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Realistic or Modern Superpower school

"I'll have what he's having." Nialla said, pointing to Darke. She recognized not one item on the menu, and the dishes being offered were unfamiliar or unappetizing. Better to just go with what Darke wanted and seem like a sweet student then to pick a dish she found she didn't like.
After everyone left him alone in the hallway, the young man decided to deliver the ring to mr.Elastic before he goes off to lunch. Problem was where should he look first to find this rubber man so he could show him the item his team was sent to find.

With his stomach growling, Cobalt set off but immediately became lost afterwards. Turns out the schedule he had back at gym also had a map drawn on the back of it to help guide him around and was lucky to have Kriss guide him when he lost it.

After running into 5 dead ends he was going to completely give up and face the fact that he was going to have to ask other students for directions even though he hated doing it until he came across the principles office and already saw two people talking to each other. Relieved by the way he found this place was lucky andhe patiently stood waiting nearby so that he ddoesn't interrupt their conversation.
CosmicChangeling said:
(Oh Katerang, i think gail is convulging near the principal's office)
This wasn't a Professor March question then. Fuck that guy. Why would she even think he'd help her in solving how to calm down a werewolf when he was such a jerk earlier. There was only one person she knew that could morph into an animal that might be able to help in this and it made her physically groan inside.

Ms. Clara Turner. The craziest woman alive. She ran her fingers through her hair trying to think, nope she would have to ask and she hated it. Hated having to go to a complete loon for knowledge...did that make her insane as well? Probably.

"So it comes out when you need it, or it feeds off a need. Feeds off anger. Ok...I think. We'll figure out how to reel it in. Promise. I don't...I wasn't born with powers so I can't really begin to...if it was sciency it would be easier...but easy isn't what happens is it."

He just opened himself up like that. Her nose wrinkled in disgruntled at what she would have to do next. Gazing down at the floor she refused eye contact at such a horrible vulnerable moment. "I, umm, about a year ago I got caught up in something by accident, was caught in an explosion and I died. But due to radioactivity or whatever they aren't sure I came back to life as...this. So...if you every wondered what i meant about relating, we're quite a pair. A zombie and a werewolf..."

She stuck her hands in her pockets. "I'm...just going to grab food before I look for Tara."

Having no clue at all....that the food would cause her so many problems later on.


"What do you mean it's too late? Kriss...you don't know what it felt like in that memory, you can't tell me it's too late!" He went chalk pale, sweat beading at the top of his forehead as she dragged him down the hall.
Kurt nodded, slowly, as she rambled out a rough description of The Wolf. He looked up at her, as she detailed her own transformation, and her comparison of the zombie and the werewolf. Kurt grinned at this. "I guess we do go along quite well," he admitted, stil smiling. "However zombies aren't as fast as you are, and The Wolf is a separate being, not some curse or disease or something. " he said. "We're just a bit more than a zombie and a werewolf, I'd suppose."

"I could come with you, I suppose," he offered, her. "I'm not really that hungry though, almost killing a new friend sorta got rid of my appetite." 
(Sorry for delayed response)
The secretary struggled to hold on to the boy as he jumped to his feet, "alright just stay..." She looked at the entrance to the office... She heard the boy think he was lost and looking for lunch... Dang she had to let this kid go for a second... Oh well let's try it.

"Stay here Gail." Why did students only think of first names?

Rushing over to Cobalt she put her head against his and an image of a map popped up in Cobalts head with a dotted line leading him to the lunch room.

"Aaaaaaaaaaggggghhhhhh.... I hate doing that." There was an immense pressure in her head as her mind snapped back into her head only when she pulled away. She crouched on the ground for a moment trying to get her head back in order.


"Lamb stew! Since you just hate British culture..."

Jamie hit him then led them to the dining room and put them at the bar stools, "I'll be back"

She returned to the kitchen leaving Darke and Nialla alone for a bit.

