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Fandom Superheros and Villains

When she got there the owner put up a sign. "Sold out."
When it landed it went off. It hit the cop in the stomach. He doubled over... "Dammit." He said.
"Course we are." The Doctor said.
Aqua gasped being left in utter shock as the 'sold out' sign was placed in front of her as she stepped up to the counter. "What?!.....wait really?...are you sure?...you never sale out...well im happy you were able to get though your inventory....but never around this time of day?....you still selling...are you sure it's all gone?..." she asked disheartedly.
(Of course it did <-<)
With the gun going off Emily gasped quickly looking back as she heard a voice behind them. Turning around to see the cop that had tried stoping them from coming in just double over. She left Earl's side and went over to the man to help.
"Right.." Eliana replied

"Well lets get going..." Amber said looking at the ship
Aqua gasped being left in utter shock as the 'sold out' sign was placed in front of her as she stepped up to the counter. "What?!.....wait really?...are you sure?...you never sale out...well im happy you were able to get though your inventory....but never around this time of day?....you still selling...are you sure it's all gone?..." she asked disheartedly.
(Of course it did <-<)
With the gun going off Emily gasped quickly looking back as she heard a voice behind them. Turning around to see the cop that had tried stoping them from coming in just double over. She left Earl's side and went over to the man to help.
"Right.." Eliana replied

