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Fandom Superheros and Villains

(Its been so long, sorry everyone....been dealing with being sick a lot and real life and then had this big craft fair and then more stuff happened...so kinda neglected my rps. Though going to try my best in getting back to the fun)
(Guessing I'll just pick up were I left off last time I was on here un less there is something for me to jump in or do. Got a couple of characters on here.)
Earl smiled at giddiness
"I'm told that this kid and his parents were refulars right?" He asked.

Breeze started poking aroubd.
As they walked down the street Emily rummage through the paper bag in her arms pulling out some of the candy she had acquired.
Aqua sat quitely on the couch of her dressing room. She sat quitely as the officer started to ask her questions. Feeling nervious she started to mess with her fingers as she spoke. "yes actually....it wasn't unusual to see the family visit the aquarium, the show and our animal talks atleast twice a week.." she answered.
(Its been so long, sorry everyone....been dealing with being sick a lot and real life and then had this big craft fair and then more stuff happened...so kinda neglected my rps. Though going to try my best in getting back to the fun)
(Guessing I'll just pick up were I left off last time I was on here un less there is something for me to jump in or do. Got a couple of characters on here.)

As they walked down the street Emily rummage through the paper bag in her arms pulling out some of the candy she had acquired.
Aqua sat quitely on the couch of her dressing room. She sat quitely as the officer started to ask her questions. Feeling nervious she started to mess with her fingers as she spoke. "yes actually....it wasn't unusual to see the family visit the aquarium, the show and our animal talks atleast twice a week.." she answered.
(*hugs* that's on we get it)
(Its been so long, sorry everyone....been dealing with being sick a lot and real life and then had this big craft fair and then more stuff happened...so kinda neglected my rps. Though going to try my best in getting back to the fun)
(Guessing I'll just pick up were I left off last time I was on here un less there is something for me to jump in or do. Got a couple of characters on here.)

As they walked down the street Emily rummage through the paper bag in her arms pulling out some of the candy she had acquired.
Aqua sat quitely on the couch of her dressing room. She sat quitely as the officer started to ask her questions. Feeling nervious she started to mess with her fingers as she spoke. "yes actually....it wasn't unusual to see the family visit the aquarium, the show and our animal talks atleast twice a week.." she answered.
Earl let het eat.
Leonidas nodded. "And did they ever ask you strange questions?" He asked.

Breeze picked the lock into the office and went in
Earl let het eat.
Leonidas nodded. "And did they ever ask you strange questions?" He asked.

Breeze picked the lock into the office and went in
Emily happy munched on some sour gummies. She watched the people go about their day as they walked down the street.
Aqua kept her gaze down not looking over to the man and kept quite thinking and making sure what she said didn't get her into trouble. They didn't speak much to me....well...they would.....want to..speak to Mr. (The Aquarium owner if we gave him a name I don't remember)." She spoke "But that's not out of the ordinary him being the director of the aquarium. Many people would love to talk to him." She quickly added.

He walked into a very large very luxurious office with doors on the side and a big window with the view of the sea.
Emily happy munched on some sour gummies. She watched the people go about their day as they walked down the street.
Aqua kept her gaze down not looking over to the man and kept quite thinking and making sure what she said didn't get her into trouble. They didn't speak much to me....well...they would.....want to..speak to Mr. (The Aquarium owner if we gave him a name I don't remember)." She spoke "But that's not out of the ordinary him being the director of the aquarium. Many people would love to talk to him." She quickly added.

He walked into a very large very luxurious office with doors on the side and a big window with the view of the sea.
"So? How's the sweets withou magic side effects feel?" He asked.
(Wow a whole view if the sea? Impressive. Especially since they're in Utah XD)

"I see." Leonidas said. "The other preformers said he seems to give you extra attention." Be sakd. "Comments?"

