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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Kaiser was unsure of what to do with himself. He knew he came to America to visit an old friend, apparently he goes by the name of Mainframe now. Odd. But whatever, his friend is his friend. "People drive veird on zeh road." Bandit spoke up. "Zat is because America is very different from Europe. Zey do everysing backvards here." Kaiser told his brother. He was talking to himself at first glance. "Ven are ve gonna get to a gym? I am sick of skipping it." Bernard barked. "Vunce ve find Kayde, I have told you zis."
"I wanna see vhat kinda food zey got here!" Bandit eagerly butts in. Kaiser sighed in slight irritation. "Later, Bandit." He growled.
Kaiser was unsure of what to do with himself. He knew he came to America to visit an old friend, apparently he goes by the name of Mainframe now. Odd. But whatever, his friend is his friend. "People drive veird on zeh road." Bandit spoke up. "Zat is because America is very different from Europe. Zey do everysing backvards here." Kaiser told his brother. He was talking to himself at first glance. "Ven are ve gonna get to a gym? I am sick of skipping it." Bernard barked. "Vunce ve find Kayde, I have told you zis."
"I wanna see vhat kinda food zey got here!" Bandit eagerly butts in. Kaiser sighed in slight irritation. "Later, Bandit." He growled.
(Where would you say they are)
Kaiser was unsure of what to do with himself. He knew he came to America to visit an old friend, apparently he goes by the name of Mainframe now. Odd. But whatever, his friend is his friend. "People drive veird on zeh road." Bandit spoke up. "Zat is because America is very different from Europe. Zey do everysing backvards here." Kaiser told his brother. He was talking to himself at first glance. "Ven are ve gonna get to a gym? I am sick of skipping it." Bernard barked. "Vunce ve find Kayde, I have told you zis."
"I wanna see vhat kinda food zey got here!" Bandit eagerly butts in. Kaiser sighed in slight irritation. "Later, Bandit." He growled.
Two villains stepped into the street wielding a shotgun while his companion punched the car that was speeding towards them sending it flying towards the brothers. Before they could react there was a blue blur and they were suddenly on the sidewalk watching their car get crushed. Before them stood a boy who was vibrating so fast that his face was a blur with blue lights for eyes. He said in a distorted voice "are you ok?"
Two villains stepped into the street wielding a shotgun while his companion punched the car that was speeding towards them sending it flying towards the brothers. Before they could react there was a blue blur and they were suddenly on the sidewalk watching their car get crushed. Before them stood a boy who was vibrating so fast that his face was a blur with blue lights for eyes. He said in a distorted voice "are you ok?"

Everything happened quite fast, Kaiser was rendered speechless for a moment. But Bandit was quick to talk, "Whoa, vhat just happened?! Und who are you? Vhy are you all... Veird?" Kaiser took back control, "Easy Bandit, don't get too excited." He smoothed back his golden blonde hair. "Yes, ve are okay. I sank you for saving us." He said. Bernard kicked into gear, "I should go beat zoes idiots into pulp!" He growled. "Bernard, I know you are strong, but zey ver able to punch a car. I sink zey may have an advantage. Speaking of." He looked towards the villains. "Vut is to be done about zem?"
Everything happened quite fast, Kaiser was rendered speechless for a moment. But Bandit was quick to talk, "Whoa, vhat just happened?! Und who are you? Vhy are you all... Veird?" Kaiser took back control, "Easy Bandit, don't get too excited." He smoothed back his golden blonde hair. "Yes, ve are okay. I sank you for saving us." He said. Bernard kicked into gear, "I should go beat zoes idiots into pulp!" He growled. "Bernard, I know you are strong, but zey ver able to punch a car. I sink zey may have an advantage. Speaking of." He looked towards the villains. "Vut is to be done about zem?"
Dash chuckeld the sound reverberating menacingly. He then said "I was going to handle them. I'm just glad you're ok, I'll be right back." Dash then left in a flash of electricity and tied up the man with the shotgun before he could get a shot off but they could then see Dash take off in one direction his progress marked by a train of lightning. The strong one looked around and rosred picking up the nearest car.
Dash chuckeld the sound reverberating menacingly. He then said "I was going to handle them. I'm just glad you're ok, I'll be right back." Dash then left in a flash of electricity and tied up the man with the shotgun before he could get a shot off but they could then see Dash take off in one direction his progress marked by a train of lightning. The strong one looked around and rosred picking up the nearest car.