"So that's my sister..."
Nialla internally breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't have to keep her curiosity at bay while it was just Darke. She took a deep breath and began, speaking at a breakneck speed. "Okay for starters how is it that you two live across the ocean from one another? And what is the tension between you two that I'm sensing? I feel it but it's vague and you two have a way of hiding it with laughter. Is your birth name really Darke or did you feel like being as cliche as possible? Also what's lamb stew and why don't you like British culture?" Nialla was breathing rapidly after asking her questions, almost proud of her ability to ask them all in a matter of seconds.

((Obviously there wouldn't be any commas in her dialogue, don't judge that Q_Q ))
Ren who had gotten some baguettes with the soft jelly in France was walking. Different from the average walk Ren was walking allover the world. Earth in his opinion is quite boring, same people, same colors, same things. Man no wonder Min wants to renew the world, it is so boring here. He was quite bored to say the least. He was walking between some random country in the north when he heard a barrage of questions from a familiar voice. He paused and turned around, and smiled when he saw the blonde ponytail. Ren walked over and tugged on her hair. "Yes I sense a relation ship brewing between you two. Sibling, lovers perhaps..." he smiled and stood behind Nialla.

(I'm barging into your side quest, plots plot plotty plot. Mehehehehe)
"It's stew. with sheep in it. Kinda like beef stew but better. And I'm actually British. so I like British culture. I was just shaming Jamie into putting Fish and Chips on the menu... And you." Pointing at the boy who appeared behind Min in the restaurant suddenly, "You are the reason why I don't like last names... And no... you might have a thing for your sister but mine is married. Now remove yourself before she comes back and tries to feed you" Siblings... he was the brother of that Min girl... This was not what he needed right now, he was trying to relax... (He does not have a British accent by the way but Jamie has a vaguely Irish one. Also good luck on finding anything on Darke or his sister... He is a professional eraser. There isn't any... anywhere... Darke is the best. He is the reason his sister can live a normal life and that is all you are getting from me.)
Nialla twitched when she heard his voice. Out of the entire planet, every continent, country, territory, town, and restaurant the bastard could have gone, and he chose the same exact place she was at. Was it really a coincidence? Those odds were astronomically low, she didn't believe it. By the time she finished thinking of every possibility, Darke had finished speaking. Good timing, she thought, as she turned around and aimed her fist where she assumed his stomach was.
Ren smiled at all of them, and noticed Nialla's discomfort and with the shift of her movement he phased out rapidly. As her hand passed through his translucent stomach he smiled at her. "So forward girl, if you wanted to get into my pants you just have to ask." He gives her a wink and leans in close to her. "You should come back to school soon, your precious role model and new friends are in for a interesting development." He picked up some bread and ate it. "Let's just say it will be a breaking experience. I'd like to see her grow back from that." He laughed and turned to the teacher "oh, you are a treat, don't worry boss I get it. You don't want your sister to fall in love with me and by boyish charm. Very well, I'm off." He blows him a kiss and bows to Nialla, then he hops down into a portal and back into school. He yawns, "so boring......" and eats the bread, "yuck, I hate British food."
Zombies. She honestly hated being ridiculed into that category because she was anything but. People had died on many occasion and had cone back to life. The public was more interested what heaven looked like than to give that person the same monacle she seemed to be shackled with. "Well you know how the world works. Once they have an idea of what you are it doesn't even matter if its not true."

Kurt offered to go but said he was not hungry. "I'm fine. Not a scar. You don't have to feel bad since I'm OK. and I'm starving I think my inner beast will....god dam it that came out..." Lexi rubbed her temple at how inappropriate that sentence was. "I just mean you should not starve yourself on account of me. I'll be at a table you can't miss it. I'll literally have a mountain. Of food but I'm going g to grab it now."

She slipped into hyperspeed. Lexi had a metabolism that burned and moved incredibly fast. The amount of food she could consume was ridiculous. So in the void she grabbed at least twenty burgers four large pizzas forty hot dogs and five orders of fries. Putting the total amount of money on the counter.

