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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Anywhere you like to go, also remember that girl...that's me but you can call me Dusk. You could say I have become one with you. Oh yeah I boosted your own powers and abilities too." as Dusk voice is heard in her head.
"Dusk. I like that." She begins walking through the city after retracing her wings. "So are you some kind of support lady, or is there something in it for you when you do this? Am I the shield to your sword?"
"all right, so how do we get out of here?"
"Just fill out some forms and the police will let you out." Scarlet said

Back at the stadium, a large group of thugs showed up signing up for red. They were all from the nearby jail. Those who were incarcerated can participate and earn their freedom.
"Ha you're not the only one who's gotten stronger." He said.
"Well, we should be going, tournament begins in an hour." She said
Stone signs the papers and draws inapropriate drawings on the back of it
"Really?" The officer said as he looked at the back. "You're free to participate." He sighed.

Musicnotes Musicnotes The thugs began to fill the stadium area. One was smiling at Maddy "Hey cutie. How you doing?" He said.
As stone made it to the stadium and told the clerk that he was playing for his freedom she signed him up for red rank telling him that if he can beat red rank he is free to go.
Great now I have to fight robot lady and jackson this is to the point were things got crazy
"Well, we should be going, tournament begins in an hour." She said

"Really?" The officer said as he looked at the back. "You're free to participate." He sighed.

Musicnotes Musicnotes The thugs began to fill the stadium area. One was smiling at Maddy "Hey cutie. How you doing?" He said.

As stone made it to the stadium and told the clerk that he was playing for his freedom she signed him up for red rank telling him that if he can beat red rank he is free to go.
Great now I have to fight robot lady and jackson this is to the point were things got crazy
"Should have chosen a lower bracket dude some of the fighters here are way stronger than me.": He said. "To get forward I'll have to either get third place in red or win in the losers bracket." He said.
As stone made it to the stadium and told the clerk that he was playing for his freedom she signed him up for red rank telling him that if he can beat red rank he is free to go.
Great now I have to fight robot lady and jackson this is to the point were things got crazy
"Rules state you have to fight in red." The attendant shrugged "Good luck, and try not to die." She smiled.
"Should have chosen a lower bracket dude some of the fighters here are way stronger than me.": He said. "To get forward I'll have to either get third place in red or win in the losers bracket." He said.
"Only two fighters are allowed from losers bracket." Scarlet replied. "Hopefully things will go well." She then placed a magnetic red card on her shoulder.
"I like a challenge, and besides i didn't even choose she just did it! so im kinda stuck with it."
Stone enters the stadium
"I like a challenge, and besides i didn't even choose she just did it! so im kinda stuck with it."
Stone enters the stadium
"It's by default! Sorry!" The attendant replied. Entering through the back, Stone found himself surrounded by all sorts of fighters. Some martial artists, others amatuers, a chunk of criminals, and a few heroes. There was a screening room showing fights from all over the world, a gym, and a break room with snacks.
"Rules state you have to fight in red." The attendant shrugged "Good luck, and try not to die." She smiled.
"Only two fighters are allowed from losers bracket." Scarlet replied. "Hopefully things will go well." She then placed a magnetic red card on her shoulder.
"Then I guess if that happens I'll need to be a pretty skilled loser." He said.
Stone sits in the armory and grabs his usual load out brass knuckles but these ones had spikes so they were super sketchy and for good measure a right arm pad.
Then a voice comes on over the intercom
"UGH WHY AM I FIRST" Stone thought
Stone steps into the arena and sees his friends in the background.
he looks acrost the arena to see what this junkers looks like
its a crazy old goon with his hair on fire with a bunch of bombs strapped on him
"oh great Overwatch..."
(Okay stop, I'm the one hosting the tournament so I say when and who fights. I will however be using a random matchup to keep track. Fights haven't started yet. Also there isn't an armory, you were supposed to bring your own weapons.)
There was no armory and the fights haven't even started yet. There was a screening room showing fights that were happening in other countries. "Hey, you chose red?" A guy in a karate outfit with a green card asked Stone "Jeez... you got a deathwish?"
(Okay stop, I'm the one hosting the tournament so I say when and who fights. I will however be using a random matchup to keep track. Fights haven't started yet. Also there isn't an armory, you were supposed to bring your own weapons.)
There was no armory and the fights haven't even started yet. There was a screening room showing fights that were happening in other countries. "Hey, you chose red?" A guy in a karate outfit with a green card asked Stone "Jeez... you got a deathwish?"
(Is it possible to spectate the tournament? Or are only participants allowed?)
(Okay stop, I'm the one hosting the tournament so I say when and who fights. I will however be using a random matchup to keep track. Fights haven't started yet. Also there isn't an armory, you were supposed to bring your own weapons.)
There was no armory and the fights haven't even started yet. There was a screening room showing fights that were happening in other countries. "Hey, you chose red?" A guy in a karate outfit with a green card asked Stone "Jeez... you got a deathwish?"
"hey bud i haven't died have I? so i've got nothing to lose," Stone said refering to the fact he just murdered like 35 people yesterday all armed with guns.
"hey bud i haven't died have I? so i've got nothing to lose," Stone said refering to the fact he just murdered like 35 people yesterday all armed with guns.
"Yeah, except your fucking life." Another fighter said as he pointed to the screen. "You'll have to go up against Makoto Takanuchi." the screen showed a picture of Joey. "Guy recently changed his name. His old name was Makoto Yamamoto, nickname Joey. This guy runs drugs and weapons on the black market. He's the most wanted man in all of Russia after he killed the president's daughter five years ago. Worst part is... this guy has died and came back from the dead. And I don't know of anyone that can beat him." Joey was then seen cutting open his opponent with own humerus after his opponent shot it off with an energy blast, he cut open his opponent's chest, ripped off his mask and bit into his opponent's heart, ripping it out. "That guy is hardcore."
"Well, we should be going, tournament begins in an hour." She said

"Really?" The officer said as he looked at the back. "You're free to participate." He sighed.

Musicnotes Musicnotes The thugs began to fill the stadium area. One was smiling at Maddy "Hey cutie. How you doing?" He said.

(Can I get a head count of all the characters who are participating but not spectating?)
Maddy was still in the gym area. She turned, her tail swaying behind her. "Are you talking to me."

(green- Allyson, Alex, Diana) (yellow- Maddy, Minerva, Hades, Artemis, and Apollo) (and havent decided yet but maybe Roxie)
"Dusk. I like that." She begins walking through the city after retracing her wings. "So are you some kind of support lady, or is there something in it for you when you do this? Am I the shield to your sword?"
"Well here's the thing, when I fuse into someone I take control of them but with you I gave you the control. Anyway I can be anything from support to defense to offense. You could say that while one of my abilities that reduces all damage you receive." as dusk voice is heard in her head.
Maddy was still in the gym area. She turned, her tail swaying behind her. "Are you talking to me."

(green- Allyson, Alex, Diana) (yellow- Maddy, Minerva, Hades, Artemis, and Apollo) (and havent decided yet but maybe Roxie)
"Of course cutie. Nice tail... how about you back your tail up to me." He said with a smirk.
"well gues what I punched spiderman in the face so If this guys ready to kick ass so am I" stone shouted back
"That's not all." The screen then showed Joey charging up a blue orb of energy in his hands. He then shot it at his opponent who did the same. It looked like they were both firing a Kamehameha. "Guys got some weird powers."

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