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Fantasy Supernatural Beasts Hunt RP


now i know how joan of arc felt
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Long ago in the dark ages, there were four families; Devaux, Kraus, Goodman, and the Tanakas. These families were all connected by a certain mysterious crime that has since been forgotten with time. This crime has caused the four families to be cursed; the descendants of the culprits are to be hunted by the supernatural and unexplained forever. Certain members of the families were born bearing the Mark. Those who were marked would become the families' Hunters.( Each family has a special magical ability that you can create)

In the early 1800's... there have been no attacks or marks for almost 50 years and the curse was almost forgotten until 8 Hunters were born. Whenever the Hunters became of age, the Beast attacked. It is always a different beast, sometimes weak and sometimes strong, the Cursed were unfortunate this time around, this beast was the strongest yet; The Great Dragon Dakycras! Many of the Hunter's perished but eventually, the Dakycras fell. For many years after, no Hunters were born, the Survivors of the last Hunt concluded that the curse must have been broken for the Mark had vanished from their skin and their great-grandchildren continued on without ever knowing about the curse, and it eventually was forgotten about...until now


Eight children are born bearing an ominous mark...

Ok! When we get at least 7 or 8 I'll put up the CS
I have not roleplayed for quite some time and feel this would be an enjoyable way to get back into it. You can count me in if you will have me. :)

Also bear with me cause I am on mobile for the first time and cannot perform any fancy BBCode or anything. Just separating paragraphs and such.
i'm interested
I have not roleplayed for quite some time and feel this would be an enjoyable way to get back into it. You can count me in if you will have me. :)

Also bear with me cause I am on mobile for the first time and cannot perform any fancy BBCode or anything. Just separating paragraphs and such.

Thats fine! Look forward to RPing with ya!
This has piqued my interest, but I've got a few questions. Lunar Lunar

1. Could I make a British family?
2. How close are we following 1930s?
3. what are the restrictions?
EDIT: 4. what sort of monsters(don't have to answer if you don't want to)
This has piqued my interest, but I've got a few questions. Lunar Lunar

1. Could I make a British family?
2. How close are we following 1930s?
3. what are the restrictions?
EDIT: 4. what sort of monsters(don't have to answer if you don't want to)

1. You can be a part of the Goodman family, they're mainly American but ya know be creative! Perhaps you're a distant cousin of the Americans!
2. It takes place in 1933 and I'm really trying to stay historically correct if thats what you're asking.
3. What kind? If you mean gore and cussing, do all out no restrictions (as long as it follows RPN Rules.)
4. Thats a secret but expect like....mythological beings.
Lunar Lunar
Ok so I can be a goodman right? Because I was thinking my character(if I join) would be a veteran of WW1 and is grappling with the horrors of the trenches.
Lunar Lunar
Ok so I can be a goodman right? Because I was thinking my character(if I join) would be a veteran of WW1 and is grappling with the horrors of the trenches.

Well Goodman is actually full but I'm fine with this character being one

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