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Fandom Superheros and Villains

hunter just looks out the window

"where is hunter waves." He said.
Matthew is outside waiting and he brings the owner's body inside after they arrive.

"In a safe place. What business do you have with my apprentice?" Gerald asks.

"Shut up. Your reverse psychology mind games won't work on me this time." Akane said.

"Are you here to kill me out of revenge or because the game master told you to?" Tyson asks.

"What difference does it make?" She said. She holds her arm up and reveals that she no longer has a bracelet. "Does this answer your question."

"Actually, it does." Tyson said.
Matthew is outside waiting and he brings the owner's body inside after they arrive.

"In a safe place. What business do you have with my apprentice?" Gerald asks.

"Shut up. Your reverse psychology mind games won't work on me this time." Akane said.

"Are you here to kill me out of revenge or because the game master told you to?" Tyson asks.

"What difference does it make?" She said. She holds her arm up and reveals that she no longer has a bracelet. "Does this answer your question."

"Actually, it does." Tyson said.
hunter gets out of the limo.

"None of your concern. Now where is she" he ask. He didn't say it in a demanding tone, it was more calm.
She walks in.

"I just want to know where she is" he answered
Matthew is already in the process of tying the hotel owner to a chair.

"I told you already. She's in a safe place minding her own business like a good apprentice. If you want her autograph or something, I can have her sign a shirt and send it to you." Gerald said. "Monitor. Run an analysis on this man. See if you can confirm his relation to Hunter. Maybe he's just an old fanboy. Maybe he isn't."

Monitor's eyes glow blue as it stares at Neil.
"Jeez... Hmmm... Think I should give the guys a place to stay?" He asked
"Diana and Jeremy are staying with the mercs." Link said reading a text from Jeremy. "Eris and I have our own place." Peter said.

"Sure thanks" she said and followed Scout
He took her around the place. It was an underground bunker with a little bit of everything.
Matthew is already in the process of tying the hotel owner to a chair.

"I told you already. She's in a safe place minding her own business like a good apprentice. If you want her autograph or something, I can have her sign a shirt and send it to you." Gerald said. "Monitor. Run an analysis on this man. See if you can confirm his relation to Hunter. Maybe he's just an old fanboy. Maybe he isn't."

Monitor's eyes glow blue as it stares at Neil.
"why does Gerald want the hotel?" She asked.

Neil wasn't much of a public figure in the gods assasins. He kept his face covered with his mask. "I have some people who would like to make a request of hers, last she was seen entering this place. I was asked to kill anyone that gets in my way." He said making up anyone excuse.
"Diana and Jeremy are staying with the mercs." Link said reading a text from Jeremy. "Eris and I have our own place." Peter said.

He took her around the place. It was an underground bunker with a little bit of everything.
"Nice place, you guys got everything you need." Diana said

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