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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Let's try that." Hunter said getting another arrow ready, they might not being doing much to the giant but they can be a good distraction
"Good idea." Robby said.

The arrows did a great job of distracting the giant as a bomb rolled towards it.

"I've got an idea!" Tyson said. "Rob, launch the bomb up with your axe. Hunter, shoot the bomb when it's in the giant's face."

"One order of air boom, coming up!" Robby responded. He uses his axe to catapult the bomb into the air at the giant.
"Good idea." Robby said.

The arrows did a great job of distracting the giant as a bomb rolled towards it.

"I've got an idea!" Tyson said. "Rob, launch the bomb up with your axe. Hunter, shoot the bomb when it's in the giant's face."

"One order of air boom, coming up!" Robby responded. He uses his axe to catapult the bomb into the air at the giant.
"Good plan." She said shooting her arrow at the bomb.
"Nope not at all." Stella said and headed for the other entrance.
Eddie began climbing, making sure his thermal eye price stayed on as the abnormal signatures grew closer. A few floors later, Eddie reached the first signature; Eddie climbed over a balcony, before heading towards the heat signature.

Eddie shouldered his rifle, switching the firing mode to semi automatic and swapping the Optic to ACOG. Eddie tried to keep silent as he approached the thing, quietly opening the door between them.

The thing had it’s back turned, covered in scars. Eddie pointed the rifle, switching it back to the marksman firing mode, before putting a bullet into the things skull.

Eddie took a deep breath and turned the creature over, the thick smell of death and decay overwhelming his senses as he checked the kill.

Before he could react, the creature pounced on him despite the bullet hole going from the back of its head too between its eyes. The thing swiped at him with the long claws, making him drop his rifle as the claws ripped through his helmet, grazing his face and destroying the eye piece before Eddie plunged his combat knife into its skull, over and over until it stopped moving.
(Must be the top sells person)
Aqua smiled as she munched on the sandwich. Her hunger finally being subsided as she returned to her job at the citiys aquarium.
Emily yelped as she quickly turned around when hearing the voice. "A mutant?....look we are terribly sorry for what happened we really didn't mean no harm...Earl here just get a little ambitious sometimes when it come to jumping into things he shouldnt..."
A few hours laster Breeze found himself st the Aquarium for work. He was to meet eith the manager on shift.
"Either way, the two of you have to come down to the station." He said.
"I didnt know how much you knew or might have found out before now" Fate shrugged.
Fate's Omnitrix pinged and spoke in a synthetic version of her voice. "Location tracker activated." It showed a graphic map and Ben's green Omnitrix sjowed as a symbol approaching them
The shadow lead her to a store, the place was filled with odd items and bottles that covered the shelves. The shadow flew over to a woman who looked like she was in her forties but something about her seemed like she was older. She had dark skin and hair, she wore a dark green skirt and a brown top with several bracelets and necklaces. The woman turned and smiled a friendly smile. "Hello Dear. You look like you could use a bit of help."
((Dear Lord I hope this isnt what I think it is))

Angel walked into the shop, taking a moment to look around at the bits and bobs lining the shelves. When she heard the voice of the shopkeeper, she raised an eyebrow before moving up to the counter.

"I.... Im not sure. Some shadow thing lead me here... who are you exactly....?"
((Dear Lord I hope this isnt what I think it is))

Angel walked into the shop, taking a moment to look around at the bits and bobs lining the shelves. When she heard the voice of the shopkeeper, she raised an eyebrow before moving up to the counter.

"I.... Im not sure. Some shadow thing lead me here... who are you exactly....?"
(Did I ever reply to u?)
Eddie began climbing, making sure his thermal eye price stayed on as the abnormal signatures grew closer. A few floors later, Eddie reached the first signature; Eddie climbed over a balcony, before heading towards the heat signature.

Eddie shouldered his rifle, switching the firing mode to semi automatic and swapping the Optic to ACOG. Eddie tried to keep silent as he approached the thing, quietly opening the door between them.

The thing had it’s back turned, covered in scars. Eddie pointed the rifle, switching it back to the marksman firing mode, before putting a bullet into the things skull.

Eddie took a deep breath and turned the creature over, the thick smell of death and decay overwhelming his senses as he checked the kill.

Before he could react, the creature pounced on him despite the bullet hole going from the back of its head too between its eyes. The thing swiped at him with the long claws, making him drop his rifle as the claws ripped through his helmet, grazing his face and destroying the eye piece before Eddie plunged his combat knife into its skull, over and over until it stopped moving.
Stella waited for eddie to give her the clear so she could start searching. She looked at the device, keeping an eye on how far he was moving.
“I really don’t know what to think about this, it’s all rather strange” she sighed

Fate's Omnitrix pinged and spoke in a synthetic version of her voice. "Location tracker activated." It showed a graphic map and Ben's green Omnitrix sjowed as a symbol approaching them
"Does sound very strange." Fate said as the Omnitrix produced a map with Ben approaching thier location. "Ben is on the way"
((Dear Lord I hope this isnt what I think it is))

Angel walked into the shop, taking a moment to look around at the bits and bobs lining the shelves. When she heard the voice of the shopkeeper, she raised an eyebrow before moving up to the counter.

"I.... Im not sure. Some shadow thing lead me here... who are you exactly....?"
"That would be my shadow. You know the story of Peter pan and his shadow? Mine is like that. " she smiled. "My name is Kala. " she glanced over at her shadow as it appeared on a wall before moving on it's own as it acted something out. Kala nods and looks back at Angel. "My shadow says that you looked lost. Do you need help?"
"Does sound very strange." Fate said as the Omnitrix produced a map with Ben approaching thier location. "Ben is on the way"
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

However when Ben arrived at the location his omnitrix was leading him, he stood in the middle of some old ruins.

Musicnotes Musicnotes

Equally just as ben’s location overlapped hers, he was nowhere to be seen.

“What’s the matter fate?” Cinder asked
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

However when Ben arrived at the location his omnitrix was leading him, he stood in the middle of some old ruins.

Musicnotes Musicnotes

Equally just as ben’s location overlapped hers, he was nowhere to be seen.

“What’s the matter fate?” Cinder asked

Bigchill looked around. "Come on this thing has never failed to find Fate before..." He said.
"Its saying Ben should be right here but I dont see him." She tapped her Omnitrix and spoke into it. "Hey Ben you here yet?"
Stella waited for eddie to give her the clear so she could start searching. She looked at the device, keeping an eye on how far he was moving.
Eddie stood back up, whiling the fire from his armor before he advanced, relying on sound now. He listened for the ragged breathing and screaming as he advanced forward, reloading his rifle with higher caliber bullets.

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