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Fandom Supernatural


Name: Claire Singer

Age: 24

Occupation: Hunter/Student

Related to Sam and Dean How: Through her father and school

Bio: Claire is the daughter of Bobby Singer and his deceased wife. She was born 3 days before her mom was possessed and had to be killed. Bobby always regretted offering to put her up for adoption to his wife, because he thought he broke everything he touched. This caused his wife to be deeply upset the last 3 days of her life. Ever since then, Bobby has been taking care of her alone.

At first, Bobby did't know what to do. The pregnancy was a shocked to both of them, and she was born earlier than expected. Sometimes, Bobby couldn't even look at her because of the memories of his wife. As Claire grew up, she was introduced to Sam and Dean. She doesn't have much memory of them, but she used to play with them when Bobby had to watch them while their father was out hunting.

When she graduated school, Bobby sent her to college. He wanted her to have a normal life, like Sam wanted. But Claire was already in the hunter life. She grew up around reading folk lore and watching her father helping the Winchester family. So, at college she's more focused on watching the news and trying to help hunters there whenever she can. Sometimes she leaves college for a few days to go on a hunting trip nearby.

She practices law with Sam. Claire's more into the psychology of criminals than anything else. That's why she decided to take law, because in a way, it's similar to hunting. She makes decent grades so her father doesn't realize she's hunting. Her father would forbid her from doing so.
Here, I also have another OC I could do

Daniel Craiger


Age: 23

Occupation: Student

Daniel is a special child, later on known as a demon child.

His mom was killed in a house fire when he was 6 months old. His father saved him from the fire, but was later on murdered in their house when Daniel was 4. The only thing Daniel recalls about the murder was a pair of yellow eyes.

Daniel is currently going to the same college as Sam and Claire, and has befriended them both.

Name: Nathaniel C. Vincent

Alias/s: Reaper

Age: 35

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 142 lbs

Occupation: Hunter/Death's Apprentice

Bio: Nathan is a Skilled hunter able to go toe to toe with dangerous creatures while he can't take on angels or demons he has spoken to Death and has asked many questions but death gave him a weapon a weapon he used once before he just simply touched the person to die of natural causes what he gave Nathan was his scythe one of the most powerful Heavenly and Demonic Weapon but it was made only to be handled by the Grim Reaper but by his teaching Nathan will soon be able to wield the Scythe of Death

Personality: Serious, Quiet, Cautious and Aggresive in attacking

Cassidy Winchester



Cassidy Winchester




Hunter - Student


Father: John

Mother: Sofia

Brothers: Sam and Dean


Hardheaded, Stubborn, Genius, Clever, Open minded, Walking encyclopedia.


History short -

John got drunk one night after about 5 years after Dean, and Sams mom. He ran into a girl named Sofia, and later that year she found out she was pregnant. She never told John and soon had her, she grew having a normal life, until john came to visit and she told him. Little did he know was that she was to die that night from the yellow eyed demon. He took cassidy and trained her, and soon took her to dean so he could look after her. But Sam had another idea of sending her to collage, and she did so. Now being as smart as sam , and as helpful, she is now almost done with school. And she has friended sam, Daniel and Claire.​

(Sorry the history is bad, im not the best at histories)

Name: Naomi Wyatt

Age: 18

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 180

Occupation: Hunter

Bio: Naomi grew up on the run; her father being a wanted crime lord and all. She never went to the same school for longer than four months, and never made many friends. Her father was caught when she was twelve and she was put into a foster home while her parents went to jail. She bounced around in foster homes for four years before she ran away. She stumbled across Bobby's house a year later, half starved and limping on a sprained knee. She lived with him for a couple of weeks, but her wanderlust drove her on. Now, she stumbled across an impala, and her life is flipped upside-down.

Personality: Almost never serious, Cares about everyone, Still doesn't know how to trust completely (drove Bobby crazy), and Always optimistic.
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