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Realistic or Modern survival of wolves

Kate pounced and tackled Zander flipping him over and pinning him tail wagging
Kate perked her ears and looked to Lily, she barked and bounded over skidding to a halt in front of her tail wagging she lowered her front half in a playful manner " Wanna play? "
Kate pushed her off and jumped back giving her a playful growl tail still wagging she sneezed
Kate snorted " No silly. I'm a warrior! " she darted to the side and kicked off a rock sliding under Lily she tickled the other pups belly
Kate bounced up and pinned Lily down " See I'm a warrior " she wagged her tail and barked
" I'm not Sneezy, I'm Kate " she laid one ear down and tilted her head to the side stepping off of Lily and sitting down
" Li..la? " Kate tried out the new pups name then she barked " Nice name, Lila "
Zanded looked over to kate and got on top of her with his tail wagging * Im alpha of this group *he parked happily
Kate growled playfully and bucked Zander off " No I am! " she challenged

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