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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Character sheet:

Hero or villain or neutral: Mainly neutral

name: Zion

Code name: Zi

Age: 28

Gender: Male


Powers/abilities: He has blood compulsion. He can control blood/ blood flow. And he has supernatural speed.

A little bit of a story.

This is a story about, well, how a boy killed his monsters.

A long, long time ago, Zion Maesus, was a young flower, still learning how to bloom, how to thrive, and how to believe. Frankly just trying to stand up without falling. Trying to love.Trying to succeed. Having everything he ever thought he needed. Love. Protection...and innocence.

But when that slowly stops.. when the people who you thought cared, the people who once upon a long time loved you; they started to make him bleed. Then, suddenly, the people who he thought cared were now the big, bad, monsters hiding under his bed every day, waiting to slowly pick out the last strings of humanity he had left, pulling them until he couldn’t breathe anymore!
The air around you becomes poison and your brain is wired in a way where all you think is that the importance of being does not matter. Every day in the morning you wake up and think of a way you can kill yourself, so you won't have to see another day, where you don’t have to ‘ruin everything’ and YOU stop hurting everyone and everything!

But you know what Hurts the most? It’s that-..

He tried to believe the people who he once called Mum and Dad, the ones who taught him how to dream...he tried; began to believe that this, was all a nightmare. Since all the so called “joy’ was drained from his life.
Dreaming was barley those myths they told you. He was merely just a child surviving from the fear of his monsters.

To the outside world he seemed fine, gleaming smiles and painted faces, glass figurines that were perfectly sculptured. But the ‘outside’ also saw the other thing’s. but they stood there; watching…... Watching as the tears were rolling down his face, dropping into the pools of blood that were lingering on the ground, the sheets and stains of red perfection that had pooled onto the white tiles...
Watched and did nothing…
So he realised there was no one here or there for him, nothing left for him. No one who really cares. They all deserved to die in horrifying and twisted ways that no mortal could bear to imagine. He began to think that if he couldn’t thrive no one should.

So that is what he did. Killed his monsters.


Sorry its shit. <3
Character sheet:

Hero or villain or neutral: Mainly neutral

name: Zion

Code name: Zi

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Appearance:View attachment 538742

Powers/abilities: He has blood compulsion. He can control blood/ blood flow. And he has supernatural speed.

A little bit of a story.

This is a story about, well, how a boy killed his monsters.

A long, long time ago, Zion Maesus, was a young flower, still learning how to bloom, how to thrive, and how to believe. Frankly just trying to stand up without falling. Trying to love.Trying to succeed. Having everything he ever thought he needed. Love. Protection...and innocence.

But when that slowly stops.. when the people who you thought cared, the people who once upon a long time loved you; they started to make him bleed. Then, suddenly, the people who he thought cared were now the big, bad, monsters hiding under his bed every day, waiting to slowly pick out the last strings of humanity he had left, pulling them until he couldn’t breathe anymore!
The air around you becomes poison and your brain is wired in a way where all you think is that the importance of being does not matter. Every day in the morning you wake up and think of a way you can kill yourself, so you won't have to see another day, where you don’t have to ‘ruin everything’ and YOU stop hurting everyone and everything!

But you know what Hurts the most? It’s that-..

He tried to believe the people who he once called Mum and Dad, the ones who taught him how to dream...he tried; began to believe that this, was all a nightmare. Since all the so called “joy’ was drained from his life.
Dreaming was barley those myths they told you. He was merely just a child surviving from the fear of his monsters.

To the outside world he seemed fine, gleaming smiles and painted faces, glass figurines that were perfectly sculptured. But the ‘outside’ also saw the other thing’s. but they stood there; watching…... Watching as the tears were rolling down his face, dropping into the pools of blood that were lingering on the ground, the sheets and stains of red perfection that had pooled onto the white tiles...
Watched and did nothing…
So he realised there was no one here or there for him, nothing left for him. No one who really cares. They all deserved to die in horrifying and twisted ways that no mortal could bear to imagine. He began to think that if he couldn’t thrive no one should.

So that is what he did. Killed his monsters.


Sorry its shit. <3
(Put on the character sheet thread link on page one)
Character sheet:

Hero or villain or neutral: Mainly neutral

name: Zion

Code name: Zi

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Appearance:View attachment 538742

Powers/abilities: He has blood compulsion. He can control blood/ blood flow. And he has supernatural speed.

A little bit of a story.

This is a story about, well, how a boy killed his monsters.

A long, long time ago, Zion Maesus, was a young flower, still learning how to bloom, how to thrive, and how to believe. Frankly just trying to stand up without falling. Trying to love.Trying to succeed. Having everything he ever thought he needed. Love. Protection...and innocence.

But when that slowly stops.. when the people who you thought cared, the people who once upon a long time loved you; they started to make him bleed. Then, suddenly, the people who he thought cared were now the big, bad, monsters hiding under his bed every day, waiting to slowly pick out the last strings of humanity he had left, pulling them until he couldn’t breathe anymore!
The air around you becomes poison and your brain is wired in a way where all you think is that the importance of being does not matter. Every day in the morning you wake up and think of a way you can kill yourself, so you won't have to see another day, where you don’t have to ‘ruin everything’ and YOU stop hurting everyone and everything!

But you know what Hurts the most? It’s that-..

He tried to believe the people who he once called Mum and Dad, the ones who taught him how to dream...he tried; began to believe that this, was all a nightmare. Since all the so called “joy’ was drained from his life.
Dreaming was barley those myths they told you. He was merely just a child surviving from the fear of his monsters.

To the outside world he seemed fine, gleaming smiles and painted faces, glass figurines that were perfectly sculptured. But the ‘outside’ also saw the other thing’s. but they stood there; watching…... Watching as the tears were rolling down his face, dropping into the pools of blood that were lingering on the ground, the sheets and stains of red perfection that had pooled onto the white tiles...
Watched and did nothing…
So he realised there was no one here or there for him, nothing left for him. No one who really cares. They all deserved to die in horrifying and twisted ways that no mortal could bear to imagine. He began to think that if he couldn’t thrive no one should.

So that is what he did. Killed his monsters.


Sorry its shit. <3
(Please post in character thread. Link on first page)
Jeremy nodded. "He won't touch my wife or my... Do we know it's gender yet?" He asked.

The novice ones were basic training simulations designed to help her learn and control her powers.

Abigail selected one specifically for learning her powers.
He ran in that direction(Was outta of state)

Mouse dashed after Sacred, and Pulse quietly gestured to Link and John to follow as she skated after the two.

A robot appeared.

Abigail took one glance at the robot, and then realized she had no idea how superpowers worked. Do I...focus? Is there some kind of trigger word? Does it just happen?
Mouse dashed after Sacred, and Pulse quietly gestured to Link and John to follow as she skated after the two.

Abigail took one glance at the robot, and then realized she had no idea how superpowers worked. Do I...focus? Is there some kind of trigger word? Does it just happen?
Link followed.

The robot acted like a teacher and began to state different ways she could try to make her powers go
Link followed.

The robot acted like a teacher and began to state different ways she could try to make her powers go

Abigail jumped a little when the robot first started talking, but didn't stay spooked for too long. This was what happened around here, apparently. She listened in to what the robot had to say.

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