She was right Kurt would see a mou twin of food at a table. Lexi cracking g her knuckles getting ready to dig in
Nialla's fury subsided once Ren vanished through another portal, his aura of arrogance leaving with him. How dare he threaten her friends like that, what kind of nerve did the bastard have? She had to figure out what he meant, what he intended to do to them. Whatever it was, it ruined the mood for her lunch. "Darke, do you have any idea what's happening?" She asked, both doubtful and hopeful.
"Nope." Yes. Of course he did. March had the permission to put up cameras in the school for a reason. And Dark took advantage of that.... constantly. Luckily for him Jamie came back just then.

"Hey guys! Here you are my famous Lamb stew! It's not actually famous though... Sorry it took so long. Marcus was just finishing up a new batch so I wanted to get you guys that!"

"Oh yes. Make your starving customers wait."

Jamie hit him again.

Darke started eating his and he had a light happy expression on his face. His sister didn't make it but it was her recipe...


"Lexi!" Tara grabbed the girl and spun her so she was facing her. "Has anything strange happened yet? Or dangerous? Cuz it was orange in my dreams and that is never a good color! It's suppose to be around now... But.... I just don't see anything wrong..."
Nialla noticed Darke's lie immediately, but beore she could say anything his sister arrived, a saving grace. Normally, Nialla wouldn't have even noticed Jamie's presence and would have called out Darke on his lying, but something kept her from it. Was it that she felt she owed him for all his help and didn't need the added drama? Or was it something else? Either way, Nialla kept silent about it but sent Darke a glare. She knew he was lying to her, and he needed to know that.

Nialla thanked Jamie and began gorging on the soup, her appetite taking control. It tasted like pure bliss with an Irish accent, to say the least. Upon taking her first 'bite', Nialla's eyes widened, completely overcome by the taste. "Oh my god this is so perfect." She said, still completely shocked. Without waiting for a reaction, Nialla kept eating, more and more, until the bowl was empty. "Can I live here?" She asked after a moment, still shocked at how amazing it was.

Though despite her love of the soup, Nialla couldn't keep her spirits high for long. What Ren said still bothered her, keeping most of her thoughts away from the world. What did he mean? Was it an empty threat or was it true? She'd have to get back to school as soon as possible to find out, she needed to know.
Seconds from putting a hotdog in her mouth, Lexi's stomach growled as Tara grabbed her and spun her.

TARA! "You! I need that necklace. And I need you. I NEED YOU!" Lexi grabbed her friend's shoulders and shook them before pulling her in a tight hug. "Uhh...nothing happened...nothing at all," Besides being ripped apart by a giant flaming wolf...but that was a different story. She slung her arm around her friend pulling her in. "I need to do something, but I need your new ability of seeing the past to help....and future is good too. So you and I are going on a field trip. HOpe you don't mind skipping Turner's class."

She blipped and all the food was gone. Lexi was still starving. "I won't take...." her skin went four shades of pale as her forehead began to sweat. "no...for a..."

Lexi was gone.

There was screams of pain coming from the bathroom as something was heard breaking...like sewage. "DEAR MOTHER OF GOD. HOLY FUCK....FUCK MAKE IT STOP!"
The two red-skinned girls were patrolling the halls bored out of their minds, but orders are orders. They were walking past a bathroom and jolted when they heard loud shouts. "What the?" one said. The other one leaned closer to the bathroom door. "Oh I think we might have our first lunch victim" she giggled. "Let's go tell Ren," they both nodded and vanished in a wave of flames.

Ren was walking down the hallway when the two red skinned girls appeared. Grins on their face they leaned in towards Ren. "My Gods Ren, the plan worked wonders" said the blue haired girl said. "You should hear what she is saying it absolutely hilarious" the green haired on said holding her gut she laughed loudly. Ren shrugged and threw the bread away, "what can I say ladies, evil plots are in the genes. Cunning comes from craftiness." He phased out and followed the girls to the now out of order bathroom and smiled listening to the words of anguish. He realized it was Lexi and smiled even wider "So, the zombie freak ate some bad brains. What were their IQ's too low? You know the speed of light is quicker than the speed of sound, so people might look bright... until you hear them speak" he sneered.
Shit was exploding out of her ass...Exploding. Not coming out in diarea but shooting out of her butt hole hose. It was painful. Her entire body perspiring with sweat, her hands pressed against the edges of the stall. "FUCK. FUUUUUCK. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK."

