were fluttering
down onto the ground and soon enough other things were falling. Although soon enough it ended up being her herbs!
Aurora's eyes widens up before her eyes flashes a brilliant emerald green, the clay pots that contains her herbs never
hit the ground. In fact, it was caught by vines that came from the open window. You see, her entire estate is covered in
vines of flowers and just flourished with many plantations. You know why? Because she likes plants and it seems like...
There is something strange about this female, she still doesn't know what's entirely wrong with her but she doesn't
question it in the first place! Once she had snapped out of it, the Mistress blinked her eyes before looking from side to
side. Walking over to pick up her herbs and placing it back onto the shelf, she was trying to like clean the room but well..
Aurora is a bit more than just clumsy, so yeah... Although something seems to have caught her attention, the ringing
coming from the phone. Alice quickly moves through the mess before picking it up, it was the guards from the front
informing her that Zen had arrived.

𝕰yes widening from the name, here's what she is afraid of,
Aurora doesn't want to get lectured about how she had fallen off the horse. She had minor scratches on her left arm to her
hands. They were wrapped in bandages but she had dealt with it, actually, she has no idea on how Zen might react to this.
The girl tugs down her sleeves to cover up as much of the bandages as she can before stumbling out of the living room. Picking
up the sides of her dress, the female runs out of the room and through the other living rooms, pass the library and outside of the
estate doors. "Zen!" The golden doll had shouted with her bright aquatic gem like eyes, running down the stairs with her eyes
glued to the ground and stopped halfway to look at the male once again. Well, guess what? Since Zen was by the stairs already,
the female just jumped and with her arms open. Soon enough she was just hugging the taller male. "Okay, so earlier while I was
taking Solaris out for a ride, I felt this weird feeling. I don't know it just seems like this unusual chill throughout my whole body.
This girl just starts to babble once again, while doing many gestures. In all honesty, she reaches a decent height when she is
wearing heels and that's probably one of the main reasons why she wears them.

𝕷ooking down at her hands, she immediately remembered something,
hiding her left hand behind her back and tilts her head to the side with a smile. Okay, so she still doesn't really want this royal
blue haired male to see her hand. Oy, she doesn't know how he would react to her getting injured and he already has to deal
with her nearly being kidnapped, tricked, conned, etc. you get the idea, he doesn't need to worry about her being clumsy, even
though he kind of already knew that... Oh well, she is trying to not make him worry about other things.. Again. Trying.

code by Ri.a
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Lilah Kace - 20 - Royal Sword Wielder
Lilah blinked a few times as the sun came to view. She found herself staring out into forest that soon lead to a place that held all sorts of buildings off in the distance. She sighed, "Chelle...I don't think I'm ready to go face people in general yet... Do you think you can go down and see what the place is like. I'll just sit here and wait for your return." She moved some of her long wavy hair behind her ear. She was only being slightly truthful, she hoped Chelle would leave and then Lilah could go her own way. It wasn't like they'd be separated forever they'd be in the same city. They'd probably run into each other eventually, just Lilah wanted to be alone for a while. Even if it was only to try and sort out her emotions about everything. She had been having small flashes of fire and screams here and there but had thought them only to be nightmares. Now it was all true, hate was what she felt. Hatred towards those who killed her people and towards fate itself. She closed her eyes taking in a deep breath, the air didn't seem to be as clear as what their paradise had been. Her gamboge colored eyes opening once more as she looked to Chelle.
jakthemenace jakthemenace

Jaxon Leehime - 19 - Combat Specialist
Jaxon was up training, every morning he went for a mile long jog before doing some boxing back at his place. Sure the Verntoc Gang had a base that he could live in but he prefered being on his own. He worked and paid for his own place and it was a nice set up. Everything he needed to stay in shape and live off of. He turned down a dirt road jogging over a bridge before he turned once more. The path he took every morning led him to the grave of his father. He stopped wiping a bit of sweat from his brow before kneeling in front of the headstone, "Good morning father...I hope your doing good. I still haven't found mom...last I heard she was in the City of Telmob." He rubbed the back of his neck, "I've been there a few times already but haven't gotten any farther than that. Maybe she doesn't want me to find her, if we could get the swords and their master I'm sure I could bring you back. I know even though you were always so busy with the gang you loved her." A gentle breeze greeted him as he stood once more pulling out an old picture of a woman with blue eyes and blonde hair. "I'm sure she loved us as well....that's why I want to bring us back together. I'll be back tomorrow like always...see you then dad." He said with a half smile before taking off once again.

Screenshot_2018-10-21-20-41-55.pngin case you were wondering about the color I was talking about XD
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ɢᴀʙʀɪᴇʟ ᴄʜᴇᴠᴀʟɪᴇʀ
▪ Affiliation: Verntoc Gang
▪ Weapon Speacilist
The gut feeling , a premonition , a foreshadowing of an event to happen soon.​
Sun rays had peeked in through the small crevices of the window's curtains. Bothersome and almost as if on cue, the male who had been tossing and turning on the cold bed was beginning to awake. Slow , clumsy movements as he began to uncover the sheets and tossing them to the side from his face. Eyes slowly fluttering open as a ray of light cascaded right on his vision. Opening them up completly and closing them fast, he groaned in annoyance furrowing his brows together. Eyes still closed, what time was it? He asked himself before opening his salmon eyes again meeting the wall clock across from his bed. A single lonely wall clock hung on the empty white wall, it's small ticking sound rhythmically filling the silent e in the room. It was late. He had slept in today. "I'm hungry ..." mumbling before yawning in indication of tiredness still hanging onto his body. After minutes of staying in bed laying down , Gabriel had sat up and rubbed his eyes. His hair a mess and so is his bed. It was time to get ready to get out.​
Today was the day he strolled around the town, looking for anything of his interest or that could amuse him. Having some free time to spare , Gabriel got ready out of bed and headed out of the Verntoc base in silence. It seemed to be empty and lifeless. Was it always that way? Well- the tall male wouldn't know for sure since most of the time, he'd spend it alone in his room with his own thoughts. His face buried in a book or looking out into a window in silence for hours. Some say he seem as if unfriendly or rather soulless but that was not the case. Going out the door, he headed towards the town.​
Benjamin Crosswire
Age: 22
Chief of Communications, Intel, and Surveillance

Benjamin cringed as the hot cup of coffee practically scorched his tongue. The feeling of such a burning sensation was anything but pleasing, however, the sweet taste of the liquid countered the uncomfortable feeling as he leaned back in his chair sitting the white mug that held his beverage on the table that held one of his many computers. Benjamin often maintained order by keeping a constant look out for his fellow members and makes sure every piece of information he could possibly acquire was properly delivered to the person of interest. Mostly those of higher ranks and those who specialize in combat. Proper management and organization was a must and delivering even the smallest bit of false information could lead to disastrous consequences. Taking another sip of the delicious yet painful liquid he began to go through a couple of his personal files that held a number of reports that were suppose to be hand delivered to those of higher rank. He was also given the task of finding out any new information regarding things that could be considered unnatural, or in this case supernatural. Benjamin couldn't fathom the thought of Magic and the story involving the Swords. It seemed impossible, unrealistic, and those agreeing with it no matter what seemed to be lost within their own fantasy world. Whether it was for selfish or pure reasons mattered not. He would follow his orders to the letter no matter how ridiculous they seemed.