"Well lets get going..." Amber said looking at the ship
"Sorry sold the last of it to that gentleman." He said pointing to breeze who was enjoying his meal.
Leonidas got up the bullet spat out of his stomach and the wound healed on it's own. He took went over and cuffed the the disarned robber. As Earl moved to leave he grabbed him. "You two are under arrest." He said.
The ship itself had only one entrance. Amd cybermen were constantly marching in and out.
"Sorry sold the last of it to that gentleman." He said pointing to breeze who was enjoying his meal.
Leonidas got up the bullet spat out of his stomach and the wound healed on it's own. He took went over and cuffed the the disarned robber. As Earl moved to leave he grabbed him. "You two are under arrest." He said.
The ship itself had only one entrance. Amd cybermen were constantly marching in and out.
Aqua turned, frowning as she saw who had it been. Though she simply sighed and just left the deli she had no time for this. She waisted enough of her time waiting in line. She had places to be and could just snack on things she always carried and eat once at home.
Watching the bullet simply get spat out from the man's stomach and went off to healing itself, did nothing but surprised Emily as she was about to cast a healing charm. "The bloody hell?!" She said in a suprised whisper as she just stared at the man's stomach. "...self healing?...you are self healing?!...Earl he hea...oi! Lay your hand off him! What you mean under arrest?!" She yelled as the man grabed on to Earl.
"Well we can't simply walk through the front door....all those cybermen alian guys....are everywhere" Eliana exclaimed
Aqua turned, frowning as she saw who had it been. Though she simply sighed and just left the deli she had no time for this. She waisted enough of her time waiting in line. She had places to be and could just snack on things she always carried and eat once at home.
Watching the bullet simply get spat out from the man's stomach and went off to healing itself, did nothing but surprised Emily as she was about to cast a healing charm. "The bloody hell?!" She said in a suprised whisper as she just stared at the man's stomach. "...self healing?...you are self healing?!...Earl he hea...oi! Lay your hand off him! What you mean under arrest?!" She yelled as the man grabed on to Earl.
"Well we can't simply walk through the front door....all those cybermen alian guys....are everywhere" Eliana exclaimed
Breeze watched her walk by. "Hey lady!" He broke his sandwich in half and tossed the uneaten half to her.
"Interfering with police operation, reckless endangerment, and obstruction of justice." He said cuffing a struggling Earl. "You have the right to remain silent, if you choose to forgo this right anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
Breeze watched her walk by. "Hey lady!" He broke his sandwich in half and tossed the uneaten half to her.
"Interfering with police operation, reckless endangerment, and obstruction of justice." He said cuffing a struggling Earl. "You have the right to remain silent, if you choose to forgo this right anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
Aqua stopped and looked back at the man. "Yes?..." she questioned 'what the heck did he want? He had such a strange presence to him' she thought as she turned to him as he called out. She yelped as she almost dropped the sandwich half he had thrown at her. She looked at the sandwich in her hand and then at him with a questioning look. "Why?.." she questioned.
Emily stood there confused looking at the whole situation unfold infront of her. She looked from the cop over to Earl as he was now cuffed and struggling to leave from the grasp of the man. Without really thinking it through, filled with adrenaline and not wanting to loose Earl once again. She pointed her wand at Leoinidas and cast Petrificus Totalus on the man. The man froze up becoming stiff as a board as he fell over on to the ground. "Oh please forgive me...sorry.." she said running past the guy as he hit the ground and over to Earl. Tightly and a bit harshly grabbing on to Earl's arm as she vanished from the shop along with Earl.
Aqua stopped and looked back at the man. "Yes?..." she questioned 'what the heck did he want? He had such a strange presence to him' she thought as she turned to him as he called out. She yelped as she almost dropped the sandwich half he had thrown at her. She looked at the sandwich in her hand and then at him with a questioning look. "Why?.." she questioned.
Emily stood there confused looking at the whole situation unfold infront of her. She looked from the cop over to Earl as he was now cuffed and struggling to leave from the grasp of the man. Without really thinking it through, filled with adrenaline and not wanting to loose Earl once again. She pointed her wand at Leoinidas and cast Petrificus Totalus on the man. The man froze up becoming stiff as a board as he fell over on to the ground. "Oh please forgive me...sorry.." she said running past the guy as he hit the ground and over to Earl. Tightly and a bit harshly grabbing on to Earl's arm as she vanished from the shop along with Earl.
"You didn't get anything right? Place was sold out." He said.
After about 20 minutes he unfroze. The criminal jad also eacaped. "Damn it!" He yelled.
"You didn't get anything right? Place was sold out." He said.
After about 20 minutes he unfroze. The criminal jad also eacaped. "Damn it!" He yelled.
"Well like you said they were sold out, so of course I didn't get any....but why hand me half of your sandwich?" She asked still looking at him suspiciously and then again down to the half of sandwich in her hand. She was a custom of doing small gestures as these. However it was quite rare to have them done to herself. More so coming from a man that gave off questioning vibes.
(Poor guy)
Emily reappeared as she held on to Earl's arm at the park were they had started that morning. She let go of Earl's arm and began to walk off towards the tree line.
"Well like you said they were sold out, so of course I didn't get any....but why hand me half of your sandwich?" She asked still looking at him suspiciously and then again down to the half of sandwich in her hand. She was a custom of doing small gestures as these. However it was quite rare to have them done to herself. More so coming from a man that gave off questioning vibes.
(Poor guy)
Emily reappeared as she held on to Earl's arm at the park were they had started that morning. She let go of Earl's arm and began to walk off towards the tree line.
"Cuz I cut. Felt bad." He said.
"Come on. That's never happened before. Police are always glad to have help." He said.
"Cuz I cut. Felt bad." He said.
"Come on. That's never happened before. Police are always glad to have help." He said.
"oh...I see.." Aqua said looking down at the wrapped-up half sandwich in her hand. "...um well thank you, that's very sweet of you," she said giving him a sweet smile.
"Never happened before? Have you dont that before?...what am I talking about of course you have...." Emily sighed placing her hand on her forehead as she stopped and looked back at Earl "You never thought that they might have the whole situation under control?...it is their job after all."
"Look we're not here to hurt you...at least not at the moment. " Nyx said making a small shadow orb in her hand. "Not everyday another spider shows up."
"Sure did." Spider-Venom said. "Let one od the hero typse handle it."
Angel lightly frowned, now pretty convinced she was in a pickle, but still didnt want a fight; not with the condition her head was in still.

Instead, she tried again, hoping to bluff her way out of this situation.

