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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Allyson still kept a close eye on Audrey while she was working.

Lily studied Audrey while she remained in the care of the hero league

James and Livia reach the taco shop and he gets her some of her favorites “so you said you wanted to tell me something earlier?”
Armoured trucks have been making their way in and out of Edgewood recently. According to shipping records, the heavily secure convoys are bringing in 'pyrotechnic supplies' and 'industrial metals' to a normal-looking 'warehouse' tucked away in the woods.

(Didn’t you already do this intro?)
Armoured trucks have been making their way in and out of Edgewood recently. According to shipping records, the heavily secure convoys are bringing in 'pyrotechnic supplies' and 'industrial metals' to a normal-looking 'warehouse' tucked away in the woods.
(OK I got nothing at the moment)
Lily studied Audrey while she remained in the care of the hero league

James and Livia reach the taco shop and he gets her some of her favorites “so you said you wanted to tell me something earlier?”
"Yeah I do.." she said nervously. "So James I found out a week ago and I'm pregnant "
"Yeah I do.." she said nervously. "So James I found out a week ago and I'm pregnant "

James was about to take a bite of his taco when she said that and he froze as he stared at her, he remained quiet and frozen for a good minute “are you sure?” He asked as he put his food down
Livia's eyes turned red and Sera spoke. "Yes during one of my pranks." Marina then spoke. "That isn't a prank Sera!"

“Well regardless of how it happened, that’s really great to hear Livia, it makes me happy… and kinda makes my surprise a bit moot though” he chuckled
(That’s fine)

Over the course of the next month Audrey made slow progress, while Allyson was doing other things for the league and Amber was visiting, The android Lily took care of the day to day observation of Audrey Musicnotes Musicnotes
Amber made her way into the hero league for a visit as she been for the past month. She gently smiled and greeted those sh passed making her way to Audrey's room.
Armoured trucks have been making their way in and out of Edgewood recently. According to shipping records, the heavily secure convoys are bringing in 'pyrotechnic supplies' and 'industrial metals' to a normal-looking 'warehouse' tucked away in the woods.
Link went to see what was going on. Mostly because it was loud and he had decided to build his house in the woods for oewce and quiet.
"Oh?" Livia said getting back in control. "What's your surprise "

“Well it’s not as good as learning we are going to be parents” he chuckled nervously as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small ring box “I wonder if I should do this properly” he chuckled slightly
"You're bubbles sre amazing." He said.
"....it actually worked...." Eliana whispered in disbelief to herself as she stared at her hands. "Thank you.." Eliana blushed keeping her gaze away from him "... but you do know that was extremely reckless...My bubble could have not worked..." she said looking up at him.

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