He began to print of a total of three reports regarding current events and signs of superstition. Each report was roughly around seven or eight pages long mostly containing the usual shenanigans his gang members got themselves into. He placed each report in a separate vanilla folder as he rose from his chair. Sealing the folders and marking them to let him know which report was which. He left to comfort of his workplace as he casually walked through the gangs main area of operation as he noticed a particular member. One who he had already read the files of, and from his reasoning it seemed as if the dear boy had been visiting his beloved father. Twas such a sad tale, but in their line of work anything could happen. Still. This was his family now, and it was his job to help prevent such tragedies from occurring. Benjamin gave a slow wave towards the boy as he delivered a warm smile. "Good morning Jaxon. Training hard and early I see?" He said chuckling a bit as he continued to walk towards the boy. "I would hope you got the necessary sleep and vitamins needed to maintain your body? Training hard does nothing if you don't treat your body well."

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

Jaxon Leehime - 19 - Combat Specialist
Jaxon came to a stop as Benjamin came to view and greeted him. Though the greeting soon changed to that of a small warning about getting his needed sleep and vitamins. Not that it bothered Jax any, he often did end up training to hard and ignoring his health. For such reasons he found himself having to go see Richard for treatments on whatever problem he had brought upon himself. "Good morning...and I know, I had plans to take a break and eat something after I was done with boxing. Also I planned to make a protein shake when I got back home." He said with a grin before it faltered. He glanced to Benjamin, a small part of him knew he could probably find his mother faster if he asked for help. He sighed though shaking his head and changing his thoughts to a different subject in a way, "Is there any new news that I should look into. Any thing that is stranger than the normal strange we deal with?" Jaxon had been one of their go to guys when checking out leads, but all of them so far had been false. There had been one he tracked for almost a week having small hope that it was what he was looking for. But in the end it had been nothing more than smoke and mirrors. He felt ashamed it had taken him so long to figure it out.
Usom Usom
Even though she was looking forward to embracing the present, she still braced for impact. Instead, they were in a quite peaceful forest, with a town ahead of them. This felt oddly familiar, as if the forest were part of their paradise. But the modernized buildings in the distance were a new, but intriguing sight to her. She looks behind her to see if Lilah had made it safely throughout the transition. She sighs in relief as her brief worry vanquished. She couldn't predict that the present world would treat them either swimmingly (no joke intended) or catastrophically, for that was Fate's decision. Turning to her, Chelle listened to her favor and frowns, her worry coming back again.

"My princess...Are you sure you'll be safe in wait here? If you would like to see, I'd rather you accompany me and not make eye contact with any stranger if you so wish.."

Her mom side was coming out again. Numerous times in fact, that Lilah should be used to this. Chelle couldn't help it, since her duty was to serve as her trusted (well, debatable now) weapon and protect her from the evils this world harnesses.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising


Indeed, Zen wandered the area for a while. It was quiet in the estate, and he actually loved it here. He would live here if he could. Well, he could but he wasn't comfortable pushing the limits of his friendship with Aurora. He didn't exactly know the actual limits Aurora had put up since she didn't really shy away from any interaction that he offered up to her. Let's go to the market? Sure! You think you can catch that rabbit? I'll try! Zen didn't know if Aurora just didn't know the word 'no' since it seemed like she'd just go along with whatever people wanted for her to do.

The idea of someone taking advantage of her sickened him to his stomach. He will not let anyone get hurt. Not on his watch.

Zen had entered the mansion soon enough. He had reached the stairs before he finally did see the older girl. She seemed quite excited as she bounded down the stairs - her whole body practically brimming with excitement. He couldn't help but grin as he took a step back from the stairs to give her allowance of space so that she wouldn't crash into him when she landed. But what she did next was quite unexpected. After all, she had stopped midway of the stairs. Their eyes locked on to each other - his heterochromatic eyes on her azure eyes gazing at each other - the former with uncertainty and the other with something he couldn't read.

And then she just... jumped. "Wait no!" Zen did catch the smaller woman but he nearly stumbled back because of the shock of no preparation. "Please warn me next time you're going to do that..." He said but he had returned her hug. Zen had been used to physical contact between them and he doesn't shy away from it just as much as she doesn't shy away from physical contact with him. When she broke off, he had taken a step back - knowing the full danger of being close to her when she starts to talk.

And just as suspected, her hands were flying everywhere as she spoke. Talking about this weird feeling she had when she was riding Solaris - her horse. He furrowed his eyebrows. Zen had his suspicions that his friend was just like him, but there was no definite proof. Okay, flowers sprouting whenever she gets embarrassed and her love for potions and poisons alluded to her being the Sword of Earth - one of his memories distinctly remembering the same characteristics from the previous reincarnation. But is she really?

His mind snapped him back to reality when he noticed some bandages on her hands. Just when he thought that he may have just imagined it, Aurora had retreated her hand behind her back. He rolled his eyes and held his hand out. "Before we talk about that weird feeling of yours, give me your left hand." He looked at her expectantly, awaiting her response.



Richard woke up from his sleep and dazily looked around. He was sprawled against his desk and then he remembered that he had passed out due to tiredness while he was in the process of making some new potions for the Verntoc gang. He had looked over to his small set and then looked at the container that now housed a greenish liquid. He had yawned and stood up, stretching his limbs before making his way to the container and grabbing it. It should be enough to fill seven vials. This was his only duty to the Verntoc Gang - make sure they're all alive and well by the end of the day. He had packed so many herbs and essentials but he lost some stock thanks to some freaky accidents during training. At least they had enough funds to allow him to buy whatever he needed.

