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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"You have what is called an attraction to Makoto. It's natural. Happens to just about anyone. Now, that could be lust, love, neither, or both." She said.

"Lust is still in Hell so I doubt it's him" she replied, clearly not understanding the context Eris was saying
Ivy crawled over to Akane. "Wait... Akane... You saved my life. I've been having terrible luck lately. That encounter would have killed me had you not stepped in." She reached up her hand. "My deepest thanks."
She turned and reentered the room "I can fix your legs and arm." She knelt down and started healing Ivy's leg.
Akane breathes a sigh of relief. "That was easier than expected." She picks up the briefcases and walks off.
"Where are you going?" Makoto said looking at Akane.
She turned and reentered the room "I can fix your legs and arm." She knelt down and started healing Ivy's leg.

"It's just this one leg. I have a condition that gives me fragile bones, but I don't think you'll find someone who can sneak and spy as well as me." She looked at Maddy. "Please... I want to help you guys."

Akane looks back at them. "Terrible luck? How so? Does it have anything to do with this cash that you acquired?"

"No, not exactly. I had some jerk give me a dud antidote for my blood. I can poison people by touch."
"Where are you going?" Makoto said looking at Akane.
"It's just this one leg. I have a condition that gives me fragile bones, but I don't think you'll find someone who can sneak and spy as well as me." She looked at Maddy. "Please... I want to help you guys."

"No, not exactly. I had some jerk give me a dud antidote for my blood. I can poison people by touch."
"Then should I really be touching you if you can poison me?" Maddy asked
"Where are you going?" Makoto said looking at Akane.
"It's just this one leg. I have a condition that gives me fragile bones, but I don't think you'll find someone who can sneak and spy as well as me." She looked at Maddy. "Please... I want to help you guys."

"No, not exactly. I had some jerk give me a dud antidote for my blood. I can poison people by touch."
"Really? Poison power? That's interesting." She said. Then she hears Makoto ask her where she's going. She turns around and looks at him, surprised that he and Maddy came back. "I'm just putting away these briefcases somewhere safe you know. Don't want to risk something happening to them out here."
"There's a caveat. I need to touch a wound of yours. Or somehow touch your eyes, get my hand in your mouth... weirdness like that. Your safe as long as you don't have any cuts."
"Good to know. My powers don't work if I get poisoned. Doesn't matter what kind. " she said and healed Ivy up. "There that should be good"
"Good to know. My powers don't work if I get poisoned. Doesn't matter what kind. " she said and healed Ivy up. "There that should be good"

"Wow... that's very good information. I'll not touch you, period, if I can." She got up and stretched, grinning. "Let's go catch some criminals. Thank you, Maddy." Ivy looked up towards her apartment, sadness in her expression. "Not like there's anything left for me here anyway." She clenched her fists.
"Really? Poison power? That's interesting." She said. Then she hears Makoto ask her where she's going. She turns around and looks at him, surprised that he and Maddy came back. "I'm just putting away these briefcases somewhere safe you know. Don't want to risk something happening to them out here."
"Are they yours?" He asked
"pepperoni is good" she said
(somehow sprained my wrist at work today. Went to immediate care, got it taken care of. My boss gave me a day off tomorrow to rest it. Kind of sucks, I hate the doctor and I like working.)
"Pepperoni it is then!" He says as he orders the pizza.
(Oh noes! I also hate going to the doctor. Hope your wrist heals with the quickness.)

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