He started going through the desk looking for anything of interest.
(Yeah sure, I forgot where we were even at)
(I can take care of that) Alex left Maggie at the security station, if she chose to join him and Killian she could. Otherwise the security team would be keeping an eye on her. Alex left headed to the library,one of the sightings of the clones.
(I can take care of that) Alex left Maggie at the security station, if she chose to join him and Killian she could. Otherwise the security team would be keeping an eye on her. Alex left headed to the library,one of the sightings of the clones.

Killian chuckled “sometimes people can just be stupid, I mean I understand her paranoia regarding if we truly are heroes or not, it didn’t help us trust her when she broke into the league and tried to hack the system” she followed with him as they headed to the library
Killian chuckled “sometimes people can just be stupid, I mean I understand her paranoia regarding if we truly are heroes or not, it didn’t help us trust her when she broke into the league and tried to hack the system” she followed with him as they headed to the library
"Yeah that's true. Shes lucky I dont tell Allyson she tries to do some hacking. " he laughed.
(Peter threatened to throw the Doctor and the Adventurer overboard to shut them up and then politely asked the captain if they could weigh anchor and search the town)


“Aye, all hands drop anchor and prepare the longboat we are going ashore, and make sure they get off my ship!” Barbossa stated as he pointed to the doctor and the adventurer, the crew quickly got to work and lowered the longboat into the water

LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix
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“Aye, all hands weigh anchor and prepare the longboat we are going ashore, and make sure they get off my ship!” Barbossa stated as he pointed to the doctor and the adventurer, the crew quickly got to work and lowered the longboat into the water

LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix
Peter took position to row. His enhanced strength allowed him to propel it more effectively than the other sailer would be able too on their own

“Aye, all hands weigh anchor and prepare the longboat we are going ashore, and make sure they get off my ship!” Barbossa stated as he pointed to the doctor and the adventurer, the crew quickly got to work and lowered the longboat into the water

LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix

Peter took position to row. His enhanced strength allowed him to propel it more effectively than the other sailer would be able too on their own
Eris looks at the anchor before it gets lowered. "Uhhhhhhhhh the anchor weighs......a lot! It's really heavy!" She gets on the longboat. "Longboat secured! Let's go!"
“So are we just going to kill this clone? Or try to get information out of him?” She asked
"I want some info. Maybe something on this guy in a gold mask that the clones were working on. I heard about it from my mom when I heard they got Minerva back from the dead" he said
"I want some info. Maybe something on this guy in a gold mask that the clones were working on. I heard about it from my mom when I heard they got Minerva back from the dead" he said

“Alright, I’ll see what I can do about restraining him” she smiled
Eris looks at the anchor before it gets lowered. "Uhhhhhhhhh the anchor weighs......a lot! It's really heavy!" She gets on the longboat. "Longboat secured! Let's go!"

The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

Barbossa, Eris, and Peter along with 5 sailors went to shore in port royale to begin their search, while the doctor and adventurer were escorted back to the adventurers ship.

Once ashore they could all feel a sickly eerie feeling in the air “I don’t like this, remain on guard” Barbossa ordered
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

Barbossa, Eris, and Peter along with 5 sailors went to shore in port royale to begin their search, while the doctor and adventurer were escorted back to the adventurers ship.

Once ashore they could all feel a sickly eerie feeling in the air “I don’t like this, remain on guard” Barbossa ordered
The Adventurer's ship, the Doctor foind out. Had no crew. When they entered the captains chamber thete was a console in the middle of the room. "You're ships a TARDIS?" The Doctor asked looking around.

Peter went to get a higher vantage point. Climbing up to the top of a tall tree
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

Barbossa, Eris, and Peter along with 5 sailors went to shore in port royale to begin their search, while the doctor and adventurer were escorted back to the adventurers ship.

Once ashore they could all feel a sickly eerie feeling in the air “I don’t like this, remain on guard” Barbossa ordered

The Adventurer's ship, the Doctor foind out. Had no crew. When they entered the captains chamber thete was a console in the middle of the room. "You're ships a TARDIS?" The Doctor asked looking around.

Peter went to get a higher vantage point. Climbing up to the top of a tall tree
Eris nods. "Right. Whatever it is, I don't like it either. We could get ambushed at any moment."

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