"Did ve have zese kinda of people in Germany?" Bandit asked, tilting his head as he watched the scene. "No, not zat I saw. But America is very... Unique." Kaiser said. "I'll say." Bernard scoffed, crossing his arms. "I know you don't like it here in America, Bernard, but you don't have to have such a sour attitude zeh whole time ve are here." Kaiser reminded his brother.
"Did ve have zese kinda of people in Germany?" Bandit asked, tilting his head as he watched the scene. "No, not zat I saw. But America is very... Unique." Kaiser said. "I'll say." Bernard scoffed, crossing his arms. "I know you don't like it here in America, Bernard, but you don't have to have such a sour attitude zeh whole time ve are here." Kaiser reminded his brother.
They then heard a boom as Dash ran at the man stopped which caused a Sonic boom and then he released a bolt of electricity which flew at the man who was still holding a car. Before the bolt struck him though dash accelerated so fast that he made another Sonic boom and punched the man as the lightning connected, the combined force sent the man flying down the street unconscious before he hit the ground. Dash stopped running and the man could see that his right arm was broken and was the only part of him not vibrating at high speeds.
They then heard a boom as Dash ran at the man stopped which caused a Sonic boom and then he released a bolt of electricity which flew at the man who was still holding a car. Before the bolt struck him though dash accelerated so fast that he made another Sonic boom and punched the man as the lightning connected, the combined force sent the man flying down the street unconscious before he hit the ground. Dash stopped running and the man could see that his right arm was broken and was the only part of him not vibrating at high speeds.

Kaiser wasn't one to show much emotion, he had it but he found it hard to express it. Him and his brothers watched, Kaiser the most interested while sometimes Bandit would get distracted by something else and diverge attention for a moment before Kaiser turned his attention back to Dash. When he had stopped running, Kaiser raised an eyebrow. His arm was broken, yet he didn't seem too bothered by it. "Very interesting, vuldn't you say Bandit?" Kaiser liked to ask the opinion of his youngest brother more often then his older brother because Bernard seemed to only be huff and puff sometimes. "Yeah! I vunna stay in America!" Bandit said with excitement. "Like hell ve are." Bernard growled. "Don't be such a stick in zeh mud, Bernard! America's fun!"
"As fun as getting stabbed 40 times."
"Zat's fun too!!"
"I vuld ring your neck if I could."
"But'cha can't!"
"Gentlemen." Kaiser cleared his throat, hushing his brothers. "Young man, I am usually not vun to point out zeh obvious. But it does seem zat your arm is broken. But you do not seemed to be all zat bahzered vis it, does it not cause pain to you?" He asked.
Kaiser wasn't one to show much emotion, he had it but he found it hard to express it. Him and his brothers watched, Kaiser the most interested while sometimes Bandit would get distracted by something else and diverge attention for a moment before Kaiser turned his attention back to Dash. When he had stopped running, Kaiser raised an eyebrow. His arm was broken, yet he didn't seem too bothered by it. "Very interesting, vuldn't you say Bandit?" Kaiser liked to ask the opinion of his youngest brother more often then his older brother because Bernard seemed to only be huff and puff sometimes. "Yeah! I vunna stay in America!" Bandit said with excitement. "Like hell ve are." Bernard growled. "Don't be such a stick in zeh mud, Bernard! America's fun!"
"As fun as getting stabbed 40 times."
"Zat's fun too!!"
"I vuld ring your neck if I could."
"But'cha can't!"
"Gentlemen." Kaiser cleared his throat, hushing his brothers. "Young man, I am usually not vun to point out zeh obvious. But it does seem zat your arm is broken. But you do not seemed to be all zat bahzered vis it, does it not cause pain to you?" He asked.
Dash laughed as he slowed down and reveled his face which showed he was quite young and his face was contorted in pain "no it's just that I heal fast. In a few hours it'll be good as new. I can help you all get to where you need to be if you want."
Dash laughed as he slowed down and reveled his face which showed he was quite young and his face was contorted in pain "no it's just that I heal fast. In a few hours it'll be good as new. I can help you all get to where you need to be if you want."