He had put the potion into the vials and then packed them carefully in his bag, just to be ready for if they move out. With that done, he headed out of his laboratory/room and then headed to the kitchen. He had prepared a small meal for himself and began to wander out of the base. He didn't seem to be heading anywhere, if he were to be honest. He didn't know what he should do in the meantime. His potion was already finished brewing and he honestly just wanted to get the show on the road. But the boss hasn't given them any orders yet so here they were at standby.

Richard still couldn't believe the story of the Swords. It seemed too farfetched. Too good to be true. But he had a contract with them and he'd just have to go along. If these were all real, then good for them. If not, well he supposed that he still could get some money out of it. Besides, it gave him a chance to research more about certain herbs that he couldn't reach from within his pharmacy. This traveling was actually helping him expand his inventory. His eyes landed on Gabriel - a specialist. He had been one of the people to give him pills and potions to help him sleep at night.

"Ah good morning, Gabriel." Richard greeted with a small wave as he bit down on his self-made sandwich. "How has the day fared you so far?"

Blue Rabbit Blue Rabbit
ɢᴀʙʀɪᴇʟ ᴄʜᴇᴠᴀʟɪᴇʀ
▪ Affiliation: Verntoc Gang
▪ Weapon Speacilist
▪Interaction: Richard Wellington​
Before stepping out of the door, a familiar voice had called him out, by name. Stopping midway, Gabriel raised his gaze to meet the sturdy door before turning around compeltly and landing his vision towards Richard. He had apparently woken up too barely, his hands already holding a sandwich that did not look half bad. "Woke up late again Doc?" Lips breaking into a playful smile as his eyes showed no emotion, as if almost betraying his relaxing nature. Walking down towards where Wellington was, Gabriel buried his hands onto his pockets. "Would have been nice to sleep in for today but the sun slapped me. But the pills you've prescribe me have been working just fine- though I increased the dosage to 3 pills at a time" mentioning his small change he began to fiddle around with a pin from his pocket. "I was going to inform you about it but I never got around to it , to just now." Referencing back to the earlier topic. "How about yourself ? Anything new from your Reasearch?" He asked mostly curious. Gabriel at times prefers to roam around the building and into Richard's lab touching everything and asking questions. Half curious and half entertaining himself. It was a pastime.​
Lilah Kace - 20 - Royal Sword Wielder
Lilah shook her head, "I thought I asked you not to call me Princess... Even if I may be one it's not like I have people to go back to who would have a reason to call me such. So calling me Lilah is fine." She sighed knowing her words had probably been a bit harsh, "Look I'll just..." She glanced around and found a place to sit down. "I'll just sit here and wait for you to come back. Anyways I'll probably draw unwanted attention with the clothes I have right now. I highly doubt this place has people who wear dress's like this..." She tugged at the white lacey material and then the light weight chain that was around her waist. "I'll be fine out here and I'd feel a lot safer if you went and got a feel for that place before I went walking in there." She hoped she sounded convincing enough, because even as she spoke she was having small doubts about splitting up.
jakthemenace jakthemenace
Benjamin Crosswire
Age: 22
Chief of Communications, Intel, and Surveillance

Benjamin chuckled at Jaxon’s response as he felt like a overprotective mother addressing his comrades about their health and well being. It was nice having someone such as Richard around since people tended to harm themselves through various means. “Well it’s good to hear that you’re taking care of your body. While I’m sure Richard would enjoy the company I doubt he’d be pleased with you harming yourself.” Benjamin watched as the boy’s grin slowly faded away. Benjamin had trouble empathizing with most of the gangs members mostly because his life, unlike theirs, wasn’t terribly bad. He never lost someone dear to him and always had the company of his lovings friends and family. He didn’t share the struggles that others had which made it quite difficult to understand how they possibly feel.

“Well” Benjamin said pulling out a vanilla folder that was labeled as the number two. “While we do have information regarding past missions, new intel on rivals, and even a few new potential hideouts we haven’t found anything worth mentioning that would be considered unnatural. “ Benjamin stated as he handed out the folder towards the young man. While it didn’t contain anything to valuable it was still required to be properly discarded after being read. A routine that Jaxon might be aware of by now. “Jaxon” Benjamin began once more as he gazed into the eyes of the young man. “If you need help with anything. All you need to do is ask. You know that right?” His voice was soft and sincere. While it wasn’t his job to assist fellow members with personal life and problems he would still utilize his resources in order to help them in any possible way.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
AI10100 AI10100

It might’ve been a little too late for her to stop herself from jumping, so when he had told her to not, she already did and well they’re fine. The shorter female looks up at the male before blinking her aquatic pools of blue as she stares at the males enchanting heterochromic eyes. “I will try to warn you next time, although I don’t think I can make that promise…” The young mistress had quietly replied to Zen. Sigh, when will she learn? Answer? Well, don’t really have an answer since we are talking about this specific female who literally just goes along with everything. She goes by this phrase, questions later just go, not really a good one but yeah. As she was trying to explain what happened and what she felt, at the corner of her eyes, Aurora can see that the male seems to be in some sort of deep thoughts. “Is he even listening to me?” Mentally she had questioned everything and even puffed out her cheeks in her mind! Of course, she didn’t really show that reaction physically or else he might also question her for such reaction.

After tucking away her bandaged arm, the girl was caught, the guard had spotted it and seems to want a look at the arm. “Ahah… your left or my left?” A nervous laugh escaped her lips before dipping her head, she felt ashamed. Out of bad habits, fingers from her right hand started tugging and rubbing the bandages as her eyes seems to be darting around while she kicked the ground a little, creating a soft clicking noise due to her shoes. A sigh soon escaped her lips, she knew she couldn’t hide it from him for too long, he’s always catching onto her and because she was a little.. slow. Slowly sticking her left hand out which were bandaged but a little messed up from her teasing the cloth with her right hand. “I fell off of.. Solaris when I felt that weird feeling…” Sooner or later, he was definitely going to question how she got injured and she was still ashamed of how clumsy she was, the blonde doll-like female just whispered it but loud enough for him to hear her.

Should she mention that the scratches and bruises goes all the way up her forearm? Maybe. “It’s just bruises and scratches that goes all the way up to here.” She gestures to her forearm, if one were to look closely, the sleeves of her left arm was slightly covered in dirt and a bit of blood from herself. It definitely did burn and hurt but it was manageable, Aurora wasn’t going to whine or cry about it since it wasn’t that big of a deal. The girl kinda cleaned it up a bit so it doesn’t get infected and applied some medicine on it to help the healing process. “But I’m sure it’s nothing too big of a deal, I’m in one piece.” The daughter of the Villeneuve has stated before smiling at the young guard. Suddenly, the rather bubbly girl remembered something, “Oh, oh! I also did a thing earlier. Uhm, uhm… I somehow made the vines from outside of my window moved into my living room to catch something! I’ll show you.

