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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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"w-well thats not my fault." She tried to pout but doing so while blushing red only made her look like a tomato plushie. Rim stared at Sera after she'd stated her intention of being second away from hugging Rim. So She did something unexpected from her and opened her arms in a silent invitation/acceptance of a hug.

@Yum222 (HUGS!! xD )
The moment Rim opened her arms in an apparent invitation for a hug, time seemed to slow to a crawl in Sera's mind. She only had one chance at this. And she had to make it count.

She first took into account the environments properties. Pointed rocks and trees had to be avoided at all costs, or either of them could sustain damage. What else...the grass was good for soft landing, and--there! A lush, bouncy bush, perfect for--no, wait, there's poison ivy behind it, close call...

Okay, taking a wide stance, now analysing target...distance optimal, no need for speed-checks. Usage of 100% force approved, no obstacles behind target. Ground-thrusters prepped, twin grapplers ready to launch and capture target. All systems are go! Fire!!!

Time resumed regular speed, only 2 seconds having passed since then. Sera charged and jumped at Rim full force and hugged her tight. They rolled a few feet on the grass before stopping, and Sera was rubbing her cheek against Rim's. Sera was in bliss, making happy noises.

@Shiro kurogane (Hugs are serious business)
Rim wasn't prepared for such an intense level of hug. As she gave a soft cry of surprise which only made her cling tighter to Sera as they rolled to an eventual stop. Her heart was beating rather quickly maybe from Sera's closeness or most likely, the intense hug. The redness in Rim's cheeks lightened a bit. Only to to recolor as Sera rubbed their cheeks together along with Sera making noises. Setting that aside though and Rim was secretly enjoying the hug too.

@Yum222 ( O.o i see that. xD )
Sera continued hugging Rim. She probably wouldn't stop of her own volition anytime soon. "So warrmmm~" She was cold after using her ice powers today.

@Shiro kurogane
As much as Rim liked the hug. Her heart couldn't handle it, with its sped up beat. "um... Sera?" Rim quickly though of a different excuse to use instead of telling Sera about her heart not being able to handle the hug. "w-we can't just hug all day." The reason was probably a weak argument. But better than the truth.

Jack smiled to himself now with a full set of school supplies that would surely last him awhile. If anything else, he would just come back to restock or grab something he might have missed. Though, he really needed to find the dorm rooms now. It probably would be a hassle to carry everything around the rest of the day, so finding it sooner was the goal. Exiting the storage room he closed the door this time and made his way around looking for a staircase or elevator of some sort that would get him to the proper point. "There's got to be a-" He cut off, making eye contact with another student who looked slightly troubled. Was he a student here already or was he an incoming one? Jack honestly couldn't tell but didn't entirely care. He put on his usual smile and smoothly walked over. "Hey there, Tator Tot! You wouldn't happen to know where to find the dorms, would you?" Of course, even if he found them he didn't have a schedule yet and didn't even know his room number!

"Aww, alright~ I just couldn't help myself, warm people are the best!" Sera got off Rim, helping her up too. Her mood and energy felt normal again. "If you don't have anything else to do, let me make you some food in my dorm room. I can't make barbecue in there, but I'm good in a regular kitchen too!"

@Shiro kurogane
Jekyll looked over and saw another student coming toward him "sorry I don't I'm trying to figure that out myself got a little lost" he needed to find his dorm and a hidden spot for his lab he looked around and noticed a map "weird i didn't notice that map before did you?"@Pumpkinsisi
Rim stood up and brushed herself off with cheeks less red then before. But looking closely would show they were still redder than normal. "food?" Rim's biggest weakness had been mentioned and her eyes were wide with pleading. She really wanted food. "yes!" She gave a little excited jump accompanied by a cheer-filled smile. She might have even hugged Sera again, if she didn't think that would prolong the food.

"Heh, no problem there." Jack figured he should have known by the lost look in his eyes, but then again, who knew these days what people were thinking. He looked to the side at the mention of the map and suddenly felt quite dumb for never seeing that once! "...? Oh, right!" He chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah my bad, I should have pointed that out! I forgot all about it! Well let's take a look!" He partially lied, walking over to it and looking for their current location. "First floor, closest to the cafeteria. Dorms are..."

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Sera smiled at Rim, taking her hand. "Well, let's go then~" She started leading Rim to her dorm room. In regards to Valentina, she figured she should let her have her alone time. She hoped she'd come back soon.

