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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Ahahahahaha! I could always fight in the sun, I just couldn't stand in it, but even that weakness I overcame, sure I had a little help, but even what little help I got I earned! By MY OWN F$&@ing HAND! because I! HAVE! power." His smile had returned wider than ever. "If you don't believe me Rage, then why don't we prove it right now!?"
(Isn't his weakness sunlight? )
Rage sipped his drink "Not like you can do anything, your powers wether demonic, spiritual or genetic mutation does not function in the confines of this vehicle" Sinister said on the speaker "So please... act like adults."
(Isn't his weakness sunlight? )
Rage sipped his drink "Not like you can do anything, your powers wether demonic, spiritual or genetic mutation does not function in the confines of this vehicle" Sinister said on the speaker "So please... act like adults."
(He got a badge from Lucky that blocks the sunlight from hitting him, he can fight in the sun until it gets broken)
Shadow Stalker starts giggling uncontrollably "hehehehehe I.... I needed that hehehehehe."
(He got a badge from Lucky that blocks the sunlight from hitting him, he can fight in the sun until it gets broken)
Shadow Stalker starts giggling uncontrollably "hehehehehe I.... I needed that hehehehehe."
"Right, we should be more professional about this." Rage said
Her phone went off. She sighed seeing another text from her mom. "She needs to leave me alone.."
Medic sat with Venus seeing that she sent yet another ignored text. He sat down accross from her. "Venus." He said. "She'll come around one day." He said.
"Doesn't seem like it" she said looking down.
"I know." Medic said. "She never will." Spy said. "Spy!" Medic said. "It is better to make her face the truth than give her blind hope." Spy said. "You're daughter hates you and she probably always will. So just make sure than in your quest to mend your bond you don't forget about the rest of us."
"I know." Medic said. "She never will." Spy said. "Spy!" Medic said. "It is better to make her face the truth than give her blind hope." Spy said. "You're daughter hates you and she probably always will. So just make sure than in your quest to mend your bond you don't forget about the rest of us."
"I wouldn't forget you guys." Venus said looking at spy. "I wish I could do something..she doesn't even want to talk with me "
She sighed. "I know, that would be wrong "
Medic smiled. She really had changed for the better. "You know what you need. You need a night out. You've been cooped up here far to long. Heavy." The heavy weapons guy went up to them. "Da?" "Why don't you take Venus to see the outside world for a bit."
Medic smiled. She really had changed for the better. "You know what you need. You need a night out. You've been cooped up here far to long. Heavy." The heavy weapons guy went up to them. "Da?" "Why don't you take Venus to see the outside world for a bit."
"Sure why not" she said

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