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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Peter also get's there in his suit. "Well." He said his voice cracking. "That's not terrifying at all."
"Hello Eris" Dana said. She continued to look for a weapon.
"Hello Dana." Eris says as she summons a snow globe around them. Arkalas tries to stab Dana with his hand, but Eris brings a mound of snow up from under Dana, causing the snow to take the hit and be erased instead.

"I'm gonna see if I can destabilize the portal from my house." Tyson says as he runs off. Arkalas sees him and sends a horde of shadows, and what appears to be a grim reaper made out of wind and darkness, after him.
"Sorry" wolf answered.
"It ain't your fault. It's Jeremy's." Scout said. "I'm gonna find a way murder da crap outta dat quick bastard. Dis world's only big enough one guy to be and handsome as me."

Jeremy paced around the house waiting to hear this hear about Diana's condition.

"No no no" Maddy said putting her hand over the wound as it glowed
It finished healing but he had lost a lot of blood. The shard in his leg was definitely in an artery.
"Hello Dana." Eris says as she summons a snow globe around them. Arkalas tries to stab Dana with his hand, but Eris brings a mound of snow up from under Dana, causing the snow to take the hit and be erased instead.

"I'm gonna see if I can destabilize the portal from my house." Tyson says as he runs off. Arkalas sees him and sends a horde of shadows, and what appears to be a grim reaper made out of wind and darkness, after him.
Peter jumped to cover Tyson shooting web bullets at the reaper.
Kala and Diana walked out of the room. Maddy nods pulling out the shard that was close to the heart. She then quickly worked on healing the wounds
Even as she worked on healing him the wound was releasing a lot of blood.
As soon as she removed the shard the heart would stop pumping blood due to Zadock removing the soul. The soul was wriggling some but Zadock kept a tight hold.
"Hello Dana." Eris says as she summons a snow globe around them. Arkalas tries to stab Dana with his hand, but Eris brings a mound of snow up from under Dana, causing the snow to take the hit and be erased instead.

"I'm gonna see if I can destabilize the portal from my house." Tyson says as he runs off. Arkalas sees him and sends a horde of shadows, and what appears to be a grim reaper made out of wind and darkness, after him.
Scraps approached and grunted "here to protect."
(Sorry guys passed out ) Dana saw scraps and the rag man. She smiles petting Scraps. " thank you"
"It ain't your fault. It's Jeremy's." Scout said. "I'm gonna find a way murder da crap outta dat quick bastard. Dis world's only big enough one guy to be and handsome as me."

Jeremy paced around the house waiting to hear this hear about Diana's condition.

It finished healing but he had lost a lot of blood. The shard in his leg was definitely in an artery.
As soon as she removed the shard the heart would stop pumping blood due to Zadock removing the soul. The soul was wriggling some but Zadock kept a tight hold.
Wolf nods. "Good luck."

Maddy took out the last shard and heal the wound. "Zadock put the soul back please"

Kala came out of their room
Wolf nods. "Good luck."

Maddy took out the last shard and heal the wound. "Zadock put the soul back please"

Kala came out of their room
Zadock gently put the soul back in the body making sure it was properly secured.
Jeremy walked up to her. "Is Diana okay? Is the baby..." He asked
(I did a coin flip)"they'll be okay. I gave Diana something to help her sleep. She was pretty close to losing the baby. She should rest the next few days, today was pretty stressful for them both." Kala said.
(I did a coin flip)"they'll be okay. I gave Diana something to help her sleep. She was pretty close to losing the baby. She should rest the next few days, today was pretty stressful for them both." Kala said.
(Wait for Diana? Or the baby?) He sighed as if a huge weight had been lifted on his chest. "Thank god." He said hugging Kala. "Thank you. Thank you so much."
(Wait for Diana? Or the baby?) He sighed as if a huge weight had been lifted on his chest. "Thank god." He said hugging Kala. "Thank you. Thank you so much."
(For the baby) kala hugs him. " you're welcome. I have a prediction if you want the gender." Kala's shadow joins in on the hug.
It hit a sewer grate that Peter used to block the attack.
The reaper holds its hands out and another wind scythe appears.
" guess I have no choice in this matter." Dana turned to Eris. "Looks like I'm going. Give the bad guy a good punch from me." LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix
Eris nods and turns to Arkalas while still speaking to Dana.
"Go on. I'll keep him busy."
She enters her snow giant form.

"You challenge me, snow woman? Your death shall be honorably painful!" Arkalas says.
The reaper holds its hands out and another wind scythe appears.

Eris nods and turns to Arkalas while still speaking to Dana.
"Go on. I'll keep him busy."
She enters her snow giant form.

"You challenge me, snow woman? Your death shall be honorably painful!" Arkalas says.
Dana left.
The reaper holds its hands out and another wind scythe appears.

Eris nods and turns to Arkalas while still speaking to Dana.
"Go on. I'll keep him busy."
She enters her snow giant form.

"You challenge me, snow woman? Your death shall be honorably painful!" Arkalas says.
He ducked and ran to punch the reaper.
The screeching halted when the sound of a gunshot was heard. "Jesus christ. What a pain." A man said from outside.
"I would take cover if I were you!" He said from inside the building. "This seems like it might be one of those superhero fights and nobody wants to get between one of those" he brought up enough bravery to walk out to the door and pull it open to let the man inside

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