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Fantasy Supernatural Abilities Roleplay


Keyblade Master
Hey, I have two lovely ideas I'd like to share with you all! Lately I've been having very interesting dreams, so I decided to turn these dreams into roleplays.

First idea is a mixture of sci-fi and fantasy (mainly fantasy). It's about a sort of alien invasion (this may change, and I'm open to your ideas) and bacially all the adults/those without creative minds fall under the control of the invaders. Young adults and teens are forced to sorta fend for themselves and hide from those under the control. There's also these invisible wolves running about hunting them down, so they really struggle to survive. These survivors must band together.

The second idea I have is more recent and it's basically about people being born with supernatural abilities. It's not full fledged powers. The world is afraid of these people and thus many laws were passed that creates segregation for these Indivisuals. It gets to the point that they must wear a special ring to show that they have these abilities and those who have these abilities are forced to live in these ghettos built for them. Luckily they are able to at least find a family in each other.

That's mostly it, feel free to leave any comments! :D
Aqua7KH said:
The second idea I have is more recent and it's basically about people being born with supernatural abilities. It's not full fledged powers. The world is afraid of these people and thus many laws were passed that creates segregation for these Indivisuals. It gets to the point that they must wear a special ring to show that they have these abilities and those who have these abilities are forced to live in these ghettos built for them. Luckily they are able to at least find a family in each other.
So this one's like the Holocaust, pretty much?
RedLikeRoses said:
So this one's like the Holocaust, pretty much?
Ahh well, it's not going to be THAT well violent. What ends up happening is that these indivisuals aren't even allowed to live with their families. They are only allowed to populate the slums they're designated too. As a result many youths don't have their parents so their older peers end up having to look after the younger indivisuals.

It's more of a civil rights movement as a LOT of people dissapoint of the harsh discrimination and whatnot, but everyone is afraid of standing up.

I do get where you're coming from though! I had this as a dream a while ago.

Jailbird said:
I actually like both ideas, but I'm leaning more towards the super power ghettos!
Sure! Thanks! :D

[QUOTE="An Unknown Person]Sorry... not interested, Teen RPs are getting on my nerves lately...

Don't worry! There's definitely adults in these ghettos! It's just that individuals born with these abilities are more recent, so there's not super elder indivisuals with these abilities yet. The oldest you could have would be late twenties/early thirties? There's few and many of these adults become caretakers and set up little schools for the younger folks in their communities.
Aqua7KH said:
Ahh well, it's not going to be THAT well violent. What ends up happening is that these indivisuals aren't even allowed to live with their families. They are only allowed to populate the slums they're designated too. As a result many youths don't have their parents so their older peers end up having to look after the younger indivisuals.
This is how the Holocaust started out, though. Sorting people that were different into ghettos, where they pretty much lose their families. xD Still interested, I suppose.
RedLikeRoses said:
This is how the Holocaust started out, though. Sorting people that were different into ghettos, where they pretty much lose their families. xD Still interested, I suppose.
Alright! There is some elements from that and civil rights issues.

I remember learning about it in school, actually. It was very interesting but that topic always made me sad and it upsets me. I'm very glad to hear you're interested and I'll certainly let you guys know when I'm done drafting it! I'm just finishing up with the sign ups.
Aqua7KH said:
Alright! There is some elements from that and civil rights issues.
I remember learning about it in school, actually. It was very interesting but that topic always made me sad and it upsets me. I'm very glad to hear you're interested and I'll certainly let you guys know when I'm done drafting it! I'm just finishing up with the sign ups.
Well...I guess i'm the only one that dosen't really care if this sounds like the holocaust?

Also... It's not that I hate the jews , but there are a lot of proof that the Holocaust wasn't that 'giant' thing as they say...
[QUOTE="An Unknown Person]Well...I guess i'm the only one that dosen't really care if this sounds like the holocaust?
Also... It's not that I hate the jews , but there are a lot of proof that the Holocaust wasn't that 'giant' thing as they say...

