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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Hey hey hey I'm German I make good on my bargains even if I despise them it'll only be like helping you out or even being "good" for a while at least be nice Herr he says desperately but still convincingly.
"He left like 20 minutes ago." Jeremy said. "The police are on their way. If you can find a way out help yourself." He ran away.
"I know." He said. "It's the saddest fact about life. You can't everywhere at once. It took me years to figure it out but... You can't save everyone." He said.

"But he was m-my brother, I should have been there" She sniffed.
"What am I going to do? He was all I had..." She hiccuped. The last of her family had died, she was all alone.
"I know. I know how this is." He went on to tell her about his Unlce Ben and how if he had stepped up and did something Ben never would have died. "I'm here for you." He said.
Janson looks at Chroma. He walked up to the scientist. "Let everyone go." He said.
The scientist backed up alittle to a red button and smiled "Oh yea." he said and as he prepare to activate the alarm as Chroma entered a office nearby.
The scientist backed up alittle to a red button and smiled "Oh yea." he said and as he prepare to activate the alarm as Chroma entered a office nearby.
The doctor grabbed the scientists hand. "Wrong button." He said. "He said release not alert."
The doctor grabbed the scientists hand. "Wrong button." He said. "He said release not alert."
Chroma soon comes out as she presses the release button and hand signs "I found what I need." as she pulled out a ball that is big as her hand.
"I know. I know how this is." He went on to tell her about his Unlce Ben and how if he had stepped up and did something Ben never would have died. "I'm here for you." He said.

Vera didnt want to look back at the body, she knew she couldnt leave him there. "Where are we gonna put 'em?" She asked quietly.
"I know." He said. "It's the saddest fact about life. You can't everywhere at once. It took me years to figure it out but... You can't save everyone." He said.
(I should remake dash and have that be his major issue the fact that even he can't save everyone even though he should be able to)
"Isnt that my job?" Either way, with the money she had gotten she could pay for the funeral. They were really expensive.
She got a text from an unknown number saying that someone had already set a deposit at a funeral home and that all she needed to do was confirm details she wanted. At the end of the text was a capital S
"Isnt that my job?" Either way, with the money she had gotten she could pay for the funeral. They were really expensive.
(Just saying, they should at least contact the city morgue so they can have the body stored in a fridge until the funeral. Just saying)
Hero or villain or neutral:

name: Dash "Dru" Stewart

Code name: Blue Flash

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Powers/abilities: Speed Force Connection: access to the speed force allows Dash to move at superhuman speeds and do a multitude of other things either using his gift of super speed or by using energy directly from the speed force. His upper limits of power have yet to be seen and it stands to reason that the limit of his power is the limit of his imagination (within reason.)
Enhanced physique and senses: thanks to the speed force he has increased metabolism, healing, cognitive processing, and a near immunity to most illnesses, drugs and poison.

Weaknesses: Dash is still young and will occasionally make mistakes because he moves too fast or reaches conclusions too quickly. He also can be wounded like normal people.

Backstory(optional): While racing his grandfather in another earth he began to siphon power from his grandfather and increase speed and was then launched into this earth. Now he is stuck here trapped by the speed force for reasons he can't fathom yet.

Other info(optional):

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