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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Sorry just need to take control for a few seconds." Dusk said in vanessa's head as Dusk soon took control of vanessa's body and wrote her name on the contract as she soon return control back to Vanessa.
Vanessa felt herself lose control of her body. It was like she was in some sort of dream or first person video game. It was a stranger feeling than when Dusk first fused with her. This is so weird. How are you so comfortable with this?
Vanessa felt herself lose control of her body. It was like she was in some sort of dream or first person video game. It was a stranger feeling than when Dusk first fused with her. This is so weird. How are you so comfortable with this?
"actually I don't mind. I can still actually feel, hear and taste like you when I'm not in control. but you should have control back again." as her voice is heard in her head.
"actually I don't mind. I can still actually feel, hear and taste like you when I'm not in control. but you should have control back again." as her voice is heard in her head.
Vanessa looks at her right hand and slowly balls it into a fist. She was starting to understand just how powerful Dusk really is, and she's probably got more tricks up her sleeve. She wasn't sure what to think, as she could no longer keep her thoughts to herself with Dusk being in there. Amazing...
Vanessa looks at her right hand and slowly balls it into a fist. She was starting to understand just how powerful Dusk really is, and she's probably got more tricks up her sleeve. She wasn't sure what to think, as she could no longer keep her thoughts to herself with Dusk being in there. Amazing...
Dusk sighed "You know, even with my brother I still feel...lonely..." she said in her head as she sounded depressed.

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