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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"hmm" she got closer to the side door.
When she saw the interior, the whole place was on fire. Sprinklers were completely busted.
The Doctor silently flew the TARDIS. "Somewhere that you should not be seen."
They arrived at a small village of mud huts. It was barely populated and appeared to be a small farming village. About 12 people total. They all looked at the TARDIS arrive
When she saw the interior, the whole place was on fire. Sprinklers were completely busted.

They arrived at a small village of mud huts. It was barely populated and appeared to be a small farming village. About 12 people total. They all looked at the TARDIS arrive
"Can't find the clues to the stone here" nyx said
When she saw the interior, the whole place was on fire. Sprinklers were completely busted.

They arrived at a small village of mud huts. It was barely populated and appeared to be a small farming village. About 12 people total. They all looked at the TARDIS arrive
The Doctor stepped out. He spoke in the code word in their native language. (I forgot what it was)
Jackson looked out the window. He'd never been to space.
There were several stars, in distance he could see the moon. Isanne pressed a few buttons. "Okay we are going to jump to a different galaxy. We will be going there at super speed so you may want to hold on."
"Okay." He said. He looked at her. She was smiling some. She liked being out in space it seemed. "I told you, you look prettier with a smile."
she looked at him. "We should be nearing the coordinates soon." She looks off at a planet in the distance and frowned.

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