Grabbing ahold of the deep shade of oceanic blue haired male’s hand, the sun blonde laced her hand with his as she was about to bring him to that mess of a living she just remembered that she shouldn’t. Why? Like mentioned before, it’s a mess, she’s not going to show him something like that. “Wait, no, I- it’s a bit of a mess in that room. I kinda created a mess in there earlier and books are everywhere, files all over the place and like there’s probably broken glass somewhere buried in the mess too. Oh wait, I can show you.” The bubbly blonde had said before leading the male to the garden of the estate. Some might question, why does a noble like herself tell so many things to a lower ranked like him. Well, Aurora doesn’t meet a lot of people in her lifetime and ever since Zen has stepped into her life, this girl wasn’t that lonely so she was always pretty welcome and happy when he’s around. She basically tells him everything that happens, usually. Letting go of the younger male’s hand, Alice walks over to the vines before raising a finger and as if she was tracing something, the vines began to move and following whatever the noble was tracing. Besides Zen, the girl didn’t tell anyone else about how she can do these things. “It was a random thing I discover! It’s kinda fun but I still don’t know how it’s possible but it is.

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  • [IMG='width:300px;']https://66.media.tumblr.com/18d2779c81a5492e4229779802eb5b2d/tumblr_p7z0jyc2GP1snbyiqo2_540.gif[/IMG]

It might’ve been a little too late for her to stop herself from jumping, so when he had told her to not, she already did and well they’re fine. The shorter female looks up at the male before blinking her aquatic pools of blue as she stares at the males enchanting heterochromic eyes. “I will try to warn you next time, although I don’t think I can make that promise…” The young mistress had quietly replied to Zen. Sigh, when will she learn? Answer? Well, don’t really have an answer since we are talking about this specific female who literally just goes along with everything. She goes by this phrase, questions later just go, not really a good one but yeah. As she was trying to explain what happened and what she felt, at the corner of her eyes, Aurora can see that the male seems to be in some sort of deep thoughts. “Is he even listening to me?” Mentally she had questioned everything and even puffed out her cheeks in her mind! Of course, she didn’t really show that reaction physically or else he might also question her for such reaction.

After tucking away her bandaged arm, the girl was caught, the guard had spotted it and seems to want a look at the arm. “Ahah… your left or my left?” A nervous laugh escaped her lips before dipping her head, she felt ashamed. Out of bad habits, fingers from her right hand started tugging and rubbing the bandages as her eyes seems to be darting around while she kicked the ground a little, creating a soft clicking noise due to her shoes. A sigh soon escaped her lips, she knew she couldn’t hide it from him for too long, he’s always catching onto her and because she was a little.. slow. Slowly sticking her left hand out which were bandaged but a little messed up from her teasing the cloth with her right hand. “I fell off of.. Solaris when I felt that weird feeling…” Sooner or later, he was definitely going to question how she got injured and she was still ashamed of how clumsy she was, the blonde doll-like female just whispered it but loud enough for him to hear her.

Should she mention that the scratches and bruises goes all the way up her forearm? Maybe. “It’s just bruises and scratches that goes all the way up to here.” She gestures to her forearm, if one were to look closely, the sleeves of her left arm was slightly covered in dirt and a bit of blood from herself. It definitely did burn and hurt but it was manageable, Aurora wasn’t going to whine or cry about it since it wasn’t that big of a deal. The girl kinda cleaned it up a bit so it doesn’t get infected and applied some medicine on it to help the healing process. “But I’m sure it’s nothing too big of a deal, I’m in one piece.” The daughter of the Villeneuve has stated before smiling at the young guard. Suddenly, the rather bubbly girl remembered something, “Oh, oh! I also did a thing earlier. Uhm, uhm… I somehow made the vines from outside of my window moved into my living room to catch something! I’ll show you.

Grabbing ahold of the deep shade of oceanic blue haired male’s hand, the sun blonde laced her hand with his as she was about to bring him to that mess of a living she just remembered that she shouldn’t. Why? Like mentioned before, it’s a mess, she’s not going to show him something like that. “Wait, no, I- it’s a bit of a mess in that room. I kinda created a mess in there earlier and books are everywhere, files all over the place and like there’s probably broken glass somewhere buried in the mess too. Oh wait, I can show you.” The bubbly blonde had said before leading the male to the garden of the estate. Some might question, why does a noble like herself tell so many things to a lower ranked like him. Well, Aurora doesn’t meet a lot of people in her lifetime and ever since Zen has stepped into her life, this girl wasn’t that lonely so she was always pretty welcome and happy when he’s around. She basically tells him everything that happens, usually. Letting go of the younger male’s hand, Alice walks over to the vines before raising a finger and as if she was tracing something, the vines began to move and following whatever the noble was tracing. Besides Zen, the girl didn’t tell anyone else about how she can do these things. “It was a random thing I discover! It’s kinda fun but I still don’t know how it’s possible but it is.
code by Ri.a
Banzan Fuha
Mount Felter - Near the summit


High up in the bluffs of the mountain that overlooked the town of Felter, a man was on the hunt. The prey, an unsuspecting goat that was munching on some of the shrubbery that was still growing on the harsh conditions of the mountain. Breathlessly, an arrow was loosed and seemed like it would miss when a sudden gust of wind veered it back on to target and pierced the animal's heart. It thrashed wildly and ran away from where Banzan was crouched down. He didn't panic though, and sure enough after about 150 yards, it went down. Slinging the bow over his shoulder, he walked wordlessly to the downed animal before procuring a rope and binding the animal's legs. With that work done, he began his work of dragging it back to his camp.

'Seems the winds were kind to us today.'

In the distance, a bestial howl could be heard. Without another word, Banzan headed towards the howl. What he came across was another downed goat that had been killed and halfway eaten and the culprit stood nearby, its muzzle red with blood from the creature. There was no need for words and the two walked together. Banzan first came across the wolf as a pup after he had been forced to kill the mother in self-defense. They had walked together since then and Hiro had been invaluable to him in these mountains. As they neared the site, Hiro sprinted off, giving signal that they were near. Upon arrival, Banzan dropped his load near the campfire. He would eat well today.

It was an odd choice for most people to live. As far as mountains went though, it wasn't too bad. It had once been a pass in to another land and so they were sheltered from the elements on both sides. A small lake was not far off, and there was hunting to be had. What he could not hunt, he grew. The soil near the lake bed was fertile and had been kind to him. The Winter was particularly harsh though, and in order to survive it, Banzan had to ration and preserve food long in advance. His gaze wandered over to meat that was currently drying in the sun.