I don't care either, I just think it's ironic. I like learning about it.
Okay, leaving that topic, I'm gonna give you guys more insight of the lore and whatnot!

These slums that these indivisuals are forced to live in basically turn into a sort of meeting grounds/hangouts for the rebellious and the adventurous.

There is also a law saying that kids younger than twelve years of age are allowed to have visitations with their parents/caretakers. Thing is, the age gets younger and younger each year. Many want it am abolished completely.

The rings that these indivisuals wear weren't actually forced upon them; they were merely a fashion trend upon teenagers and adults. It's a plain silver band with a star on it. However it turned into more of a symbol during the rise for civil rights movements which has since been loosing momentum/support. As a result those wearing these silver bands are assumed to have these abilities. Supporters often wear the same silver band but with a purple stripe in the middle. To distinguish them as supporters.

It's very dangerous to wear the ring. If you come across the wrong people, you will be attacked. Despite this people wear it anyway and you are considered a coward by some if you have these abilities/are a supporter if you don't wear the ring. Those who are recorded to have these abilities do have a star on their ID however.
Aqua7KH said:
Okay, leaving that topic, I'm gonna give you guys more insight of the lore and whatnot!
These slums that these indivisuals are forced to live in basically turn into a sort of meeting grounds/hangouts for the rebellious and the adventurous.

There is also a law saying that kids younger than twelve years of age are allowed to have visitations with their parents/caretakers. Thing is, the age gets younger and younger each year. Many want it am abolished completely.

The rings that these indivisuals wear weren't actually forced upon them; they were merely a fashion trend upon teenagers and adults. It's a plain silver band with a star on it. However it turned into more of a symbol during the rise for civil rights movements which has since been loosing momentum/support. As a result those wearing these silver bands are assumed to have these abilities. Supporters often wear the same silver band but with a purple stripe in the middle. To distinguish them as supporters.

It's very dangerous to wear the ring. If you come across the wrong people, you will be attacked. Despite this people wear it anyway and you are considered a coward by some if you have these abilities/are a supporter if you don't wear the ring. Those who are recorded to have these abilities do have a star on their ID however.
Now it really is Holocaust, considering Jew's had to wear the Star of David. xD (I'm not bashing this at all, I love the idea, and the irony.)
[QUOTE="Thane Korino]mind giving a few examples since that seems to be confusing me a little..

I understand the confusion! The abilities you can have aren't like typical superhero powers like flying or whatnot and are more mental based. For example, a type of these powers you can have is Stealth: where you can appear invisible to a target. You won't literally be invisible, but won't be see by a person you target. If you ever seen the movie Push, it's abilities kinda like those and not typical superpowers. It's sorta hard to explain.

RedLikeRoses said:
Now it really is Holocaust, considering Jew's had to wear the Star of David. xD (I'm not bashing this at all, I love the idea, and the irony.)
Blah the more I try to make it sound less like it the more it sounds like it omg. I'm happy you enjoy the idea though. I was thinking about the star thing being similar to that just last night. I'm probably gonna change it to the moon instead. Literally this entire idea is just from one dream I had, so I'm trying to incorproate as much from it as possible.

The star has significance to it. The star/moon became an icon for these people because they believe that these abilities were gifts from the cosmos/heavens rather than a curse that a lot of people believe. As a result this is very symbolic to them as its a symbol of pride.
Aqua7KH said:
I understand the confusion! The abilities you can have aren't like typical superhero powers like flying or whatnot and are more mental based. For example, a type of these powers you can have is Stealth: where you can appear invisible to a target. You won't literally be invisible, but won't be see by a person you target. If you ever seen the movie Push, it's abilities kinda like those and not typical superpowers. It's sorta hard to explain.
Blah the more I try to make it sound less like it the more it sounds like it omg. I'm happy you enjoy the idea though. I was thinking about the star thing being similar to that just last night. I'm probably gonna change it to the moon instead. Literally this entire idea is just from one dream I had, so I'm trying to incorproate as much from it as possible.

