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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Not true. At least not anymore." Tyson said. "What's your beef with them? They take out someone close to you or something?"
"And what makes you think they changed. " she said. "No one close to me. They were hired to kill me."

Artemis glared. "I see we didnt do a good job."

Penelope smiled. "Yes your brother Janus failed. He gave up all of the info once my friends broke him for me."

Artemis looked mad and went towards her to hit her. When she tried the maid lowered her hand from her eye and grabbed her hand. "Please refrain from harming my Lady."

Oz shook his head as he seemed to snap out of it of his frozen stance "No dont!" In that instant his power went off and everyone in the room saw a glimpse of thier worst fears.
"And what makes you think they changed. " she said. "No one close to me. They were hired to kill me."

Artemis glared. "I see we didnt do a good job."

Penelope smiled. "Yes your brother Janus failed. He gave up all of the info once my friends broke him for me."

Artemis looked mad and went towards her to hit her. When she tried the maid lowered her hand from her eye and grabbed her hand. "Please refrain from harming my Lady."

Oz shook his head as he seemed to snap out of it of his frozen stance "No dont!" In that instant his power went off and everyone in the room saw a glimpse of thier worst fears.
Tyson sees a flash of Pridius killing Hunter in front of him the same way that Aurora killed Jasmine in front of Robby.
"You dont remember? You were hired to kill me" he said.

“I was?? Why on earth would I do that?” She questioned

“Alex I can see only two possibilities right now, either she’s pretending in order to get us to let our guard down, or the AI driven personality is not currently active and this is the actual girl” Lily whispered to Alex
Tyson sees a flash of Pridius killing Hunter in front of him the same way that Aurora killed Jasmine in front of Robby.
Penelope frowned when she saw her fear. "Oz, son of minerva. A telepath who's power can show individuals thier fears and make them believe thier real. Did you enjoy seeing your power used on you?"

Oz held his head. "No.."

"Enough of this." Artemis said getting out of the grip of the maid. She saw a flash of her children dead "Maybe I should just finish what Janus failed. Why did he leave you alive. He should have killed you years ago."

"See you haven't changed. Everything you do is for yourselves, for anger, for greed, you think you can just get whatever you want. I know everything about you. Every secret."

Neil kept walking around the library and begun pulling books from the wall. He glanced at the gate as he was thinking. "Hmm Janus was here for months.. and you said you know everything about us."
Colmer: "Oh my" *The grenades soon explode down the halls destroying several rooms and floors*

She urged the doc to finish stitching her up and give her some pain meds before leaving the room, passing the bloodied mess of the clone “and I still have your precious vial” she taunted before leaving through the devastated portion of the building
“I was?? Why on earth would I do that?” She questioned

“Alex I can see only two possibilities right now, either she’s pretending in order to get us to let our guard down, or the AI driven personality is not currently active and this is the actual girl” Lily whispered to Alex
"I see... I'm going to believe shes not pretending. Vickie, what is the last thing you remember?" He asked.
She urged the doc to finish stitching her up and give her some pain meds before leaving the room, passing the bloodied mess of the clone “and I still have your precious vial” she taunted before leaving through the devastated portion of the building
Doctor Colmer: "Then I shall destabilize it!" *he grips a medical frequency device and began to turn the amps up making the sound high pitched and nearly ear peircing*
Penelope frowned when she saw her fear. "Oz, son of minerva. A telepath who's power can show individuals thier fears and make them believe thier real. Did you enjoy seeing your power used on you?"

Oz held his head. "No.."

"Enough of this." Artemis said getting out of the grip of the maid. She saw a flash of her children dead "Maybe I should just finish what Janus failed. Why did he leave you alive. He should have killed you years ago."

"See you haven't changed. Everything you do is for yourselves, for anger, for greed, you think you can just get whatever you want. I know everything about you. Every secret."

Neil kept walking around the library and begun pulling books from the wall. He glanced at the gate as he was thinking. "Hmm Janus was here for months.. and you said you know everything about us."
"No you don't." Tyson called out. "Maybe a lot from picking Janus' mind, but not everything."
Doctor Colmer: "Then I shall destabilize it!" *he grips a medical frequency device and began to turn the amps up making the sound high pitched and nearly ear peircing*

As soon as he pulled out the device a ball rolled down the hall before stopping in front of him and beginning to glow before erupting in a cloud of white phosphorous
She chuckled. "Hmm newest part of the lore. I like that." The maid looked at a nearby clock. "Ma'am. The boys will be home soon. Shall I get security to take these intruders upstairs?"
"Boys? Hold on. I'm not going anywhere." Tyson said. "I just got here, and I'd like to converse more with our....'gracious' host."
As soon as he pulled out the device a ball rolled down the hall before stopping in front of him and beginning to glow before erupting in a cloud of white phosphorous
*the clone screamed in pain as he clutched to his skin. eventially the burns succumb to him and he falls to the ground...his body then falls away to ash leaving no remains of him*
"Boys? Hold on. I'm not going anywhere." Tyson said. "I just got here, and I'd like to converse more with our....'gracious' host."
"Yes I'm a mother. " Penelope said. "Yes please go get security." The maid nods and walks out of the room.

Hunter went over to Oz. "Hey you good?"

He nods. "Yeah I will be. That maid can copy abilities."

"Only one at a time. I surround myself with powerful people to protect my boys. Like I said I dont take kindly to trespassers." Penelope said standing up. "Neil can you stop looking through my things."

"Nope." Neil answered as he found a trinket box on a bookshelf.

Artemis decided to take the chance and punched Penelope.

"Nice hit mom." Hunter said.
"Yes I'm a mother. " Penelope said. "Yes please go get security." The maid nods and walks out of the room.

Hunter went over to Oz. "Hey you good?"

He nods. "Yeah I will be. That maid can copy abilities."

"Only one at a time. I surround myself with powerful people to protect my boys. Like I said I dont take kindly to trespassers." Penelope said standing up. "Neil can you stop looking through my things."

"Nope." Neil answered as he found a trinket box on a bookshelf.

Artemis decided to take the chance and punched Penelope.

"Nice hit mom." Hunter said.
"What are you looking for?" Tyson asked Neil.
"I see... I'm going to believe shes not pretending. Vickie, what is the last thing you remember?" He asked.

“the last thing I remember was having a sack or something put over my head and pushed into a vehicle” she replied
*the clone screamed in pain as he clutched to his skin. eventially the burns succumb to him and he falls to the ground...his body then falls away to ash leaving no remains of him*

Cherri snickered as she walked out of the hospital doors, her gauntlet returning to its smaller bracelet form around her wrist “well that takes care of that asshole” she smiled to herself before continuing down the road, walking to where she was currently staying in the city
Cherri snickered as she walked out of the hospital doors, her gauntlet returning to its smaller bracelet form around her wrist “well that takes care of that asshole” she smiled to herself before continuing down the road, walking to where she was currently staying in the city

*The travel was quiet...a bit to quiet*

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