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Fandom Superheros and Villains

On the ocean surface, Steve was standing on his private ship holding onto his marksman bow. He suspects that the ocean is occupied by heroes, so he generates an arrow from the palm of his hand and starts pulling the bow. "Stop the ship, I'm firing"

(Go to this link to see my OC)
On the ocean surface, Steve was standing on his private ship holding onto his marksman bow. He suspects that the ocean is occupied by heroes, so he generates an arrow from the palm of his hand and starts pulling the bow. "Stop the ship, I'm firing"

(Go to this link to see my OC)
(Did you get approval?)
(Ok well mainly this world is the marvel universe that just got combined with the DC universe,portals from other universes have opened allowing characters like Ben 10, and undertale characters to live here. The main city is Edgewood Utah.)

Spider-Venom stepped into view. "Parker's Squeeze. I hope you appreciate the effort it took to bring you here."
"I wonder why so many people call me that...we don't squeeze each other that much...do we? Maybe I'm just overthinking it." Eris then waves at Spider-Venom. "Bring me where? I don't know where 'here' is."
"I wonder why so many people call me that...we don't squeeze each other that much...do we? Maybe I'm just overthinking it." Eris then waves at Spider-Venom. "Bring me where? I don't know where 'here' is."
He smiled. "No need to know. Just know that I'm about to control you." He said. (Permission must be asked to force her to work for him)
He smiled. "No need to know. Just know that I'm about to control you." He said. (Permission must be asked to force her to work for him)
(Are there any limitations to said control?)
Eris finishes her smoothie and coats the area around them with her Botanical Greenhouse. "I see. It looks like if I want answers, I'll have to beat them out of you." A rose grows out of the ground and she picks it up. The vine grows into a whip with many thorns on it.
(Are there any limitations to said control?)
Eris finishes her smoothie and coats the area around them with her Botanical Greenhouse. "I see. It looks like if I want answers, I'll have to beat them out of you." A rose grows out of the ground and she picks it up. The vine grows into a whip with many thorns on it.
(I can't directly control her) Nothing happened. "Right. I'm that cage your powers don't work." He said.

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