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Realistic or Modern survival of wolves

Kate barked surprised and quickly rolled so that she was on top " Pinned ya! "
Ikki watched the pups play and meet one another smiling. "Can't believe how fast they're growing." She mumbled to herself. "So what are you saying they'll be big enough to crush me soon?" Arthen said sneaking up on her. Ikki jumped at bit and looked over at him. "Ha, now that will be a sight to see." She said with a smirk. Arthren rolled his eyes and sat down next to her. "So are we cool?" He asked. Ikki nodded. "We've always been cool." She said smiling and nudged him.
Zach walked over and sat next to ikki on the other side of her and

Licked her cheek.* hello you two
Hello Lila how are you doing

Zander runs up and sits in front of Zach. * hello alpha *he barked.

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