"Spider? You must be mistaken... or mean that guy who was here stopping things, he went off that way..."

She guestured off in the opposite direction she had seen the other webslibger head, not wanting to cause him any more trouble either. At leas HE had given her a good vibe; unlike these two were.
Angel lightly frowned, now pretty convinced she was in a pickle, but still didnt want a fight; not with the condition her head was in still.

Instead, she tried again, hoping to bluff her way out of this situation.

"Spider? You must be mistaken... or mean that guy who was here stopping things, he went off that way..."

She guestured off in the opposite direction she had seen the other webslibger head, not wanting to cause him any more trouble either. At leas HE had given her a good vibe; unlike these two were.
"Right. You can't fool my Spider-Sense." He said. "I know what you are. And so does Parker even if he doesn't want to admit it."
" just cause I dont like her doesnt mean I cant do what's right." She said as the first aid kit vanished

“Is everyone as skeptical as you in the future?” Morgana asked with a groan as she rubbed her side

“Wait? Fate is from the future?” Cinder asked
"If they come for me? I'll do what I do best. Fight." He said. "In the meantime I have to see if I have any forms that can restore the people who Mordred's power affected. Merlin brought Fate and I here to help and that's what we plan to do. Even if not in the way he expects." Ben said. Arthur could see conviction in Ben's eyes. In the time he knew him Ben had been loud and a littke immature. But he was completely serious now.

“Ben? Do you realize the craziest ness of what you are saying? I mean It’s not making any sense, why would my father have a dungeon full of skulls? He’s been protecting Camelot from monsters for years” Arthur replied as shortly after there was knocking on Arthur’s chamber doors
“Ben? Do you realize the craziest ness of what you are saying? I mean It’s not making any sense, why would my father have a dungeon full of skulls? He’s been protecting Camelot from monsters for years” Arthur replied as shortly after there was knocking on Arthur’s chamber doors
"Arthur crazy is my life to a T." Ben said. "Up have to leave. He turned into Big Chill and left.
Angel lightly frowned, now pretty convinced she was in a pickle, but still didnt want a fight; not with the condition her head was in still.

Instead, she tried again, hoping to bluff her way out of this situation.

"Spider? You must be mistaken... or mean that guy who was here stopping things, he went off that way..."

She guestured off in the opposite direction she had seen the other webslibger head, not wanting to cause him any more trouble either. At leas HE had given her a good vibe; unlike these two were.
"Look we know what you are. It's just interesting seeing a new web slinger in town." Nyx smirked. " so where are you from?"
“Is everyone as skeptical as you in the future?” Morgana asked with a groan as she rubbed her side

“Wait? Fate is from the future?” Cinder asked
"Yes I'm from the future. And trust me Cinder you will do some amazing things. " she looked at Morgana. "I'm skeptical because of what we are told about the legend of king Arthur. So far demons and you being good arnt mentioned in that legend."
"Hmm pretty cool." Stella said
“Thanks, hopefully it works this time.” Eddie said as the thing hovered around the room, before an unseen creature grabbed the drone and ripped it to shreds .
"Yes I'm from the future. And trust me Cinder you will do some amazing things. " she looked at Morgana. "I'm skeptical because of what we are told about the legend of king Arthur. So far demons and you being good arnt mentioned in that legend."

Morgana chuckled “history is written by the victor… despite this I will still do my best to defeat my father” she replied
"Look we know what you are. It's just interesting seeing a new web slinger in town." Nyx smirked. " so where are you from?"
"Right. You can't fool my Spider-Sense." He said. "I know what you are. And so does Parker even if he doesn't want to admit it."
She looked between the pair, eyes narrowing as her voice also lowered, becoming dangerously dark.

"I dont know who you all think you are, or who you think I am... but I am warning you..."

She started to once again adopt a fighting pose, on high alert and feeling rather cornered at the moment.

"I am from New York, and I just want to go home... leave me alone, or I will put both of you in a hospital bed. You can even share one if you want..."

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