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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Something's off about all of this." Eris said to herself. She uses her illusion realm around the lab and turns herself invisible. Then, she cautiously walks past the zombie guards and enters the lab.
Allyson walked into the room, she had her silver lantern ring activated so she was in a silver and black suit. A silver glow wrapped around her body. She smiled. "Hey Audrey."
(I missed that post I'll wait for a bit before barging in X3 give Allyson some time to talk with Audrey)
Allyson walked into the room, she had her silver lantern ring activated so she was in a silver and black suit. A silver glow wrapped around her body. She smiled. "Hey Audrey."

“H…hello miss lantern” she replied hesitantly
“Fair enough” she chuckled “ I wonder what’s taking her food so long”
"No idea but if I don't get food soon I may misbehave. Also you always have a spot in my sleeve if you want it?" Haka raised an eyebrow and showed her a card.
"No idea but if I don't get food soon I may misbehave. Also you always have a spot in my sleeve if you want it?" Haka raised an eyebrow and showed her a card.

“And I already told you, I want a real relationship” she replied “is that so hard to have?” She asked
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"No not yet. We're still trying to figure out your power. I still want to find a way for you to control it but I am working on an idea to make it so you can leave without hurting anyone." She smiled.

“How?” She asked curiously

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