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Fandom Superheros and Villains

She looked between the pair, eyes narrowing as her voice also lowered, becoming dangerously dark.

"I dont know who you all think you are, or who you think I am... but I am warning you..."

She started to once again adopt a fighting pose, on high alert and feeling rather cornered at the moment.

"I am from New York, and I just want to go home... leave me alone, or I will put both of you in a hospital bed. You can even share one if you want..."
Spider-Venom laughed. "That's the spirit." He said. "Good luck getting both of us."
Morgana chuckled “history is written by the victor… despite this I will still do my best to defeat my father” she replied
"No matter what world it's written by the victor. Look I was brought here to help Camelot and I'll help. I'll help do what's right here" Fate said
She looked between the pair, eyes narrowing as her voice also lowered, becoming dangerously dark.

"I dont know who you all think you are, or who you think I am... but I am warning you..."

She started to once again adopt a fighting pose, on high alert and feeling rather cornered at the moment.

"I am from New York, and I just want to go home... leave me alone, or I will put both of you in a hospital bed. You can even share one if you want..."

Spider-Venom laughed. "That's the spirit." He said. "Good luck getting both of us."
"Hmm well you arnt in New York. " Nyx said. "Hmm you do have a good spirit. Doubt you could get us both. I'll have to keep an eye on you. " she looked at Peater. "Let's leave her be...for now"
"Hmm well you arnt in New York. " Nyx said. "Hmm you do have a good spirit. Doubt you could get us both. I'll have to keep an eye on you. " she looked at Peater. "Let's leave her be...for now"
"Really. Aw boooring. But you're the boss dear." He said.

It was clearly not her turn for the Spiderman braincell, but she was riled up, annoyed, and ready to fight should this get any uglier.

"Better do as you are told...."

She watched them both carefully, lightning fast reflexes ready to react should they change their mind. At least she had confirmation now that she wasnt in New York, even if she didnt know exactly where HERE was.

If these two were to leave her be, she had a plan, but then again... things like this change...


Somewhere across town

An alarm brought the owner of a local gunshop to his store, the sight that greeted him causing him to drop his keys.

The rear door was hanging open, the aluminum gouged nearly all the way through by four, massive claw marks.

In a panic, he fled the scene, deciding the police could deal with whatever, if anything, was still in his shop
"...that wasnt good" stella said
Eddie paused the footage on the figure wearing black and red in the background, a pale and lanky abomination near him. “This must be the guy pulling the strings.”

It was clearly not her turn for the Spiderman braincell, but she was riled up, annoyed, and ready to fight should this get any uglier.

"Better do as you are told...."

She watched them both carefully, lightning fast reflexes ready to react should they change their mind. At least she had confirmation now that she wasnt in New York, even if she didnt know exactly where HERE was.

If these two were to leave her be, she had a plan, but then again... things like this change...


Somewhere across town

An alarm brought the owner of a local gunshop to his store, the sight that greeted him causing him to drop his keys.

The rear door was hanging open, the aluminum gouged nearly all the way through by four, massive claw marks.

In a panic, he fled the scene, deciding the police could deal with whatever, if anything, was still in his shop
Peter had been contacted by the hero league through his Avenger's card. Spider-Man landed at the gun shop looking around. "Claw Marks. Man I hope it's not the lizard again."
"oh...I see.." Aqua said looking down at the wrapped-up half sandwich in her hand. "...um well thank you, that's very sweet of you," she said giving him a sweet smile.
"Never happened before? Have you dont that before?...what am I talking about of course you have...." Emily sighed placing her hand on her forehead as she stopped and looked back at Earl "You never thought that they might have the whole situation under control?...it is their job after all."
He waved her off. "Have a good day miss... Whatevee your name is.
"Come on Em. What's a cop gonna do when they go against someone who can lift a building by themselves?"
Peter had been contacted by the hero league through his Avenger's card. Spider-Man landed at the gun shop looking around. "Claw Marks. Man I hope it's not the lizard again."
(While Im waiting for Nyx... might as well continue the side part)

By the time Spider-Man arrived, the police were already on the scene. Notes were being taken, pictures were as well, and evidence was being collected. One of the younger, more mouthy cops took notice when Peter arrived, smirking as he walked up; clearly trying to impress the hero.

"Hey there Spider-Man," he chuckled, gesturing over his shoulder to the damaged door, "one of yours?"