@Shiro kurogane @Profoundcactus
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Jekyll looked at the map and took a mental image he had a good memory like that "Seems dorms are over this way let's go" they start walking " so what do I call you? And what are you if you don't mind me asking" @Pumpkinsisi
Rim gripped Sera's hand and followed like a smiling child despite her age. Rim finally remembered Val had been there during the whole of the event and flushed red for the hundredth time and stared hard at the ground. She wondered if Val would be okay alone, but since Sera apparently though so. Them Rim figured it'd be fine.


@Profoundcactus (*brings in defibrillator* don't die, LIVE!)
Sera walked Rim up to her dorm room. Outside, her barbecue stuff had all been confiscated by the school. Apparently it was against the rules to do barbecues without warning the school beforehand.

Sera opened the door and let Rim enter. "Welcome~ do you want to take a bath? You can relax in it while I cook." Suddenly had a confused look on her face. "Wait, can a slime go in water?", she asked her.

@Shiro kurogane
Jack didn't have quite the same memory when it came to stuff like this. He was more of an explorer rather than a true memorizer, and things clicked easier in his brain when he could weave a story into it and do it. He grinned widely at the other, following his side with a cautious look. "My name is Jack. Jack Springer." He said freely, suddenly looking grim at the mere thought of himself and spoke a bit hesitantly, as if he didn't want to speak about it. "I'm... A half breed. Part human and part faerie. It's really quite a hindrance..." Though his wings weren't currently out and made him appear more human except for his unusually bright eye color. Turning his head to look at the other, his voice was almost a little demanding. "What about you? Do you have a name or specific species? You don't appear to have anything outwardly strange about you."

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Nix nodded, and took a deep breath. "Hey, you probably think I'm insane, but.. I'm seriously not really this mad all the time. It's just.. never mind. Anyway... so what's your favorite color?" she said, calming down.

Rim saw the remains of the few things not taken by the school as she entered Sera's dorm room. "no, not in my slime form i can't. i'll become more liquidy, but in my human form, yes." Rim answered looking at Sera. "but i've never bathed... in human form before...." Rim was reluctant to admit the last part. But she trusted Sera so it was fine.

"Well, there's a first time for everything!~ Go on, baths are a blessing on earth~ Call me if you need any help!~" Sera pushed Rim towards the bathroom, then turned to the small kitchen with a determined look.

@Shiro kurogane
"How about I call you springer?" he didn't look like a faerie but hey he didn't look like much either. "You can call me jekyll and mines a little complicated I'm human. Ever hear there's two sides to a person well with me it's literal there's Jekyll and there's Hyde two people one body." @Pumpkinsisi
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Rim stood in front of the bath after watching Sera head into the kitchen. She stripped off her clothes after having locked the door. Though it didn't really matter since Sera had already seen her naked. But it was still embarrassing. Sinking into the water, Rim let out a pleased sigh. The bathe did feel great.

"Sure. Whatever floats your boat, Pepper. Springer... Jack... Nuisance..." The freckled teen listed before his voice cracked. "Eh?! What?" There was more alarm and confusion than anything else. "You're human but! There's two of you? No way!" He said in disbelief, trying to wrap his head around it. "Isn't that some kind of disorder or something? I think it was called... Multiple Personality."

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"yes it is a disorder but mine is not in that cause see when my other half emerges I change physically as well he's stronger and faster then I am. But yes there's two of us but one body im just not sure which one of us really owns the body." Jekyll got a little sad for a moment hyde was always a touchy subject for him "Springer please don't tell anyone about Hyde im trying to keep him from causing trouble and I fear if people found out about him they might try and draw him out to see for themselves." @Pumpkinsisi
Sera started cooking up some pasta with some cream rose sauce. After she finished her preparations, everything slow-cooking in the pots, she went to knock on the bathroom door. "Everything okay? The food'll be ready in 20 minutes. I can help wash your hair if you like~"

@Shiro kurogane
Rim opened the door a bit to just peek out a eye through the crack. Her face was a tomato again. "i-i don't know how to wash in this form...." She left the sentence unfinished but clearing implying she needs to be either helped or told how to do so.

"I guess someone's gotta teach you then~" Sera opened the door and let herself in. She quickly grabbed a towel and stripped, keeping herself modest. "Okay, I need the shower gel, shampoo, conditioner...go on, just sit in the bath near the edge~"

@Shiro kurogane

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