Ren. Fucking...Fucking prick. The toilet was overflowing. Why was it so much? why wouldn't it stop? maybe because she consumed so much damn food so god only knew the amount. Don't let him see you're angry. Don't. Hold it.

She cried out in pain. Don't let him get the satisfaction of screaming how much you want to throttle and kill him.

"IS....this...the FUCK...best...you...."it hurt, it hurt so much. "you got...dickbag?"

More exploding shit. The floor was flooding.
She knew something was going to happen... Tara sat on the sink by the door comforting Lexi as the girl wailed. It was pretty gross but she had to be here for her friend. Then she heard Ren outside the door. She jumped perfectly to the door and managed to avoid the sewage... Rushing out and slamming the door open she marched right up to Ren and started wagging her finger in his face," YOU KNOCK THAT OFF RIGHT NOW! THAT IS NO WAY TO TALK ABOUT A PERSON!" She blew her hair out of her eye and glared at him with both eyes. She hoped that her curse would actually work with her for once and she would have a vision of Ren's future tonight. That was how it worked. Her eye... the one she kept covered with hair, the first person she looked at with it... she would see their future... It was a new twist in the games her powers liked to play on her. It had only started this year and she hated it... So she kept the eye covered in the hopes to stay out of their business.


Jamie laughed, "I wish you would! I haven't seen an appetite that healthy in a while and I need someone to eat my food now that this idiot never visits!"

"Hey!" Darke was done too And he was a little disappointed about it.

"I know that look J-..." She almost slipped up and said his first name quickly she continued, "I'll go get you some seconds... Do you want any sweety, know what. I'll just go get some more." She practically ran to the back room.

"So my mom liked J names..." Darke said casually. Actually he was happy for the change in topic.... not happy that the new one was him though.
Ren smiled and clapped slowly "keeping the tough act up. I applaud you. Though you need some work if dickbag is all you got. I could eat alpahbet soup and shit out a better comeback, but I'll leave that up to you. Such a shame your so weak and pathetic, you might be a challenge. So tell me, how is your bony ass with all that shit coming out of it. But better yet tell me who's gonna protect your... how did you say it... FAMILY with your ass on the can?" He turns to the red-skinned girls and nods. Both blink into a flame of light and vanish from the area. Ren leans back and smiles, "tell me what your up to and I might just spare their lives."

Meanwhile the green haired girl skips up to Rai and waves at him "hi! I'm new here and totally lost! Could you be a hero and help me out?" The plan was in motion the pieces in play, and the threat controlled. Min would be proud if she could see me now, I wonder what she's up to? He smiles probably face down in a pillow.

Ren looked at Tara as she ran through the door way wagging a finger and oddly glaring at her with both eyes. He leaned into her eyes and smiled. "Don't think glaring at me is gonna do anything girly." He smiled and licked her nose his tongue phasing though her nose "satisfied little prophetic princess?"


Meanwhile Min was snoring the day away in her dark area, floating around clutching a gigantic human heart pillow. She winced a little as her dream soured. At first is was her and her family all going out to the park. This was one of the first times they were able to go out as a family and Min was excited. As Min hopped out of the car she couldn't help but notice that they left Ren inside. She called out to him and with a smile on his face, he hopped out of the car and tackled his sister into a hug. The parents continued walking and Ren ran ahead, he was shouting something, but it was inaudible. Her parent began to speak and as she looked at them she saw them melt into dark figures. The figure smiled a thousand teeth at her and whispers came from all around time to come home, time to come home, time to come home.... Min tossed and turned as her dream self was surrounded by darkness. Then as she stood still bodies began to fall and splatter on the ground around her. Her parents shapes stood beside her and restrained her, the black sticky liquid of their fingers forcing her eyes open. She looked in horror, as her brother Ren stands screaming in agony as his body is torn to shreds from the inside out. A dark mist erupting from his body, "No! We had a deal! We had a deal! Noooo" Min screams. The two figure of her parents swing in front of her and merge as one dark figure. It's time to come home... the dark voice said ina deep gravely spine chilling voice. It grew taller and taller blood spurting from its head. It raises a gigantic arm up and slams it down It's time to wake up.
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Lexi was panting, tears coming down her eyes. People would feel this over the span of eight hours at a slow pace...if it was one burger and her body...the way it was...this was incredibly awful. She cried out again, but it wasn't shooting out at high speeds like before, just painful awful spurts. She felt dizzy, out of it, like twenty or more pounds shot out of her.

