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Fandom Superheros and Villains

(No. But a certain mystical deal maker can)
(Yeah or I have my own necromancers too but going to the deal maker can work) Misty thought about it and remember rumors of a deal maker who could do many things. "Maybe he could help.." she made a cloud and flew off on it.
(Provocation? Like what?)

(Yeah or I have my own necromancers too but going to the deal maker can work) Misty thought about it and remember rumors of a deal maker who could do many things. "Maybe he could help.." she made a cloud and flew off on it.
(Usually a public threat or an attack)

Rejin was as always in his spot in the forest.
*Alexander von Schnepfe raises his hand*

"Maybe i should destroy all those who are plague by false government"

*Explosions can be heard from a city as bombs hit the city*
Jackson had been playing the guitar as the bombs started to go off. He flew up into the air and travelled to the source at a mind boggling speed.
He called his hands into fists he was clearly restraining himself. "Of course you did. Whatever happens to Eris is on you..." He said as he prepared to swing away.

*Alexander von Schnepfe looks at her*

"Where is he? I want you to find him or this place can become a wasteland"

The dragon looks at Tyson. "He's also still alive..."
"I'm sorry..." Hunter said to peter. She sighed in relief hearing what the dragon said.

Allyson rolled her eyes. "You clearly don't pay attention. Allustra, Akane take the dragon and get those two out of here."
*Alexander von Schnepfe laughs a little*

"This world will learn it's place"
"Yo hardass. Why are you attacking my home!?" Jackson yelled.
"I'm sorry..." Hunter said to peter. She sighed in relief hearing what the dragon said.

Allyson rolled her eyes. "You clearly don't pay attention. Allustra, Akane take the dragon and get those two out of here."
Peter went to the hero league as the bombs dropped
"I'm sorry..." Hunter said to peter. She sighed in relief hearing what the dragon said.

Allyson rolled her eyes. "You clearly don't pay attention. Allustra, Akane take the dragon and get those two out of here."
Akane and Allustra help them get on the dragon's back. Allustra hops on as well. Akane and the dragon take to the skies and fly off.

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