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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Like it's been combined with several different chemicals. Are you sure you didn't already have the mutant gene? Like maybe it was just dormant." He said FoolsErin FoolsErin
"Yeah but the mutant gene came mostly out of nowhere. Anyone can end up with it. If the powers were provided by only the chemicals then you'd all of similar abilities I think you should probably get checked for it." Peter said.
"that is a good point.," Allyson said typing. "Hmm how many were affected by this accident.,"
The Doctor was currently in the TARDIS reading Mary Poppins. The Blue Box Exterior had stayed out for quite some time. About three days. The Doctor was waiting to see if anyone wanted to come with him but his patience was quickly waning.
She smiled. "Yeah, just the two of us."
WHAAAAT THEEEEE FUUUUUUUUDGE! His eyes widened in horror. He was very fortunate that they were texting and not talking face to face. He began to pace around his room. "Wha- Who- HOW!" He yelled. His Blaziken stopped his pacing. He understood the look he received. "You think I should go!? Are you insane!?"

"Ken! Blazeiken!" The Pokemon responded giving him a tumbs up and a "You can do it look."
WHAAAAT THEEEEE FUUUUUUUUDGE! His eyes widened in horror. He was very fortunate that they were texting and not talking face to face. He began to pace around his room. "Wha- Who- HOW!" He yelled. His Blaziken stopped his pacing. He understood the look he received. "You think I should go!? Are you insane!?"

"Ken! Blazeiken!" The Pokemon responded giving him a tumbs up and a "You can do it look."
"let me know where we should meet up at, ok." She texted back.
"let me know where we should meet up at, ok." She texted back.
"The lake." He texted back. "KEN!" Blaziken yelled reading over his shoulder. "Yes I know you dislike water." He said. "Blaze!" "You're the one who wants me to do this." Josh replied.
"Yeah but the mutant gene came mostly out of nowhere. Anyone can end up with it. If the powers were provided by only the chemicals then you'd all of similar abilities I think you should probably get checked for it." Peter said.

“Bu- Okay, that’s actually a fair point.”
“Bu- Okay, that’s actually a fair point.”
"I'm not sure if I can get rid of the powers. Actually if it's case of a dormant Gene activating there's nothing that I can do with current technology. It might be possible however to make you look normal again."

Emily waved and started walking towards Josh.
She saw his face turn visibly red. His body became stiff and he gulped.
"that is a good point.," Allyson said typing. "Hmm how many were affected by this accident.,"

“Chemical sprayed all over me, my lab partners, the group behind us, and some poor girl walking past us at the time. We were in groups of three, so that leaves us with seven freaks-a-powered.”
"I'm not sure if I can get rid of the powers. Actually if it's case of a dormant Gene activating there's nothing that I can do with current technology. It might be possible however to make you look normal again."

She saw his face turn visibly red. His body became stiff and he gulped.
She giggled "You being so nervous is cute."
Peter looked at her. "Do you have a year book?" He asked.

“I’ve been missing since March of last school year, meaning I never got mine. Yikes. But the school also said they were trying a digital one as well, which I believe can be accessed via the website I’m guessing? I don’t actually know, you don’t learn this kind of stuff in a shadow hole.”
"I know Shock-Boy, Gorgon, and Excalibur." Peter said.
“Chemical sprayed all over me, my lab partners, the group behind us, and some poor girl walking past us at the time. We were in groups of three, so that leaves us with seven freaks-a-powered.”
"They all do have different powers no similarities...wish I could get a sample of the chemical..I'll pull up the yearbook. " Allyson said as she typed.
"They all do have different powers no similarities...wish I could get a sample of the chemical..I'll pull up the yearbook. " Allyson said as she typed.

“Our teacher never told us what it was, she just said ‘I’ll reveal it at the end of class’ like some ominous weirdo. She wanted us to find out what it was based on it’s reactions and educational shit like that.”
“Our teacher never told us what it was, she just said ‘I’ll reveal it at the end of class’ like some ominous weirdo. She wanted us to find out what it was based on it’s reactions and educational shit like that.”
"Well there has got to be a lesson plan or something. Hmm.. I'll probably have to hack her computer. Did she use the one in her classroom or did she have her own with her?" Allyson had pulled up the school year book.
"Well there has got to be a lesson plan or something. Hmm.. I'll probably have to hack her computer. Did she use the one in her classroom or did she have her own with her?" Allyson had pulled up the school year book.

“It was a classroom one. She always complained about how slow it was. Always.”

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