'It could be much worse.'

With downward force, his knife pierced the carcass of the goat and he got to work on skinning it.

Ashley Wren Gleden

Felter City, Police Department.

Oh, shit.

A sheet of dark soot now painted the tiled walls of the department's break room like the aftermath of an arsonist at play. The ashes of the half-destroyed ceiling above and the counter top that was just there two seconds ago seemed to rain nonstop against Ashley's previously pristine uniform, coating everything in shades of black and grey. Even his face, with all the exaggerated facial features of a deer caught in a headlight, was covered in a slight sheen of sweat, and the residues of a miraculous explosion caused by his own two hands.

Shit, shit.

"Shit!" Ashley finally verbalized his internal breakdown with a shout; he raised both frantic hands to his face to wipe the ashes away, then his fingers moved back and up through the locks of his auburn hair as he tried to fight against the surmounting disbelief and adrenaline that caused his heart to beat like a hummingbird against his rib cage.

Those tiny, pitiful sparks of flames he could ignite at random could be excused. It wasn't so often, anyway, and it only happened when he was incredibly stressed. They were just a part of his delusions-that much had already been decided by the several acclaimed psychiatrists he met with.

This, however...this was living proof: The reoccurring dreams, the familiar memories of lands and people that sure as hell couldn't exist; his newfound 'ability'.

Something definitely wasn't right with him.

The heavy footfalls that slowly approached the break room's door did little to deter Ashley from continuing his swear-laden tirade. He was only a few months into his training now (still fresh meat to the other officers) and the Commissioner already seemed to have his eye placed on him for all the wrong reasons.

Aggressive arrests and unnecessary tactics my ass! How was anyone supposed to take care of the increasing threat of the Verntoc Gang by sitting behind a desk and twiddling their thumbs?

Their last argument in a series of many had ended with the Head Honcho leaving him with a parting warning that doubled as a threat,

"One more slip up, Gleden."

Sure, he could pull out a thousand and one excuses out his ass about "accidentally lighting up the curtains" when he was nine, but this was nothing like the fire before.

How on earth was he supposed to explain this...?!

Richard seemed at ease, despite looking like he had just woken up. Well, Richard always did look tired no matter what he did unless he was going to face off with noble clients. Sluggish was something that you could already relate to Richard in a personal level. And he wholeheartedly accepted that. Taking another bite of the sandwich, he smiled when he was teased about the lateness of his own wake-up call. "Well, you know me." He said with a small shrug. He never minded how Gabriel's eyes seemed like dead fish whenever he spoke despite the expression on his face or even the tone of his voice. As long as the guy didn't pass out on him suddenly, Richard could shrug off the emotionless eyes.

He eyed him with suspicion when Gabriel informed him that he had upped the dosage without his consent. He shook his head. "Please tell me before you actually up your dosage. I have to adjust the er, potency of the potion to fit your needs. But I have to say, the sleeping pills would be rendered useless if you go at this rate." Richard pointed out with a small wave of his hand - mistakenly using the one with the sandwich which caused him some alarm as it flopped open. Thankfully, the ham inside did not fall out and he quickly recovered and wrapped it up again. "We'll need to find a more apt solution for your problem." Richard hummed in thought after that, wondering what herbs he could test out to help this poor soul who cannot seem to sleep during the night.

He shrugged. "If you must know, I'm currently testing out a potent poisoning and attempting to make a cure for it." He stopped, taking a bite out of his sandwich as he thought about how to proceed with that. "So far, I'm unsuccessful in my pursuits which makes me wonder if I could simply train my body to resist the poison myself. Though, I cannot do that while I am on the mission." It would be an excruciating process and one that could end up with him dead. He very well could not die here while he was still under a contract. "Please avoid touching the leaf in Bottle C." He added the warning as an afterthought, just in case he came snooping around and Richard was not present to warn him about the potent substances inside his own laboratory.

Blue Rabbit Blue Rabbit


Zen went ahead and patted her head, careful not to ruin her hair. He had a habit of doing that to her - after all, she felt more like a little sister than an older one despite their age difference. He... kind of appreciated just how childish she can seem, even though it was also a source of frustration. "Well, please do try next time. If we fall, I'm putting it all on you." He stuck his tongue out. Bouncing between the worried older brother and the teasing younger brother had always been a simple thing for Zen, since he embodies both attitudes and switches when he deems it apt to do so.

She had tried to distract him by asking about which hand she should offer but he simply raised his eyebrows and waited. It was a technique his mother had done to make him confess to anything wrong that he had done. Giving them that silence was sometimes better than forcing them to admit to something. And soon enough, Aurora had given up and then told him what had happened and that she had minor scars going all the way up to her forearm. There was only silence from him for the longest of times - his body not even betraying what he was feeling. It was like he had gone into a catatonic state.

Then, laughter. Zen was doubling over as he laughed out loud, clutching his stomach as he just couldn't seem to stop. Tears were forming in his eyes from laughing so hard and he had to keep himself steady by removing one arm from his stomach and placing it firmly on the handrail of the stairs. He was laughing for a while before he finally caught his breath to say something. "You-" He cut himself off as he let out another chuckle but he managed to stop himself from losing control over his laughter. "You fell off of Solaris? That's hilarious, I wish I was there to see it." He wiped his tears away with his finger.

Provided, Aurora was hurt. But it wasn't something he should be worried about. Everyone has their clumsy moments or just unlucky moments. Zen only worried about Aurora when she makes wrong decisions in trusting people, or when Aurora decides to eat poisonous berries that she should have known about but still consumed. She was fine by the end of it, but he still couldn't get the fact that she eats it without any second thought when the berries could kill others in a snap. Those were the times he would be worried. But falling off a horse? Tripping down the stairs? Those were normal and Zen wasn't going to get angry for something like that.

"Well, at least you managed to patch yourself up. Infections are nasty little things." Zen beamed at her, reaching over to pat her right shoulder, obviously careful not to agitate the wounds. They were minor, but those things sting when touched. He could attest to that. After all, Zen had his own fair share of minor cuts and bruises that bothered him for the entire day.

When she mentioned that she was able to move vines into her living room, Zen had a look of surprise on his face. Indeed, it would surprise many if your friend claimed that she could move vines as if they were her limbs. But Zen was surprised by a different thing. The fact that he was right and it scared him. Because if she was a Sword too, then that meant they were after her too. But he obediently followed the excited girl. He let her pull him towards the living room and stopping when she did and she quickly explained that it was a mess in there. "You destroyed the living room didn't you?" He muttered but it was more of a rhetorical question than an actual one.