Her head drooped as her vision blurred. "Bite me." She said closing her eyes. He threatened her family. This would be over soon. HE THREATENED HER FAMILY.

Do not give in to terrorists. "BITE ME JACKASS AAAAAAAAAAAH" She cried out again. Lexi never wanted to touch food anymore. Ever. Just starve to death. She curled in her pride. "KRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISS," this was a long shot, she knew it but she screamed as loud as she could, her voice felt hoarse. "FIND RAI! KRISS FIND RAI!"

Dipshit, Kriss could literally be anywhere, like she could actually hear her....head drooping again, Lexi felt dizzy. It was blurry and there was moving spots in her sight.
"Don't change the subject." Nialla said, giving him a dark look once Jamie was out of earshot. "You lied to me just a moment ago. For a villain your tell is pretty obvious. Not to mention you have to know something, you are a teacher of villainy. My friends lives are at stake here, and there are so many dozens of theories for what Ren is doing that I can barely keep a smile around for your sister." He was a good man, Nialla knew that, so why did he have to lie? She put her trust in him, and she was one the other side of the world with him eating at a foreign restaurant without a second glace. How could she trust someone with her life that much if he couldn't be honest about a simple question?

Nialla knew how far was too far, and she didn't state her last thought. She was incredibly passionate about the subject, but she wasn't an idiot. "I trust you, Mr. Darke. I need to know, for my friends' sakes. Are Ren's threats empty?"
She jumped back when Ren's tongue passed through her nose. Eyes wide she glared at him again in seething anger. Oh.... I wish I could just-! Her bracelets jangled shaking with her anger. Then suddenly she stopped herself looking to the floor. "At least I know what you are really like now..." She sounded sad and empty. And then she screamed at the top of her Lungs "KRISSSS!"


Kriss tensed. She could hear it. In fact she could even sense it. Freaking animal instincts. Her ears, tail and claws popped out from the emotional wave that flooded her. She could just throw knives at Lexi later as payback for this.... "Aidan.... I'm sorry I have to run! My friends need me!" She could feel the pain rolling off of Lexi's words strongest of all. So first place she ran... was to the nurse.


Rai jumped for joy. "I can help! I know this place super good!"

I get to be a hero!... Why is she red...?

"Why are you red? Are you blushing over your whole body or something?" Thoughts just ran out of this kids head like water...


Darke sighed... He really wanted seconds... "Okay kid listen.... I only lied to get you to eat lunch with me... and not rush back to your doom. That kid put Laxatives in all of the food so your friends are in for a big surprise. Aside from that I don't really know!" His tell was not obvious! He was the best liar around his sister could attest to that! Speaking of, "JAMIE! I think I'm going to have to cancel that order!"

"What! Why?..." She popped back out of the kitchen.

"I think the two of us are headed back to school.."

"But I'll-" Jamie started but by then Darke had already grabbed Nialla's arm and with a pop the two disappeared... He isn't too bad though. A note fluttered down from where they were just sitting.

I miss you too. I'll come back and visit

Love, James

Was all it said.

(Woo so you did learn his first name!)
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After everything was said and done, Nialla looked at Darke, back to the place they left. "I'm sorry for how I reacted, Darke, and thank you." Without saying another word she ran up the stairs of the basement, leading to the ground floor of the school. She had to get to the cafeteria as soon as possible

Have to find them, have to - Nialla's thoughts were suddenly cut off by a nearby scream, coming from where she had no idea. Knowing how frantic the situation was becoming, Nialla ran in the direction she hoped the scream had come from, needing to find them before it was too late.

