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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Sure but we don't have any security cams in the body areas." The officer stepped aside to let Maddy in.

Demy chuckled "My sister really liked it when we visited America once. I learned how to make them in my free time."
(I think it:s time to either get tried of Josh or get him to take more part in this world)
She said nothing and just silently walked behind the group. Roxie looked behind her. "She really doesn't say much"
'She's not used to this place. Don't worry she'll warm up." Jackson said looking at Issane giving her a friendly smile. It became more and more clear that he was genuinely being a friendly.
Tyson smirks.
"Heh. I know that feeling. I wonder if this has to do with that Darkseid dude that the convulsing girl was talking about."
"no idea..joey had a lot of enemies. " she said
Suddenly there was a large earthquake. Right outside the Morgue the ground began to crack.
"Depends on the situation" she replied. " it would be unwise for anyone to reveal their tactics to someone" Dragunov Dragunov
"That is true." Haruhi replied "I do my best to take them out from the shadows."
Suddenly there was a large earthquake. Right outside the Morgue the ground began to crack.

"That is true." Haruhi replied "I do my best to take them out from the shadows."
"no idea..joey had a lot of enemies. " she said
Tyson spreads his wings and floats above the ground. He looks at the ground cracking and then at Maddy.
"Uhhhh, we should head outside before this place falls apart."

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