He was led to the garden next where she finally let him go. Zen crossed his arms as he watched the vines. And indeed, it had moved. Solid proof that he was reunited with one of his companions from a previous life. And honestly, Zen couldn't help but think that this was bad. Of all people, it had to be Aurora. That meant she was going to be in danger for the rest of her life. He should know - he's seen multiple reincarnations of himself get cut down mercilessly by the Verntoc Gang. He did not want that happening to Aurora. But seeing her so happy about it... it made him dispel the idea of it being some sort of bad luck. Instead, Zen grinned at her. "That is pretty cool." He said before stepping forward - closing the distance between them until they were within arm's length of each other.

Zen had looked around warily, trying to spot anyone besides him and her. When he deemed that no one was watching them, he raised his hand. Sparks began to fly from his hand - jumping between his fingers as if making a field of lightning. The lightning arced and bent - never going past four inches away from the hand so that it wouldn't harm Aurora. "I'm the same as you, see?" He said before closing his fist, ending the light show. "That feeling from earlier while you were riding on Solaris... did you see anything or remember anything?" He asked, being uncharacteristically vague. He had always been a man who was straight to the point. This time, he had to tread carefully as to not surprise his friend with knowledge that most, if not all, normal humans did not know of.

AI10100 AI10100 Golden Golden

𝕾hould've seen the girl's face when the male had exploded into laughter!
But you couldn't the girl just continued on with her other little conversations and topics that came to mind
instead of focusing of what she wanted to express. When Zen had asked a rhetorical question, all she could
do is to reply with a nervous laugh and that just gives him all the answers he needs for that. She did not just
destroy the room, she practically ruined it! Man, Aurora needs to clean it up later, the girl doesn't want
someone to get injured because of the herbs there and the glass there. It's technically hazardous and could
be poisonous even. Only she would know because she was the one dealing with all of the toxins that is
probably sprawled all over the ground. This female definitely needs to get her life together, man, what a mess
she creates when you leave her alone for just one moment. Even the workers around her estate tends to worry
for her wellbeing, knowing of how their mistress can be.

𝕾cenery changes from the inside of the estate to the outside of the estate,
more of the garden of the estate, Aurora was just making the vines dance around as she had twirled her fingers
just from here to there. Nothing too big of a deal, in all honesty she finds this a lot of fun and could probably
spend her entire day doing just this. This also makes her wonder, what other things can she do? The ideas were
limitless! If only she actually knew what she could've managed, but the poor noble, clueless as ever. Alice tends
to have these little fragment of memories popping into her head but none were anything bad. All were nice and
sweet memories like seeing different flowers and plantations. That's all just the good things for the time being,
it made it seem like it was all just her imagination and dreams. Who knows how well she can take the bad memories?
Would she break down? Would she freak out? Who knows! Soon enough, she snapped out of her little trance of
playing with the vines -- looking over at Zen to see him closer than before, what's wrong? Oh right, it's always
best to keep things a secret from the public if you don't want anyone come knocking on your door. "It's also
a lot of fun, I wonder what other things I can do.
" Speaking her thoughts aloud before smiling up at the taller male,
seemingly more mature than her at the very moment.

𝕷ooking at the hand that was lifted up by the guard,
Aurora's eyes just stares at his hand just as she was about to question what was happening, she saw sparks. Sparks
before trails of electricity bending around between his fingers and close to her but never close enough to touch her.
Those big oceanic sapphire hues could not help but stare, Alice's eyes were just glued to the electricity that was
traveling around freely from his hand. Soon as the taller male closed his hand, the female's lips started to pout as
she looked at him before nodding her head. "Why haven't you told me anything before?" Maybe this mistress was a little
disappointed at how he had never told her anything previously, even though she blurts everything out of her mouth
when she is given the chance to. Soon enough, she was reminded of earlier which only brought to the conclusion of
the noble puffing out her cheeks before crossing her arms. "You were laughing at me earlier, what makes you
think I will tell you?" The childish blonde female had stated before turning her whole body for a 180 and started
walking off to the front of the estate. Well, let's say it's time for a morning stroll in the town because she wants to
explore. She wants to see if there's anything new today.

𝕿ucking locks of gold behind her ears,
the gates soon opened up for Aurora to pass as she does not need to say much. But she did reply with a bow of
gratitude for their hardworking and for handling so much that she gives to them before starting off once again.
"Come on, Zen, I want to go check out the town!" In all honesty, she enjoys walking to town, even though it's just
a couple of minute walk but who cares! It's fun to explore, everyday is a new day for new things to happen, as soon
as they enter the town. The busy streets were filled with people which always never ceased to amaze her, there were
so many people and everything everywhere! The noble had small skips in her steps, that was until she stopped in
her tracks because she saw one of the police department windows somewhat.. covered in ashes. "What happened
" Curiosity took over and you know how it goes, this blonde doll-like female went up to the window and knocked.
This might not be the brightest idea she had came up with to be knocking on the police department window,
soon enough she opens up the door of the department, kinda dragging Zen with her before peeping her head in.
Some policemen had greeted the noble with a hello because well, she's a noble, they know her. Navigating herself
to where the ash covered room is, the girl opens up the door before starting to cough a bit. "And I thought I was
a mess, what even happened?
" She questions, not a rhetorical question, she was literally asking the only person
in that room!

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  • [IMG='width:300px;']https://66.media.tumblr.com/18d2779c81a5492e4229779802eb5b2d/tumblr_p7z0jyc2GP1snbyiqo2_540.gif[/IMG]

𝕾hould've seen the girl's face when the male had exploded into laughter!
But you couldn't the girl just continued on with her other little conversations and topics that came to mind
instead of focusing of what she wanted to express. When Zen had asked a rhetorical question, all she could
do is to reply with a nervous laugh and that just gives him all the answers he needs for that. She did not just
destroy the room, she practically ruined it! Man, Aurora needs to clean it up later, the girl doesn't want
someone to get injured because of the herbs there and the glass there. It's technically hazardous and could
be poisonous even. Only she would know because she was the one dealing with all of the toxins that is
probably sprawled all over the ground. This female definitely needs to get her life together, man, what a mess
she creates when you leave her alone for just one moment. Even the workers around her estate tends to worry
for her wellbeing, knowing of how their mistress can be.