Unbenounced to all, just far away enough that Peter's Spider Sense would likely not be able to detect, a pair of glowing, yellowgreen eyes watched the scene for a second, then moved away.
(While Im waiting for Nyx... might as well continue the side part)

By the time Spider-Man arrived, the police were already on the scene. Notes were being taken, pictures were as well, and evidence was being collected. One of the younger, more mouthy cops took notice when Peter arrived, smirking as he walked up; clearly trying to impress the hero.

"Hey there Spider-Man," he chuckled, gesturing over his shoulder to the damaged door, "one of yours?"

Unbenounced to all, just far away enough that Peter's Spider Sense would likely not be able to detect, a pair of glowing, yellowgreen eyes watched the scene for a second, then moved away.
"Could be." He said walking over to inspect the marks. "Though if this is anyone I know they've upped their game with gashes this deep." He ran his hands across the claw marks.
"Heh, almost looks like Wolverine or something eh?"

He again chuckled, standing nearby to observe and make notes of his own.

"Was definately someone very strong.... and the victim said something about... what was it again...?"

He pulled a small notebook from his pocket, reading aloud the scribbles there.

"A smell like used gunpowder and sweat. Nasty combination eh?"
"Could be." He said walking over to inspect the marks. "Though if this is anyone I know they've upped their game with gashes this deep." He ran his hands across the claw marks.
"Heh, almost looks like Wolverine or something eh?"

He again chuckled, standing nearby to observe and make notes of his own.

"Was definately someone very strong.... and the victim said something about... what was it again...?"

He pulled a small notebook from his pocket, reading aloud the scribbles there.

"A smell like used gunpowder and sweat. Nasty combination eh?"
"Sounds like someone was having a hell of s time." He tapped the side of his mask his lenses swithing to find traces of gunpowder.
"Really. Aw boooring. But you're the boss dear." He said.


It was clearly not her turn for the Spiderman braincell, but she was riled up, annoyed, and ready to fight should this get any uglier.

"Better do as you are told...."

She watched them both carefully, lightning fast reflexes ready to react should they change their mind. At least she had confirmation now that she wasnt in New York, even if she didnt know exactly where HERE was.

If these two were to leave her be, she had a plan, but then again... things like this change...


Somewhere across town

An alarm brought the owner of a local gunshop to his store, the sight that greeted him causing him to drop his keys.

The rear door was hanging open, the aluminum gouged nearly all the way through by four, massive claw marks.

In a panic, he fled the scene, deciding the police could deal with whatever, if anything, was still in his shop
Nyx headed to a shadow. "Dont worry dear. We'll keep an eye on her" she vanished into the shadow
"Hmm that's some creature by him" she said
“Think something simpler took out the drone, gonna take a while to make another.” Eddie said as he pulled up a blueprint of the building. “Since I am the one who can’t die, I should go in the front while you get Natalie and Malcolm out of their; I will try and keep as many of those things distracted as possible.”
"Sounds like someone was having a hell of s time." He tapped the side of his mask his lenses swithing to find traces of gunpowder.
Nyx headed to a shadow. "Dont worry dear. We'll keep an eye on her" she vanished into the shadow
Angel only allowed herself to relax a little as at least the female of the pair walked off into the shadows like some sort of ghost, eyes still narrowed and watching the second guy.

"Well? Gonna chase your girlfriend?"

As she waited, she moved her fingers a little more away from the sensors that would have activated her suit.


It was a gunshop, and as such, there were endless traces of gunpowder everywhere, as well as many places where it was stored and or already in ammo. The clawmarks themselves didnt contain traces, meaning someone... or someTHING had broken in, not out.

The owner was probably overheard talking about the list of materials and a few weapons that had been taken as well. Nothing too expensive, but enough to keep a single individual very dangerous.
Angel only allowed herself to relax a little as at least the female of the pair walked off into the shadows like some sort of ghost, eyes still narrowed and watching the second guy.

"Well? Gonna chase your girlfriend?"

As she waited, she moved her fingers a little more away from the sensors that would have activated her suit.


It was a gunshop, and as such, there were endless traces of gunpowder everywhere, as well as many places where it was stored and or already in ammo. The clawmarks themselves didnt contain traces, meaning someone... or someTHING had broken in, not out.

The owner was probably overheard talking about the list of materials and a few weapons that had been taken as well. Nothing too expensive, but enough to keep a single individual very dangerous.
Spider-Venom also stepped to the shadows.

He began to run through his suits database of claw marks from other villains he fought trying to find a match

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