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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"You are no help to me. Open back up your shop," nyx said
"You are beyond foolish." Joey said behind Nyx.
The Doctor nodded silently. As he did he wondered how Fury was during right that moment.

Fury was ordering his troops and in dissaray. There R&D labs had been raided. Lots of tech stolen all of it dangerous to either the public or to the particular individual it was engineered for. It wasn't nice and it wasn't pretty. But SHIELD always had prepared for the idea of of a hero going bad. Among the stolen items were one that he hoped would never have to be used. A nanite inhibitor. When used produced a frequency that stopped and disabled the Nanites of Jackson Ryan, and Diana Xander. He feared mostly what would happen if Jackson found out about this weapon. The boy never took to kindly to being attacked or being treated as though he might go bad.
"The road is long... perhaps we should converse to pass time?" Thanos said
Nyx turned." Shut up"
"You do not realize?" A chair flew into Eddie's face, knocking him out "A mere mortal owning a pizza shop having the knowledge of one of the infinity stones?" He shook his head "For a servant, you lack knowledge. Ask yourself this, why would a simple restaurant owner have knowledge of an infinity stone?"
"I can always do some small talk." The Doctor said.
"Where shall we begin then?" Thanos asked
"You do not realize?" A chair flew into Eddie's face, knocking him out "A mere mortal owning a pizza shop having the knowledge of one of the infinity stones?" He shook his head "For a servant, you lack knowledge. Ask yourself this, why would a simple restaurant owner have knowledge of an infinity stone?"

"Where shall we begin then?" Thanos asked
"I dunno. Plans for the future? Meaning of life. Little things like that." He saidm

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