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Realistic or Modern Sweet Dreams Corps - OOC



Funtimes Salesman
The thread where we talk OOC! Easy peasy.

I'mma pose this question here: should we use XP? It was a neat idea in the moment, but mulling it over, I'm starting to second guess myself.
TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22 : Continuing on from the CS thread, I'm okay with making Claire's father's curse a more conventional one (maybe it has taken over the entire building where he works and turned it into one of those 50-level tower dungeons or something). I'm not entirely sure how much Behdlam R&D would have revealed or hidden from families affected by Nightmares, so maybe all Claire knows is that he's "under good care with the organization". Still doesn't stop her from fighting for a cure, though.

also lowkey sad that the chain of female characters signed up got broken HAHA

Oh, and for XP... I love the idea of having bonus goals that let you upgrade your character a bit faster than normal, but maybe a set number of points is too rigid? Then again, set XP makes upgrades easier to track. So, I'm pro-XP?
Continuing on from the CS thread, I'm okay with making Claire's father's curse a more conventional one (maybe it has taken over the entire building where he works and turned it into one of those 50-level tower dungeons or something). I'm not entirely sure how much Behdlam R&D would have revealed or hidden from families affected by Nightmares, so maybe all Claire knows is that he's "under good care with the organization". Still doesn't stop her from fighting for a cure, though.
We can say that Claire's dad is the most recent case (her being the rookiest of rookies), since once they're discovered Nightmares are dealt with as soon as possible. It's the, "Dream Diving" part of the RP. I was trying to find a good thing to make the first Chapter, though if you want her dad to be indisposed for a while, I'm open to ideas.
I'm totally fine with XP! Love doing math stuff. But I'd also be fine with it being completely the DM's discretion, with upgrades being given as/when you see fit.
I'll hopefully have a CS up either today or tomorrow - I've kinda been letting everyone else make their ideas first so I don't copy what anyone has. :/
Aaaand I lost track of time, so I couldn't manage that... Tomorrow will have to do instead, good going me.
That's fine! Though I will say that since there's a good number of people who have made a character and who are interested in making one, that I'll be making the IC thread in the following week. So be prepared, y'all!
I can't think of any characters for this that I'm happy with, so I'll hop out as well. Have fun fighting dream monsters! I might watch the thread just for the sake of the creativity put into this; it deserves the support.
I hadn't realized we had an OOC somehow so if anyone was wondering, that's why I hadn't responded here yet.

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