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Supernatural: Shield from the Cold (Pikachugirl)


"C'mon, Cas!" I call to the angel over the downpour of rain. My whole body shakes with my soaked through clothes and drenched leather jacket. Jesus... I just want to get out of here. We tracked down the demon and killed it. That was the whole point of the job. Now that the threat's been stopped, we can get back to the Bunker, a good twelve hour drive from here. Back home, and back to Sam. Out of the freezing ass storm. I shiver as I make my way back to the Impala with him, hair sticking to the sides of my face as water droplets roll off.
Castiel appeared behind Dean, grabbing his shoulder. "We should get inside, this storm will only get worse,"he stated in a gruff voice. He noticed that the other didn't look so good, but didn't point it out. If Dean was injured, he would just heal him like usual. Trying to ignore how wet he was, he got inside the Impala.
I shutter, sniffling as I climb into the driver's seat of Baby. "Yeah, we need to get out of the rain," I reply, turning the heat up in the car. I'm freezing. "Son of a bitch..." I mumble, wrapping my arms around myself tightly. Why the hell does it have to be so cold? I put the car into drive and get moving, shivering as we go.

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Castiel stared at Dean for a bit, before wrinkling his nose. It smelled like mud and wet dog inside the car, but he wasn't going to point anything out. The angel stopped staring at Dean in favor of looking out the window, watching as they flew by trees. "Today's hunt was...interesting."
"Yeah, well... that's typically how it goes when demons start dropping bodies and beginning friggin' rainstorms,"

I reply snappily. Damn, I'm freezing my ass off. I turn the heat on high, sniffling. I'm not feeling so hot. I run a hand down my face. Somethin' ain't right here. Mmm... I wanna go home and rest back in my bed. Where its warm. "Dammit, Cas. Are you cold, too?" I ask.

"I don't get cold." Castiel stated, confused at Dean's question. He looked over the hunter. "Are you okay Dean? You don't look well." He went to touch the other to see if he could find anything wrong.
"I'm fine," I mumble, shivering as his cold hands touch my forehead. I sniffle, then fail at holding back a sneeze, doing so into my arm. God... that's just perfect.


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