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Realistic or Modern survival of wolves


I'm back
The forest home to many creatures but one of the most majestic is the wolf. These animals live in packs and thrive In the dense,lush,green forest. But when they are threatened by humans clearing and settling in there territory they do what they can to survive these humans trying to overthrow them and take there home.
Zach opened his red eyes and got up and walked around to check on his pack and to do his daily perimeter check.*

@Wild Born
Kate was ready for training and waited next to a large boulder...she had no idea who would be training her today and hoped they would be here soon
Zach was walking and seen Kate standing by a rock waiting for some one. So he walked up to her with his black tail wagging slightly.* good morning Kate who are you waiting for.
Kate wagged her tail happily " I'm waited for today's mentor " she seemed really excited and anxious
Arthren was still sleep in his den, his back toward the sun so it won't wake him up. He drooled in his sleep.

Ikki woke up, with a yawn and stood up onto her paws. She stretched out and looked around her seeing the sleeping pups who fell asleep next to her after their game of chase in the dark. Ikki slowly crept around the pups trying not to wake them and walked outside.
Well id train you but I got some things I have to take care of. But tell you what go back to the den and wait. I haven't fully checked the area yet.* he said as he nudged her side with his nose.* go on.
Kate nodded and trotted back to the den getting quieter once she got closer she practiced her stalking to see how quiet she was...almost perfect but her claws scraped the stone in front of the den a bit
Zach smiled as he seen the young wolf trot back to the den and continued his morning check then went around checking on the pups and others once more. Then he spotted Ikki and walked up to her.* How are you this morning?
Ikki looked over at Zack walking over to her. "Hello Zack, I'm doing well this morning! Still a bit exhausted though from last night game of chase with the pups." She said and looked over at the sleeping pups, some were awake yapping about. "They take a lot out of you but it's worth it." @hiro
Zach let out a loud bark and the pups sat down.* Make sure that are safe and make sure me or fang is up when these little night time games are played.


Zach stretched a little.* Do me a favor and go wake up fang and tell him to come here please.
Ikki nodded and walked over to Fang's den looking around inside it. "Fang, Zach needs to see you." She said looking for the male wolf. @Tazmodo
Kate was getting bored of waiting and sighed she yawned looking out to Zack and Famg
Ikki walked over back to the pup den and saw Kate. "Hello Kate, did you sleep well?" Ikki asked. @Wild Born
"I don't care who goes so long as they aren't a burden on the hunting. I can only take one other person. You decide I'll be waiting by my den." He went back to his den and sat down.
He walked over to gang lets just go and get back.* he said as he started walking into the forest quietly.*
Kate looked to Ikki and nodded " Yes...do you know who is supposed to be mentoring today? " she asked
Fang nodded and went to their usual hunting ground. "This should last us a day or so." He said lookong at the prey.

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