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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Character sheet:

Hero or villain or neutral: Neutral

name: Sashi Kaitu

Code name: Kai

Age: 19


Appearance:View attachment 728414 flat (lol) and short has a leather coat and has blue eyes (red when kagune is revealed) , and brown hair

Powers/abilities:able to rip things apart and devour things with her very sharp kagune

Weapons(optional): kagune : Bikaku

Weaknesses: (Human food), seeing her dead mother, Dying (lol)

Backstory(optional): she is a young ghoul that has been hiding out with her mother in this coffee shop owned by a fellow ghoul and after many days of hunting other humans to feed she was caught eating a dead man, her mother scared that her daughter would die sacrificed herself by plunging after the humans and got her head chopped by the humans.

Other info(optional):
Character sheet:

Hero or villain or neutral: Neutral

name: Sashi Kaitu

Code name: Kai

Age: 19


Appearance:View attachment 728414 flat (lol) and short has a leather coat and has blue eyes (red when kagune is revealed) , and brown hair

Powers/abilities:able to rip things apart and devour things with her very sharp kagune

Weapons(optional): kagune : Bikaku

Weaknesses: (Human food), seeing her dead mother, Dying (lol)

Backstory(optional): she is a young ghoul that has been hiding out with her mother in this coffee shop owned by a fellow ghoul and after many days of hunting other humans to feed she was caught eating a dead man, her mother scared that her daughter would die sacrificed herself by plunging after the humans and got her head chopped by the humans.

Other info(optional):
(The link to the character thread is on the first page. Please post there)
"Oh ok" she said

They soon get to a large under water city, which could be mistaken as THE city of Atlantis, but isn't (mostly cuz I don't want to conflict with what Jacenio has establsihed already) where they cuz see dozens of mermaids of varying shapes, sizes and colors, all of them female

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