𝕾cenery changes from the inside of the estate to the outside of the estate,
more of the garden of the estate, Aurora was just making the vines dance around as she had twirled her fingers
just from here to there. Nothing too big of a deal, in all honesty she finds this a lot of fun and could probably
spend her entire day doing just this. This also makes her wonder, what other things can she do? The ideas were
limitless! If only she actually knew what she could've managed, but the poor noble, clueless as ever. Alice tends
to have these little fragment of memories popping into her head but none were anything bad. All were nice and
sweet memories like seeing different flowers and plantations. That's all just the good things for the time being,
it made it seem like it was all just her imagination and dreams. Who knows how well she can take the bad memories?
Would she break down? Would she freak out? Who knows! Soon enough, she snapped out of her little trance of
playing with the vines -- looking over at Zen to see him closer than before, what's wrong? Oh right, it's always
best to keep things a secret from the public if you don't want anyone come knocking on your door. "It's also
a lot of fun, I wonder what other things I can do.
" Speaking her thoughts aloud before smiling up at the taller male,
seemingly more mature than her at the very moment.

𝕷ooking at the hand that was lifted up by the guard,
Aurora's eyes just stares at his hand just as she was about to question what was happening, she saw sparks. Sparks
before trails of electricity bending around between his fingers and close to her but never close enough to touch her.
Those big oceanic sapphire hues could not help but stare, Alice's eyes were just glued to the electricity that was
traveling around freely from his hand. Soon as the taller male closed his hand, the female's lips started to pout as
she looked at him before nodding her head. "Why haven't you told me anything before?" Maybe this mistress was a little
disappointed at how he had never told her anything previously, even though she blurts everything out of her mouth
when she is given the chance to. Soon enough, she was reminded of earlier which only brought to the conclusion of
the noble puffing out her cheeks before crossing her arms. "You were laughing at me earlier, what makes you
think I will tell you?" The childish blonde female had stated before turning her whole body for a 180 and started
walking off to the front of the estate. Well, let's say it's time for a morning stroll in the town because she wants to
explore. She wants to see if there's anything new today.

𝕿ucking locks of gold behind her ears,
the gates soon opened up for Aurora to pass as she does not need to say much. But she did reply with a bow of
gratitude for their hardworking and for handling so much that she gives to them before starting off once again.
"Come on, Zen, I want to go check out the town!" In all honesty, she enjoys walking to town, even though it's just
a couple of minute walk but who cares! It's fun to explore, everyday is a new day for new things to happen, as soon
as they enter the town. The busy streets were filled with people which always never ceased to amaze her, there were
so many people and everything everywhere! The noble had small skips in her steps, that was until she stopped in
her tracks because she saw one of the police department windows somewhat.. covered in ashes. "What happened
" Curiosity took over and you know how it goes, this blonde doll-like female went up to the window and knocked.
This might not be the brightest idea she had came up with to be knocking on the police department window,
soon enough she opens up the door of the department, kinda dragging Zen with her before peeping her head in.
Some policemen had greeted the noble with a hello because well, she's a noble, they know her. Navigating herself
to where the ash covered room is, the girl opens up the door before starting to cough a bit. "And I thought I was
a mess, what even happened?
" She questions, not a rhetorical question, she was literally asking the only person
in that room!

code by Ri.a

Zen heard what sounded like disappointment in her voice when she questioned why he hadn't told her anything. "Aurora, you know I've never really gotten along well with others. You were one of the few who didn't shoo me away." He said. He never really hid the fact that he really appreciated Aurora. Zen loved her as much as he would love his sister if he ever had one. "I thought that being a freak would..." He trailed off, not continuing the thought as he sighed. Insecurities weren't always out in the open for someone like Zen. He usually punched the living lights out of anyone who would insult him or his family. He hid it under a facade of being one of the best soldiers in the town who could beat anyone up if they so tried to harm someone else - but every insult and spit just added onto Zen's insecurity. So much so that the fear of losing someone who accepted him unconditionally like Aurora did was greater than his trust on their friendship.

When she didn't respond if she saw anything during that time, he rolled his eyes. "Aurora, this is serious. If it's what I think it is, then-" He cut himself off as Aurora didn't really seem to be listening. Zen sighed and shook his head. You know what? Fine. Maybe it would be best if she just realized it herself. That way he didn't have to explain everything and sound like a crazy person. With plants being controlled and lighting being reigned, nothing else seemed crazy. But for someone like Aurora, would she be willing to listen to a tale that has long been forgotten? The Swords who can turn into humans? Controlled by a Royal Family that was now long gone? It sounded too farfetched, even if he didn't want to admit it.

He followed her to the gates and gave another nod and wave to the guards. "Go ahead. I'll follow." He said. There were times when Zen felt like he was just Aurora's personal bodyguard. Especially when they step into town. While he was a guard who made frequent patrols, he is often seen with Aurora. His schedule is a mess thanks to that. She was a noble, first and foremost, and the Captain of the Guard had assigned him to guard her since he was the only one she really ever talked to. And he didn't mind. Spending time with Aurora was stressful, yes, but it was also enjoyable.

Seeing the police department, his heart dropped when he saw the soot and ash that covered the windows. Zen worked for what you would call a branch of the police department. Guards - Police, it was the one and the same but different as well. Police was more general. He worked in the department. But the guards were more concentrated on just simple patrols and the occasional patrol out of the town. The police were the first ones to be contacted and respond when there's an isolated incident. Honestly, Zen wasn't going to start explaining any of that soon to anyone else. He was a Guard and a Police, that's what was important. Whatever. "Something exploded probably?" He replied unsurely and he found himself willingly going with her instead of stopping her.

He had saluted to the other policemen and then entered with Aurora. Oddly enough, nothing else seemed out of place aside from that one place. When Aurora opened the door, it revealed a lone man inside. "Ash?" He called out to the man. Not the ash that covered the windows. "Yeah, what happened?" He repeated the question as he proceeded forward. "Are you okay?"