The star has significance to it. The star/moon became an icon for these people because they believe that these abilities were gifts from the cosmos/heavens rather than a curse that a lot of people believe. As a result this is very symbolic to them as its a symbol of pride.
Your dreams must be fun as hell xD

Mine are like... CREEPY... caps lock creepy
[QUOTE="An Unknown Person]Your dreams must be fun as hell xD
Mine are like... CREEPY... caps lock creepy

Not even gonna lie this has all been my dreams lately just awesome shit like this. Lately I've just been having REALLY interesting dreams. I've also had another dream where Batman, Batgirl, Nightwing and Robin were like raiding a mansion owned by Joker but he like ambused them and injected everyone except for Batman with like Joker blood that made them basically go insane and it was just so interesting. I do have my share of creepy to no end dreams but I hate talking about dreams like that. xD A good amount of some of my ideas stem from my dreams. In this dream I was having with this idea, I was a young man who acts like a innocent little kid and he had a type of ability in this roleplay called Roleplayer, which is where you can basically give people a 'role' and they follow your command. It's like hypnotism. Roleplayers (those with this ability) are known to be very creative and often roleplay 24/7 so that's where the name of the ability comes from.
Aqua7KH said:
Not even gonna lie this has all been my dreams lately just awesome shit like this. Lately I've just been having REALLY interesting dreams. I've also had another dream where Batman, Batgirl, Nightwing and Robin were like raiding a mansion owned by Joker but he like ambused them and injected everyone except for Batman with like Joker blood that made them basically go insane and it was just so interesting. I do have my share of creepy to no end dreams but I hate talking about dreams like that. xD A good amount of some of my ideas stem from my dreams. In this dream I was having with this idea, I was a young man who acts like a innocent little kid and he had a type of ability in this roleplay called Roleplayer, which is where you can basically give people a 'role' and they follow your command. It's like hypnotism. Roleplayers (those with this ability) are known to be very creative and often roleplay 24/7 so that's where the name of the ability comes from.
God damn.... that must be fun... my 'creepy' dreams are quite.... weird... because in almost all of them I experience death. (like... the area in my torso, around the heart is just cold and everything is just black...

But eh.. GOD DAMN IT... I suck at describing my dreams... or even remembering them... xD
[QUOTE="An Unknown Person]God damn.... that must be fun... my 'creepy' dreams are quite.... weird... because in almost all of them I experience death. (like... the area in my torso, around the heart is just cold and everything is just black...
But eh.. GOD DAMN IT... I suck at describing my dreams... or even remembering them... xD

I'm the same way. There's a lot of random elements in my dreams. (For example, in that Batman dream they ended up going to like a fashion show later that Harley Quinn I guess hijacked and Batgirl had to like dress as a model for some reason.)

I always think about awesome stuff before I go to sleep. Try that! Also, don't eat any chocolate right before bed.
Aqua7KH said:
I'm the same way. There's a lot of random elements in my dreams. (For example, in that Batman dream they ended up going to like a fashion show later that Harley Quinn I guess hijacked and Batgirl had to like dress as a model for some reason.)
I always think about awesome stuff before I go to sleep. Try that! Also, don't eat any chocolate right before bed.
Sad thing is... I already tried both, seems like my dreams are quite random... and scary (In my dream I was inside the Slender Man forest... but it felt like the place was real, not like the game... I'm still creeped out by that xD )

And I was thinking... even if I tried to use oe of my dreams as an ideia of a RP, it would be too god damn crazy.
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[QUOTE="An Unknown Person]Sad thing is... I already tried both, seems like my dreams are quite random... and scary (In my dream I was inside the Slender Man forest... but it felt like the place was real, not like the game... I'm still creeped out by that xD )
And I was thinking... even if I tried to use oe of my dreams as an ideia of a RP, it would be too god damn crazy.