Upon seeing a girl with the characteristics of both a human and a raccoon running as well, Nialla followed her. Nialla somehow felt a sense of urgency from the girl, so she trusted her gut and went in the raccoon girl's direction, believing that it could take more than just one person to deal with whatever was happening.
Thats the third time someone has been inside his head and to put it nicely ONES TOO MANY! But now understanding where the lunchroom is he first helped the secretary back to her desk seeing how she was having a headache or something. He then was careful not to bump into gail on his way out.

In the lunchroom Cobalt got himself some cheeseburgers with fries and happily chowed down until he started feeling something funny and even began to sweat. "Oh god..." he quickly made way to the mens restroom which was closely to where lexi and the others were. It wasn't a good time for him. The pain was unbearable as the tiles under began to crack the more that he pushed out. The only thing on his mind were Im going to strangle the person who thought this was funny!
The green haired girl smiles happily "Awesome!!" She smiles twirling some of her hair in her hand "I cant believe I was so dumb to get turned around." As Rai asked her the question she looked at him and giggled lightheartedly. "Oh you are so cute" she pokes his nose lightly and smiled at him. "I am a demon of the flame, were all red and super hot." She smiled and winked at the Rai.


Ren leaned back and smiled at the girl, "baby you don't know a thing." He jolted a little as the girl suddenly shouted "whoa! You got some lungs on you girl. Shouting won't do much, girl. Give the lungs a rest. Sheesh."


Min awoke in a cold sweat. Her heart was still, yet she clutched it like it was pounding. She leaned in, curling her legs up to her chest. Her sweat began to rise up off her body and form into sharp spikes around her. "Why......" she closed her eyes a single tear fell down and floated up. It added to the spikes, they illuminated with power. Then the spikes flung themselves into her heart. The pain was excruciating and rejuvenating. She opened her eyes, "wellllll, time to go home." She smiled, blood flowing out of her mouth. She opened a portal and slowly fell into it, the blood dissipating into nothing.
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((This is how you tun rapid healing against someone :) because her power was never about rapid healing just accelerated body movement inside and out))

Blood swirled in the feces and there was one last push shooting out of the rectum before Lexi's vision, which had become spotty, completely blacked out. Her arms, which held the walls of the stall fell limply to her side, her head dropped, chin against her chest. The speed her shit had come out had tore apart her insides, the pain much more than just someone feeling massive stomach cramps. Her body drenched in her own sweat. The cells began splitting, growing and healing the damage just as fast as it caused it.

From pressing her weight earlier and screaming one of the stalls (she needed to grip onto something with that much pressure shooting out of her asshole), the left was completely cracked and fell towards the right, a domino effect so the entire thing looked slanted. Somehow not falling enough to knock an unconscience Lexi off the toilet into her own watery shit.


"Kriss! I can....help too" no answer. Aidan went to snatch his walking stick.

Which no longer existed. Ok then. He could do this. He walked these halls a million times. Two million times. "Kriss? I can help. I can." Still no answer. There was screaming earlier, girls yelling her name. Ok. He was going to head in that direction. He knew he was near the cafeteria, Kriss was dragging him there and the sounds came from the left side of the hallway. So that must be, he paused to think. He knew this. The bathrooms.

Sounds of heavy walls collapsing on one another was heard as he approached the restrooms. This was it. He pressed his hand on the door to open it when he felt his asshole and insides being ripped apart as shit came funnelling out of his butt like a hose. Aidan crumbled on his knees gasping hoping the images and the feelings of this would go away. What was going....and his knees were wet with something.

When it became black again, he took a deep breath, his legs wet and sticky...and the smell of shit just wafted. He didn't see that the toilet must have been overflowing and it was now coming out of the bathroom. Pushing the door he walked in. Stepping in something. Gross. Gross. He didn't want to know.

"Here to help...whatever is...why does it smell so bad?"

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