B E A R B E A R Golden Golden
gamble_away__faye_valentine_tf_tg_ap_mc__request__by_crazynaut-d8pe86z.pngWendy was sound asleep in her warm bed, seem to be having sweet dreams. It would be a shame to wake her up almost made you want her to sleep in almost. It was 6 in the morning and past the time to get up and no matter how nice of a sleep she was having her grandmother, Jane, was going to have to wake her up but not to worry she would wake gently and with tact. Suddenly Wendy shot out of bed as she felt ice water get poured on her. She shivered a bit, looked and turned to see her grandmother with a seemingly innocent smile on her face. "Good morning dear." Wendy looked at her dumbfounded. "Are you insane why'd you do that?!" She yelled. Jane tilted her head to the side with the innocent smiled still on her face. "You slept in dear I had to wake you up." She then turned and headed to the door. But before leaving she turned to Wendy. "Dear the next time you sleep in I'll set your bed on fire." She said in the most sweetest way but her eyes showed a much scarier look." The door then slammed and her grandmother then headed down stair humming happily to herself. Wendy quickly threw on her work clothes and headed outside to do the chores. Wendy was exhausted she had been up almost all night watching a marathon of her favorite show. "Ugh I should of set my alarm and now grandma's pissed. I hope she give me breakfast this morning." Wendy and her siblings had to be up everyday at 5 to do chores every morning then at 10 a nice big breakfast would be served. Though she had a feeling she wasn't getting any, and she was right cause when it was time to eat Jane didn't give her a thing. "Ugh seriously you know how hungry we are when we get done and I seriously get nothing just because I woke up late?!" Her grandmother hummed as she put the food on the table. "It was a hour late dear." Wendy walked of the kitchen and headed back out side. "Crazy old woman...." she sighed, "Oh well.....guess I'll head in to town and take care of that shopping list and grab something to eat. Though...…" She looked at her clothes. " I better wash a and change first." She bolted into her room quickly got washed and dressed and then quickly headed back out and started making her way through the forest and headed towards town.
Many legends surrounded the nine legendary swords, how they were used to by heroes to manage impossible feats, how their powers were equal to that of a god- some even said they were gifts that were handed out from the gods to humanity. But as much as humans loved those swords and their power, they hated- or more like, feared the sword of shadow. Some said that this blade was consuming its owner, some said it never accepted anyone- but everyone agreed that The Sword Of Shadow was a cursed sword, made to destroy instead of protecting. But where was this so-called fearsome blade now? Well, in a mountain, avoiding humanity and scaring away -sometimes even killing- adventurers and travelers that stepped into its territory. The survivors said that a fearsome beast attacked them in the mountain, some believed it was a dragon, others believed it was a demon- and some even believed it was just a cultist of the old gods that used the mountain for rituals and such.

In reality, however, it was nothing more than the sword's human form- Sona, The Sword Of Shadow. He wasn't using the mountain for rituals, nor he was protecting a treasure as dragons would. He was just so sick of humans, he despised them so, he isolated himself at the peak of the mountain, hunting beasts to feed himself and killing off humans who attempted to uncover the mystery behind the legend of the mountain.

Sona hated the humans, he hated the Verntoc gang, he hated all of his previous wielders for abandoning him in the end, and he was jealous of the other swords, everyone desired their power, everyone was after the honored title "Royal Sword Wielder" of every other blade except Sona, humans feared his power, no hero would want to use the power of darkness to do good, truth told, Sona hated especially the Sword of Light, simply because it was his exact opposite. Anyway, Sona didn't care anymore, the swords were no more than legends now, so he decided it was best he isolated himself in the wildlife, hiding, in an attempt of being forgotten.

Now there he was, sitting at the top of the snowy mountain, Sona was no human, so these conditions were not harsh nor hazardous for him. He simply looked down and admired at everything his eye could meet, taking in the scenery and enjoying the view, it was times like these that Sona wanted a friend to share the view, but to him, none were worthy of both his power and time. So he remained alone, sitting at the top of the mountain, waiting for the one who was worthy to arrive, not that he wouldn't put them through hell first to prove their worthiness, strong will, and durability. But still, Sona had hope.

Ashley Wren Gleden

The heavy footfalls drew closer even as Ashley attempted to will them away with his mind.

Well, now was make or break time-when he inevitably got fired, maybe he could find a job at some corner store instead. Being a grocery bagger would be a nice change of pace...

Though he could hear the soot-covered door to the break room as it swung open with the finality of a death sentence, Ashley managed to reign in his anxiety with a deep inhale and quickly put on a facade of indifference to the new appearances; acknowledging meant explaining, and he knew he had no believable answer for this yet-he could still hardly convince himself he wasn't currently having the most lucid dream of his whole damn life. Instead, he didn't bother to turn around to face the two voices that sounded behind his head until he had made it very clear how distressed he was with his predicament.

"Goddamn, finicky microwaves..." Ashley ensured his exasperated grumbling could be heard as he shook his head, gesturing at the scene before him with both hands- sure, it was a theatrical display at best, but it would have to do. With one final, forced sigh, he turned on a heel to finally face the pair of newcomers- slightly taken aback by the sight that greeted him.

Two pairs of eyes, equally concerned and amused, stared back into his own: One belonged to Zen, a fellow officer of the department that guarded the young Aurora, who stood beside him- the noble daughter of two absurdly wealthy parents that owned the grand Villeneuve Estate. The pair were glued to the hip-but they were completely harmless.

Ashley's shoulders slowly went lax in genuine relief, and his put on disposition melted in their presence, if only by a fraction. He had never been more elated to see the two in his life. "Yeah, yeah, i'm alright." The aspiring officer gave a meek smile as he lowered his hand to dust off the ashy remnants of what was possibly the coffee-maker on his uniform pants.

"It was just a little..." Explosion? Spontaneous combustion? It was nothing violent and loud like any explosion he'd ever seen- everything seemed to simply incinerate before his eyes, melting away in a burst of heat and flames.

Hell, it really did sound ridiculous when he had to put it into words.

He chuckled to cover up his pause. "Just some overheating in the microwave-guess the poor boy couldn't handle my lunch today." Ashley gave a shrug with hopes of deterring from his lame excuse and the anxiousness that swelled in his gut and chest with thoughts of his ability and what he was now accidentally capable of; he quickly turned the focus onto the pair instead as he approached them with a curious tilt of his brow and a hand that casually gestured at the noble daughter.

"Enough about me, though- Zen, why are you dragging royalty into a shabby place like this?"

B E A R B E A R , AI10100 AI10100
Chelle was oblivious to the princess- no- Lilah's true motive. But the realization came that she was already twenty, old enough to take care of herself. She needed to act more like an sister rather than a mother, and that included trusting her to manage herself in the forest. Besides, she heard nobody in the forest except the sounds of shaking leaves and animals, alerted by their arrival.​

"My apologies for doubting you, Lilah. I'll make sure to return briefly." The aqua-haired woman nodded, then left towards the town. Along the way, she hears some footsteps along with hers, rustling throughout the foliage-covered ground. Chelle stops in her path and looks around for the source. She hadn't gone far from Lilah, so she was on high alert. "Who is there?"

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising animegirl20 animegirl20

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