Hmm, well I used to have really bad nightmares as well. That changed I think because of something that I started doing but I believe dreams are your subconsience telling you something. It's like signs from your waking life. I have an app called Dream Moods and I really recommend you downloading it. It's Google but for dreams. You look up certain things from your dreams (say, zombies if to dream a lot about zombies, spiders, floods, etc) and it'll tell you the meaning of it. A lot of the things I search for are so true and relevant to my life it's crazy. It also has a dream journal option where you can write what your dream was about. I definitely recommend trying it.

I have also done research in the past about Lucid Dreaminf to be in control of your dreams to make it whatever you want, but it's honestly really frustrating to me so I just gave up. xD I really didn't have the patience for that.
Aqua7KH said:
Hmm, well I used to have really bad nightmares as well. That changed I think because of something that I started doing but I believe dreams are your subconsience telling you something. It's like signs from your waking life. I have an app called Dream Moods and I really recommend you downloading it. It's Google but for dreams. You look up certain things from your dreams (say, zombies if to dream a lot about zombies, spiders, floods, etc) and it'll tell you the meaning of it. A lot of the things I search for are so true and relevant to my life it's crazy. It also has a dream journal option where you can write what your dream was about. I definitely recommend trying it.
I have also done research in the past about Lucid Dreaminf to be in control of your dreams to make it whatever you want, but it's honestly really frustrating to me so I just gave up. xD I really didn't have the patience for that.
Oh well... I don't have any mobile so yeah xD , and I do believe in the 'signs from your wakig life', but one think that I don't trust is the 'dream reader' kind of things, you search about it in one, the result is (crappy ex) "You're going to become rich for no reason", then you go to the other one and it's like "You're going to die poor"

And well... I kind of had a nightmare related to school once... can't really remember much... but it was creepy.., but yeah, will see if I can download it on my computer (yes, I can download mobile apps here, just don't know how... yet xD )
Aqua7KH said:
Hey, I have two lovely ideas I'd like to share with you all! Lately I've been having very interesting dreams, so I decided to turn these dreams into roleplays.
First idea is a mixture of sci-fi and fantasy (mainly fantasy). It's about a sort of alien invasion (this may change, and I'm open to your ideas) and bacially all the adults/those without creative minds fall under the control of the invaders. Young adults and teens are forced to sorta fend for themselves and hide from those under the control. There's also these invisible wolves running about hunting them down, so they really struggle to survive. These survivors must band together.

The second idea I have is more recent and it's basically about people being born with supernatural abilities. It's not full fledged powers. The world is afraid of these people and thus many laws were passed that creates segregation for these Indivisuals. It gets to the point that they must wear a special ring to show that they have these abilities and those who have these abilities are forced to live in these ghettos built for them. Luckily they are able to at least find a family in each other.

That's mostly it, feel free to leave any comments! :D
Aqua7KH said:
Hey, I have two lovely ideas I'd like to share with you all! Lately I've been having very interesting dreams, so I decided to turn these dreams into roleplays.
First idea is a mixture of sci-fi and fantasy (mainly fantasy). It's about a sort of alien invasion (this may change, and I'm open to your ideas) and bacially all the adults/those without creative minds fall under the control of the invaders. Young adults and teens are forced to sorta fend for themselves and hide from those under the control. There's also these invisible wolves running about hunting them down, so they really struggle to survive. These survivors must band together.

The second idea I have is more recent and it's basically about people being born with supernatural abilities. It's not full fledged powers. The world is afraid of these people and thus many laws were passed that creates segregation for these Indivisuals. It gets to the point that they must wear a special ring to show that they have these abilities and those who have these abilities are forced to live in these ghettos built for them. Luckily they are able to at least find a family in each other.

That's mostly it, feel free to leave any comments! :D
I love the second idea, it soundsseems great! And if you're looking for people to add to it, I would love to join!!
Bellaforbes said:
I love the second idea, it soundsseems great! And if you're looking for people to add to it, I would love to join!!
Thank you. ;u; I'll certainly let you know when I finish with sign ups and I post it!

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