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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Then should be easy to distract them. Hmm I could try making myself look like it. Might buy me some time." Stella said as she was thinking
"I better start climbing, good luck." Eddie said as he handed Stella a device, identical to the one on his arm. "This should give you the layout and my location."
"Hey doc. I'm working on a story for the Talker." He lied using the name of Edgewoods news company. "There's been an attack at a gun store. The claw marks... Are kind of like the ones you had when you fought Spider-Man but they're... Bigger."
As Angel was walking she felt a tap on her shoulder. When she turned around she saw a shadow. It gave what looked like a smile at her. It didnt set off her spider sense. It motioned for her to follow.
Angel whipped around, fists ready to fight. It wasnt often something reaching out at her without her knowledge didnt set off her Spider sense. She relaxed, but only a little when she saw the figure smile, but given her previous encounters, she was still very wary.

"Who are you.... what do you want...?"

She wasnt quite ready to trust just anyone, especially somone who could just move in and out of shadows, and one that looked like a shadow.


Connors raised an eyebrow, shifting in his chair before replying.

"An attack? Was anyone hurt? And what do you mean by.... bigger? I hope you arnt trying to say something... I have people that will vouch I have been here for months..."
Angel whipped around, fists ready to fight. It wasnt often something reaching out at her without her knowledge didnt set off her Spider sense. She relaxed, but only a little when she saw the figure smile, but given her previous encounters, she was still very wary.

"Who are you.... what do you want...?"

She wasnt quite ready to trust just anyone, especially somone who could just move in and out of shadows, and one that looked like a shadow.


Connors raised an eyebrow, shifting in his chair before replying.

"An attack? Was anyone hurt? And what do you mean by.... bigger? I hope you arnt trying to say something... I have people that will vouch I have been here for months..."
"No. No I don't think it was you. But I could use your expertise. I'm sending photos of tbe marks." He said pressing send. Connor's email beeped.
Angel whipped around, fists ready to fight. It wasnt often something reaching out at her without her knowledge didnt set off her Spider sense. She relaxed, but only a little when she saw the figure smile, but given her previous encounters, she was still very wary.

"Who are you.... what do you want...?"

She wasnt quite ready to trust just anyone, especially somone who could just move in and out of shadows, and one that looked like a shadow.


Connors raised an eyebrow, shifting in his chair before replying.

"An attack? Was anyone hurt? And what do you mean by.... bigger? I hope you arnt trying to say something... I have people that will vouch I have been here for months..."
The shadow didnt speak. It pointed toward the direction of one of the shops before circling around her playfully and heading off in the direction it had pointed towards.
The shadow didnt speak. It pointed toward the direction of one of the shops before circling around her playfully and heading off in the direction it had pointed towards.
"No. No I don't think it was you. But I could use your expertise. I'm sending photos of tbe marks." He said pressing send. Connor's email beeped.
Angel was still on guard, and very wary, especially since people and beings seemed to keep popping up everywhere. Hell, the only "normal" person she had met so far was the store clerk.

With a little bit of a frown, she decided to follow, but with high amounts of caution, and senses, including her Spider Sense, on high alert as she made her way towards the building she was being lead to.


"One sec...."

Connors tapped away on his keys for a second, falling silent for a moment while he looked over the pictures that had been sent.

"Hmm.... I can see why you called me... but Im afraid I am as lost as you."

He zoomed in a little, lowering his glasses over his eyes as he scanned the markings closer.

"They are remarkably clean... who or whatever did this is strong... keep a close eye out Peter... "
Angel was still on guard, and very wary, especially since people and beings seemed to keep popping up everywhere. Hell, the only "normal" person she had met so far was the store clerk.

With a little bit of a frown, she decided to follow, but with high amounts of caution, and senses, including her Spider Sense, on high alert as she made her way towards the building she was being lead to.


"One sec...."

Connors tapped away on his keys for a second, falling silent for a moment while he looked over the pictures that had been sent.

"Hmm.... I can see why you called me... but Im afraid I am as lost as you."

He zoomed in a little, lowering his glasses over his eyes as he scanned the markings closer.

"They are remarkably clean... who or whatever did this is strong... keep a close eye out Peter... "
The shadow lead her to a store, the place was filled with odd items and bottles that covered the shelves. The shadow flew over to a woman who looked like she was in her forties but something about her seemed like she was older. She had dark skin and hair, she wore a dark green skirt and a brown top with several bracelets and necklaces. The woman turned and smiled a friendly smile. "Hello Dear. You look like you could use a bit of help."
Angel was still on guard, and very wary, especially since people and beings seemed to keep popping up everywhere. Hell, the only "normal" person she had met so far was the store clerk.

With a little bit of a frown, she decided to follow, but with high amounts of caution, and senses, including her Spider Sense, on high alert as she made her way towards the building she was being lead to.


"One sec...."

Connors tapped away on his keys for a second, falling silent for a moment while he looked over the pictures that had been sent.

"Hmm.... I can see why you called me... but Im afraid I am as lost as you."

He zoomed in a little, lowering his glasses over his eyes as he scanned the markings closer.

"They are remarkably clean... who or whatever did this is strong... keep a close eye out Peter... "
"Yeah. Thanks for trying doc." Peter hung up and went back out on patrol."
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

As Ben flew away from the castle he could see the streets rather empty, as no one was outside doing anything.

Musicnotes Musicnotes

Morgana looked at Fate “you are welcome to stay, I hope you will make the right decision” she replied before leaving
He waved her off. "Have a good day miss... Whatevee your name is.
"Come on Em. What's a cop gonna do when they go against someone who can lift a building by themselves?"
"It's Aquamarie,...." she quickly replied "...thank you again" she called out to him as he walked off. With a smile she unwrapped the half of the sandwich and walked off in her own direction.
Emily stoped and turned to look at Earl, he was thickheaded and reckless as ever. "Why dose it even matter if you can lift a building?.....that man is a cop....a law enforcer...you tend to have to listen and obey people like him...and how do you even know what he could do?...I thought you said the muggles here were nothing like the muggles back home..." Emily questioned
"It's Aquamarie,...." she quickly replied "...thank you again" she called out to him as he walked off. With a smile she unwrapped the half of the sandwich and walked off in her own direction.
Emily stoped and turned to look at Earl, he was thickheaded and reckless as ever. "Why dose it even matter if you can lift a building?.....that man is a cop....a law enforcer...you tend to have to listen and obey people like him...and how do you even know what he could do?...I thought you said the muggles here were nothing like the muggles back home..." Emily questioned
Breeze sighed and walked to his own day job. Salesman. It was easy to sell stuff when your could manipulate emotions.
"We aren't." The cop said behind them. "For example. I'm a mutant. And you two are in big trouble."
Breeze sighed and walked to his own day job. Salesman. It was easy to sell stuff when your could manipulate emotions.
"We aren't." The cop said behind them. "For example. I'm a mutant. And you two are in big trouble."
(Must be the top sells person)
Aqua smiled as she munched on the sandwich. Her hunger finally being subsided as she returned to her job at the citiys aquarium.
Emily yelped as she quickly turned around when hearing the voice. "A mutant?....look we are terribly sorry for what happened we really didn't mean no harm...Earl here just get a little ambitious sometimes when it come to jumping into things he shouldnt..."
"You too. Dont get captured again." Stella chuckled
“Never gonna live that down am I.” Eddie said as he sighed, looking at the buildings layout one more time before beginning the climb.

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