"Ve don't need help!" Bernard barked. Kaiser sighed. "Please do pardon him. I'm Kaiser." He held his hand out for a shake. He figured there would be introductions before they were going anywhere with a stranger.
"Ve don't need help!" Bernard barked. Kaiser sighed. "Please do pardon him. I'm Kaiser." He held his hand out for a shake. He figured there would be introductions before they were going anywhere with a stranger.
Dash smiled and shook his hand awkwardly as his right hand was broken so he had to use his left. "the Name is Dash and I'm a world hero. As I'm sure you can see I'm fast enough to get anywhere I need to go."
Dash smiled and shook his hand awkwardly as his right hand was broken so he had to use his left. "the Name is Dash and I'm a world hero. As I'm sure you can see I'm fast enough to get anywhere I need to go."

"Ooh neat! I'm Bandit!" He shook Dash's hand rather aggressively. "A vorld hero?! Awesome!" He giggled. "And I'm Bernard." His grip got near crushing. "Zoes are my bruzers." Kaiser added. "It is interesting to meet a human vis superhuman abilities." He said. "As I said before, sanks for zeh help vis saving us."
"Ooh neat! I'm Bandit!" He shook Dash's hand rather aggressively. "A vorld hero?! Awesome!" He giggled. "And I'm Bernard." His grip got near crushing. "Zoes are my bruzers." Kaiser added. "It is interesting to meet a human vis superhuman abilities." He said. "As I said before, sanks for zeh help vis saving us."
Dash frowned and said "one moment." He disappeared in a flash and after 2 seconds came back holding an English to German dictionary. He thought for a moment and said in German"is this the right language? I just learned it so I may have a few..." Dash consulted the book looking like he was flipping through it then saying "...issues?"
Dash frowned and said "one moment." He disappeared in a flash and after 2 seconds came back holding an English to German dictionary. He thought for a moment and said in German"is this the right language? I just learned it so I may have a few..." Dash consulted the book looking like he was flipping through it then saying "...issues?"

Bernard scoffed. "Americans."
"Hush, Bernard, it's not a crime to learn uhzer languages." Kaiser said. "Ja, wir sind Deutsche." Kaiser affirmed. "I'm part Russian!" Bandit piped up. Bernard growled. "Oh c'mon Bernard! You can't hate me 'cause I have Russian blood." Bandit huffed. Kaiser and Bernard were full blooded Germans, while their younger adopted brother had a Russian mother and a German father. "Stop it or you'll give me anuhzer headache." Kaiser growled at them.
Bernard scoffed. "Americans."
"Hush, Bernard, it's not a crime to learn uhzer languages." Kaiser said. "Ja, wir sind Deutsche." Kaiser affirmed. "I'm part Russian!" Bandit piped up. Bernard growled. "Oh c'mon Bernard! You can't hate me 'cause I have Russian blood." Bandit huffed. Kaiser and Bernard were full blooded Germans, while their younger adopted brother had a Russian mother and a German father. "Stop it or you'll give me anuhzer headache." Kaiser growled at them.
Dash chuckled and said "where are you guys trying to get to? I can take you there in literally a flash." Dash said with a smile as already his broken arm was looking a little better.
Dash chuckled and said "where are you guys trying to get to? I can take you there in literally a flash." Dash said with a smile as already his broken arm was looking a little better.

"Do you know a man named Kayde?" Kaiser asked. "I heard he goes by Mainframe now, I am not sure vhy zoe."
"Zat guy vus an asshole!" Bandit said. "Bandit! Zat is my good friend!"
"Vell you had an asshole friend." Bernard butt in. "Halt den mund, ihr zwei!" Kaiser snapped. "Ooh, touchy subject?" Bandit asked. Kaiser about flipped his lid when he took a deep breath and focused back on Dash. "As I vus saying, do you know ver he is?"
"Do you know a man named Kayde?" Kaiser asked. "I heard he goes by Mainframe now, I am not sure vhy zoe."
"Zat guy vus an asshole!" Bandit said. "Bandit! Zat is my good friend!"
"Vell you had an asshole friend." Bernard butt in. "Halt den mund, ihr zwei!" Kaiser snapped. "Ooh, touchy subject?" Bandit asked. Kaiser about flipped his lid when he took a deep breath and focused back on Dash. "As I vus saying, do you know ver he is?"
Dash was confused by the interaction but said "no I don't but I can ask." He touched his earpeace and listened for a minute before saying "I found a base for him but I don't know if he's there now."
Dash was confused by the interaction but said "no I don't but I can ask." He touched his earpeace and listened for a minute before saying "I found a base for him but I don't know if he's there now."

"Ausgezeichnet!" Kaiser did a half smile. "If you would, take us there please!"

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