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Realistic or Modern survival of wolves

No im alpha and besides you would have to keep everyone else under control.

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Ikki smiled amd leaned on him a little as they walk. "It's such a nice day." She said looking around at the forest scenery. (Yay! @hiro )
Ikki sighed happily and laid next to him. She looked up at the sky. @hiro

Arthren was ables to distract the pups with a game of tag. He sighed and sat down in the shade wondering what to do next.
If a wolf could blush, Ikki's face would be bright red. "Well, um I wouldn't mind..." She said looking down at her paws. @hiro
Ikki let out a small sigh of relief and chuckled. "Yup." She said and leaned on him. @hiro
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Lily walked about, injured. She stumbled upon some wolves and glanced at them quickly. "Help me..." She muttered weakly as she collapsed to the ground innocently. (remember shes a pup)
Lily pouted. "Fine..." She muttered weakly. "I just wanna know where mummy and daddy are!" She exclaimed, tears hitting the ground silently.
Ikki nudged the pup softly. "Oh don't cry little one!" She said and licked the pup's cheek softly. "Can we be your mommy and daddy for now, just until we find you real mommy and daddy?" Ikki asked in a soft voice. @NightCasterZ @hiro

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