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Realistic or Modern survival of wolves

Zach lifted his head and quietly walked up behind ikki in a pouncing position then playfully jumped on her.* good morning
hiro said:
Zach lifted his head and quietly walked up behind ikki in a pouncing position then playfully jumped on her.* good morning
Ikki laughed. "Good morning to you too." She said with a chuckle and looked over at the pups who were still sleeping. Some stirring around.
Zach let out a loud and deep bark to wake the pups up then walked up to arthren.* how are you this morning
The pups woke up alrerted and started yapping all ove the place. Ikki barked and they stopped looking up at her. Arthren eyes were still closed but he was awake. When he heard Zach talk to him he sighed. "Good I guess like any other morning." He said though he wasn't good he still felt weird after telling his feelings to Ikki. @hiro
Well you seem more bored than usual. *zach said and he sat down.* go eat.* Then he walked over to ikki.* so anything happen while i was sleeping
Arthren nodded and opened his eyes before standing up. He stretched with a yawn and peeked out from his den to see Ikki talking with Zack hanging with the pups. Ikki looked up at Zack as the pups started eating and some fighting over some food. "Um, nothing comes to mind... Oh Fang and Meg are mates now." She said smiling. Arthren sighed and hid back in his den waiting for Ikki to leave before eating. @hiro
Ikki looked at Zack curiously. "What did Zander say?" She asked wondering what came out of the crazy pups mouth this time. @hiro
Ikki looked back at the pups and nodded. "Yeah..." She said and moved some pups away from the food. Arthren stared at the sky in his den waiting for everyone to be finished with their food. @hiro
hiro said:
Hahs i was wondering what your answer would be * he said as he wagged his tail*
"My answer would be no of course but I feel bad because now his feelings are hurt." Ikki said and laid her head between her paws.
I know you would be no i was wondering if zander was lieing. *he said as he licked her cheek*
Ikki shook her head. "I'm sure everything is fine." She said smiling. Meanwhile pups raided Arthren's den attacking him when he was relaxing. "Why?!" He yelled as the pups jump on him. @hiro
Haha i hope so i just worry about those pups. I mean if anything were to happen to them i would have to kill someone.
Ikki nodded. "I can agree, if anything happens to the those pups I'd have to kill someone then destroy sticks in my path." She said with a chuckle. @hiro

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