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Supernatural: Fallen From Grace


In the middle of the road, in the dark of night and the downpour of cold, icy rain, I (Castiel) trudged onward. There was no place left for me to go. No where for my hungry, tired body to rest. I wrapped my arms tightly around my body, shivering into my drenched coat. I had no money left for a meal or a payphone. I had no idea whether or not Dean and Sam could find me. But I needed shelter. I had gotten very cold very quickly and the rain only pressed my need for someplace warm to sleep.

I'd lost everything. The angels had fallen and I was to blame for it. To make matters worse, Metatron had used my grace for his spell to cast them down. I wasn't merely fallen. I was human. I would give nearly anything for my friends to find me and take me in, but on a dark road in the middle of no where at the dead of night, my chances were slim. I should hope freezing to death doesn't force my hand to steal from another in need. Then again, I never would.

Alone and growing ill, I carried on along my asphalt path.

Until I saw two familiar headlights. Those of a 1967 Cheverolet Impala.
"Cas!" I shouted. We had been looking for Cas for days. After the angels fell, everything went to crap. Sam and I, we needed Cas. And we couldn't find him. I stopped, and hopped out, jogging to Cas. "Are you okay? Cas? Cas!" I saw he was soaked and cold. But something about him was different. Metatron's spell took a toll on Cas too. "Son of a bitch." I muttered. "Sam!" I shouted and looked behind me to see Sam already running up to Cas and I. "He's freezing, get him in the car." Sam carried Cas into the impala, and climbed into the passenger side. I looked up at the sky, quietly cursing Metatron for this. The driver side door of the Impala squeaked as it always did, and we drove off. "What the hell are we gonna do, Dean?" Sam looked at me, impatient. "I dunno. I mean, the angels fell from the sky, Metatron has free reign of heaven now, the whole worlds gone to hell in a handbasket!" I heard Cas shift in the back. "But what I do know, is that we need to get Cas to a hotel. He's been walking in the cold and rain for god only knows how long. While he sleeps, we need to do whatever the hell we can to fix this." Sam looked worried and tired. "Dean...." He trailed off. I looked at him for a while before finally responding, "I know, Sammy. I know." And no one else says anything until we get to the hotel.
"D-Dean..." I murmur, my teeth chattering as I get out of the car. Thank goodness that the Winchesters had found me. I don't know that I could have gone on for much longer out there on my own. I'm cold and tired and hungry, but mostly cold. My vessel-- well, body-- can't stop shaking, no matter how hard I try to repress the reaction. Now that I'm not an angel, the weather has an effect on me, like any other human. I don't understand these new sensations and situations I'm having to face. I feel helpless and frightened, even with my friends at my side. I'm terrified of how easily I am injured or shaken. I'm afraid of having to depend on others, as the last person I trusted just cast my brothers and sisters down from their home. But the Winchesters are different, especially Dean. I wrap my coat tight over my bosy as I shiver, sniffling as water droplets roll off of my hair. "I- I'm afraid that I'm c-coming down w-with something," I say, my teeth chattering.

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